HomeMy WebLinkAboutFSD-024-21Clarington Staff Report If this information is required in an alternate accessible format, please contact the Accessibility Coordinator at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131. Report To: General Government Committee Date of Meeting: May 10, 2021 Report Number: FSD-024-21 Submitted By: Trevor Pinn, Director of Financial Services/Treasurer Reviewed By: Andrew C. Allison, CAO Resolution#: GG-361-21, C-188-21 File Number: RFP2021-1 By-law Number: Report Subject: Lambs Road Interchange Study Recommendations: 1. That Report FSD-024-21 be received; 2. That the proposal received from CIMA+ having the lowest price meeting all terms, conditions and specifications of RFP2021-1 be awarded the contract for the provision of engineering services required for the Lambs Road Interchange Study; 3. That the funds required in the amount of $226,255.22 (net HST rebate) be drawn from the following accounts: Lambs Rd Interchange at Highway 110-32-330-83444-7401 $226,255 401 Environmental Assessment 4. That all interested parties listed in Report FSD-024-21 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. Municipality of Clarington Report FSD-024-21 Report Overview Page 2 To request authorization from Council to award Request for Proposal RFP2021-1 for the Lambs Road Interchange Study in order to assess the technical feasibility and implications of introducing a new interchange on Highway 401 at Lambs Road in Bowmanville. 1. Background 1.1 The Municipality requires the service of a qualified engineering consultant to undertake the Lambs Road Interchange Study. The Study will examine need and justification as well assess technical feasibility and implications of introducing a new interchange on Highway 401 at Lambs Road in Bowmanville. The Municipality is undertaking the Study in cooperation with the Regional Municipality of Durham and the Ministry of Transportation. 1.2 A Request for Proposal (RFP) was drafted to allow for the Municipality to select a qualified consultant with the skills, resources and experience necessary to complete the study for the Lambs Road Interchange. 1.3 RFP2021-1 was issued by the Purchasing Services Division and advertised electronically on the Municipality of Clarington's website. Notification of the availability of the document was also posted on the Ontario Public Buyer's Association website. The RFP was structured on the price — based two envelope RFP system. Eleven companies downloaded the document. 1.4 The RFP closed on April 14, 2021. 2. Analysis 2.1 The RFP stipulated among other things, that bidders were to provide a description of Firm/Consulting team, key qualifications, firm profile, highlight of past service and experience of team members with projects of similar size, nature and complexity and a demonstrated understanding of the Municipality's requirements. 2.2 One submission was received (refer to Attachment 1) by the closing date and time. The submission met the pre -determined mandatory requirements and moved forward to the first phase of evaluation. Municipality of Clarington Page 3 Report FSD-024-21 2.3 Each submission consisted of a comprehensive proposal identifying: • Qualifications and experience; • Experience of the proponent/sub-consultants with projects of similar nature, size and complexity; • The proposed team who would be working with the Municipality; • The Proponent's understanding and approach to complete the study; • The proposed tasks and timelines; • Identification of accessibility design, features and criteria; and • Their approach and methodology of how the project would be delivered. 2.4 The submission was reviewed and scored in accordance with the established criteria outlined in the RFP by an evaluation team consisting of staff from the Public Works Department and the Purchasing Services Division. Some of the areas on which submissions were evaluated were as follows: • Allocated roles and responsibilities of the proposed team members; • Proposed approach to completing the project; • Proposed timelines to complete the tasks required; • Highlights of services provided within the past five years only; and • The Proponent's understanding of the Municipality's requirements, the project and any related issues or concerns. 2.5 Upon completion of the evaluation, the evaluation committee concluded that the submission received from CIMA+ met the pre -established threshold of 85% for Phase 1 and moved on to the second phase. 2.6 It was deemed by the evaluation committee that a presentation from the Proponent was not required, and their pricing envelope was opened and evaluated. 2.7 After further review it was mutually agreed by the evaluation committee that CIMA+ be recommended for the award of RFP2021-1. CIMA+ has successfully completed work for the Municipality in the past and therefore references were not contacted. 3. Financial 3.1 The funds required in the amount of $226,255.22 (net HST rebate) will be drawn from the following accounts: Lambs Rd Interchange at Highway 401 110-32-330-83444-7401 $226,255 Environmental Assessment Municipality of Clarington Report FSD-024-21 4. Concurrence Page 4 This report has been reviewed by the Director of Public Works Department who concurs with the recommendations. 5. Conclusion It is respectfully recommended that CIMA+ having the lowest price and meeting all terms, conditions and specifications of RFP2021-1 be awarded the contract for the provision of Engineering Services as required to complete the Lambs Roads Interchange Study. Staff Contact: David Ferguson, Purchasing Manager, 905-623-3379 Ext. 2209 or dferguson@clarington.net. Attachments: Attachment 1 — List of Submissions Received Interested Parties: List of Interested Parties are as follows: • Lewis Lee (MTO) Lewis. Lee(ab-ontario.ca • Salia Kalali (MTO) Sal ia.Kalali(a-)-ontario.ca • Chris Leitch Chris. Leitch (@_Durham.ca • Doug Robertson Doug. Robertson (a)_Durham.ca • Joshua de Boer Joshua. deBoer@durham.ca • Greg Pereira Greg. Pereira(a durham.ca Municipality of Clarington Report FSD-024-21 Page 5 Attachment 1 to Report FSD-024-21— List of Submissions Received Municipality of Clarington RFP2021-1 Lambs Road Interchange Study Bidder C I MA+