HomeMy WebLinkAbout1525rac BiY Amok, 12 'Waam BY mi N0,a 'THE C 0 Hl- 0 iiit T 1, 14 uF, n-­, rc,.­ 'OF B04 : NVILLS "A By -law to provide f or 1 io en'. in,k, reg A., B �uleti Gg Hand eove'min& ''tourist catnips and' -trailer ca mps,9 ,• The Yunioipal o f the Town o f )owmanville pursuant to 'f he' i, un.1 -1 c L'j -le v i s ed, , 4 ?4 pub= seoti.n _.1.2- - hereby erac -ts as follows-;,-- ---------- 1. No person shall estbblish or In to in a tourist ca.-Up in the "own of Bowmaxivill-e without first obtainine, a license therefore from the Clerk. of the a ipall ty., ,l.unl 2 No person shall establish or -= maintain a. trailer ca.-tip in the Town of BowmanvAlle, without first obtalninb_ a li cense thereforc frora the,,,,.. Glerk, of.. the lvr.u.n I c3 p a I I ty or his deputy , a, tv 7 shall not exte#4 beyond tlie' months of 1.1 a y to October, r_ in_o_l_us_ive_._1n any year and a trailer shall not remain -- -- in, a oam for a period exoeedine f ourteen days in any P one yet, "A r without written per - ission r-- m the ab I Q Clerk or his deputy, 4. rho lioehee "for a tourist or Lmiler camp m"ll designate the land upon wh1oh the camp -is to be operated and the use of othe r land in the L unli c i pal i ty for suoh purpose is proMbItede Thw11.o*nee fee ,fob a tour1et.­*S1%P­" ............. ............ shall be 15.00. 6. The lloonse fee for a trailer'oaap, Oboll be $10.00 .­­­­­V ......... . 'Waam "A In' ss �`