HomeMy WebLinkAbout1489A -11 ?a �04 0 �64 9 C07,-�(11_,L_ TIUW OF TH 676 aq BY -Lj', 4 VO ions for ?'hployce5 Being a, Hywl6w to PMO of-the Hunicirialityo -AS Fnragraph 41a of Se I Acto ction 404 of The HwIcipa provides that bywlaws may be rassed by all municipalitics f or providing pens 0 0. V. lons f r enpl * ees of any class thereof Z,. POD ion J 'OR". the. Council of the Corl"orat, or N IL a 0 4-0 '0,09 0 0% 9 9 0 0 oUb'ZT5 A!3 FCLLD.-�Si 1,0 The municipality shall enter into an employeest Ret:krerwnt' Imnui I ty Contrect with the Goverment I�ursuant to the GovernmentAnnulties Act %V and foming Vart­_. t I I ­ ----- -- hp, m_� set out,, in. the rv� Attc . ........... . ..... ................ . . ............. ....... . ........... ..... .............. .... ztl this bym1p.w and,. . the I "ayor and the Clerk are Inereby. authorized ard e F,17 diredted to execute all docum nts, and do all things necess in P. ted to 'connection, therwitho Ei nd thd Cle'rk is hercby authorized and dir'c o all such document'$* affix Lbe seal of the nunicipality t All 29 The Council annually shall r.rovide in the current estinuatesthe d b annual sum renuired to pay for thio annuities to'be purchase 5r t he munibipality wider, the r-lan for t hose employess viho fron time. to time become members of the Plan) -illy shall -pay the st,.Id sum in, and annuc quarterly instalmefts to 't he Crovcrnment or the Irrsurere of t he, 30 The Municipal Treasurer shall keep the paywmts by members Shall POLY same to the Goverment or,the Tlan in a separate account and .. ...... .. Xqpurere Bove,ryl etp1loyne-who rize the mumicipalitY 00plicetion for membership in tINe Plan and au, io vid or t he Flane in writing to deduct from his salary or wagis his payments -very employee o aprlies for membership in the Plan shall be _Ag given a copy of this by-mlaw at the tlne of applicationo. 6o Every person Who'beconies an employee after the effective 4Ae of the a employment to join the Flan Mn shall be required an a condition of hi provided theresine ave joined it. Every employee who joins the Plan shall be deemed t a h v"n'the teme and cmditione contained in this By"lavl$ ty of the Treanurarl 10# It ahall be the d d (a) To keep a list of a 11 member employcowe under the I'lan in Which Shan b e* iset out the name end age of eachp the tine whan he entered the service of the municipalitylo a cumulative record of his service ddi Vol the anouft of hits OdUT of wagos from time to tinep the name# a 9i F � s age and relationship of each beneficiary nominated by hint wader the p"eto, his Norm al Retirement Ages and his earlier r etire.ne Mt ale T , according to the F lane (b) To keep a correct list of all member eraployecs and former, member employees who have retired or who have terminat ed their employment or whose employment has been terminated and the amount of the enmity �s to which opch b ecame or will become ,nen titled to under the Flan. t o keep such other statiaticnPl and other records relative to (c) T p ' tht Flan as may be re uirod. 1 (d) To rep to the oil on or before the f irat day of . Frbru� ot in each year* (1) e i have retired from the The names of gll raeanb�er enplo� ec. s r ;.:.... . 0 0_00. _... ,,,..� ..,,u:,un,.,a„rr ,. • .. ^?Ii1eY.f�,, i,i..i .J.(.'. qM'! .'i.t'.?�.{,i?.-.h . "r..'. Y . :h .°:' n ..,.,.._'�,.nl..�.L.)..!."..r,,..` d. .�.........Y..'_o..h. mi ,x..n :. ,.. . w,...... . . m _..`�_' ...+,.....b..,- ... . - .�.� .' ' . ...•..�Yi .. � _,1 -.-died during tbe last _ .. _..... ... I . _..... ...... .... .. ' , 0000 0000. ,,.•...... v,a,r. „. .�,. , .. ..,_. .,r ..,. •., 0000 ... -._ � .. _ �. ' t i:r , .';:. ':'.iy'� :•� .. r.' � � �� � �• '�'.,�.�4,'iirtiP�` .. y„ ,}Y"'!fi,'��1 v,�uP,:,rJ, +c ,,+.� •xh;p.^ ... ;: • , ,_ , .,.,, • „' -' _00,00 d1 5..: +?> ,, . ,�. r. a. , °i __ __- ..• _.._._._____.._....._.,.._. �._,.. �_.._. ..._...�.�_._....___.______.._. _ . 0____00.0 __._ _._.__. _... _.. _ . __0000_..- ... __ _. ____ ___..___. - _00_0__0_._-- -- --_ -•- __.__.. - (2) The salary or wages or each member �-oyee at the time got' 'his retirement or death► (3) 'mss cause of retirement. r , (,e) Generally to do all things neeossary ,'in connecLfon with the administration of the plan. Tll 9• Arty member employee who clairiis to be entitled to be retired b e f ore , :{ his normal or ep.rlier retirement age on account of d4sability shall make his claim to the treasurer 46 shall consider t he claim and report thereon to council* } 10, The, minitipality stall provide •tieh clerical 86016tancls0 stationery W �tta�,e printing, office and s f ilinp, equipment se may be necessary to a�naPble the Clerk and Treasurer to etirry out their duties under t bie BywUW6 1 319 this Bywlaw shall not be Amended so a a to adversely affect, the benefits f or rights of the amber emp14►eeas or any of them# or be repealed* unless such aMandmat Cr repeal shall first have been approved bs a two•wthirds vote a of all member employeeef nor shall the said Bylaw be repealed br amended• ;r 1he qppr4wht of the Department of MWdeipal Affair&*, a f1rat and 3eoond tfaso 1 his .0 04 or ..• a� � 4 RM a third time and 'finq�.] jsawscd this fvr�ee , • day w k APPR C)V�D ••000..0•••0.•. • • ••• •of . ••..•.••• 000 DEPT. MU ICI AFFAIRS ' • , � ryN_:.�• MYOR a - ... 0000..-- *--- ••-- •- - - - - -- 0000__, 1 } , I } A44 =fs "tR S Nr s� , i, , �'' 1l �f.•.d f� r i 1 1 1 t ia. :...R .. l' .. • .I. - . . . ,_Ii ._ .._. 4 ...�..+..ri.fiwr.Mirswu. ... ...._ ..... .. � .y. �..rw.w..4,ra.y..w,., sn.Fp„ n • ry M../,. Y ,+tkd J, >: ;_ :. ,- :.. ;t ,,,.;: s , ,..,n,_�.. k .._ :° .i "' .. �?' Sx r.,, ..... a .. v. �,. .., .. .:�� .5 +, � =.i ix .. �.� fit. ^' V^- i S, .":� i. " t =::an ... ,. . .. ,. , � i W > w f$gg '£ �{ . : w ate. $'�5' '. 4a , 1 �= x. #r, W. }y v same period. If the contributions made by and on behalf of a member -bee Mme "sufficient, before his retirement date, to purchase the maximum annuity available to him from the Government $1,200. per year, no furtherk�" " contributions will be payable to the Government by the member or by the Employer on his behalf r , r r, (d) For purposes, of this Plan, the Employert s determination of a" member's earnings and length of service shall be conclusive. The portion of a member.'s earnings which exceed $61000.00 per year, shall not be taken into consideration for purposes of eal ei ating ecin� tributions or benefits under the Plan. AMOUNT OF - RETIRENNT_ ANNUIT'11 (a) Future Servile (being service rendered by a member after the r _+e '.f sot a re:.det e o f t he Plank . � Each m - .tuber of the Flan will .receive _ - r _ r at Normal -- _ Retirement Date, subject to the terms of this _ Flan., _the: _ amour*...__.... of annpity purchased by the contributions made by the member himself and v by the Employer on his - behalf for Future Service. (See attached copy .ef Annualk Premii1m. Rates) • b Past Service being service rendered by a member Firior to the effective` date of t he Plan).` - 1 Each eligible employee who becomes s "member t he Plant recei e, commencing at Normal Retirement date, subject the terms f >r each - -- of t his lan, a Past Service annuity equal , t o $15., com le ted ar of service up to the effrective d e of the Plan y. p - date - -which is -4 years .excluding ears of service -prior t -:� M C before a male mom r 1 s Normal Retirement Age and years before a - female member I s No Retirement a The cost of such Past S Service annuities will a borne irely by the Employer. r (ii) In calculating then b r of years of Past Service of employees who have been or who are sent on military s ervice .9 and who subsequently become me ers of t he an in accordance with Pare- graph 4 hereof, c t shall aloo be gi n for the period in miliary service up to t effective dat*cf the Plan. , (iii.) Employ s who areeligible for Past Servic• ontributions on r" the effec ve date of the Plan and who do not partic to in the Plan hin the period as specified in paragraph ,1 of the egul.atiOns vend the Plan, may participate later without payment by the Toyer of Past Service Contributions. (o) Us at his Normal Retirement Dates the contributions it the credit of s member, his own and those made by the Haplo',rer rn his V •. s r �r r �1! rl x } • r • + , ' 0"6. ' behalf are r not sufficient to purchase for hire an annuity of 110.00 per year, such � r contributions will be paid to the member in a lump sun. (d) The TmkdX&im annuity that maybe received by a member under this Plan from the Government or an Insurer is $1, 200.00 per year. The rra r "Lm "m Wnuit y available from the Governw.int on the life of a member is also $1 200.00 'per year in which will be included the amount of annuity to which a manber may be or may become entitled under an individual Gcvern�E�nt annuity Contract on his life at the time of becorii.ng a member of the Plan end if he is thereby precluded from receiving the maximum annuity under the Plan frr= the Gcvc:rnment, contributions under the Plan will be remitted to the Goverrment, until the rwximum annuity available to the member from • the Government has beeYi purchased, and there ^fter contributions will be remitted to such Insurance ecapany . . ,. .r . . '.. t}: .... ... f ^.`.M "„t _ w -. ♦K ..ra. 4'.4 .4 A4 1+. I. I> r- r T'.�1, ., l. 1_-. 1 >r.4r i A :t1 .... i , r%r.. ti+'... ♦:irh�.,. �+V.i annuit under the Plan has been purchased, or until.the member attains Normal Retire -». y , ment Age., whichever occurs first. 619 PLI4E1T OF RETIRF.I.T.YT ANNCIITY The Retirement 1,nnuity will commence on ,the retires�tent date' of the member, t y And wiles. be payable in monthly inst ilments as long` as, he , lives provided that six monthly instalment s will be, paid as an annuity in any event p 7. OPTI01, � L TYFBS OF ANNUITY , in ace of the Normal Type of Imnuity, as described "in paragraph 21, pl. a member ma y, at . a ny time more than five years before his retirement annuity commenc% sti w thig six months from his date ref mgi st rat ion wit" the .,, Gb ' ernment.. or Insurer, G� e ' oos� an one of the f o1�Aw�.n t_ . es pr 'Ovi ded the r....r. ,, ._.y....: ' t., c�s., 0 increased. (a) Joint and Survivorship Annuity _• pr w icy ig . a sm 3-j -r annu:�.t Y but. able.. � P the lifetime of the meMbt r , ,:.3 an �' r e" 1 e 1 "; gene ?ally his wife' and continuing until the death of tre :� �•�.;�'%� CLr:.l�: Annuity gable for, life, but ;.20 :i.�:r-�,t ' LICU , . fr1�� an +weed in any event. (b).* y Pa Annuit yable for life, and c easing with t r,z last inEtalment due (c) y Pa , before the date of death. Infermetion will be supplied on request by the Government or the Inaurer� apprexim+at ( PP amount of annuity hat would be received under a Y " any ,one of these options) Q. TERMINATION OF E KPLOYMENT � If for any reason other than his death er early retirement (See (a ) Y paragraph 10) ,9, a member should cea.3e to be �;. A r yed by the F�nployer pries , to his Normal Retirement Date, the t.ota? cf the contributions Which he w 'has made tutider the Plan will remain at his �k id wl-, J 5 h`K f Retirement Date the aracA.nt of anrntzty purchased by Future Service Vvi -,- , tributions made 1;i,y the Employer -5n his behalf . member whc� a enplo�nnent has been ' t erminat ed a nd w ho is y ed b the Dnploye r wig., f c%r purp z s e s of this Plan.9 to subsequently re employ y considered a new employee. ' E PLT RET IRS m _ _ &F','� 1t^ .°i^«'Tr.^ F r"•t'�'. „'x'.:i,^;C,. -,J" ^� "''�:tl:: ...: -. ,;:..,. „ l,r >/. .a..,_ _-,•. ........, s?!Y � .. . ,,. :.. , . ... ., ., .x _ {q � ... , ,,.N. S?![�fi .°"G"'�"., ate"'" i 4i.> >�: Mm =:n ,+•. .�H "b 'Y�Y '�:'�+�r „c. +hi, r SG�itrfe' +t„ ni . uC' '•r!'F:S s•eo�. i� : fir. i�; 14.��^.rFv�' a, e ""7n+`�t- r. , a S N,x�.., .. t., '�r t�,� k .. .. r.r...l..,,,....a.,.,..,,,,.,,. . �. .._..._,,,....,.,.:.._.- ..,.,.. -_. , ...... ,}I tr .._..Jr.,,- _u,.._.......1..._.. L.r.t.:. ..,� ..3,..�.,.:...,...,. »..,., r., i. �:. w:. �«:,..,,., �,::.., i.::.. if,.., r.,,...,:: �:.,. w....,. .M..:...,.,u:::.t.:�1 " ».....,.. AL mem�r any � pear tt , a tom.. r�et t:re �rr �h�. - :rst day month frr reasons cNf sickness c>r disaAlity as determined ty. the 'Emplever. The am of annuity thereupon payable t� the Member will be m a reduced scale. y 119 DEATH BENEFITS (a) Before Retirement (i) If a member dies before the first 'instalment of his Retirement ' e whether or not he is in the employ of the EMpd.Ver at Annuity is du ,, at an amc a al t o the c ant ribut iaas he has made V the date ;- f de h� ;. under the Plan will b e paid, to his d esignated Beneficiary in a lump .� to ether with .interest thereon up t the. date of deaths at , per een +� per annum ct�;2npounded. yearly. ., ter.. ..: t3 ` .;i.. /. rrl,t )ll. ..v'r.) r.. - '- 1>': )i r.:•,rr .) ". .)... .. .. ,..• .. ,. _.. .. ,. ... .._ . � � .�.... ii) In addition, if at date of death the nvi rit a bee `neat Y r v:a.ra - -- his employment, tut has less than 20 ears and has mire tha_ am�t��t equal to t•he �', t.�.;cz''e Sel"J . ^e x t ivv iio ref such employment, th., qu t l Pt, Wit t_ - I3:: e r e rat. t h ere on a s " ' paid can his behalf by the Dn C cyer, ^8 • h.,r 4 in paragraph 1.1 CaN (i) , will be paid tc his d esignated' described p g F Beneficiary in a lump sun. t n if at date of deaths the member has terminated (iii) Or, in adds io , , eta after the cc�na letic+n of at, least 20 Years of employment his employm n ft P an amount equal to the Future service C °n' ribut:ions made by the Employer a alf , together ether wit b interest C bar on a s described in paragraph on his b h g -- _ g i will be paid to his designated Beneficiary in a lump sum. r in addition if at the date of death the member has rot terminated his employment and has cmmpleted at least 20 years off' each emplc:y�e , C"11 emourYt equal to the Past Service and Future Service Con- Iribu tions made by the E41oyer on his behalf v together with interest thereon as described in psr�� wall b® paid to his 5. r. 0.11"t t • : +�: x +p . �iSCEN�"*�3,� 't4sr�•, k."�;;,�it =r',� +.r,r.� i 11 1 rtt for p r urpas�;u U� of cmpl� e __ ....._. ,a) If t he member receives PaY s, c rk ont ribut ions AU ont roue and hew i]1 .. ;. . .. .. .. .,.. ... •.. _.. '.. r.N. .. , :. :. ... .. :: -.... r....:.: f.... ,P:7 }.. .Y.y - +, ♦ .f .ti ,. t7,`i' -sl'AK, • cease ..... �) If the member does not receive paY, contr'?�b�itions wi1]- a but any ased will. not �•e affected. I Upon, return t,o.: a ctive benefits previous ly porch z service cont �ibut ions will be resumed. TfjTION OF ASS GAT .30 1.Iu (a) The Retirement Annuity end other bene fit a under the Plan, are not k whether by velunt arY action or by operation cif law* assignable, . : Y a av them ithdr nst hi s contributions nor n �t bo rr agai(b) A member may ..: 8; time. ... - . : 140 ,BHT HT OR FXI 'S 4: _ , nigh. an y mm e icipation in thi s plan :. ..Part .: ... .:.:, .:.. . _ to b enefit of e � yer., ::.o any ht o r3. be : retained ,hi t he rvi+ce . of ..:t ...:.. p1 .. 8 .... .... s ec�. f 1Qbl:�,.y - a6tmPi �•er t he terms of unless the right to , vuoh benefit a has P - i this Plan. - �NIINZSTR,ATION OF THE PLAN 3.5o . in the • reserves the right to decide all matters arising The employer r e nistratien and interpretaticn, of the Plan. xt. wi)1. b e the obligation ofh admi t or the Insuror� the contributions eolleet� t n the Gov en , � �s Employe to pay over ertun '.J ontributiona re.red to be made by the from the memberF together with the c q .. at ion of the Goverr�nent or the g to er under the Plan and it will be the oblig l p Y • accordance with cuntributione received. Insurer, t o pay benefits 3.n ac ' 160, CIANGE OR 1'�,'1:' ►+'1 ^ATI N , The Wployer: hopes -and axpeete to continue the 1plan Indefinitely, : Yr time sub ect to the approval reserves the right to change or modii`y it at Y ' ., Chan a or modification 3.n the Department of Municipal. Affc_irs� Toronto. tiny C the MAn shall not afle Zl ct the tc;rrae of payment of, or the amount of , Rehr ri.or to the d '. to of 4ucr. change or modifi�sa'aion. Annuity P.. L i I . ks V1DENCt OF MTMBF�R�SH r _ F•a(,%h member of the Plan will receive from the Government,, or Insurer, evidences that he has, been included as a member of the Plan 5. 'fFRMINAT ON OF S7 ICE A member shall be deemed to' have finally termin' ated his se ice ' when in the o inicn� of the Em p3oye � he' has terminated 'his employment wi thout thout reason !:�o beli cve that he will be further employed. 6e S'JSPEIvSION of SERVICE A member shall be de3med to have 'susperv-ded ,his service' when he'is ._i. ... .'>. ... .... - . -. _'>3.: W.Y'N"4 :.:: - .. .. ::, .. ., --:_ - vr<....� --r ,.i:..n h.. ,...,. .. ,,�. , - .,.......'.,,..• .r «:..r•w,�..r.. r•. ...'..::.. .... > -„_.� . .,..:Z. .. :�.:r•." A[eLri�:.�_ 1 i. . . _ .... ... ...... v ,. .. M. .. .. :,- M,r..„yr.. r: M Mfr.;: � l; .r„^ •'.r^W ". n'. • ,... r.. ,... ' -,: ._.4 � _1 .........., .... :. •. : ""� r .,. �", �.: _.- .. _.. _.f�..,. , ,.. ,.Y ., J. .. +l'f. Aro1lY'+x. »lwrx amcV,v�sai f. . N•' �N W,9C[.. AMi, P �al L ••HI.',F'�„ "F.Yrlp'WI;Ik1@7,e ., A _ '?P.t. ........... .. .........rc.r.,rC,rh'7.*.:. .. >.,. .,.. r� :. ,.,,... :. :..'...t....r..g.., - ,.:.,ar _` _ r•g .. ,,.• ''' ' :. r� I � i ..,�.. �.!�. t� Z,I" tr+%i:'�e ilt.� � d � iK,, ' '•i � �=} } ; - r or aezidemt i except as otherwise provid.rNd � �l:.�r or in '.e • x....an. 70 S] VICE TO Ct.�iJNT' TOwAP.L� �,tn Ov � � ? '� �� �� t) F :�,'T 'T is -?ITT r�iilil__TY " Ih computing a member t s nrz�;**3~_od. of s f -min r d he', Erit_i_oyer t s - .share of Retirement r ' Annuity, the ,following regulations shall prevail; , Lr Serrvi ve to to included. ' (a) AU time worked with any or , all , Departments of the Employer or ail ' time worked and paid '4 contributed to in whole or in. p art, by they d Dmployere x t ) All time lost r on account, of :. sence for reasons of ;illness,, where a,, , _ r for s - .i s m mt er is paid or such a b n eoe 9 s (� �"�- +s, :. 'tin ,1bst.__on a.c�.�a,:�.. _ T: �Lhse e 'fc r' reasons o ':.,il rae a' where : mem er not a.. for ^• � � but being _ s�a..r abs.,nt,e is �,on . p sidErei as ,on sick leave • h (d) A]l time ' lost on account of seasonal lay —offs where a member is not paid for such absence, but 'who qualifies as a permanent ' em. ployee.r INx , i . �!• - DISABILI'T'Y r I'DIsability" as set out in the Plan shall be interpreted to mee'n that a member has_ furnished medical testimony satisfW --ory to tie Er1Fl:)yerj, that he is 1 unable to continue further at his employment. , r r 2 x comma a �wdy�.0 :x:il T , l .Y ......... a, .. +:.'+:,, r ,..wa , , Y ,...,.,..1 „:a .1,.;.1.: ,..1 rc,,, rt, .r, ,a .. r .r � + ...1�4 4 r r r t r r r , 3@ Ap , �a d hI YM-xj •Wt°ai.�; f ��'!� - g !;YS)i uvl. - of