HomeMy WebLinkAboutFSD-031-21Clarington Staff Report If this information is required in an alternate accessible format, please contact the Accessibility Coordinator at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131. Report To: General Government Committee Date of Meeting: May 31, 2021 Report Number: FSD-031-21 Submitted By: Reviewed By: File Number: Trevor Pinn, Director of Financial Services/Treasurer Andrew C. Allison, CAO RFP2021-3 Report Subject: Supply and Deliver One Pumper Truck Recommendations: 1. That Report FSD-031-21 be received; Resolution#: GG-384-21 By-law Number: 2. That Dependable Emergency Vehicles with a bid amount of $798,414.05 (Net HST Rebate) providing the lowest overall cost and meeting the passing threshold and all terms, conditions and specifications of RFP2021-3, be awarded the contract for the Supply and Delivery of One Pumper Truck as required by the Emergency and Fire Services Department; 3. That pending satisfactory performance, pricing and budget approval, the Purchasing Manager, in consultation with the Director of Emergency and Fire Services and the Director of Public Works, be given authority to extend the contract for up to four additional years after the award of this contract for similar future pumper truck requirements; 4. That the estimated funds required for this project in the amount of $800,550.00 (Net HST Rebate) include $798,414.05 (Net HST Rebate) for the pumper truck and equipment and other costs such as manuals, radio installations and licensing in the estimated amount of $2,135.95 (Net HST Rebate) be funded by the Municipality as follows.. Description Account Number Amount EMS Vehicle Replacement — (2021) 110-28-388-82824-7401 $800,550 5. That all interested parties listed in Report FSD-031-21 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. Municipality of Clarington Report FSD-031-21 Report Overview Page 2 To request authorization from Council to award contract RFP2021-3 Supply and Deliver One Pumper Truck. 1. Background 1.1 Specifications for the Supply and Delivery of One Pumper Truck were prepared by the Emergency and Fire Services Department in consultation with the Public Works Department. Based on the information provided, RFP2021-3 was developed and issued by the Purchasing Services Division. 1.2 The Request for Proposal (RFP) was advertised electronically on the Municipality's website and the Ontario Public Buyer's Association website. 2. Analysis 2.1 Six plan takers downloaded the RFP document. 2.2 The RFP closed on April 15, 2021. 2.3 Five proposals were received by the stipulated closing date and time. 2.4 The Municipality requested information to determine the reason the one plan taker chose not to submit a proposal but they did respond to our request. 2.5 The Purchasing Services Division reviewed all submissions received, and all met the mandatory requirements to move forward to phase one of the evaluation process. 2.6 The RFP stipulated among other things, that bidders provide proponent information including experience in similar projects, pumper truck specifications, production schedule, training plan, after service sales support and warranty information. 2.7 Each submission consisted of a comprehensive proposal identifying: • Qualifications and financial stability; • Pumper truck specifications; • Proposed timeline; • Training plan; Municipality of Clarington Page 3 Report FSD-031-21 • After sale support service; • Warranty information; and • Accessibility design features. 2.8 The submissions were reviewed and scored in accordance with the established criteria outlined in the RFP by an evaluation team consisting of staff from the Emergency and Fire Services Department and the Public Works Department. Submission evaluation criteria included: • Years in business and experience building similar pumper trucks; • Pumper truck body construction and gross vehicle weight, including engine horsepower, truck length, cab width, pump and water tank size, engine and tires; • Delivery schedule (within 12 months, 12-18 months or over 18 months); • Training approach for both mechanics and firefighters, timeline and experience of trainer; and • After sales service support including mobile mechanic services, a customer service line, service facility location and distance from Bowmanville. 2.9 Upon completion of the evaluation, the evaluation committee concluded that the following three proponents met the pre -established passing threshold of 70% for phase one and moved on to the phase two of the process: • Dependable Emergency Vehicles • Fort Garry Fire Trucks • ResQtech Systems Inc. 2.10 Proponents pricing envelopes were opened and evaluated. The submission from Dependable Emergency Vehicles had the lowest overall bid. 2.11 Dependable Emergency Vehicles has satisfactorily supplied similar equipment to the Municipality of Clarington in the past and references did not need to be checked. 2.12 The contract term is to supply one pumper truck in the first year. The RFP document included the option for the Municipality to renew the contract for up to four additional optional one-year terms provided that Council approves budget for additional pumper trucks in those years and the vendor provides satisfactory prices and service. Municipality of Clarington Report FSD-031-21 3. Financial Page 4 3.1 Dependable Emergency Vehicles has offered $50,000.00 as a trade in -credit for the Municipality's pumper truck that is being taken out of service and replaced with the new truck. The trade-in credit amount has been deducted from the cost to supply and deliver the new pumper truck and equipment. The cost to supply and deliver one new pumper truck and equipment minus the trade-in credit amount is $798,414.05 (Net HST Rebate). 3.2 The total estimated funds required for this project in the amount of $800,550.00 (Net HST Rebate) include the cost to supply and deliver the new pumper truck and equipment of $798,414.05 (Net HST Rebate) and other costs such as manuals, radio installation and licensing in the estimated amount of $2,135.95 (Net HST Rebate) and is within the approved budget allocation and will be funded by the Municipality as follows: Description Account Number Amount EMS Vehicle Replacement — (2021) 110-28-388-82824-7401 $800,550 3.3 Queries with respect to the department needs should be referred to the Director of Emergency and Fire Services. 4. Concurrence This report has been reviewed by the Director of Emergency and Fire Services and the Director of Public Works who concur with the recommendations. 5. Conclusion It is respectfully recommended that Dependable Emergency Vehicles having the lowest overall cost and meeting the terms, conditions and specifications of RFP2021-3 be awarded the contract for the supply and delivery of one pumper truck in the first contract year and additional pumper truck requirements for up to four additional years. Staff Contact: David Ferguson, Purchasing Manager, 905-623-3379 ext. 2209 or dferguson@clarington.net. Attachments: Attachment 1 — Summary of Proposals Received Interested Parties: List of Interested Parties available from Department. Municipality of Clarington Page 5 Report FSD-031-21 Attachment 1 to Report FSD-031-21 Municipality of Clarington Summary of Proposals Received RFP2021-3 Supply and Deliver One Pumper Truck Bidder Commercial Emergency Equipment Co. Darch Fire Inc. Dependable Emergency Vehicles* Fort Garry Fire Trucks* ResQtech Systems Inc.* Note: Bidders with an asterisk (*) are the companies who were shortlisted.