HomeMy WebLinkAbout1498q . - . # BY-LAW No 1-7' A, 13Y-Law of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville tp raise by tax xation oertain, suns of money for Town,, County,,, Debenture and School. purposes for the year 1950 VURLAS� the Municipal Council of the 4Corporatio.n of the Town of Bo' anvi lle Wm hereby enacts';- First; That the several sums of r.oaey hereinafter mentioned be levied equally upon the whole rateable property ,of the said Town of - Bowmanville, as appears by the kssessment Roll, for the year 19500, Second, That the sum of 4 81,396.96 be levied bei ng a rate of 26.8 mills, on I the dollar required as ordinary Town rate as sho,.k;n in estimates hereto' attached * T-hird;- . xhat the sum of 4 429824o52 be levied being a rate of 14.1 mills on the dollar required for Public School expenditures as appears by their re. uisition before Council. -- Fourth; • That the 'sum of .$ 19, 1+38.08 be levied bein'ga rate of 6.4 mill's- on the dollar required for High School expenditures. as shown by . ....... . 7711 fth 'Xhat the sum of %t 49-555o80 be levied being, a rate of 1*5 mills on the dollar required to meet certain sewerage and local Improvement debentures and interest maturing during the hear 19500 Sikth;- That the sum of $ 249905e04 be levied being a rate of 8.2 mills on the dollar requited to meet the County Rate, for 19500 Seventh;, That ,the several amounts shall be paid into tte off ' ice of the orax Collector in four equql instqllments on April 12th, June 1,4th September 6th and November 22nd, next* PUghth; Shbuld any of the installments be not paid om Or'bef ore . due date c penalties'will -be'added at the rate of % pe x month, or'fr ' a6t ion , thereof until December' 31st next when 4_% is added ,to all 1950 taxes remaining unpaid* To all unpaid taxes after 'Deoembe.d. 31st next, a statuary penalty of, k % per calendar month or frigetion hereof will be added u ntil taxes are paid* J ShOuld the second installment be pald with, tbLe, first lnstallment_ 000nd installment shall'be allowed off the second ... ............. ............ . --Should the third installment be paid With the first in stallmeht'. % -shall be, allowed off the third installment.* discount of li .... .... Should the-fourth installment be paid .with the first installment a, discount f 2j % 'shall be allowed off the :rburth Installment* Ninth That the i eve ral sums of money-be levied, collected and paid over to the credit of the Town of Bowmanville pursuant to toe Statutes' and By-Law of the Corporation of the ,Town of BowmanVille in that behalfe A xxE a: VIM= a G . r, - i -u a, -,y _,a ,. 3 hN Y1 . � , _:. F� _{ "2 ='. ,i .. �', u t l i �� i A� M }"� y „_, .. ,. ; e �., n�� x� tea .taT � ,� s � �. ,.� 4 '7` .zip � , rs _ s e �' '*- e y .,^�,�r -3. �:# ra1 �.�.�� a7+a -� n� j �. x ...#': ,. ., w �., 1 s,.; max, : r . �. �.., k r ':r" .i 3!• i, ,:i�� . , � � ti � 3. ti * x w�, zr� � a T a,. r;� _�` 31 `r �5.. 1,�. ,., 3 x l "q . _, '. - 1 . -- �', .. . . . y + , RSTIMAT 1 ,, . 4. ES 1950 • , _ , + .1. 11 Debenture Hate 4�, 604.64 at 1 e 5 mills realizing 4; 5 5 5.80 I I'll County Rate $ 25, 000.00 at 8o 2 mills realizing 1. 24,905.04. lublic School Rate . *, 42,851.30 at 14..1 mills realizing $ 429824.52 I t. Hi h School Rate ,� 19,x+25.85 at b.1+ mills realizing 19,438.$ 8 Genera, Rate $ 81, 380.00 at 26.8 mills realizing 81, 396.96 I Su 173.1zo.4.o . (Total amount of •Assess�nient Roll � ,� $ 3,037,200 11 I St 57 Mills realizi.ng._ � "����:���.�� 11 ' 4 1. .. . 4 .. "Ill • , , . , ' I _ ,, I ,. - , r,.'�'v "kA ,aaiJX M�F�+ t� Y''i" s r l r h. S;.( j f .. _v �...'F „i /: t•,"9. 9. ,;1. �' wx+ ten(yl'.. . 1 ^r. a 'm' ,e.r _. _ .,t. ,.. _/ }.. <•,.,. , n. k.l,,.ou, ;{i°, I -'%... .... +. ]..A klr. q/k ? i .d ,,- .}rl ,'wttP:• Y'r'v .`won,... .1. r, =9 - '.1;:'. .. .i: , { f.4. r,1 f L lf..' , .,, r '.t ... :'. .:... , ,,' .. r. 1. 1 . 1 .. , 1 , 6r I 1 ,a�.... „ ,:....•.. 1, nt1 ..,, :,., :.:1 :.:.>: e, nu..an «.,u:yES�r, ,.J 41 ..,.r -Y. '.v: c .1,r.r•1 . «4r,cd�,:6...tn./.w4 .:.,..b ".-:rr..........1'�,..:.L.( ,. /f1...n..L1.J1,,. .. .1, '.t:.,' rr...,,t, 1 ,- _. .., ..-. M'•.. 1: A, lI.,.,: 1.: Y1,. 1/{ M_ ./x%*_'38Y1L'T- <h`Tpgl`,x»4^+•` .. .�r1i <.i61:4?f. �, �,�`� �' -r .__... .. ...._...,:..1. ..._. ,•,.,....__. '. ,_ i.,.'.: }_ �' 3 s .. �, ::. :?�:. -.: ' .... >�_.., ...�. �,.,�_.. .,,r KP! = -a.. ,... -g xu" �S_ <, w,U u. xr h+aa ..� ...af._, .,. fiu mss. ....fin, '•'a.:?,i+ ai � <., .,.... r, ar. �._::.*n„ ,.c,. + :� x,.. "; ..., <. �? �i t5;� -,: ,;'3uf,w vr,k a.k:�` �, .. ......K �..&"�':� >.#:.�. ....: "I� M3W '�F7 -f .ki k&. }""...,,. .a �. r.?? ,k. ,.,s '�- 1, n. _ ..: .,,,�..��, ,sae, , . s � �.... &..:.„ 'i,.F, t_. },:: �.a.'�axr�ee � .rr. "�'.,.:Ss.., .J '�Y °; ;-t�;. ;-�,'k:.. _ = s% 4t" �"^„� ,�....az: .. _mr ,.- ,as�v " `- �, _ uu .. � ...� , , �,. ., .. _ �. .. .r .:� .�