HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-04-21Tyrone Community Centre Minutes of Meeting —April 21', 2021, 7:30pm Attendees: Danielle Carroll Kyle Young Alvina Hare Greg Carroll Joy Vaneyk Marlene Craig Cecile Bowers Brian Glaspell Lyndsay Luckhardt Larry Quinney Corinna Traill Regrets: Justin Vachon Dave Taylor Marlene Raby Danielle McCarthy Paul Rowan Dianne Woodley Kristi Thompson Whittaker Motion to accept agenda. Motioned by Cecile. Seconded from Larry. Carried. Motion to accept minutes from February. Motioned by Joy, seconded by Marlene C. Carried. Committee Reports: 1. Chair Report — Danielle — lots of emails come from the Municipality in regards to Covid restrictions and what is closed and opened. Discussion was had in regards to the Benevolent fund that was set up to help local families in need. Motion was made to rename the account Tyrone Benevolent Fund by Cecile, seconded by Greg. All in favour. Motion was made to confirm that the activities of the Tyrone Benevolent Fund are separate from those of the Tyrone Community Centre Hall Board and the Tyrone Community Centre does not control, direct or impact the activities of this Fund by Corrina, seconded by Larry. All in favour. Carried 2. Maintenance Report — Kyle — fire extinguishers and dfib were checked. Did a check of the building inside and out. The light bulb in the north basement doorway is burnt out and needs to be replaced. A work order was placed to have it replaced as the ladders were all removed. The outside door to the bar needs to be looked at due to the weather stripping that was installed. A work order will be placed by Danielle to have this looked at. There is a pool of water by the one corner of the building from the downspout. Asked that a work order be placed to have downspout extensions placed on all downspouts to avoid water in the basement. 3. Rentals — Joy — there is still only one rental in July hoping this will still be able to run. They are aware that there is no guarantee that the hall will be open by then. 4. Treasurer Report — Brian Glaspell — $4284.20 is in our chequing account, $15098.70 in our savings account and $228.36 in our other small savings account. Applied for the Trillium Grant and will know in 3-4 months if we were approved. 5. Cleaning — Larry — will go in tomorrow and clean and tidy where needed. Old Business: 1. Chocolate Fundraising Update: we had 5 cases left over that were not claimed. We raised $1662 for the hall. Laura Secord was a big hit. Discussion was had about running again. 2. Joy provided an update on her investigation into obtaining help from the Municipality to help with our costs of operations. See appendix A at the end of the minutes for report from Joy. New Business: 1. Fundraising Ideas — Marlene and Danielle — discussion was had about options that we can do to help raise some funds for the hall. Motion to Adjourn by Cecile. Seconded by Marlene. Carried Next meeting May 19tn Appendix A: Report from action taken at Tyrone Community Centre (TCC) March 2021 meeting to discuss with Councillor Traill, the present financial situation due to COVID and potential areas for improvement with our 'bylaw/Terms of Reference' between TCC and The Municipality of Clarington. Councillor Traill tabled the following motion at the General Government Committee Meeting on March 29, 2021 #18.2 Hall Board Funding during COVID-19 (Councillor Traill) Resolution # GG-273-21 Moved by Councillor Traill Seconded by Councillor Anderson Whereas many hall boards have little to no bookings due to COVID-19 and are struggling to cover the costs of utilities and PPE; and Whereas even before COVID-19 many boards struggled to cover their utilities, maintenance and snow removal costs, significantly deterring volunteerism and contributing to low morale. Now therefore be it resolved that Staff report back on eligibility criteria for hall boards to apply for one- time funding from the Tax Rate Stabilization Reserve Fund (which would be supported by the Safe Restart funds we got from the Province) to each hall in addition to the $3000.00 grant they have already received for an amount to be determined per hall board on the basis of need to cover utilities, PPE and other expenses for the 2021 year; and That Staff report back on long-term funding options for hall boards with respect to ongoing snow removal, utilities and maintenance where the hall boards may be struggling financially in order to ensure the long-term viability of the local boards. Carried All but one councillor voted in favour of this motion Discussion surrounding this motion included Councillor Zwart supporting the need to review snow plowing cost for community centres. Item 18.2 was ratified at the Council Meeting on April 12, 2021, with the following amendment: Paragraph 5 was added stating "That Staff report back on minimum community support for continuation of a hall board as an independent operation" Mr. Acorn, Director Community Services verbally agreed to take action for review and report back to Council. Following the Council meeting, I emailed Mr. Acorn to explain our part in the origin of this motion and our intended goal. Copy attached. Going forward, I recommend we as a Board of Council be proactive in communicating with the Municipal staff and Council to ensure they are aware of the positive impacts we have in this community; of the enhancements we make to this facility by fundraising; and the importance of this municipal asset & programs offered to the residents of north Clarington. From: Kris & Joy <kjvaneyk@gmail.com> Date: Tue, Apr 13, 2021 at 12:26 PM Subject: Follow up on Council Meeting April 12, Item 18.2 To: <gacorn@clarington.net> Cc: Carrolls Five <dlintercarroll@gmail.com>, Marlene Raby <mwotten@yahoo.com> Hello Mr. Acorn: I am Joy Vaneyk, Board member of the Tyrone Community Centre. I am following up with you today, regarding action Item 18.2 at the General Government Meeting on March 29 and Council Meeting on April 12. My interest in this item as a representative of the Tyrone Community Centre (TCC), is that I took an action at our last TCC Board meeting to discuss with Councillor Traill, our funding shortfall due to COVID-19, and our goal for revised Bylaw / Terms of Reference with the Municipality of Clarington. This discussion with Councillor Traill has, in part, lead to the motion for which you have taken action to review and report back to Council. For your consideration in this review: • Community Funding grants for COVID have to this point covered less than 50% of our operating costs. • Heat and Hydro costs were approximately $10,000 in 2020. This may seem high, but we do have 3 furnaces and outdoor lighting remains on after dark for safety. All water heaters were turned off, fridges/freezers unplugged soon after shutdown, and thermostats were set at levels recommended by Municipal staff. • Contract for waste removal was suspended soon after shutdown. • We have spent the past year refunding payments (just under $2,000) to renters that have had to cancel their events due to COVID. • We have considered applying to other Provincial grants for small businesses, but have been denied due to the fact that our facility is owned by the municipality. • We have pursued other funding opportunities, such as a'lottery license', but have been denied due to the fact that our facility is owned by the municipality. • We have just wrapped up a Chocolate bar sales project, which will profit approximately $1,500. These are a few items that demonstrate this Board's commitment to remain active in our community. Snowplowing costs could not be covered this past year, which leads to our goal to have our by- law's revised to omit snow removal as a TCC Board obligation. My understanding is that at the time the by-laws were drafted, the TCC Board managed the entire facility, including park and parkland. As you know, the Municipality has been managing the park and parkland for several years, and since the parking lot is used 365 days per year for the park and only a fraction of that time for the facility it seems only fair that the municipality assumes the ongoing costs of snow removal at the TCC. Historically, local farmers would clear the parking lot with their tractor and snow plow for reasonable costs. In recent years, this has not been an option due to liability and the need for salting ice. In 2019/2020 we tendered the snow removal contract (including salting) to the lowest bidder at approximately $5,000 for the season. I hope this information helps set context for the review of this motion. Please feel free to contact me, TCC Board Chair or Vice -Chair for more information regarding Tyrone Community Centre. We would be happy to have a socially distanced meeting with you and your staff, as soon as COVID protocol permits. I am .cc'ing Danielle Carroll, TCC Board Chair, and Marlene Raby, TCC Board Vice -Chair Regards, Joy Vaneyk TCC, Bookings 905-718-6484