HomeMy WebLinkAbout1537BY -LIW No The C OEPORxTI ON of the TO JN of TVI A By -Law for the submission to a vote of questions under the Liquor License Act. t. =r iHyRr;AS therei s now in force within the limits of this Yunic i -pality a. , k by -law number 746 , prohibiting the sale of liquor, by .retail therein . a r�TD �Vl, ,5 under sections 69 end 70 of The Liquor License .pct , the Council of a municipality in which the by -law was in force rrsn:y submit to a vote of the persons qualified to be entered on the voters' list and to vote at election9 to the �_ssembly in the municipality any question or, questions set .f orth in 'The Liquor License Act. 1 t`i K G ArTDHEREA S it is also provided by section 69 and 70 of the A.ct that where a petition in writing-signed by at least twenty-five per centum of the total number of persons appearing by the last revised list of the i� ied tea: von. ^�.a t there 4-..'n ,ua� to a.t elections tc� .. 3nLi n''�. J4 . v ;�i +s.r v �►/ E is �'i 1' r the Assembly requesting the council to submit any questions set out in sections 69 ,and 70 is filed xith the clker of-the municipe lity and with r� a vote _ t -t _ t. o. or. e. c su:b�? i, � she <, u. r s _ p. o..., b .h.e_,., .Bo�,.r:r�: .. ., r . .. �. WHEREAS- a petition has been filed_ with t hr clerk of the municipv lity AND p requesting the Council to submit to a vote of the persons qualified to vote thereon the f ollowing' question or, questions . ; - (l j Are you in favor of the establishment of government stores for the sale of liquor 7 , ( 2) Ire you in favor o f the es tabl i shment of government stor es for the sale of beer only, for residence consumption off. k A1VD 4HEREAS the petition certified by the clerk as having been sufficiently signed has been filed with the Board. AID -jjHEREAS the Board has fixed Wedne sday t he 16th day of Tuly,,. 1952 as the .day upon which. the vote upon the question or questions shall be taken and has notified the clerk to that effect. • P ,,. .e vote �� P 'the .. . 2 ADD, ..VH.�R��S the council_ deems it ., �x edient axed de�.rab that on the 9 ue scion or quetion shall be taken on Wednesday the l th day .of July, 1952,L TD WERFAS it is necessary to provide by by -law for the submission o�' b q P q to thereon and y the questia or uetio�s to the ersons ual =ified o vote' SOfor the taking of their votes thereon* the Council of the Corporation of the:, of Bowmanville THEREFORE, enacts as follows; .... . 1. Under the Liquor License Act there is hereby submitted to a vote r of the persons qualified to be entered on the. voters' list and to vote at elections to the Assembly in the municipality the f oll owing question or questions;- Are you in favor of the a stabl i shmen t of government stores for the sale of liquor _� ) - 8- you in favor of the establishment of government stores for the sale of beer only for residence consumption ¢v . $` T e vote shell be taken on Wbdnesda.y the 16th day of July, 1952, 2. h as directed by The Liquor License Board of On in aacordanae with The Ligaor L nse Act day o f 1952 �Pe�sse8 this � . , f C ark, ' Mayor. r" ,, r., L, Uiicelbi' ,5i�li'�MWAk�14►1#WrOAM°""* wnwwMr i 5