HomeMy WebLinkAbout1495rF�k; n tained, the annual inr'talments of prino ipal and in�erest may differ n. mount suf f iai entl y to admit thereof. ANI) 'MAREAS the amount of the whole rateable property of the muniaipality, according to the last- revised aasosament - `ia rol l 'thereof is $ \ AND WHEREAS the amount of the exi ating d obenture debt of r the Corporation exclusive okl ..1 oa al improvement debts secured by special rates or assessments, is $2460481.979 and no part of the princ pal or interest of such debt is in arrear. y S; , 1 « r V 9h, TOLUKE g �,s PM i J13 T -LA f NV 14 TEN CORPORATION. OF T11Z M.N. OF BO M1 rn1 LL w. A By -law auth on zinb the borrowing, of W $1b0jQ00e00 upon debentures for the pur- pose of nicking a grant to 'The Howzienville, 1emorial hospital ' WEERE S 4- t is expedient,' to borrow for the purposes of =king, a grant to The bow.mnvilla Memorial Losj4tal a sure not exceeding One Hundred Thousand Dollars ( $100 000.00) upon the' credit �,t the nor oration to issue debentures therefor bearing Interest' at the rate of Three and one- quartor per center 4 3 it ...,:.J, .. . r annum in respect of the Debentures ma tuning in . the la st ten years q payable semi- annually and to provide for the discount 1 (and the expenses incidental to neg©tiation and sale of such debentures. ' AND ItMERSA 5 it is' expedient•, ,to make the"• prinoipal of t t, - -the se id, debt repayable in annual Anstalments during the period - of twenty y years n o of such amounts respectively that, with the interest in rasp eat, ' } or the debt the a re a► t e r� r,�o unt _ r. r . g _ �11t�1`D3t _ � ®E c_h _ yeaV .$hall _ ties .as . nesrl y -a s possible the s-a�rae �,..,..:, `- subject to the statutory, proviso t.-- at each instalment of grin- en - -- - o i 1 ms be fo r - en even )100,a009 $500.00 orl 040}.00 or multiple thereat end, tha t notwithstanding. anything herein con- £� m TOLUKE g �,s PM i . AND LI- IREAS by Girder dated the 2 6th ' uny of January, 1.9509 the Ontario Munioipel Board has approved the zurpose 'of the, so id borrovint; and the .messing of all re -,uisi to by- laws, inaludin� debenture by -laws. THMI ..F O t c: the y o,,, no i I b f the Corporation of th e - Tovn, of Bowma n v i l l e enacts as f o l l ow' s: 1. For the purpose aforesaid tie' Corporation shall #' borrow upon the oredit of the Corporation a sum not eXAeedIng o F v One Hundred Thousand Dollars (1%100,006,00) and shall issue de- bentures therefor in sines of not less then 450.00 each*' Each debenture shall bear interest u t the rate of Three and one- quartek f per . o entu.m per annum In resp eo t of the Debentures mb turing r .. .,r.,. r _ ... ...,....... .. . .,......... m. .....1,.,, ..<r.r� � -.J. .+.m., .. ..e �R "..�. 4•Tr. .r7'•u � °i S''V r .,.....: .. ...... ...... •', K � li" Yi:., I ., .5'l a. ,.N �F z �'(FJ' /r^mr*''..... �n .. ..._ .._a entum (3 4) ...per , annum in respect at the Debentures maturing in the last ten s r s peye b le s ®mi - annually and sh�l1 have coupons l attuohed thereto for the oeyment of suoh interest. 20' All the d ebentures shell begs the Same date, shall be issued 'at one • time and within two ears after the day yon u h is h tri i s. By -law is pa ss'ed, me y bear any dete within such two years and ;3 y k- stall be mde y i the in annual instalments during the period of twenty it f years next after the date of issue thereof and the res peotive amounts t of principal 'und interest payable in eaoh, of such years s hbl.l ' be the limounts a' 0 d eSl6aated in 34h 6dul "to "A " heretic annexe The debentures shall be pbyd ble : as to troth prince. 1 „r a nd interest in lawful money of Canada and may be made payable at _ - -r suQ . h place or ale► oes in Canada as shall be, desigria tad , 4.- The said debentures shall be sealed with the seal of Ahe, Corporation and signed by the head of the Gounoll, , or by some :L other person. authorized, by by -law to -siep the same, and by the Trea saw urere The said interest oou ons shall be si ed b the Treasurer and P � Y his signature thereon may be written, stamped, lithographed or engraved. 5re $f 5. Commencing in the year 1951 and th ereaf ter in eaoh year In which an Instalment of principal of the said debt and interest beoone due, the Corporation shall levy and raise the s ec3 i f to sum ` shown for the respeo ti ve year irj the fourth o olumn of the said schedule. 3uah sum shall ,be levied and raised by a special rate ' i suf f iei ent therefor, over and above all o the r , rates, , rr • r i < r 1 err.. rrr.. Ir„ rr ,.. f l rlre, YAouidVa ?y.t''atiW';r9:'Jfit : r VMS= g•,.= .: rJ. =S: }�� sf,.� . �" ,r,r r �.. r ."'1. .�'.?�}Zd.. %.:T.'�':�'�;4__ .`.�m.'�t �' `?a.�.� -.. ..w ... _. .:'�.•Y._..,.t,.f `1i'.t`.a_�,w._s`�G -ea? '!' .. ... ... i_ - Y {i. � '_ .y .. :�, � .]2