HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-02-08 AgendaCLARINGTON MUSEUMS BOARD MEETING AGENDA FEBRUARY 8, 2012 - 7:OOPM at Sarah Jane Williams Heritage Centre 62 Temperance Street, Bowmanville 1. Call to order 2. Adoption of Agenda 3. Announcements 4. Approval of January 11, 2012 Board Meeting Minutes Section 1 5. Executive Director's Report 6. Correspondence Section 2 7. Committee Reports: a) Finance Section 4 1) THAT the Finance Committee present to the Board of Directors a recommended financial reporting procedure; 2) AND THAT the Policy Manual is updated to support current financial management practises. 3) THAT Finance Report No.2012-F-01 be approved as presented. b) Ad Hoc Committee c) Collections and Event Planning Committee i. THAT the boardpolicy manual under Acquisitions in Section 8 of the By-law be corrected to state, such that it remains consistent with Committees in Section 4, that staff has a limit of $200 to purchase collection items rather than the$500 presently stated in Section 8. ii. THAT the two sub -collections of the amalgamated museums be put under Clarington Museums and Archivesas a Page: 1 singular collection; and, to be dealt with in one de -accessioning report. iii. THAT the Collections Committee meet once a year, with additional meetings being called by the chair if needed. iv. THAT Event Planning be removed from the Collections Committee mandate, and that all areas pertaining to Marketing and Promotion be put into the Marketing Policy with fundraising becoming a goal of the Board as a whole. v. THAT all items as identified by museum staff in their report be de -accessioned. vi. THAT Collections Report 2012-CE-01 be accepted. d) Property Report 1) THAT Property Committee Report No.2011- P-04 be approved as presented. 8. Business l- Arising._ 1 c.ec�l Li;CtL t�ca.�l� 9. New Business �• ��, C6'nvn` tecy 4 ( ` 2. 10. Date and place of next Board Meeting 11. Adjournment Page: 2