HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/25/1968M Page 2 November 4, 1968 S 1�Ir. Russell Osborne, the Junior_Pl_nbe-, ..4s not =resent for ever.; sitting of th= Committee -nd the a, _-li.cant had e irlier aur, -hat-the m«''ter be heard and di.sr.,osed of by the Chairman and Senior Member, Mr. Osborne, refrain --d from o-:rtici gating in the final decision. Apnlicati:_ns 141-68 and 142-68 refused on motion by K. Schoe*nmaker, s-conded by E. Richard Lovekin. Carried. CLASSIFICATION "E" Ch=firman MEIST ='?G of the C01,D ITTL:E i;J. ; M .ij _ _IT for the TMIHSN3 CF CLARKE Monday, November 25, 1968 at 8:00 p.m. Council C=umber Orono. Present: E.R. Lov�'•;.in, Chairman, K. Scho(.nm:_ker, Member, E.FaR. Osborne, I?_tuber, Mrs. Ellen M. Y -o, Seemtar.- -Trey �urr_r, ;i.,.. Low, Zeninq ..dmi_ )istr-,tor for Township of Clarke, Cbserver, > Gh erv_1._ , the following prsons atte•ndcd: W.G. Broo?:z -_. , Barrister <: Soli.ci Lor, of Honey, 3rooks Ha risen, Barris tsrs., 71 .lt:?ii St. Port Ontario, 3 i'i cb'" „ of The Committee of '.djustrnent for the Township of Port Ho -e, Ontario, Messrs. Lloyd Atcheson and JacicI•'1cDon.z].d, represen--ing Jack Ricard, Realtor, 99`I:ing St. E. Eo•am-_.nvilic, Ontcrio. The minutes of meeting October 28, 1.168 andDecision of November 4, 1968 were a;_rovcd a:; rc_:_d on motion by E.F.R. Osborne and seconded by K. Scl.o•_nmaker. Carried. The Sr_cr<,-tare-TEe,_suror y;reoented ti:o following m,_tcr_ia1 to the :reeting: (1) Correspondence from H.E. Millson, Clerk -Treasurer, of the Tocvnshin of Cl -r7 -e, dated Ncv_mbcr 5, 19687 with certified co,.y of B_y-La:. No. 16077 a By -Law to ::,mend Zoni.n By -Law No. 1592 wiLh Schedules "SJ' and "B" attached. The Committee duly noted the contents and returned same to the Sccrct_,r_ for filing. Aoplicsti-,n File No. 141-68 Hop, Sunnydene Estcites Ltd.,Owner, (In Trust) P.C. Box 1412 Toronto-Dominio.i Centre, Toronto 1, Ontario, for part of Lots 9 &,10, Townsh'_, of Clarke, Submissi_.n No. "B" 1^1-61'7'-130 "B" 142-68-131 . . : .busiiiess ari sin;, from minutes of past raeetings, these a1.I lic-..tions Irerc presented for fu.-ther ccnsidoraL-_on. The 3ecretarr-Treasurer r- resented to the meeting th-a following m_tei.. ial : (1) 11 regist,red letter dated iQovemb.=r 11, 1968 signed "Peter Ccs-:ari, Pre=sident" Sunnydene Estates Page 2 I•ieeting of Committee of Adjustment November 25, 1968: staling th._2 a no', ice of aDpoal to the Ainistor of %nici _al Affairs had also boon mailed on %v_mber 11, 1568. (2) Corresponaence from The Ontario Municipal Board, 145 :ween Street 0. Toronto -1, Ontario, dated November 19, 19CE requesting certified copies of Committee Of adjustment pipers for files 14.1-68 and 142-68 in order to process the appeal. The Secretary rn=ted thLt all the material pertaining to these riles was mailed to The Ontario I•IuniciCal Board on November 22, 1:68. The Committee instructed the Secrat-.ry to file these _ npl ications pending official notific ,tion from The Ontario Munici_sl Board of their decision and the matter finalized. CLASSIFICATION " " -pylic__ti �n File Ho. 148-68 Colin C. .arminrcr Owners Patricia aarminger 822 Glen Ste, Oshawa, Ontario, Kurt Kern, Agent, 73 Centre St., Oshawa, Catario, for Part of Lot 31, Con Vll, Township of Clancc, Submissicn No';A^148-68-2 -.s business arising from minutes of'the past meeting, thi . application was presented for further consideration. No person appnar-od in suypor_t of, or in opposition to this applicatioII. As a matter of record the Committee viniLEd this progerty ton November 6, 1968 and noted the following facts: (1) The lot to be approved lies` botwecntwo other properties, one Marcel DeBlock on the South and one :heder to the North. The abutting houses are both modern dwellings of a highly acceptable nature; (2) 'Th'e ';dro_e-ty faces on a hard topped road and while there is a 1li7ht curve in the road in front of the property, vision is excellent; (3) This arca of the Leskard Road is at the South end of the Namlet of Leskard and is eestabl-ishod as an arca of modern dwellings extending Southerly from; the main section of Leskard; (4) The subject _>ro;e_ty is well treed and the topography is satisfactory; (5) Th= .subject ln.nd is a scparnte lot and,this ap li_caticn, therefore, is not for a severance in a primary sense but for an ap_;r.oval of an existing lot. :Although the size does not comply wit' the Zoning By -Law 015921 it seems sufficient for residential purposes; (6) The character of the aria has been established, < there are modern dwellin,s on boti, sides of the subject tot, so this would be an "infilling," operation. A Page 3 it r>ti.ng of Committee of :.djustment Novcmbcr 25, 19168: Th-, Committee wcre-o.: ti:e o,:inicn Lhat th7s al-: lication should be givan further cor.siderat _on, therefore, this a,_,li.c .tion a.s :djcu.nried so thea the Committ_e could r:_ -visit the site. The Comi.iittae'also noL--,d Lhc,t this Was in fact a I°Iinor Variance ap1slicLtLon, but due Lu the f:_ct that Schedule "i." forms v✓cre not r;_ceived from the printer in time, Schedule_"B" Applicati-n for Consent For --ns, h, -•d been used. CLASSIFICATION "J" Application Pile No. 1.49-63 Luther G. B_or✓n, Owner, R.R. frl, O.roii- , Gnt_.ric, gent, Eric uton, :.gc.nt, 627 Burnham Strect, Cobourg, OnL;e.rS-o, for kart of Lot 30, Cori. 1111 To!,Inshi , of Clar)ce, Submiasicn "B" 1^9-68-135 .i:; bu--'ineSS from minutLs Of "Lne last 5!6eti rPj tl'11s 1]. -i—n Was ;rc:74 -nLcd `or T.urt = con3ideratlon. P$r. L:ni, I4_:_t. �___r ^,'L0:7, y�rU;iJ�Gd-)urcila::ers, 697 Burnham Stre.a'., C Bourg, O _ :riU aclje .red in sup -ort of this a1 -_1ic .ti -,n. No _t',er ,.: u r _ in ,u;, -.,.rL o:7 or in a matter o'� r(_col'd 1-li0 !❑ be_rs O_i L]'1n Ci;m➢i i.tt^_l', lir. '�._ .R. Gsbornc; 'i d 11r. K. Sch,.^n,,i,-ker, vi ;it :d the pro;;ose I addition Lo the L�urch-�::rr's _ _;,_n€ holdings _n rlovcmucr , 1968, =� I noted L-hc follow,na facts: (1) .'he :urcha:>_rs' i:resc!lt ho16-!-n s abut a well trascll:_d 1'owriaii_i__ road; (2) Directl,7 to the-�iortharu siturate 3 modern du✓allings all faci.:•; ,:. ..h sam-- Townshi r6ad; ( ) h.^ imrn di:.t_ _.rviced by Hydro and Tel—hone- s (4) The Sou'=h:_rn limits i_:cludc c: -.✓ooded area I'itii an ever runni_rn:; stream :hich the a;,y_lic:r?t has dev lo_:;ed into a .rivato park; (5) The soil of tilt pro,-osed addiL-i.on is clay loam with a ri_ turul drain tc c LO "thy ..oultll e_�:,.^,t and seems suit i;t lz_ f C r a ,I-:i_V t ;o. tic bed, �_c•�;, r- 'chi: rc i ._rs os� "or ac -:airing this ad li tional I-nd; The Comr ittc�is u Lhe u�inion ':hal Lhcir policy h. -.s al.✓:iy -1 seri w :.p-_ UVL t„_ enl ryeiricnt of r-= ent hJldi lrrs, and for t,t15 rc.:�.idOra. alone Lh1� ap_7].1C:'.t_Lar•, ;;ROlaln' }Je allO:aecl. The Commit- c :r1soit' '_. -_� mon that an 1R lOL 3Y'.:-... ldOl!1 rC C.-1V1'_nJ le CO.::>LLhC ;;iZC U 1t.t.?.�._ }12 intend--• to build °• hic'. sill be 24,100 .,war,. rest. by .i u n Car 1,_i. corded i Y Pace 4 NeeL-ing of Committee of adjust,cnt November 25, 1968: AnylicItin•: Pile To. 150=68 —H. !%oan - wnc r, 696 Pari_, StreuI: W., Oshap , Ontario r for part of Lot 195 Con. 1, Township of Clarke, Submission No. ">" 150-63-136 business arising from minutes of Lh: p"st mooting, this ay:lic _.t 1: n s i r.' cilt'cd for furt o No yar5sn 7p ar�f in sup ort of, or in Qp'_''o£itlon to this appllcution. e a matt(—,r bt recerd the Commute- visited this :pro.. c^rty 'on Novombor V1968 .:nd noted the following ,_acts: c MY The 10L to be created is on the edge of a small unofficial community rLTe_-red to at various times as "Brownsville" and "Cursonville." (2) ThL .-zr a over the L_at fear years has chongod in ch;racter from °arminnu to Lho nucleus of a Namlet. To ,�r'.nL furthe_ 1'-n,2 severance in this area would be to increase an already yotentially dangerous , situation where sewers and :rater will become necessary services if the poiulatl,n density continues to increase. To loo]_ at the m,_tter in another light, there ap> eurs to be no compell.i_nj reason why Innds in an ,agricultural area shouli be ro-zoned on a "Piece meal" basis. The, Coiamitte_ of the o' -inion thL_ tli�oy should not "tan" the are•:, one lot at a time; the a,plicant, iP he so desired, could aJ,:ly for a Registered Plan.of Subdivision for the whol': parcel but the matter of the chanyi d use of this land from "agricultural" to "residential" is not a pr_oyer matter :for the Committee of l:djuctment. There is no particular to_ ogrL7hical feature which would in any ',as•; justify the severance of the land concerned in this a p lic.Lion. While the proposition before the Committee is one for a "house lot" and that is refused, the applicant has such a largo Parcel that a soverance for a major "agricultural" yur'pose is. a possibility without an official Alyn or re -zoning. AnPlic•atic'n refused on moL-ion by Q Schoenm.ker, seconded by E.7.2. Osborne. Carried. CLASSIPIC,,TION "'E" -.pplic_tion File 2152-68 A. Kay Lycett B.A., Agent, Larristor & Solicitor, Orono, ont_;ric, Audrey Nilligan, Owners, Amy So_,hia ililliyan, jean Lorraine Lall, Jewtonvill._', Ontario, for p.irt of Lot 71 Con. 111 Townshi.o of Clarize7 Submission No. 'n"152-68-137% 1 A: business arising from minutes of the Last meeting, this J applic tion was presented for further consideration. :'.s a matt^r of record the Committee visited this property on Nov --__mbar 6, 1968, but the applicant was not home. The Committee noted the following facts: (1) Tht while part of the subject land was low, a generously proportioned drainage ditch alongside the north ;aide of Highway A proviUad adequate clear water drainage; C rage 5 `Ieet.;.ng of Cm.:ince of Adjustment Nov-:ml-er 25, 1968: (2) The p.re-^rtyy ,.7 a whole 1'i: on Li ie north cidc of 'r2 on the ed of thy, Hamlet ci= Newtonville. Lt is in_a resilcntil:l _.rc_. zoned "Rl" The land to b_ severed wouli b:: c lot in the nature of an "infilling" operation. (3) The hamlet of B1c;✓tonville -is a well esi- i:)l-sh,cd munidi_ . li-ty ;aith it: o-rn church, school, 2 grocery stores an^ the former Hr --ad Of�ic o° ',:he Port Hcre 'elephone Company (no':7 a Bell Tcle hone Office) locat_ci in its b.s-iness section. Somebru__. ago a nch o.: the F:an'.c << of Coi�u c• o c_c - _d,inNN-�,,rtonvillc r '' but it is nc.: closed. A fevi miles 'Lo the South East of id_:;Lonville -is the Hydro lilectric Plant a . '.;e 1r_yvillc. Then Lhis ;plant is rccecded with a grcat d'.al of r.;ressure by w -y c:E r,cu:i_remuLnts for building lots in the ar, a will be a serious prgblem. :.t the „rc:;_nt t me an avcrar:e gro:,ith r:_ -e is now the order c` Lhc da -Y. (1) vlhilo extensive devc:lourm-nt th- t ii7ht cres to sewage and .i.=ter probl-ms :nus L. b avoided, orderly "infilling" 1n an "R1" zone "abu-tJ.i:g -,Lvc:d ro--.ds 1s an crderly form o'_ Cfevclo�,)ment. Th Committee .:ere of the opinion that this a plic.tion rer_uired further Coll side___tion and this a_-plic-tion vas adj-urned. CLAS�-r1;'7C,.TSC2v1 "J" Aj;plicat7, n Pile No. 153-68 Strike L3trike, agents, Barristers & Solicitors, Box 7, 32 King St. ud., Bowmanv;lle, Ontario, Stewart Adair Collins, Owner, R.P. '.?, P1ewce-.stle, Ontario, for part of Lot 32, Con. 111, Township of Clarke, Submission No. "B" 153-68-133 This applic::tion was brcurhL- for --::rd for further discussion. Th_ Secretary-Trzasurer hresent:d to the meeting the followinc maL-eri_al: (1) A Form from the Department of Ifunicip_l-yffcirs, 801 Bay Street, Toronto 6, Onte.rio, rec.uesting that the applic,.ti n be completed by answering "Section 9" Pu.r- ose for which the subject land is intended to b_ used, if known." (2) Corresi:ondence from Iiervyn B. Kelly, B. Comm., LL.B, IIessrs. Strike & Strike, Barristers & Solicitors, Box 7, Bo7:✓manville, L1"1 Cr1J, in rep1�f to a letter rr:;rn the S-.._cretary requesting the above-menti--,ned in:i',rra,tion for the Department of Munici. al .ff_:irs. The Committee dui% noted the conEents t, -lc: -e -of .-and the Secretary "vas instructed to write to P1r. Kelly requesting an answer t4 th-, cued from The Depar_tmont of hiunicipa]_ The Committee noted that this anplic,_tion.had been ;ranted (ref. minutes October 22,1968) and on moti n by E.R. Lovekin and seconded by L.F.B. Osborne this a,plic:ti.on was riot to be fi.alized byreleasing signed documents until Mr. Kelly gave some ans;oer to "Section 911 as ._ :_nz_sLed. Carried. =,SSIFIC'.TTON "Id" Page 6 Ne0ti_ng of Committ-c of .dustment November 25, 1968: •°onlic tion File No. 15068 W. Kay L_icctt B.A., , '.gent, Barrist v a Solicitor, Orono, Ontario, William Ferry Irwin, Own:-r.s, Etta Irwin,Lot 29,Con IV Twp Clarke' R.12. #1, Orono, Ont=sio Submission No. "u" 154-68-138 A_ipli ..ti..nn was made for OxenDtiOn Or Partial exeIIl__tion from '1J provisions of Sub3tvi^ion Control By -Law No. 1'94 so as to permit the separati :n of a :arcol Of land ar'_ro._imat•-lir 1281X118' being _ j ap roxim:_tely 157104 sc,uar•, feet in area- from the an:;licants' land. The SecroLary ro_orted th-t 23°no!:iccs of the said h.sring had been mailed in accorgnnc =_ with 11om ?of Thn " rocbdure. es of Ar. William Perry Irwin accompanied by his agent, W. hay Lycett B.A., Barr stet . Solicitor, Orono, Uri-._-_"-i_o, in evrod,in sup ort Of this apnli-c_-hi^.n.. No other -ger „ �Ln �-_ rerl in sup:.,ort of, or in op psi Lion tc this ayplic7tjoh. Th- Secret—r:'-Trey enrer -r ,_nQgd the f011Owi.n P t.nrial to ths meetinq: (1) !"orres,ondcnc> from ',T. Kay Lycett B.n,, B,arrist r & S lie tor, a -ono, Cent ,r. -o, d ted N ave b_r 4, 1969. The Committec noted the eontents t-,,_eof. (2) A Flan of Surve _r___arPH by Donovan I F1ei.•sc'hmann, Land Surv• ' i_n- ,° . ngi na r_nr, 11 Ont.-�-rio St., On nrio, drnted Nov mbcr 7, 1^68, Job No. 17333 -with the su_veyor's descriition at!-:_.c:ed. I X . L-• Inti -_ntcd a d ti"n i o til- , ova n in d Dln of Surve ✓ a Plan of Survey ,ire p.m. rd by Dcneva e. Flaishman, OLS., Oshawa, 011td.r i U, C.1Led Sr , _ ber 4, 1964 and November 30, 10 :4, Jo> 010530 s4awing Lhe subject lend in relation to Lhe arec arc made th, following submissions: (1) The subject land is -_t.0 to within Ar. Irwin' Pro WSAW subdivi pion; (2) Thi land abuts a road, which was built by Mr. Irwinto prover tstandards and then conv yed to the. Townshi'o by him and accepted by them. The Committee: (1) ";rused the surveys submitted; (2) Not -d is :_i; the :subject land was with -- n an "Rl" zone; (3) `e.<rred n tP:- fOct -tkat L.h- _-royosod 000raAce would Jed of a character in keeling with other buildings in the _:r_.-- in rolation toh= �- -_ apiie'_renCu cL:7d assessment. (4) Satisfied themselves by enquiry o IIr. Arthur Low, lon1nn _dmi.- ist'-utor that th.i road was sa JcLory l and 0t t nn okhor problem existed at the . 1 hnn ;.ng J Board levol. 1 :c .t :n r nt •d or mr,ti :r b,: K. Sc o -nm l r _onc:ed by .FR Osborne. Carr= -gid. , .._ CLASSIFICATION "A" Page 7 Meeting of Committee of Adjustment November 25, 1968: Application File No. 155-68 Edwin Foster Owner, R. R. #4, Port Hope, Ontario, for part of Lot 4, Con. VII, Township of Clarke, Submission No. P" �T­44'' Application was made for exemption or partial exemption from provisions of Subdivision Control By -Law No. 1494 so as to permit the separation of a parcel of land approximately 1148.60vx394.96Y approximately 10.423 acres in area from the applicantts land. The Secretary reported that 14 notices of the said hearing had been mailed in accordance with Item 4 of The Rules of Procedure. Mr. Edwin Foster, the applicant appeared in support of this application. No other person appeared in support of, or in opposition to this application. The Secretary -Treasurer presented the following material to the meeting: (1) A Plan of Survey prepared by John Sylvester, Professional Engineer (Civil), Ontario Land Surveyor, 17 Ontario St., Port Hope, Ontario, dated July 4, 1968, #6$083 with legal description attached. The Chairman of the Committee, E. Richard Lovekin, stated that he had previous knowledge of this application and former transactions, he, therefore, withdrew with the members' consent. Mr. K. Schoenmaker as senior member assumed the chair. Mr. Edwin Foster, the applicant was asked to make his submissions and stated as follows: (1) He owned a farm of 177 acres in 1951, but had sold 167 acres to one Joseph Feddema, retaining 10 acres; (2) His son, David Foster wishes to build a house and it seemed logical that he give his son the 10 acres for this purpose; (3) The property faces a well paved, drained road and has been surveyed; The Committee: (1) Listened to the oral representations by Mr. Foster and adjourned this application in order to visit the property in question. Further consideration will be given to this application at the next meeting. �rGS.Y. salt • Application File No. 156-68 W. Kay Lycett B.A., Agent, Barrister & Solicitor, Orono, Ontario, Eric Boettcher Proposed Purchaser Maria Boettcher Lot 29 Con.1V 113 Thickson Rd.S., Twp.Clarke Whitby, Ontario. Submission No. "A" 156-68-1 Application was made for exemption or partial exemption from provisions of the Zoning By -Law No. 1592 and amendments thereto, so as to permit a minor variance of a parcel of land of approximately 1001 frontage for a residential lot in "R1" Zone, Township of Clarke. Page 8 Meeting of Committee of Adjustment Novem'er 25, 1968: The sadrctary reported th,_t 20 -notices of the said hearing had been mailed in accordance with Item 4 of Th_ Rules of Procedure. J. Kr�.y Lycett B.A., Barrister & Solicitor, Orono, Ontario, agent for the anplicc.nt appeared in support of this aLmlicot:icn. Mr. Alfred Jakcman R.R. 41 Orono Ontario also appeared. No other person ,appeared in support of or in opposition to this application. The Secretary -Treasurer presented the following material to the meeting: (1) Correspondence from W. Kay Lycett B.A., Barrister & Solicitor, Orono, Ontario, dated October 31, 1968 and November 7, 1968. The Committee duly noted the contents thereof; (2) Schedule "n" hei_ng a legal descri:tion of the proposed severance; Mr. W. Kay Lycett acting as agent on behalf of Hr. and Mrs. Boettcher, proposed purchasers made th,_ following submissions: (1) The parcel of land in ruestion has a frontage on the County Road of 100' and the parcel lies within a Zone "R1" in pursuance of th, present zoning by-lLw 41592_of_the Township of Clarke; (2) Presented a ;photostat COPY of a Plan of Survey prepared by Donevan & Richards, Inq'neers & Surveyors, Csha,;., Ont sip, dated August 23, 1954, Job 3484; (3) Further s'-ated that this application is made under Section 4.7 of the s_:id zoning by-lr_w 41592 for minor variance allowing the issuance of a building permit for the er_ect_•n of a dwelling house on this pro;;erty hDvino an area of 12200 square feet Plus garage. Except for this frontage of 100' the lot is otherwise suitable for the erectioncF a dwelling house. Mr. Lycett Llso sL7t:d that the pending transLcticn of purchase and sole is conditinnal upon such consent being given and the ai e :itself is to be comnlcLed on or about- the 25th pay of NoveAber, 1968 and he, therefore recuest:_d an early consideration by the Committee. Hr. _.lfrcd Jakeman was asked if he had any objection to this applicntinn. Mr. Jakeman sU ted that he attended the meeting because he wished to establish the fact that the abuL-ting homes ware well s_.t back frmm L -he ro j an! ho wouli be very disn-p ointed if the proposed purchasers were allowed to build a residence closer_ to Lha roadway. ''(e hoed that the now residence would conform to the -osit blished line. Mr. •Jake nan :urther sated verbally that he had no objection to this application. This application was adjourned to enable the Committee to visit the site. CLASSlr^^IC?1^ICiQ "Jn rimJ, C' Pare 9 Meeting of Com, ittce of -djust ent November 25, 1968: Appjication File No. 157=68 Richard H. Donald B.A., Agent, Barristar & Solicitor, 6` Kinn St, E., Oshac a, On`_7rio, Lesli, Itudkin Owners, Dorothy Nay Rudkin, Byron St. S., Whitby, Onir_rio, for part of Lot 30, Con. Vi, Township of Clarke, Submission No. Application was m. 'e for nxe..01;ion or partial exemption from provisions. of the Zoning ray -Law No. 1592 and amendments ;thereto, so as to permit a minor vo iance of a parcel of INnd of approximitely 100' frontage for w r-sident-i_al lot in "D" zone, Townsh`o of Clarke. The Secretary r.sorted that 15 noticac oF the aQid hraring hod been mni_led in actor ante with I0m 4 of Th; Rules of Proc-dure. No person appeared is support of this application. The i_ follo.ing e -sons appeared: Mr. & Mrs. Delm:r Drew, Box 26, Woodville Ontario, Mr. Angelo Populin 98 Taun�on ^o:t Last, Apt 101 Oshraw, On trio, accompznied by a friend Nr. Gecrge I nguire. No other _verso appeared in sup.ort of or in opp._sition to this application. The Secre'.,:ry reported tALt a telephone ce11 hid been received from Richard H. Donald B.A., Barristar a Solicitor, Oshawa, Ontario ,`agent forthe alplicAnt that he was unable to attend the meeting. The Secretor --Treasurer nrosontod the following material to the meeting: (1) Corres_:ondenc•e from Richard H. Donald B.A., B-rrist.ar & Solicitor, Cshawa, Ontario, dated October 16, 1965, November 6, 19687 Noycmber h, 1963. The Committee duly noted the contents thereof; (2) A photostat c_gy of a Flan of Survey prapared by M.D. Bron, OLS., Bowmanville, Ontario. The CommitL-eei (1) Perused the co__y of Survey submitted and noted that the parcel of lrnd in question has a frontage of 100' on the L-askardRoad; (2) This application is mace under section 4.7 of By-L.,w No. 1592 for minor variance allowing the issuance of a building permit for the erection of a dwelli.g house on this property which•hgs an area of 15,000 square feet. Due to the absence of the r_plicants and their Solicitor, the Committee were of the opinion'thatthis file could not be processed and the Secretory was instructed to inrorm the partici cencarned the K-te o: the nank meeting and also to request the number anu d.ntc: of the survey which was not apparent on the photostat co, y. This ap .licwti n adjourned to enable the Committee to visit the site. CLASSIFICATION "P" k n -JX 1713 112 Mn - ,L it --0, e fort Lot 15, Can. V1.1., ], K if = � ) L '1. i 0 k -le.; -41/0 _ rcm GV_ w ih 's . to r _ �. ��Mm& -inC.1 _. 0 _ M- 301,91 X ?.r! . , 1 1anz. lo_ of th . a,cl Lc nt n, ocrt aF zniG 1 L._ I 1M, jot 7j. 1:275 in. _ . _. _ ;.;1 rt iI .-no= - - �:Awlicnmann, Land ccv_ -.,.1 Q ._ T. ; Ai _. 1 j :.i„dr- 1'%, • J.... 1227, -�-�__.._ .. _ .. .'. a-- ., i�_. ., i i`ii`__.. y2br, LQ "03C). 7 0% N�rpill Row (1) Thrnm _ W.:g Lo - r_' nas sr -j _ _, 1950 and 1916 1 C Page 11 I-Ieeti: of CommiLLee of _.djusL:nent November 25, 1968: General Busi.ncss-- A_ io i c_' discussion +:a :. held aL the close of the m_et:_ng and the ollo-wing motion •.res m _de by K. Schocnmaker anu s-c:nded by E.F.R. C:sborne thaL due to tlr_• extra meeti_m,,s and time involved in drafting decisions; visiting properties; also consultations following the increase in the number of the ;nc:ibers receive an additional fee of $50.00 each.. Carried, k The Secretary wao rec1uee;ted to requisition Council for a cho _ ue in tine a;:iount of $150.00 for this djournc-d at 1:00 ,_.ln. Sscretiirv-Tre-Ourer 49; Deceiiiber 4, 1963 Application File No. 148-63 Colin C. : armincfer Owners Patricia .�arminner 822 Glen St., Oahawa, Ontario, Ownere., Kurt Kern, 73 Centre St., Osha.:a7 Ontario, fez past of Lot 31, Con V1.1, Townshi _ of C1ar'- , SubrnisSion No. "A" 148-68-2 The Committee rLvisit_d i --he °)ro_p-rt r on Wednesda, , December 4, 1968 and were of the opinion tht there appearec to be nothing to change the attitude they previously adoc,ted. The ch-_rade= of the area being estahlished, the lot havinca been previous'y in existence; the dwelling to b` erected ;could constitute an "infilliric op er:.tinn" on a "lot of record." The Secretary was instructed to request the agent, Mr. Kurt Kern to complete the application by submitting a Plan of Survcy prepared by an Ontario nand Surveyortobe pr<�c,nte.d to the Committee for their- fo. -a1 decision. CLAS5IFIC_.T=ii AT port -c•plicati }-`ile No. 152-68 �r. Kay Lycett B.:i. , Agent, BarrisL-er - Solicitor, Oro:.c, Ontario, Audrev Milli n, Ownere., ,.Amy Sophia iilligan, Jean Lorraine Hall, iJ_::t:: ville, On':,-:rio, for p;;,rt of Lot 7, Con. 11, To..;.zshi of Clarke, Submission Pdo. "B" 152-58-137 Ti is a_plic-tion oras brcugh[: for,aard for further discussion. The Committee noted th-.:t this ap:�lic.t__on c.zs for a completely ncvr sa =e_:.nc•< and did riot concern a "lo_ of record". The Committee ,ierc concerned ov-ar the f: ct th=.t thev were, U a degree, doi_g some elementary planning. It '.r:s felt that the pgwer to control should mean more than a total prohibition