HomeMy WebLinkAbout1536s w ,.a M. r BY- LA 4Y No � TH L C ORPO ATI C�1V' OF T � T O X' 0F'` Fo•';11_ PJT VI LLE A By -Lew authorizin8 the borrowing of 26,000.00 upon 'debentures for Local Improvement purposes. ,dHER SAS pursuamt to construction By -Law 114 152 , , , certe in works have been constructed of the nature, on the streets and between the points. a s shown in columns 3, 4, and 5 in Schedule 11 B " hereto attached , under the provisions of the Local. Improvement pct being; Revised Jta.tutes of Ontario C hept er 215 A D -rffi�MFk3 .the total' cost of each of such, works, the Corporation portion and the owners' - portions thereof ( end for the ,owners' she re of. the cost' of each of such works a special assessment has been made and certified) are- shown in columms 7 and 8 'respeetivel$r of said Schedule " B` ". ArD 1v'��EAS it is expedient to borrov i for the said purposes a sum not exceeding .. Twenty Six Thousand Dollars ( ., 26 , (' mob ) upon the credit of he Coxporati on to issue debentures therefor bearino- ,interest at the rate of four and, one half per centum ( �.`;�o ) per annum, ?'Yabl -E . d - and �e for 'z, d i the s c cunt anal the :expenses incidental to - t_r:'aton -,_and a e - -��`. such d�ben ure's + T7 :3 ;;'� ... p� , Lr:, } + i '{ .. "r. ", ' '4""`. 1�"1 • pr` , i1. i' + -F . r 'i i� .ry �✓V'�rll .V 1J V d ., 1 ebt repayable in annual ' instalments during the 'eriod of twenty years after the date of issue of such debentures of such amounts respectively that with the interest in respect of the debt , the aggregate amount payable for principal and interest in each year shall be, as nearly, es possible' the same; subject to the proviso that each instalment of principal may be for an even 4 1.00.001 500 00 or 1,000.00. or multiple of S,50.00 thereof,, and that, not withstanding any thing herein contained, the annual instalments of principal and interest may differ in amount 1. sufficiently to,, admit thereof. AND ;& EREAs it will be necessary to raise annually the sum shown An column of Schedule " A " hereto attached during the period of twenty i 4 earl sum of rincipal and interest cis they become years .to pay the said yearly P due of which the sun shown in Column 10 of said Schedule " B " is rec,uired to pay the C orporat ion • s portion of the cost and interest thereon, and the SUM shown in Column 11 of said Schedule " B " i s re= quired to _ pay the owners' portion of the cost and the interest thereon. ,., 4 AND AiEREAS the amount -of the whole rateable property of ,,the Munieipelity, according to t.he....,last revssed assessment ...:.r.o.�l� thereof i9 212 X700.00. of the existing STD ,rH�.EA.S -the amount - � debenture debt of the Corporation, exclusive of local improvement - debts_' secured by special o art of the rinc ipe.l or rates or_ assessment i s 572,18 5.24 and n p P interest of such debt is in arrears. , «TD NHEREAs by Certificates dated the 19th day of September, 19519 the Department of Health of Ontario has approved the , purpose of the &aid borrowing. AND H'R + S by . Order dated the day of 19529. the Onte.rio Municipal Board has approved the purpose the aid borrowAng and the pes s ing , of all requisite by-laws, including debenture by -laws. NOW THEREFORE the Yunic ipal Council of the Corporation of the. Town of Bowmanville enacts as follows; That for, the purpose aforesaid there shall be borrowed on the 1. P P aroedit of the Cor" Rorati on at large the sum of Twenty Six Thousand Dollars and debentures shall be issued theref or in denminat ions of not less thah 100.00 each, bearing interest at the rate of Four and one -half per centum per annum, -i payable annually, and having coupons attached thereto for the payment of interest. 9; 2. The debentures shall be dated the 2nd day of June, 1952, an 4 shall be payable in twenty annual instalments on the 2nd day of June in each of the years, 1953 to 1972, inclusive, and the respective amounts of principal al and interest payable in each of such, years shall be as set forth ' in Schedule " A it hereto attached. VGLUKL 5 is The debentures as to both pr inci pal ' and interest. shall be 3* Th ad*, 'at the . branch of the Bank of Montreal payable i1ft lawful mOnGY Of CaL Munici 1 Treasurer in the ?own of Bowmanv ill or the office Of t he pa In the Town of Bowmanvill.0, at hold er9a option* The debentures shall be sealed with the ,Seal of the Corporation and signed by the WEITOry or by some other person authorized by By-law to s1gn the same, and by the Treasurer. The said Interest 0OUPOMS, shall is signed by the Treasurer and his signature. thereon may be written stamped, lithographed ,or engravedLe' 5 (a) That there shall to raised, in each year$ in which an instalment becomes due by a special rate on all rateable property ,in the id Instalment when and M-unicipality9 a specific slim satricient, to pay the said as it becomes due but no greater rate shall be levied In any year, for such -y-,th';e instalment after taking into account purposes than, is re quired to P& provided An Clause (b) hereof I or frm my receipts from the special rate, p source lift respect Of the said work. (b) For the payZent of the owners• portion, of the cost and Interest the special assessment got forth In the special assessment r611 Is Forth. -;,, ..W4AP4_.,-,_11 -ere ""I dA`A1zb1:e.,t.h ilk ''ittpoaad --upon- 9­. assessment with a swim sufficient to cover interest thereon said s"ci&l jjAj irsta1y nts %, a * y n r, the rate aforesaidg 'sbaji be Pay&U 1 and for that purpose the special annual. 'rates per foot frontage set f0tth by imposed upon the lots entered In in Schedule 1 hereto, attached, are here the tsald special assessment roll, according to the assessed frontage thereof 9 over sad above all other,rates &nd taxes q,and the said special rates shall for the Corporation at the be collected annually by the Collector of taxes S&Ue time and in the same manner as other ratese The Corporation gkaLll have the right, at its option to re em 6. the debentures maturing In the year 1972 either in whole or in part y 9 where and in the moneys in which the date prior to maturity at the TI&Ce able, upon payment of, the principBl. said debentures are expressed to be pay anount thereof together with interest accrued to the date of redemption. and upon giving p'evious notice of the said intention to redeem by advertising r ace in a daily - newspaper' of general once in the Ontario Gazette and 0 e in & Pro-Vincial circalatioa- published - in the City Of Toronto$ and Ono such elation, to be advertised as aforesaid at least thirty looal,newspapery A emption't Notice of intettion. so to redeem days before the date flied for red, Ior to the dale Set f Or shall also be sent by post at least thirty days pr debenture so to be redeemed such redemption to each ..pa r son in whose name a . � ter_ h­­ 1­:ja1L%'jM4....debenture registry book-i address 8 Own As registered at the ac r contain a clause Providing fo �The, said debentures may registration thereof parsuant- tO section 335 of the Municipal Act* s the head Of the go, Pending the,sale of the said Council, and the Treasurer may raise for the purpose aforesaid by way Of a of money not exceeding In all the loan on such debentures any sun or,mim soon hereby authorized to.be borrowed and may hypothecatO such debentures for suoh 1O&n* 19 52 Read a first and second time this day Of Rayor.0 Read a third tLU6 and finally 'Passed this day of 1952 C e )A , ayor,* 9 'Tam 5 I f SCHEDULE • B a o �_7 �T L E B SCHEDULE J.�.i rt 15 __5 c. - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 No Nature of Work Street From To Total-Cost Corporation, Owners Amount to be raised annugvy - - -- Port ion Portion for;. Payment of Corp. Owners Debt Share Share - -- - -- _ er Southway Dr, Flett 5t Orchard view I , 510. 97()F - «$4 - - -113,2-5 - _ - - - snit ary-- Sewe-r=- -orohardv - i ew.- _ - -- - - - -- - - - - ou nr -- - -- - - - -- Sanitary Sewer Scugog St 290 Ft S. of Jackman Rd 19265.00 '- 285.20 - 979 -$0 T 94• ___ _3- - -- - -Y 4 Watermain Wharf Rd Jackman Rd S. L. of New N.L. of new- 5900.0-00 5 , 000.00 375-00 375-00- 5- Wat erma in Dune St Hi ghway S. L. of New Highway K.L. of New - 950.00 - - - 950-00 71.2 5 ?1 .25 40, Watermain Southway Dr Highway Flett St Highway Orchardview 1,210.04 649.00 561.00 93.50 54.3? x+3.13 ? Watermain - - Orchardvib - - Southway � - -mana -St - 3s720.00 720.00 s 12 038-. 4-Z - Z9,601-058 289.00 52-.79 206.21- -_ - S Watermain - - tsverleg Rd = Coleman St - - -- 769 Ft S of, 220.40 744.12 2, !+75.88 241.05 50.66 190.39 = '' - -- - Meg ew- Liberty St C o l eman St 400 Ft W of - 11700.00- 727i.60 972 -40 127.05 52.27 74.79 - - - - _- - _- - - -- - WIW%f Ft AZrj F"1 ett St W : -S - Southway Dr= - -.D - - - - - - 4.00- Ft- 13 Sidewalk - -- y -Db Liberty St, Flett St 1,510i00- _- -- - - 0 .00 - _ 906. oo -- - 113 X25 45-30 - ` 67.95 s� - - - - -- - - -- 14 Hidewalk North side Southway Dr Liberty St 1, 544 -04 617.60 926.40 115.80 46.32 _64 ._48 Flett St = 15 Sidewalk South Side Queen St Lambert St 267- Ft E of 400.50 160920, 240-30 30-04 12.04 18. 00 /7111/ North Side Lambert St # 269129.40 12,522.70 13,606 - 70 19981 -57 940 -63 19040.9 - - - - -- - - . s raLum 5 i� y; rF - f,�'.t •.a+ v y -�„ t �.,� Fri, � ., 3 �v. 3'= � .,�,� � ,� ,_'^ y ,?, «?,: *, .` i � die '�-s � ., .'k.. 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