HomeMy WebLinkAboutPDS-029-21Staff Report If this information is required in an alternate accessible format, please contact the Accessibility Coordinator at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131. Report To: Planning and Development Committee Date of Meeting: May 17, 2021 Report Number: PDS-029-21 Submitted By: Ryan Windle, Director of Planning and Development Services Reviewed By: Andrew C. Allison, CAO Resolution#: PD-170-21 File Number: COPA 2021-0001 By-law Number: Report Subject: Recommendation Report for an Official Plan Amendment regarding Special Study Area 2 Recommendations: 1.That Report PDS-029-21 be received; 2.That the Official Plan Amendment attached to Report PDS-029-21, as Attachment 3, be approved; 3.That the submissions made by the public with respect to this issue be directed to the Official Plan review process for further consideration; 4.That the Region of Durham be advised of Council’s decision; and 5.That all interested parties listed in Report PDS-029-21 and any delegations be advised of Council’s decision. Municipality of Clarington Page 2 Report PDS-029-21 Report Overview On the direction of Council, the Municipality initiated an Official Plan Amendment to consider deletion policies that request the Province to undertake a site specific science-based study before expanding the Greenbelt and that any expansion be for the pro tection of prime agricultural lands. This report supports the deletion of those policies. The deletion does not change any current land use designation, nor any other policies related to prime agricultural lands. 1. Background Proposal Details 1.1 Applicant: Municipality of Clarington 1.2 Proposal: Clarington Council is considering the deletion of the following policies from the Clarington Official Plan. 13.3.12 The Municipality supports the expansion of the Greenbelt Plan Area to provide long term protection of prime agricultural land. 17.3 Special Study Area 2 - Greenbelt Expansion 17.3.1 Special Study Area 2 is all of the lands east of Highway 418 south and east of the Greenbelt boundary, north of Highway 401 and outside of the urban area boundaries in Clarington. 17.3.2 In May 2015, Clarington Council requested that the Province undertake an appropriate science-based study of agricultural capability to identify high yielding agricultural lands to be added to the Greenbelt for permanent protection. 17.3.3 The draft Greenbelt Plan (2016) identifies that the Government of Ontario will lead a process to identify potential areas to be added to the Protected Countryside of the Greenbelt. The Province will work with municipalities and others using a systems approach considering the connections with the Agricultural, Natural Heritage and Water Resource systems of the plan. Where it is determined that identified areas would benefit from Greenbelt protection, the Province may initiate amendments to the Greenbelt Plan. 17.3.4 Special Study Area 2 identifies the lands which the Municipality considers appropriate as an area for the future Greenbelt expansion study. Municipality of Clarington Page 3 Report PDS-029-21 1.3 Area: Figure 1 depicts the lands to which the above noted policies apply. It encompasses approximately 3800 hectares of land. Figure 1: Lands Subject to the Draft Official Plan Amendment Municipality of Clarington Page 4 Report PDS-029-21 1.4 Planning and Development Committee held the statutory public meeting on April 26, 2021 and considered Staff Report PDS-024-021. At this meeting, the Committee passed Resolution# PD-137-21, directing staff to prepare a Recommendation Report for consideration of Council’s Planning and Development Committee at its meeting on May 17, 2021. 2. Official Plan Discussion 2.1 The Clarington Official Plan is the Municipality’s key planning policy document to guide future land use development. It provides a land use framework to steer the physical, economic and community growth of our Municipality. The Official Plan is intended to be both a strategic and a regulatory planning document to help guide the Municipality's decisions today and into the future. In this case, the policies in Section 17.3 and Policy 13.3.12 are being considered for deletion. 2.2 As outlined in the Public Meeting Staff Report, the land use designations in the Official Plan are the rules that guide what types of development may or may not occur on a property. In this case, the Rural, Prime Agricultural, and Environmental Protection Area land use designations determine the land uses that are permitted. 2.3 The intent of policy 13.3.12 is to provide support for expansion of the Greenbelt Plan area to provide long term protection of prime agricultural land. Section 17.3 also relates to the protection of high yielding agricultural lands. The main difference being that policy 17.3.2 describes a historical request for a scientific-based study and that ‘studying’ the land prior to including lands is appropriate. These policies do not grant land use rights, nor do they remove land use rights, they are strategic in nature. 3. Provincial Policy 3.1 As outlined in both the Region of Durham and the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority (CLOCA) comments, and agreed to by Clarington staff, the proposed amendment does not propose land use designation changes and as such are in conformity to the Regional Official Plan and is consistent with the policy directions of the Provincial Policy Statement (PPS). 3.2 Similarly, as the proposed amendment to delete the policies in the Official Plan would not change land use designations, permissions or propose development or site alteration, the policies of the Growth Plan related to natural heritage system features and functions would not be affected by the proposed OPA. 3.3 The Province has identified an Agricultural System for the Greater Golden Horseshoe (2018). Within the Greenbelt Plan Area, the Agricultural system mapping has been in effect since it’s release. All land use planning decisions within the Greenbelt Plan Area are to conform to the Agricultural System Mapping. Municipality of Clarington Page 5 Report PDS-029-21 3.4 In accordance with the A Place to Grow, outside of the Greenbelt Plan Area, the Agriculture Systems mapping does not apply until it has been implemented in the upper - tier (Region of Durham) Official Plan. Until implemented in the Region of Durham Official Plan, the Provincial Agricultural Systems Mapping does not apply. 3.5 As provided in the Region of Durham’s Agriculture and Rural Systems policy paper issued as part of the Municipal Comprehensive Official Plan review, the Province’s Agricultural System will be evaluated and refined. However, until the Region of Durham’s has completed their evaluation, staff are not in a position to speculate as to how it may affect the Clarington Official Plan. 4. Public Notice 4.1 The Statutory Public Meeting Report (PDS-024-21) outlined the Public Notice process for the DRAFT OPA. Public Notice was provided in accordance with the Planning Act and Council procedures and all property owners in the subject area were notified of the Public Meeting. 4.2 Notice of this Recommendation Report was also sent to all the landowners within Special Study Area 2 – Greenbelt Expansion (SSA2) as well as to the people on the interested parties list. The Notice was posted on the project webpage and was emailed to the Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington. The project webpage identifies that submissions were to be received by May 10, 2021. 5. Public Submissions 5.1 At the time of writing this report:  64 written submissions have been received.  26 verbal inquiries have been received.  7 delegations spoke at the Statutory Public Meeting.  316 unique visitors have spent approximately five minutes on the project’s webpage. 5.2 All submissions received (verbal, written) at the time of writing of this report have been summarized in tabular form in Attachment 1A to this report. A copy of each of the submissions received is available on the project webpage. 5.3 When the Planning and Development Committee Agenda is updated on Friday May 14, 2021 an additional Summary Table of Comments received after the May 10, 2021 comment deadline will provided as Attachment 1B. Should additional comments be received after the Agenda update, an additional summary Table of Comments, will provided on Monday May 17, 2021 as Attachment 1C. Municipality of Clarington Page 6 Report PDS-029-21 5.4 Reasons offered in support of keeping the policies include the following:  There are many benefits to urban sprawl however there is also great benefit to maintaining the agricultural lands that separate said sprawl.  All lands in ‘purple’ should be located within the Greenbelt and all farming in these areas should be done so in an environmentally responsible way.  It is important for the Municipality to be part of the process with the Province so a science-based study can be conducted prior to the addition of lands t o the Greenbelt. These policies were included in Clarington’s Official Plan and therefore deemed important to protect prime agricultural and natural heritage and water systems.  With climate changes, farmland is negatively impacted anywhere in the world an d we should start thinking how to feed us and future generations without counting on export products that may not be available or that could be very expensive in the future.  The W hitebelt lands should be protected from development and alterations that do not respect Natural Heritage, Environmental, Hydrological and Community Values. 5.5 Reasons offered in support of deleting the policies include the following:  Bowmanville is bordered by Greenbelt to the North and Lake Ontario to the South. If this greenbelt is expanded to include the area as shown in purple on the map, how does any further development or expansion of either Bowmanville, Courtice or Newcastle occur? The only way to expand would then be up and my understanding is that there are limitations in the Official Plan on building heights and obstructions of view.  A special Greenbelt study is not required.  Clarington does not need more Greenbelt.  Deletion of the policies is needed to keep the value of the land. Keeping the policies will constrain growth and development of the area. 5.6 Some submissions did not provide a definitive position regarding the policies. As well, some submissions offered that there is a distinct difference between the subject lands located between Courtice and Bowmanville, designated Rural in the Official Plan and those located between Bowmanville and Newcastle designate Prime Agriculture and that the policies should remain for those lands east of Bowmanville. 5.7 It is staff’s understanding that the Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington will be further discussing the DRAFT OPA at their May 13, 2021 meeting. Municipality of Clarington Page 7 Report PDS-029-21 6. Agency Submissions 6.1 As provided for in the Public Meeting Report (PDS 024-21), comments regarding the DRAFT OPA were requested of 20 agencies. No additional agency comments have been received since reported in the Public Meeting Report. 6.2 Of the five agency comments received, only the Central Lake Ontario Co nservation Authority (CLOCA) and Region of Durham provided detailed comments. Both of these agencies indicated that deleting the policies will not affect the underlying land use designations or affect any of the existing land use permissions and as such, they do not offer objections should Clarington Council decide to delete the subject policies from the Official Plan. 6.3 Both Agency comments are provided in Attachment 2 to this report. 7. Next Steps 7.1 As noted during this public process, a number of community wide issues have been raised including urban boundary expansions, protection of agricultural and environmentally sensitive lands, climate change and major infrastructure investments such as the GO train. 7.2 The evaluation and the balancing of each of these issues is best suited to the overall review of the Official Plan, scheduled to begin later this year. As such it would be appropriate to continue the discussion of these issues in the context of the upcoming Clarington Official Plan review, as well as through Envision Durham, the Region of Durham’s Municipal Comprehensive Official Plan Review process currently underway. 8. Concurrence Not Applicable. 9. Conclusion 9.1 Major infrastructure investment, an ever-growing population, land value and other factors have been provided by the public as reasons to delete Section 17.3 and policy 13.3.12 from the OP. 9.2 Protection of the natural environment and agricultural lands, climate change, curbing urban sprawl and other factors have been provided by the public as reasons to keep Section 17.3 and policy 13.3.12 in the Official Plan. Municipality of Clarington Page 8 Report PDS-029-21 9.3 The existing land use designations provided in both the Region of Durham’s and Clarington’s Official Plans adequately address the issues raised by the community that support keeping or deleting the subject policies in the Official Plan. At the same time, staff note that the issues raised by the community, particularly population growth and urban expansions, are more suitable during the review process of the Clarington and Regional Official Plans. 9.4 In conclusion, staff do not object to the deletion of Section 17.3 and policy 13.3.12 from the Official Plan as provided for in Attachment 3, Official Plan Amendment 127. Staff Contact: Lisa Backus, Principal Planner, 905-63-3379 extension 2413 or lbackus@clarington.net. Attachments: Attachment 1A– Public Submissions Summary Table to May 10, 2021 Attachment 1B- Public Submissions Summary Table to May 14, 2021 Attachment 1C- Public Submission Summary Table to May 17, 2021 Attachment 2 – Agency Comments (CLOCA and Region of Durham) Attachment 3 – Recommended Official Plan Amendment 127 Interested Parties: List of Interested Parties available from Department. Attachment 1A to Report PDS-029-21 1 Table of Verbal and Written Submissions Name Submission File Name Date Summary of Submission No clear position or an alternate position Keep OP policy Delete OP policy Jim Abernethy Abernethy SSA2 April 26, 2021 Suggested that by including the subject lands into the Greenbelt, the growth of Bowmanville, Courtice and Newcastle would not be permitted as is the case of Orono. X Hamid Afsahi Afsahi SSA2 May 10, 2021 Strongly requests that that Special Study Area 2 (SSA2) be deleted from Clarington’s Official Plan. This proposal will reduce property values and severely restrict and limit any residential, commercial and industrial development along existing traffic corridors. Clarington is ready for growth with the addition of Highway 407, the extension of the GO train to Bowmanville and the planned expansion of the Bowmanville Hospital. X Dorothy Andrews Andrews SSA2 May 10, 2021 Strongly requests that that Special Study Area 2 (SSA2) be deleted from Clarington’s Official Plan. This proposal will reduce property values and severely restrict and limit any residential, commercial and industrial development along existing traffic corridors. Clarington is ready for growth with the addition of Highway 407, the extension of the GO train to Bowmanville and the planned expansion of the Bowmanville Hospital. X Anne Ball Ball SSA2 May 10, 2021 Strongly requests that that Special Study Area 2 (SSA2) be deleted from Clarington’s Official Plan. This proposal will reduce property values and severely restrict and limit any residential, commercial and industrial development along existing traffic corridors. Clarington X Attachment 1A to Report PDS-029-21 2 Name Submission File Name Date Summary of Submission No clear position or an alternate position Keep OP policy Delete OP policy is ready for growth with the addition of Highway 407, the extension of the GO train to Bowmanville and the planned expansion of the Bowmanville Hospital. Mark Baron Baron SSA2 April 16, 2021 The areas designated needs to remain protected. X Spencer Baron S Barron SSA2 April 16, 2021 Those agricultural areas should remain undeveloped and be integrated into the Greenbelt. Emphasis should be on protecting natural areas. X Tom Barrie Barrie SSA2 April 14, 2021 Concerned about the agricultural lands on the east side of Bowmanville. The agricultural lands on the west side of Bowmanville should be used for development as the ability to produce high yield crops has diminished since the area was designated for future development. Highlights the importance of preservation of valuable agricultural land. X Cyndi Bell- Abroms Bell-Abroms SSA2 May 10, 2021 Supports the removal of special study area 2 from the Official Plan. The direction of expanding EP lands in this specific area directly contradicts the vision of Clarington being a live, work, play community. Fear of depreciated land value. X Douglas Bruce Bruce SSA2 Strongly requests that that Special Study Area 2 (SSA2) be deleted from Clarington’s Official Plan. This proposal will reduce property values and severely restrict and limit any residential, X Attachment 1A to Report PDS-029-21 3 Name Submission File Name Date Summary of Submission No clear position or an alternate position Keep OP policy Delete OP policy May 10, 2021 commercial and industrial development along existing traffic corridors. Clarington is ready for growth with the addition of Highway 407, the extension of the GO train to Bowmanville and the planned expansion of the Bowmanville Hospital. Sarah Bunting Bunting SSA2 May 3, 2021 Keep the provisions to include these lands in the Greenbelt. Our leaders must lead toward solutions that are sustainable. Paving over good agricultural land for single family lots is no longer sustainable. X Timothy Campbell Campbell SSA2 April 8, 2021 All lands indicated on subject maps designated as “purple” should be confirmed as “Greenbelt” only. Ideally developers should not be permitted to build in these areas. Areas that are currently owned by developers must meet specific requirements to build environmentally sensitive homes. X Brian Catherwood Catherwood SSA2 April 23, 2021 Supports the removal of the subject areas and all areas in the Municipality of Clarington from the Greenbelt. X Michael and Marian Chopik Chopik SSA2 May 10, 2021 Strongly requests that that Special Study Area 2 (SSA2) be deleted from Clarington’s Official Plan. This proposal will reduce property values and severely restrict and limit any residential, commercial and industrial development along existing traffic corridors. Clarington is ready for growth with the addition of Highway 407, the extension of the GO X Attachment 1A to Report PDS-029-21 4 Name Submission File Name Date Summary of Submission No clear position or an alternate position Keep OP policy Delete OP policy train to Bowmanville and the planned expansion of the Bowmanville Hospital. Peggy Clarke Clarke SSA2 May 10, 2021 Opposed to the deletion of policies. Cannot afford to destroy any agriculture land or greenspace as it will be needed to overcome worldwide disruptions in local food production and transportation due to climate change and recurring pandemics. This undeveloped land is needed to reduce heat build-up, flooding, destruction of wildlife, and pollution. Requesting a public report about the appraisal of the deletions and their impacts on the ability to adapt to climate change. X Rod Cochrane Cochrane SSA2 April 24, 2021 Subject areas should not be included in the Greenbelt. X John Colville Colville SSA2; Colville 2 SSA2 May 9, 2021 Hopes that SSA2 will remain as Greenbelt expansion and/or agricultural areas. Re-designating or re-zoning these study areas for other uses or more urban area will increase our carbon footprint and over-congest and stress our current population. Must preserve what we have so that future generation may enjoy the community. X Vanessa Cormier Cormier SSA2; Cormier 2 SSA2 Would like to see Clarington continue grow, create infrastructure, provide access to proper drinking water, municipal sewers –be part of urban settlement. States that if the Greenbelt expansion passes it will limit and restrict X Attachment 1A to Report PDS-029-21 5 Name Submission File Name Date Summary of Submission No clear position or an alternate position Keep OP policy Delete OP policy May 7, 2021 future growth, jobs, and affordable residences while reducing property values for existing residents. Strongly requests that that Special Study Area 2 (SSA2) be deleted from Clarington’s Official Plan. John Cryderman Verbal April 22, 2021 Keep SSA2 policies to protect the lands from development. X Robert Dees Dees SSA2 April 13, 2021 Disappointed with Council moving ahead with this issue during COVID-19. X Joe Donato Donato SSA2 April 14, 2021 Agrees with deleting 13.3.12, 17.3, 17.3.1, 17.3.2, 17.3.3 and 17.3.4. Believes a special Greenbelt study is not required. X Brad and Michele Fisher Fisher SSA2 May 10, 2021 Strongly requests that that Special Study Area 2 (SSA2) be deleted from Clarington’s Official Plan. This proposal will reduce property values and severely restrict and limit any residential, commercial and industrial development along existing traffic corridors. Clarington is ready for growth with the addition of Highway 407, the extension of the GO train to Bowmanville and the planned expansion of the Bowmanville Hospital. X Attachment 1A to Report PDS-029-21 6 Name Submission File Name Date Summary of Submission No clear position or an alternate position Keep OP policy Delete OP policy Kathy Fleece- McCaul Fleece-McCaul SSA2 May 8, 2021 Remove the Special Study Area from the Official Plan. This impacts our property values and what we are allowed to do on our own property. X Virginia and Don Foley Foley SSA2 April 21, 2021 Opposed to the Greenbelt expansion. Unhappy with the way council has approached the topic. Do not want government interference in how people use or sell their property. X Gill Gill 1 SSA2; Gill 2 SSA2; Gill 3 SSA2 May 3, 2020 Supports the motion to delete this vision and delete the subject policy and sections from the Official Plan. Reason is to keep the value of land intact. Denying the motion would restrain development and progress of growth in the area and associated job creations. X Jeanne Godfrey Godfrey SSA2 May 10, 2021 Strongly requests that that Special Study Area 2 (SSA2) be deleted from Clarington’s Official Plan. This proposal will reduce property values and severely restrict and limit any residential, commercial and industrial development along existing traffic corridors. Clarington is ready for growth with the addition of Highway 407, the extension of the GO train to Bowmanville and the planned expansion of the Bowmanville Hospital. X James Grundy Grundy SSA2 May 10, 2021 Strongly requests that that Special Study Area 2 (SSA2) be deleted from Clarington’s Official Plan. This proposal will reduce property values and severely restrict and limit any residential, commercial and industrial development along existing traffic corridors. Clarington X Attachment 1A to Report PDS-029-21 7 Name Submission File Name Date Summary of Submission No clear position or an alternate position Keep OP policy Delete OP policy is ready for growth with the addition of Highway 407, the extension of the GO train to Bowmanville and the planned expansion of the Bowmanville Hospital. Hannu Halminen Halminen SSA2; Halminen 2 SSA2 April 21, 2021 In favour of the amendments to the Official Plan to delete special study area 2 as proposed. X Jim Hamilton Verbal PM April 26, 2021 Said he is speaking on behalf of 200 landowners. Noted that they support the deletion of the policies as they want to control of their land. Stated the best use of the land is for future development. X Dale Hubble Hubble SSA2; Hubble 2 SSA2; Hubble 3 SSA2 May 10, 2021 Strongly requests that that Special Study Area 2 (SSA2) be deleted from Clarington’s Official Plan. This proposal will reduce property values and severely restrict and limit any residential, commercial and industrial development along existing traffic corridors. Clarington is ready for growth with the addition of Highway 407, the extension of the GO train to Bowmanville and the planned expansion of the Bowmanville Hospital. X Linda Jansma Jansma SSA2; Jansma 2 SSA2 April 15, 2021 Opposes any change to Clarington’s Official Plan so that prime agricultural land is protected from further development. Considers council irresponsible for abdicating this responsibility to a public vote. X Attachment 1A to Report PDS-029-21 8 Name Submission File Name Date Summary of Submission No clear position or an alternate position Keep OP policy Delete OP policy Jeff Jeronimo Jeronimo SSA2 May 10, 2021 Strongly requests that that Special Study Area 2 (SSA2) be deleted from Clarington’s Official Plan. This proposal will reduce property values and severely restrict and limit any residential, commercial and industrial development along existing traffic corridors. Clarington is ready for growth with the addition of Highway 407, the extension of the GO train to Bowmanville and the planned expansion of the Bowmanville Hospital. X Jeffrey Kelso Kelso SSA2 May 10, 2021 Strongly requests that that Special Study Area 2 (SSA2) be deleted from Clarington’s Official Plan. This proposal will reduce property values and severely restrict and limit any residential, commercial and industrial development along existing traffic corridors. Clarington is ready for growth with the addition of Highway 407, the extension of the GO train to Bowmanville and the planned expansion of the Bowmanville Hospital. X Kirk Kemp Kemp SSA2; Verbal PM April 21, 2021 Verbal PM: Supported the proposal. Stated that the lands should be used for future development as Clarington is fast growing. He stated that the area is important for growth. Written Submission: Opposed to turning lands between Bowmanville and Newcastle into Greenbelt. Told by the bank that this would result in decrease of land value which could have severe consequences on their business. These lands will be needed in 30-40 years for the growing population. X Attachment 1A to Report PDS-029-21 9 Name Submission File Name Date Summary of Submission No clear position or an alternate position Keep OP policy Delete OP policy Allan Kerr Kerr SSA2 May 10, 2021 Strongly requests that that Special Study Area 2 (SSA2) be deleted from Clarington’s Official Plan. This proposal will reduce property values and severely restrict and limit any residential, commercial and industrial development along existing traffic corridors. Clarington is ready for growth with the addition of Highway 407, the extension of the GO train to Bowmanville and the planned expansion of the Bowmanville Hospital. X Hayley Knapp Knapp SSA2 April 22, 2021 Keep policy 13.3.12 and Section 17.3 of Special Study Area 2- Greenbelt expansion in Clarington’s current Official Plan to protect prime agricultural land and soil, vital food production, and cultural/heritage significance in the community. X Petros Koukidis, Paul Koukidis, Eleni Koukidis, Vera Sprange- Koukidis Koukidis SSA2 May 10, 2021 Strongly requests that that Special Study Area 2 (SSA2) be deleted from Clarington’s Official Plan. This proposal will reduce property values and severely restrict and limit any residential, commercial and industrial development along existing traffic corridors. Clarington is ready for growth with the addition of Highway 407, the extension of the GO train to Bowmanville and the planned expansion of the Bowmanville Hospital. X Dennis Malley Malley SSA2 May 10, 2021 Strongly requests that that Special Study Area 2 (SSA2) be deleted from Clarington’s Official Plan. This proposal will reduce property values and severely restrict and limit any residential, commercial and industrial development along existing traffic corridors. Clarington is ready for growth with the addition of Highway 407, the extension of the GO X Attachment 1A to Report PDS-029-21 10 Name Submission File Name Date Summary of Submission No clear position or an alternate position Keep OP policy Delete OP policy train to Bowmanville and the planned expansion of the Bowmanville Hospital. Karen McArthur McArthur SSA2 May 10, 2021 Strongly requests that that Special Study Area 2 (SSA2) be deleted from Clarington’s Official Plan. This proposal will reduce property values and severely restrict and limit any residential, commercial and industrial development along existing traffic corridors. Clarington is ready for growth with the addition of Highway 407, the extension of the GO train to Bowmanville and the planned expansion of the Bowmanville Hospital. X Ron McKnight McKnight SSA2 April 22, 2021 Questioning whether a study was conducted to see the effects on well water levels and wildlife. Questioning why council added Greenbelt protections in the past and what prompted them to remove it now. Questioning what will prevent the re-designation of Greenbelt lands to urban designation in the future. X Brenda Metcalf Metcalf SSA2 April 27, 2021 Urbanization adds to increased traffic, making it difficult and unsafe for farm machinery travel and leaving less land accessible in the area to grow crops to feed our livestock and run a profitable farm. Moved to Tyrone to continue farming. Understands the need for urbanization. If the SSA2 lands west of Bowmanville were to be preserved, that should have been done years ago before the land became locked in a pocket between urban expansion. X Karen Michno Michno SSA2 Strongly requests that that Special Study Area 2 (SSA2) be deleted from Clarington’s Official Plan. This proposal will reduce property values and severely restrict and limit any residential, X Attachment 1A to Report PDS-029-21 11 Name Submission File Name Date Summary of Submission No clear position or an alternate position Keep OP policy Delete OP policy May 10, 2021 commercial and industrial development along existing traffic corridors. Clarington is ready for growth with the addition of Highway 407, the extension of the GO train to Bowmanville and the planned expansion of the Bowmanville Hospital. Ernest Pegutter Pegutter SSA2 May 10, 2021 Strongly requests that that Special Study Area 2 (SSA2) be deleted from Clarington’s Official Plan. This proposal will reduce property values and severely restrict and limit any residential, commercial and industrial development along existing traffic corridors. Clarington is ready for growth with the addition of Highway 407, the extension of the GO train to Bowmanville and the planned expansion of the Bowmanville Hospital. X Judy Pell Pell SSA2 April 15, 2021 Policies in the Official Plan, section 13.3.12 and 17.3.1 through 17.3.4 should not be deleted. It is important for Council to defeat the proposed amendment and provide long-term protection of prime agricultural lands and natural heritage and water systems. X Libby Racansky Racansky SSA2 April 23, 2021 Clarington lost so much agricultural land to residential development and especially to Highway 407 and 418 expansion that it would be appropriate to save the rest of the farmland. Many opportunities for farmers to apply for special financial incentives with the new designation. X Richard Rekker Rekker SSA2; Verbal PM Verbal PM: Supported the proposal. Explained the difference of the lands on the east and west and noted they should not be included in the Special Study Area 2. Explained that expanding the greenbelt X Attachment 1A to Report PDS-029-21 12 Name Submission File Name Date Summary of Submission No clear position or an alternate position Keep OP policy Delete OP policy April 26, 2021 would affect the growth plan of the greater golden horseshoe and other developments. He stated that the rural area west of Bowmanville should be added to the greenbelt as it doesn’t relate to the prime agricultural area. Written Submission: Feels that it was a mistake to include all the lands on the east and west side of Bowmanville into section 17.3 because they have different land uses and existing conditions. Any Greenbelt expansion into Special Study Area 2 would not be in agreement with the Greater Golden Horseshow Growth Plan. Expansion of the Greenbelt would attempt to stop logical development near the new GO station. Supports the deletion of policies 13.3.12 and section 17.3 from the Clarington Official Plan. States that only few people get to enjoy the Greenbelt because it is mostly private property. Supports more green space but not more Greenbelt. Ryan Reynolds Reynolds SSA2 May 10, 2021 Strongly requests that that Special Study Area 2 (SSA2) be deleted from Clarington’s Official Plan. This proposal will reduce property values and severely restrict and limit any residential, commercial and industrial development along existing traffic corridors. Clarington is ready for growth with the addition of Highway 407, the extension of the GO train to Bowmanville and the planned expansion of the Bowmanville Hospital. X Attachment 1A to Report PDS-029-21 13 Name Submission File Name Date Summary of Submission No clear position or an alternate position Keep OP policy Delete OP policy Gord Robinson Verbal PM April 26, 2021 Supports the proposed amendment. Stated that adding lands in the Greenbelt will decrease land value. Explained that in order to have population growth the lands should not be included in the Greenbelt. X Doug and Bridget Rombough Rombough SSA2 April 23, 2021 Questioning why council wants to delete the policy and sections and why a science-based study was not conducted. Concerned over the future character of residential rural environment as well as high density development and its implications on the Whitebelt and environmental deatures such as wildlife and wetlands. Identified Site 14 and Foster Creek as particularly environmentally significant. Support that all purple areas on the map should be protected from development. X Rundle Land Corp. Rundle Land SSA2 April 26, 2021 Supports the proposed amendment and the removal of the policies as presented in the Draft Official Plan Amendment COPA2021-0001. X Charles Stevens Stevens SSA2 April 21, 2021 The area between Bowmanville and Newcastle is considered #1 prime agricultural land. The Greenbelt is the only way to protect and sustain our future source of food. Requesting that his farm be included in the Greenbelt. X Eileen Stones Verbal April 16, 2021 Keep the policies in the Official Plan. Retain the Greenbelt where you can. X Attachment 1A to Report PDS-029-21 14 Name Submission File Name Date Summary of Submission No clear position or an alternate position Keep OP policy Delete OP policy Peter Traicus Traicus SSA2; Verbal PM April 14, 2021 Verbal PM: Spoke in support of deleting the policies from the Official Plan. Stated that adding the lands to the Greenbelt will isolate Courtice, Bowmanville and Newcastle. Noted that Clarington had economic advantages such as Highway 418 and the GO station and that if the lands were added to the Greenbelt these economic drivers will disappear. Written Submission: Unclear about the implication of this policy change. Expansion of Greenbelt would increase issues for development. Impossible for new employees from OPG operations to live close to their jobs with any further Greenbelt expansion. Metrolinx expansion and Bowmanville Hospital redevelopment would be hindered if the draft OPA is not approved. Does not support the Greenbelt expansion. X John Trantaz Trantaz SSA2 May 10, 2021 Strongly requests that that Special Study Area 2 (SSA2) be deleted from Clarington’s Official Plan. This proposal will reduce property values and severely restrict and limit any residential, commercial and industrial development along existing traffic corridors. Clarington is ready for growth with the addition of Highway 407, the extension of the GO train to Bowmanville and the planned expansion of the Bowmanville Hospital. X Laura Valm Valm SSA2 Strongly requests that that Special Study Area 2 (SSA2) be deleted from Clarington’s Official Plan. This proposal will reduce property values and severely X Attachment 1A to Report PDS-029-21 15 Name Submission File Name Date Summary of Submission No clear position or an alternate position Keep OP policy Delete OP policy May 10, 2021 restrict and limit any residential, commercial and industrial development along existing traffic corridors. Clarington is ready for growth with the addition of Highway 407, the extension of the GO train to Bowmanville and the planned expansion of the Bowmanville Hospital. Carl Van Belle C Van Belle SSA2 May 10, 2021 Strongly requests that that Special Study Area 2 (SSA2) be deleted from Clarington’s Official Plan. This proposal will reduce property values and severely restrict and limit any residential, commercial and industrial development along existing traffic corridors. Clarington is ready for growth with the addition of Highway 407, the extension of the GO train to Bowmanville and the planned expansion of the Bowmanville Hospital. X Karen Van Belle K Van Belle SSA2 May 10, 2021 Strongly requests that that Special Study Area 2 (SSA2) be deleted from Clarington’s Official Plan. This proposal will reduce property values and severely restrict and limit any residential, commercial and industrial development along existing traffic corridors. Clarington is ready for growth with the addition of Highway 407, the extension of the GO train to Bowmanville and the planned expansion of the Bowmanville Hospital. X Ruth Van Belle R Van Belle SSA2 May 10, 2021 Strongly requests that that Special Study Area 2 (SSA2) be deleted from Clarington’s Official Plan. This proposal will reduce property values and severely restrict and limit any residential, commercial and industrial development along existing traffic corridors. Clarington is ready for growth with the addition of X Attachment 1A to Report PDS-029-21 16 Name Submission File Name Date Summary of Submission No clear position or an alternate position Keep OP policy Delete OP policy Highway 407, the extension of the GO train to Bowmanville and the planned expansion of the Bowmanville Hospital. Martha Vandepol Verbal PM; Vandepol SSA2; Vandepol 2 SSA2 April 26, 2021 Verbal PM: Questioned why Clarington needs more land in the Greenbelt. Noted that Clarington needs these lands for economic growth and by putting these lands in the Greenbelt growth that would not happen. Expressed concern regarding the process regarding SSA2 policies being included in the Official Plan. Written Submission: Requesting that SSA2 with any reference to Greenbelt expansion be removed from the Clarington Official Plan. X Antonella Vergati Vergati SSA2 May 10, 2021 Strongly requests that that Special Study Area 2 (SSA2) be deleted from Clarington’s Official Plan. Adding more land to the Greenbelt will reduce property values and severely restrict and limit any residential, commercial and industrial development along existing traffic corridors. The potential Greenbelt expansion is already adversely affecting the value of affected lands and, should the expansion come to pass, our property values will be drastically and permanently reduced. disappointed that Clarington Council advanced the proposal to expand the Greenbelt to X Attachment 1A to Report PDS-029-21 17 Name Submission File Name Date Summary of Submission No clear position or an alternate position Keep OP policy Delete OP policy encompass my lands without proper public notification. Carl Vickery Vickery SSA2 May 10, 2021 Strongly requests that that Special Study Area 2 (SSA2) be deleted from Clarington’s Official Plan. This proposal will reduce property values and severely restrict and limit any residential, commercial and industrial development along existing traffic corridors. Clarington is ready for growth with the addition of Highway 407, the extension of the GO train to Bowmanville and the planned expansion of the Bowmanville Hospital. X Ted Watson Watson SSA2 April 26, 2021 Verbal and Written: Objects to the SSA2 lands to be included in the Greenbelt. Submission spoke to the issues affecting agricultural lands including traffic, proximity to urban areas. Believes that eventually more land will be needed for development in this area than what has been set aside today. X Glenn, Roland, and Bert Weigel Weigel SSA2 April 23, 2021 Wants lands east of the existing Bowmanville urban boundary to be removed from the existing Greenbelt Plan area. States that development is coming and that it is better embrace and prepare for it rather than wasting time and money trying to stop it. X Henry and Yvonne Westerman Westerman SSA2 May 10, 2021 Strongly requests that that Special Study Area 2 (SSA2) be deleted from Clarington’s Official Plan. This proposal will reduce property values and severely restrict and limit any residential, commercial and industrial development along existing traffic corridors. Clarington is ready for growth with the addition of X Attachment 1A to Report PDS-029-21 18 Name Submission File Name Date Summary of Submission No clear position or an alternate position Keep OP policy Delete OP policy Highway 407, the extension of the GO train to Bowmanville and the planned expansion of the Bowmanville Hospital. Ed Worona E Worona SSA2 May 9, 2021 Opposed to the Greenbelt expansion. X Marcia Worona M Worona SSA2 May 9, 2021 Not in favour of the Greenbelt expansion. X 100 WHITING AVENUE OSHAWA ON L1H 3T3 | P. 905 579 0411 | F. 905 579 0994 | CLOCA.COM Healthy watersheds for today and tomorrow. April 13, 2021 Ms. Lisa Backus, MCIP, RPP Principal Planner Planning Services Department Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, ON Dear Madame: Subject: Clarington Official Plan Amendment OPA 2021-001 Various lands in between Courtice, Bowmanville and Newcastle Urban Areas CLOCA IMS No: POFA13 Purpose: To delete policies in the Clarington Official Plan that support the expansion of the Greenbelt Plan, specifically sub-section 13.3.12 and section 17.3 Special Study Area 2 – Greenbelt Expansion from the Clarington Official Plan. The proposed amendment is initiated by the Municipality of Clarington, in accordance with Clarington Council direction to consider deletion of the above policies. CLOCA staff has reviewed the circulation for the policies proposed for deletion. CLOCA staff can provide the following for your consideration. Background The lands subject to the amendment are the rural lands south of Highway 2 between Highway 418 and the western boundary of Bowmanville Urban area, as well as the rural and agricultural lands east of the Bowmanville Urban Area boundary and Newcastle, north of Highway 401, outside of the current Greenbelt Boundary. The subject policies were included as part of Official Plan Amendment 107 in 2016 as a result of input from Clarington Agricultural Advisory Committee and a 2015 request from Clarington Council to the Province to protect agricultural land in Clarington. As a result of a recent Ministers Zoning Order (MZO) located within the Special Study Area 2 (SSA2), Council had requested that the Province commit to studying the lands within the SSA2. A number of requests were received by Clarington Council and the Agricultural Advisory Committee from landowners Page | 2 Healthy watersheds for today and tomorrow. within the SSA2 requesting the policy to be deleted from the Official Plan. At a meeting on February 8, 2021, Clarington Council passed a resolution to consider the deletion of Special Study Area 2 from the Clarington Official Plan. Site Context Available CLOCA mapping of the subject lands identify a number of natural heritage features, key hydrologic features and natural hazards throughout the study area. The features identified on available mapping include, but are not limited to: • Provincially Significant Wetlands; • Other wetland areas; • Woodlands; • Watercourses; • Fish and wildlife habitat; • Valley lands; • Hazard lands associated with slope and erosion hazards; and • Floodplain; • Other areas that exist on the ground that have not been picked up through desktop mapping exercises. These features are described through various Provincial and local policy framework and require site specific study to determine presence or absence of mapped features, identify the boundaries and ecological functions of the features, as well as a sufficient vegetation protection zone. Policy Context The Policy 13.3.12 describes the Municipalities support for the expansion of the Greenbelt Plan Area to provide protection of prime agricultural lands. The policies in Section 17.3, Special Study Area 2 – Greenbelt Expansion describes the land area that the Municipality considered appropriate to be studied for inclusion in future Greenbelt expansion. The policies outline that the Province will investigate potential areas for expansion based on considerations including agriculture, natural heritage and water resources. Neither policy impose additional restrictions on a property beyond the current land use designations. The proposed amendment does not propose land use designation changes. Subsection 3 (6) of the Planning Act, requires that comments, submissions or advice affecting a planning matter conform with the provincial plans that are in effect. Accordingly, CLOCA staff have evaluated the amendment against the criteria set out within Section 4.2 of A Place to Grow, Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe (2020 Consolidation), Protecting What is Valuable and Section 2.1 of the Provincial Policy Statement (2020), Natural Heritage. Page | 3 Healthy watersheds for today and tomorrow. A Place to Grow, Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe (2020 Consolidation) The Growth Plan describes Key Hydrologic Features and Key Hydrologic Areas that require identification and protection. Outside of settlement areas, development and site alteration is not permitted within these features. Site specific studies would be required to identify the boundaries of the features, their ecological functions and provide for a sufficient vegetation protection zone. As the proposed amendment to delete the policies in the Official Plan are not changing land use designations, permissions or proposing development or site alteration, the policies of the Growth Plan related to natural heritage system features and functions would not be affected by the amendment. Provincial Policy Statement, 2020 The Provincial Policy Statement (PPS), section 2.0 seeks to protect and maintain natural heritage features and areas and directs development outside of the natural heritage features. Natural heritage systems, including features and areas that provide linkage functions between features must be identified. Site specific studies would be required to identify the boundaries and the functions of the natural heritage features and areas outlined within the PPS policies. Development and site alteration is directed to areas outside of the features with site specific studies required to ensure there are no negative impacts on the features or their ecological functions as a result of any development or site alteration. The PPS, section 3 directs development and site alteration away from natural and human made hazards including flood and erosion hazards where the risk to public health and safety or property damage is unacceptable. The section recognizes the potential increased risks associated with natural hazards due to climate change and requires approval authorities to ensure new hazards are not created and existing hazards are not aggravated. As the proposed amendment to delete the policies in the Official Plan are not changing land use designations, permissions or proposing development or site alteration, the amendment appears to be consistent with the natural heritage and hazard policies. Conservation Authorities Act – Ontario Regulation 42/06 Section 28 of the Conservation Authorities Act (CA Act) allows the Conservation Authority to develop regulations that, among other items, allows the CA to prohibit or regulate or require permission for proposed development in areas where the conservation of land may be affected by development. Under the regulation, lands considered floor and erosion hazards associated with valleys as well as wetlands and their hydrologic function may be affected by development. Therefore, development proposed in and adjacent to a regulated feature is considered would require approval under Section 28 of the CA Act. CLOCA regulation policies establish that site specific evaluations be completed to identify the precise Page | 4 Healthy watersheds for today and tomorrow. boundary of the feature(s) subject to the regulation and evaluate impacts to the feature and function as a result of proposed development. As the proposed amendment to delete the policies in the Official Plan are not proposing development or site alteration, appears to be consistent with Section 28 of the Conservation Authorities Act. Watershed Plans The subject lands west of the Bowmanville urban boundary are located within the Darlington Creek and the Tooley Creek watersheds. The subject lands east of the Bowmanville urban boundary are located within the Soper Creek watershed. The current watershed plans for these areas provide a framework and recommended actions to protect, restore and enhance a healthy and resilient watershed. Based on the above, there are existing Provincial policies and regulation requirements that would serve to provide protection to natural heritage features and systems, key hydrologic features and natural hazards. CLOCA would encourage that any proposed future expansion to the Provincial Greenbelt Area should be approached through a comprehensive study with opportunity for a public and agency consultation process. Thank you for the opportunity to provide comments on this application. Please feel free to contact us should you have any questions. Yours truly, Stefanie Penney Development Planner cc. Mr. Gary Muller, Director of Planning, Region of Durham Mr. Ken Thajer, Planning and Regulations Coordinator, Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority The Regional Municipality of Durham Planning and Economic Development Department Planning Division 605 ROSSLAND RD. E. 4TH FLOOR PO BOX 623 WHITBY ON L1N 6A3 CANADA 905-668-7711 1-800-372-1102 Fax: 905-666-6208 Email: planning@durham.ca www.durham.ca Brian Bridgeman, MCIP, RPP Commissioner of Planning and Economic Development If this information is required in an accessible format, please contact Planning Reception at 1-800-372-1102, extension 2551. March 26, 2021 Ms. Lisa Backus, MCIP, RPP Principal Planner Community Planning & Design Branch Planning and Development Services Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, ON L1C 3A6 Dear Ms. Backus: Re: Regional Comments on an Application to Amend the Municipality of Clarington Official Plan File: COPA 2021-001 Applicant: Municipality of Clarington Location: various lands in between the Courtice, Bowmanville and Newcastle urban areas Municipality of Clarington This application has been reviewed and the following comments are offered with respect to the Regional Official Plan (ROP), Provincial Plan policies, and the Region’s delegated provincial plan review responsibilities. Purpose and Background The proposed amendment is a municipally initiated amendment by the Municipality of Clarington. The amendment proposes to delete sub- section 13.3.12 and section 17.3 Special Study Area 2 – Greenbelt Expansion from the Clarington Official Plan (See Attachment #1 for the proposed amendment). The area subject to this amendment encompasses the agricultural and rural lands outside the urban area boundaries of Courtice, Bowmanville and Newcastle, and the Greenbelt Area within the Municipality of Clarington (see Attachment #2 for a map of the subject lands). The Special Study Area 2 policies of Section 17.3 and policy 13.3.12 were added to the Municipality’s Official Plan through the 2017 Official Plan Review in 2017. The subject policies, in part, were based on a 2015 request of Clarington’s Agricultural Advisory Committee to Clarington Council which sought to protect Clarington’s agricultural lands from future development. The subject lands are currently located within the “Whitebelt” area, which is the area commonly referred to as lands outside 2 the urban boundary and outside of the Greenbelt boundary. These lands have the potential to be included in the urban area in the future, if there is a demonstrated need and studies to support the need for additional urban lands in these locations. More recently the policies of the SSA2 came to the forefront as a result of a Minister’s Zoning Order (MZO). The MZO proposed the relocation of a Home Hardware store from Bowmanville Urban Area to the rural area, located at the southeast corner of Durham Highway 2 and Rundle Road. The MZO affected lands within the SSA2 policy area which led Council to pass a resolution in October 2020, requesting the Province to commit to studying the lands identified in SSA2. Since that time, both Clarington Council and their Agricultural Advisory Committee have received a number of requests from landowners requesting SSA2 be deleted from the Official Plan. On February 8, 2021, Clarington Council rescinded its request to the Province, and through Resolution #C-058-21, staff were directed to undertake the proposed amendment as follows: “That Staff issue the necessary notices for a public meeting under the Planning Act to be held on April 26, 2021, for the consideration of the deletion of Special Study Area 2 from the Clarington Official Plan. Planning and Development Services Department will be sending out the official public meeting notice closer to the meeting.” Durham Regional Official Plan The subject lands are designated “Major Open Space” and are located between the Courtice and Bowmanville urban areas, and are designated as “Prime Agricultural Areas” between the Bowmanville Urban Area and the surrounding Newcastle urban areas. Major Open Space Areas include key natural heritage features and hydrologic features, prime agricultural lands, along with agricultural lands of a lesser significance. These areas shall predominantly be used for conservation, agricultural, and agricultural-relates uses. Prime Agricultural Areas consist of lands where prime agricultural lands predominate but can also include areas of lesser agricultural significance. These areas shall be primarily used primarily for agriculture and farm-related uses. The proposed amendment does not propose land use designation changes, and as such, conforms to the Regional Official Plan. 3 Provincial Policy Provincial Policy Statement Section 2.1 of the Provincial Policy Statement (PPS) requires the diversity and connectivity of features, and the long-term ecological functions to be maintained, restored and where possible improved. Development and site alteration are not permitted within key natural heritage and hydrologic features. This section also requires Planning authorities to protect natural features for the long term. In addition, Section 2.3 of the PPS requires prime agricultural areas to be protected for long-term agricultural use. It also requires Planning authorities to designate prime agricultural lands and ensure they are used for agriculture, agriculture-related and on-farm diversified uses. As there are no land use permissions proposed, this amendment is consistent with the policy directions in the PPS. Greenbelt Plan These lands are not within the Provincial Greenbelt Plan area. As this amendment does not propose any physical development, or change in land use permissions, there are no applicable regional or provincial plan review responsibilities at this time. Regional Works, Transit & Transportation Planning The Regional Works Department, Durham Region Transit and Transportation Planning do not have any concerns with the proposed amendment. Exemption The proposed amendment seeks to delete requirements which require Clarington in consultation with the Province to study the possibility of adding lands to the Greenbelt. The deletion of these policies does not affect the underlying land uses, or any of the land use permissions, and as such, these lands will continue to be in conformity with the ROP. In accordance with By-law 11-2000 the Official Plan Amendment application is exempt from Regional Approval. Please advise the Commissioner of Planning and Economic Development of your Council’s decision. If Council adopts an Amendment, a record must be submitted to this Department within 15 days of the date of 4 adoption. The record must include the following: • two (2) copies of the adopted Amendment; • a copy of the adopting by-law; and • a copy of the staff report and any relevant materials. Please contact Heather Finlay, Senior Planner, with any questions or concerns. Yours truly, Lino Trombino - for Gary Muller, MCIP, RPP Director of Planning c.c. Jeff Almeida, Regional Works Colleen Goodchild, Policy Planning Sandra McEleney, Transportation Planning Michael Binetti, DRT Chris Leitch, Transportation Planning Attachment #1: Proposed Amendment to the Clarington Official Plan Attachment #2: Lands subject to the COPA 2021-002 Proposed Amendment No. xx to the Clarington Official Plan Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to delete policies in the Official Plan that support the expansion of the Greenbelt Plan Area in Clarington. Location: This Amendment applies to approximately 3800 hectares of land. This area is generally described as all the lands east of Highway 418, south and east of the Greenbelt boundary between Courtice and Bowmanville, south and west of the Greenbelt boundary between Bowmanville and Newcastle, north of Highway 401 and outside of the urban area boundaries in Clarington. (see map on reverse). Proposed Amendments Unless otherwise indicated in the Amendment, additional text is shown with an underline and deleted text is shown with a strike-through. 1.Existing subsection 13.3.12 is deleted in its entirety and the subsequent subsection is renumbered accordingly: “13.3.12 The Municipality supports the expansion of the Greenbelt Plan Area to provide long term protection of prime agricultural land.” 2.Existing Section 17 Special Study Areas is hereby amended as follows: “17.3 Special Study Area 2 – Deleted Greenbelt Expansion 17.3.1 Special Study Area 2 is all of the lands east of Highway 418 south and east of the Greenbelt boundary, north of Highway 401 and outside of the urban area boundaries in Clarington. 17.3.2 In May 2015, Clarington Council requested that the Province undertake an appropriate science-based study of agricultural capability to identify high yielding agricultural lands to be added to the Greenbelt for permanent protection. 17.3.3 The draft Greenbelt Plan (2016) identifies that the Government of Ontario will lead a process to identify potential areas to be added to the Protected Countryside of the Greenbelt. The Province will work with municipalities and others using a systems approach considering the connections with the Agricultural, Natural Heritage and Water Resource systems of the plan. Where it is determined that identified areas would benefit from Greenbelt protection, the Province may initiate amendments to the Greenbelt Plan. 17.3.4 Special Study Area 2 identifies the lands which the Municipality considers appropriate as an area for the future Greenbelt expansion study.” Attachment 1 Highwa y 2 La k e O n t a r i o 401 Highway Taunton Road Liberty Street418 HighwayCourtice Road35 & 115 HighwayBloor Street Nash Road Bowmanville AvenueBaseline RoadTownline RoadTrulls RoadLambs RoadSolina RoadGreen RoadDarlington-Clarke Townline RoadKing S t r e e t Main StreetHolt RoadConcession Rd 3 King Avenue 401 HighwayTownline Road35 & 115 HighwayCourtice Bowmanville Newcastle Orono HamptonMitchellCorners MapleGrove ² (April 26, 2021) LANDS SUBJECT TO SPECIAL STUDY AREA 2 POLICY Greenbelt Plan Area Urban Area Attachment #2 Attachment 3 to Report PDS-029-21 Recommended Amendment No. 127 to the Clarington Official Plan Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to delete Section 17.3 Special Study Area 2 – Greenbelt Expansion and policy 13.3.12 from the Official Plan. Location: This Amendment applies to approximately 3800 hectares of land. This area is generally described as all the lands east of Highway 418, south and east of the Greenbelt boundary between Courtice and Bowmanville, south and west of the Greenbelt boundary between Bowmanville and Newcastle, north of Highway 401 and outside of the urban area boundaries in Clarington. Effect: The effect of removing these policies from the Official Plan is that the Official Plan would no longer identify Council’s position that prior to consideration of expanding the Greenbelt Plan Area a science-based study be undertaken by the Province to identify the appropriate lands for inclusion. Whether these policies are in the Official Plan or not, the Province determines the procedures and consultation process for expanding the Greenbelt Plan area. The deletion of the policies does not affect the existing land use designations or zoning by-law permissions and regulations for the properties affected. Recommended Amendment: Unless otherwise indicated in the Amendment, additional text is shown with an underline and deleted text is shown with a strikethrough. 1. Existing Subsection 13.3.12 is deleted in its entirety and the subsequent subsection is renumbered accordingly. 2 Existing Subsection 17.3 Special Study Area 2 – Greenbelt Expansion is deleted in its entirety and replaced by the following: “17.3 Special Study Area 2 - Deleted”