HomeMy WebLinkAboutFSD-023-21Clarington Staff Report If this information is required in an alternate accessible format, please contact the Accessibility Coordinator at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131. Report To: General Government Committee Date of Meeting: May 10, 2021 Report Number: FSD-023-21 Submitted By: Trevor Pinn, Director of Financial Services Reviewed By: Andrew C. Allison, CAO By-law Number: File Number: Resolution#: GG-360-21 Report Subject: 2021 COVID Support for Hall Boards Recommendations: 1. That Report FSD-023-21 be received; 2. That the Municipality offer an in -take for the Community COVID-19 Support Program utilizing the guidelines and forms approved in 2020 specifically for hall boards and arena boards; 3. That the funding for the hall board and arena board in -take be funded from the Tax Rate Stabilization Reserve Fund (utilizing the Safe Restart Funds) to a maximum of $60,000 with no limit per organization; 4. That the Director of Financial Services, Director of Community Services and the Chief Administrative Officer be delegated authority to determine and approve the allocation of funds under the in -take; and 5. That staff report back to Committee in September 2021 on the recipients of the funding. Municipality of Clarington Report FSD-023-21 Report Overview Page 2 The two stay-at-home orders since December 2020 and the anticipated continued public health measures are expected to significantly restrict the ability of hall boards and arena boards from meeting their revenue expectations. At the same time, there are fixed costs which are required to operate the facilities. Council has requested a grant program for hall boards to support these organizations, this report outlines the grant program recommendation. 1. Background 1.1 At its meeting of March 29, 2021, General Government Committee passed resolution GG-273-21 as follows: Whereas many hall boards have little to no bookings due to COVID-19 and are struggling to cover the costs of utilities and PPE; and Whereas even before COVID-19 many boards struggled to cover their utilities, maintenance and snow removal costs, significantly deterring volunteerism and contributing to low morale. Now therefore be it resolved that Staff report back on eligibility criteria for hall boards to apply for one-time funding from the Tax Rate Stabilization Reserve Fund (which would be supported by the Safe Restart funds we got from the Province) to each hall in addition to the $3,000.00 grant they have already received for an amount to be determined per hall board on the basis of need to cover utilities, PPE and other expenses for the 2021 year; and That Staff report back on long-term funding options for hall boards with respect to ongoing snow removal, utilities and maintenance where the hall boards may be struggling financially in order to ensure the long-term viability of the local boards. 1.2 Staff from Financial Services and Community Services met to discuss this request. Staff agreed that the resolution would require two separate reports. The more immediate need, the one-time grant for COVID-19 pressures, is the subject of this report. In addition, the long-term financial funding relationship will be the subject of a separate report as it requires more research, consideration and planning than the grant portion. 1.3 Staff also discussed including the two arena boards, although not explicitly identified in the resolution. It was felt that given the arena boards are similar (they provide services to the community from Municipally -owned facilities) and are also restricted in their ability to host their usual events, it would be appropriate to extend the grant program to both hall boards and arena boards. Municipality of Clarington Report FSD-023-21 Community Halls and Arena Boards Page 3 1.4 Aside from those facilities operated by the Municipality, there are 11 community halls and two arenas in Clarington, owned by the Municipality but operated by a volunteer board. These facilities are as follows: Name of Facility Bowmanville Memorial Park Clubhouse Board o No Bowmanville Older Adult Centre Brownsdale Community Centre No No Hampton Community Hall Haydon Community Hall Kendal Community Centre Newcastle Arena Newcastle Village Community Hall Newtonville Hall Orono Arena Orono Town Hall Solina Community Hall Tyrone Community Centre No No No Yes Yes No No No Yes Yes Municipality of Clarington Report FSD-023-21 Page 4 1.5 Any of the organizations mentioned above, which are Boards of Council are consolidated into the Municipality's financial statements as they are considered a local board and under the Municipality's control. Those which are not are not under the control of Council however, the Municipality owns the building/facility. 1.6 The long-term financial support, relationship and service level agreements between the Municipality and the hall boards will be the subject of a subsequent report. It requires significant analysis and the creation of an implementation plan. 1.7 Each of the hall boards and arena boards currently has different agreements and arrangements with the Municipality as far as service level agreements. As part of the long-term review, we will provide consistency in the service level agreements with each organization. These in -kind services could represent a contribution to the organization that replaces or supplements existing fiscal support depending on the individual situation. 2. Community COVID-19 Support Program 2020 Intake 2.1 As part of the April 14, 2020, Council meeting, the direction was provided to develop a grant program for not -for -profit organizations impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. This target -specific program provided financial support to our community agencies, not -for - profits and volunteer organizations affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. 2.2 Community Services staff developed a set of criteria and an application form (Attachment #1). This application -based program was funded $100,000 from the Tax Rate Stabilization Reserve Fund (later allocated to the Safe Restart Program). It was limited to $5,000 per organization to ensure funds had an impact across the Municipality. The program received 35 applications for a request of $155,510, with 31 organizations receiving funding. 2.3 As part of the 2020 intake, the following hall boards received funding: Brownsdale Community Centre, Hampton Community Association, Haydon Community Hall, Newcastle Arena Board, Newcastle Community Hall, Newtonville Community Hall Board, Solina Community Centre, and Tyrone Community Centre Municipality of Clarington Report FSD-023-21 Criteria Page 5 2.4 The criteria already established by Council in 2020 for the Community COVID-19 Support Program continue to be a valid criterion for short-term support during the 2021 fiscal year as we continue to adapt to the pandemic's day-to-day impacts. However, this program would not be recommended for long-term financial support for the hall boards as those requirements go beyond COVID-19 response and include repairs and maintenance/capital considerations. 2.5 Staff recommend that the $5,000 limit be removed for hall boards and arena boards as they are in substance extensions of the Municipality services. As well, the nature of these organizations is different than other not -for -profits as the service that they provide is primarily facility rental/ event planning which is not able to pivot delivery to online like other not -for -profits. 2021 Hall Board and Arena Board Intake 2.6 Hall boards and arena boards within the Municipality operate on a volunteer basis with minimal financial resources. The 2021 budget requests from the organizations were made in November 2020; since that time the Province has had two stay-at-home orders, which has all but eliminated these boards' ability to rent facilities and host events. This level of restriction was not likely foreseen during their budget deliberations for 2021. 2.7 While some level of decrease in revenues should have been anticipated, the Newcastle Community Hall requested additional funds in 2021, anticipating reduced rental ability; five months of lock -down was not likely expected. We have heard from hall boards and arena boards that additional financial assistance will likely be required for 2021. 2.8 Given the success of the Community COVID-19 Support Program, staff are recommending a specific intake in 2021 for hall boards and arena boards. Funding for this program would be from the Tax Rate Stabilization Reserve Fund, where the Safe Restart Funds received from the Province of Ontario have been deposited. Safe Restart Funds must be used for operating expenses and revenue pressures related to COVID- 19; this grant program would be an eligible use, in my opinion. 2.9 The Community Development Division of Community Services will facilitate the grant intake, including the communication with the hall boards and arena boards. An intake with a due date of June 30 will provide the boards ample time to determine their needs. It would be expected that funds could flow to the recipients by the end of July. Municipality of Clarington Report FSD-023-21 3. Concurrence Page 6 This report has been reviewed by the Director of Community Services, who concurs with the recommendation. 4. Conclusion It is respectfully recommended that Council approve the hall board and arena board - specific intake for the Community COVID-19 Support Program with funding in aggregate of $65,000 from the Tax Rate Stabilization Reserve Fund. Staff Contact: Trevor Pinn, Director of Financial Services/Treasurer, 905-623-3379 ext. 2602, tpinn(c�clarington.net Attachments: Attachment 1 — Community COVID-19 Support Program Criteria and Application Form Interested Parties: List of Interested Parties available from the Community Services Department. Purpose: This program will provide funding to non-profit organizations to provide community support programs, including those agencies supporting small businesses, to those in need as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. This target -specific program has been created to provide financial support to our community agencies, nonprofits and volunteer organizations that will / have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. To be eligible, applicants must be: Registered (Federal or Provincial) Not -for -Profit, local Board of the Municipality or local volunteer community group that delivers programs or services to the residents of Clarington or a group of two (2) or more Clarington residents who share a common purpose in providing a service to the community with no personal or professional gain (individuals or groups must partner with a registered not -for -profit or established volunteer group to be eligible). Agencies supporting small businesses are eligible to apply for Innovation Relief only. Organizations must be non-profit, non -political and non -religious in nature. Religious organizations will be eligible if the funding request is for a program or service that benefits the broader community and does not involve religious teachings and/or is not generating revenue for the organization. Demonstrate their programs, services or clients have been impacted due to COVID-19: o Enhancement / addition of programs or services to support the community for COVID-19 related needs o Closure of facility or programs which resulted in a loss of revenue o Closure of facility or programs which resulted in the requirement to provide services to clients using other means (i.e. technology, equipment, supplies) o Cancellation of fundraising events due to COVID-19 social gathering restrictions or facility closures which results in loss of revenue o Any other direct impact as a result of COVID-19 as demonstrated by the applicant Forms of relief (up to $5,000) Financial relief — due to loss of revenue from service or fundraising event cancellation (proof of cancellation and projected revenue loss is required). Innovation relief - allow non -profits to pivot and offer services in a different way (i.e. access to technology, equipment, supplies, agencies supporting small businesses with new programs or services) Service relief — for organizations that assist individuals and families address the social well-being of those most affected by COVID-19. Examples include: o at home help for seniors o crisis and helplines o food security issues o emotional and mental health counselling o any other identified community issues Applicant Information Name of Lead Organization(s): Click or tap here to enter text. Description of the Organization: Click or tap here to enter text. Complete Address: Click or tap here to enter text. Contact Name: Click or tap here to enter text. Email: Click or tap here to enter text. Type of Organization (please select one): ❑ Incorporated not -for -profit or charity ❑ First Nation Phone: Click or tap here to enter text. ❑ Religious or faith -based ❑ioB�I Other (please specify):Click or tap here to enter text. Is this a collaboration between multiple groups or organizations? ❑ Yes ❑ No If yes, please list the individuals / organizations involved: Click or tap here to enter text. Project and Budget Information 1. Total amount of funding requested: Click or tap hereto enter text. *up to $5,000.00 2. What geographic location(s) will be served through this funding? Please check all that apply ❑ Clarington wide ❑ Bowmanville ❑ Courtice ❑ Newcastle ❑ Orono ❑ Rural Clarington 3. Which vulnerable group(s) will this funding support? Please check all that apply ❑ Seniors ❑ Individuals experiencing mental health challenges ❑ Caregivers ❑ Individuals or families experiencing violence Individuals or families with low or limited ❑ income ❑ ❑ Families with young children ❑ ❑ Other (please specify) Click or tap here to enter text. Individuals or families with limited access to support (remote) Individuals with disabilities, or chronic or underlying medical conditions Municipality of Clarington COVID-19 Relief Program for Not -For -Profits 4. How many individuals do you expect to serve through this funding? Click or tap hereto enter text. 5. Please fill in the chart with required details below: ❑ New Program/Initiative ❑ Lost Revenue ❑ Other Click or tap here to enter text. Does your organization have in less than of 2 years of operating budget in unreserved cash? ❑ Yes ❑ No Loss of revenue: please identify the program or fundraiser that has been cancelled due to COVID-19 Fundraiser/Program: Click or tap here to enter text. Estimated Revenue: Click or tap here to enter text. Declaration I, Click or tap here to enter text. (name in full) of the Municipality of Clarington, in the Province of Ontario, am the Click or tap here to enter text. (position) of Click or tap here to enter text. (name of organization applying), and certify that the information contained in this application is true, accurate, and complete and that I am representative with designated signing authority/decision-making authority in the organization stated in this declaration. Contact Information Primary Contact Name: Click or tap here to enter text. Secondary Contact Name: Click or tap here to enter text. Primary Contact Phone: Click or tap here to enter text. Secondary Contact Phone: Click or tap here to enter text. Primary Contact Email: Click or tap here to enter text. Secondary Contact Email: Click or tap here to enter text. Municipality of Clarington COVID-19 Relief Program for Not -For -Profits