HomeMy WebLinkAboutFSD-027-21Clarington Staff Report If this information is required in an alternate accessible format, please contact the Accessibility Coordinator at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131. Report To: General Government Committee Date of Meeting: May 10, 2021 Report Number: FSD-027-21 Submitted By: Trevor Pinn, Director of Financial Services/Treasurer Reviewed By: Andrew C. Allison, CAO Resolution#: GG-364-21, C-189-21 File Number: CL2021-10 By-law Number: Report Subject: Scanning and Conversion Services Recommendations: 1. That Report FSD-027-21 be received; 2. That DOCUdavit Solutions with a total bid amount for the initial two-year term of $176,470.16 (Net HST Rebate), and a potential five-year contract value of $441,175.40 (Net HST Rebate), subject to change based on requirements and price increases not exceeding the applicable CPI, being the lowest compliant bidder meeting all terms, conditions and specifications of tender CL2021-10 be awarded the contract for the provision of scanning and conversion services as required by the Municipality; 3. That the funds expended for these services, be funded from respective department's approved operating budget as required; 4. That pending satisfactory service the Purchasing Manager, after consultation with the respective Department Head, be authorized to extend the contract for up to three additional one-year terms; and 5. That all interested parties listed in Report FSD-027-21 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. Municipality of Clarington Report FSD-027-21 Report Overview Page 2 To request authorization from Council to award the contract for scanning and conversion services as required and as detailed in Tender CL2021-10 for the various municipal departments. 1. Background 1.1 Scanning and conversion services are currently used by the Legislative Services Department as well as the Planning & Development Services Department. Existing paper records are scanned and converted to a digital file for file retention. Digital files are preferable as they take up less physical space and take less time to search for relevant information than paper files kept in boxes. 1.2 While the Municipality has utilized internal resources in the past to scan and convert documents, the current volume of records is outside of the Municipality's current human resources capacity to maintain. Currently, there are over 3,600 boxes and rolled drawings in the Municipal Administration Centre with more records created every day. 1.3 Funding for these works is primarily related to activities in the Building Inspection Division of Planning and Development Services and are therefore funded by building permit and other user fees. The Building Inspection Division has been scanning current and historical permit documents to allow for quick and easy access by staff during the construction process and answering property inquires. Having the digital copies also allows for the electronic transfer of the documents to property owners looking for copies of their building plans thereby eliminating their cost to print the documents. The ability to send the documents electronically to MPAC allows for the new buildings to be added to the Municipality's tax roll sooner. 1.4 The Clerk's Division will aim to scan and digitize approximately 60 boxes of past agreements as well as 30 to 40 bound books of past year's meeting minutes. Scanning of corporate documents, not funded by building permit revenue, are funded through the Clerk's Division annual budget which is tax supported. With the increased importance of "open data", the ability to have documents digitized and accessible to the public is necessary for transparency and accountability. 1.5 The Municipality required a company with the capacity to scan hard copy paper documents, index the files and return the files to the Municipality in a digital format that would allow for the migration of the indexed images into the Municipality's electronic document management system. This would facilitate the creation of a controlled document repository that allows for an effective management of municipal records. Municipality of Clarington Report FSD-027-21 Page 3 1.6 After consultation with the Legislative Services Department and the Planning and Development Services Department, Tender CL2021-10 was prepared and issued by the Purchasing Services Division and advertised electronically on the Municipality's website. Notification of the availability of the document was also posted on the Ontario Public Buyers Association's website. Fourteen companies downloaded the tender document. 1.7 The tender closed April 14, 2021. 2. Analysis 2.1 Three bids were received in response to the tender call. 2.2 Of the 11 companies who downloaded the tender documents but chose not to submit pricing: i) One company advised that they were not able to provide the services required; and ii) Ten companies did not respond to our request for information. 2.3 The submissions were reviewed and tabulated by the Purchasing Services Division (see Attachment 1). 2.4 The results were forwarded to the Legislative Services Department and the Planning and Development Services Department for their review and consideration. 2.5 After review and analysis by the departments it was mutually agreed that the low bidder DOCUdavit Solutions be recommended for the award of tender CL2021-10. 2.6 DOCUdavit Solutions has not worked for the Municipality in the past. Reference checks were completed by the Purchasing Services Division and the contacted references advised that they were satisfied with work performed by DOCUdavit Solutions Inc. 3. Financial 3.1 As the Municipality's annual budget for scanning and conversion services varies, quantities provided to the bidders were estimates only and bidders were advised as part of the tender document that the volumes noted were not guaranteed. The contract value may increase or decrease annually and will be adjusted to reflect the approved annual budget. 3.2 The estimated annual cost is approximately $88,250 (Net HST Rebate). The initial contract term is for two years. The estimated value of the contract for the initial two-year term is approximately $176,500 (Net HST Rebate). Payment for these services is based on the size and number of documents processed and delivered on a per unit basis. Invoices will reflect only work performed and only work that falls within the annual approved budget will be completed. Municipality of Clarington Page 4 Report FSD-027-21 3.3 Pricing received is firm for the initial contract term of two years. 3.4 The Municipality has the option to extend the contract for up to three additional one-year terms pending satisfactory service. The Tender document stipulates that if the Municipality elects to exercise the option to renew the contract for the additional optional one-year terms, then pricing shall be adjusted only on the anniversary date of the Contract award. Proposed price increases should not exceed the annual percentage change in the most recent issuance of the Consumer Price Index (CPI) All items — Ontario, as issued by the Statistics Canada at the time the contract expires and will remain firm for the rest of that Contract year. 3.5 The expended funds will be drawn from the respective department's approved operating budget. 3.6 Queries with respect to the department needs should be referred to the respective Department Head. 4. Concurrence This report has been reviewed by the Director of Legislative Services and the Director of Planning and Development Services who concur with the recommendations contained within this report. 5. Conclusion It is respectfully recommended that DOCUdavit Solutions with a total bid amount for the initial two-year term of $176,470.16 (Net HST Rebate) being the lowest compliant bidder be awarded the contract for the Scanning and Conversion Services requirements as per Tender CL2021-10. Staff Contact: David Ferguson, Purchasing Manager, 905-623-3379 Ext. 2209 or dferguson@clarington.net. Attachments: Attachment 1 — Bid Summary Interested Parties: List of Interested Parties available from Department. Municipality of Clarington Report FSD-027-21 Page 5 Attachment 1 to Report FSD-027-21 Municipality of Clarington Bid Summary CL2021-10 Scanning and Conversion Services Bidder Total Bid -2 Years (Including HST) Total Bid- 2 Years (Net HST Rebate) DOCUdavit Solutions Inc. $195,962.34 $176,470.16 Microimage Technologies Ltd. 316,533.06 285,047.82 Polar Imaging Inc. 733,833.30 660,839.62