HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-04-08Newcastle BIA MINUTES April 8, 2021 www. vi l lao,eof n ewcastle. ca Attendance: Janeen Calder, Marni Lewis, Jane Black, Councillor Marg Zwart, Theresa Vanhaverbeke, Tracey Yates, Adam Jeronimo -CBOT, David Duhaney Regrets: Donna Wood, Greg Lewis, Helen Vatandoust, Councillor Granville Anderson 1. Meeting called to order at 9:02 a.m. 2. Approval of March Minutes Motion by: Jane Black Seconded by: Janeen Calder Carried 3. Business Arising from Minutes: n/a 4. President's Report n/a 5. Treasurer's Report: The bank balance is $91,838.91. That includes our 2021, $40,000 Tax Levy and $25,000 for the new Christmas street lights. 6. Council Report: Council will be deciding on the Social Media contract at the Monday, April 12th Council meeting. Send Marg any contacts we have for the social media position. We are going to add the Street Scape to the Agenda to keep it at the top of mind. 7. Committee Reports: Safety Ft Decor: New banners have been ordered from James Printing. Our community volunteer Pat and team have planted flowers in the boxes at Beaver St. Advertisino-: Donna's last day with the BIA is May 31 st. Thanks to everyone, thanks to the BIA. Website stats Village of Newcastle - 1017 views last month Business Directory - 21 views Contact Page - 20 views Wongs Palace - 12 views Community Hall - 11 views BIA - 10 views Special Events: a) Town Hall Lighting - It was mentioned that we request if the MOC could cover the costs of lighting the Town Hall. Marg suggested that something in writing be sent with our request. b) Breakfast with Santa- Potentially November 27th c) Santa Parade - Jane is speaking with the Police and right now there are no plans for any outdoor events in Durham and no road closures are yet allowed for the foreseeable future. In order to have an outdoor event with Town permits, the DRPS have to give permission first. d) Harvest Festival - n/a e) Easter Scavenger Hunt -The scavenger hunt was a bust. 12 businesses took part, it was more for adults that children. They ended up with 3 entries and very few correct answers. The colouring contest was a hit, not many entries but enough in each category to make it a contest. Digital Main Street has been extended until June 4th. Our digital service squad member, Tyler will be reaching out and is in the area to help with websites, social media presence, E-commence and do an online audit to what your business can use. Please feel free to contact us if you are interested. The Mayor's Breakfast is April 23 via Zoom. 9. Chamber News: n/a 10. CIP: n/a 11. New Business: n/a 12. Next meeting, Thursday, May 13th, 9:OOam via ZOOM 13. Motion to adjourn meeting by Jane Black seconded by Theresa Vanhaverbeke