HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/28/1968MEETING of the COMsITT�V Or :.DJ ' STI: ;NT for the TOWNSHIP OF CLAKL Monday, October 28, 1968, at 8:00 P.M. Council Charmber, Orono. Present: E.H. Lovekin, Chairman, C K. Schoenmaker, Member, Mrs. Ellon A. Yeo, Secretary -Treasurer, A.A. Low, Zoning Administrator for Townsnig of Clarke, c The minutes of meeting September 30, 1968 and Decisions dated October 2nd, and October 5th, 1968 were approved as read on motion by E.F.R. Osborne and seconded by K. Schoenmaker. Carrind. The Secretpry-Treasurer presented the following material to the meeting: (1) Corresgandence from E.E. Kills_n, Clerk-Tree=:surer, of the To'`Ashin of C1arhe, datod October 1., 1968. The Committee duly noted the contents thereof to the effect that ora July 2, 1966 Council had re,uestcd a change of equipment to a lAl key telephone system, dial intercom For the coinveniance of the additional staff, but du- to non delivery of the' necessary mzte-lal the '.ork had net heed done, however, the new tele" hnnes were expected '.✓ thin a few weeks. The 1-tter wns returncd to the Secretary for filing. Applir la n File No. 101-68 Emmanuel Agustus Timoll, Owner., R.R. 03, Pontypool,Ontario, for n r: of Lot 31, Cori X, T-, rnsh l -. of Clarke, Submi,ssi n No. "B"101-68-129 As business arising from minutes o f past mo tin s, this arplicnticn was pr_es_ntcd for 5urthcr consideration. c Mr. Emmanuel Agustus Timoll, the anpli -nt, apnza.rsd 1n sup:oort of thas application. tion. No othar person a_-_yearod in supoort of, or in op._:or_.i h n to this ap licetion. The Secretary—Treasurer presente=d the following material to the meeting: J (1) Correc:;onlence from E.G. KcNnely Esq., Marks and McNLely, Barristers u Solicitors, 17 Kingstrcet E., P.O. Box 35, Oshawa, Gnhario. The Committee duly not_d thq contents thereof. (2) A Sworn Afr-ivavit signed by Iiilton Emanuel Timoll, dated ?5th day of October, 1968 verifying his intention to construct a house on the subject land and to assist his f-ther with the farming operation. (3) A Sworn Affidavit signori by Ermnanuel A. Timoll, dated 28th day of October_, 1968 verifying th,t iac is the owner of part of Lot 31, Concession 10, Township of Clarke, end t1int Milton Emanuel Timoll, his son, rrohoses to construct a home in order to live nearby and assist with the farming operation. (4) A Plan of Survey yrep=ed by Graydon T. Horton, Professional Engineers & Ontario Land Surveyors, 306 Dundas Street West, "hitby, Ontario, d-ated October 8, 1968, numbered 684606. Page 2 ileet5-nn n£ Committe-= of ;',d_izstment October 2e, 1968• The Committee noted: (1) The detail shown on the -.aid Plan of 5u.r_vey; (2) The facts covered in the Sworn AffidLvits;. (3) Recalled their i.nspr�ction of the site on Saturday, May 4, 1968; (4) REferr--gid to minut'C,S cF meetings of February 19, March 13, :'',ay 13, June 1.0, JulyB, Au 'lust 12, ps.rt.i.c*aarly 1.1r. Timoll's r�=auest at fids meeting to amend his a.__licat:ion to read 10 acres rather than one acre; and August 26, 1968; (5) The Committee noted th,t Er. Timoll's ;affidavit did not refer to the fact that this severance is ;rantod on a father and son, agricultural use, single severance basis only. Mr. Timoll verbally ac'-,owledged that he fully understood the terms of the severance if grant( -gid and the Committee, upon review of all the facts, conc'uded that the applicant had zubstantially complied i%Tith the conditi3ns imposed as evidenced in former minutes. �pplic,_.tion granted on motion by K. Schoenmaker, secon9ed by Z.F.R. &.sbo_-ne. Carried. CLASSIFICATION "'S" pl.icat__-n F:..le No. 141-68 142-68 Sunnydene EsLates Ltd., Cwner, (In Trust) P.O. Box 141, Toronto -Dominion Centre, Toronto 1, Ontnri_o, for part of Lots 9 & 10, Township of Clarice, Submission No. "B" 141-63-130 "B" 142-68-131 As 'nusinecs arising from minutes of east meetings, these a_ -ions were presented for further consideration. Mr. Teter Casrari_I President of Sunnydene 13datcs Limited, appnzire•d in support o these applications. No other person apl.eared in support of, or in opnosition to those applic cti_ons. The Secret--r_--'Pre-.surer pres:�nted the following mate -vial to Lhe meeting: (1) Correspondence from Pater Caspari sc., PrLsident, Sunnydene Estates Limited, Toro.,to Dominion Centre, P.O. Box 141, Toronto 1, Ontari), dated October 16, 1968. The Committee duly noted the contents thereof. _'he Chairman, E.R. Lovekin staled he r cal -!:_d the e.rlier submissions and asked the Senior Member, Mr. Schoenmaker, if he wanted to have the a_:;;licant present any further arguments on any specific points. Mr. Schoenmaker then pointed out that tho general arca was zoned as ".agricultural" in Zoning By -Law No. 1592 and he asked the applicant '.whether the proper procedure would not be that any ap;,lication shoulf] be made by l.jay of rer)resesLations for re -zoning at the ;;ending Munici;:al Board Hearing. Page 3 Meeting of Committee of Adjustment October 2$, 1968: Mr. Schoenmaker also referred to the September 1968 issue of the Municipal World and in particular to a Decision commencing at page #251, the case of Rudolph Vidos and The Committee of Adjustment of the Borough of North York, O.M.B. P5$$1-68, 12th July 196$ "It is not the jurisdiction of the Committee of Adjustment and this Board in its turn to legislate. That is the function of the Municipal Council." In reply to this request for further argument, Mr. Caspari stated that, in his opinion, Zoning By -Law #1592 which has been approved by the Council, has not been approved by The Municipal Board and therefore is not in full force and effect. In the applicant's submission a "Twilight Situation" exists and the new regulations may or may not affect the situation. Mr. Caspari further requested the Committee to give him a final Decision forthwith on these applications in order to enable him to appeal to the Municipal Board if the Decision was negative. In reply to the Chairman's request for information on water levels, Mr. Caspari referred to application #141-68 with regard to the 10.02 acre Cedar Bush and reaffirmed that he had re -visited the site and observed that approximately one third of an acre wasswampy but this could be an attraction as a spot for a pond and adequate area existed on which to locate a house. With regard to Application 142-6$ for the severance of 16.02 acres of Hardwood Bush, Mr. Caspari stated that he could not see that the Hardwood Bush would have any value for the remainder of the farm land of 103.19 acres. This portion was fenced and the cattle did not have access to these shade trees, in fact, the bush would add to the attractiveness of the setting as a scenic background for a beautiful residence that he was quite prepared to build exceeding Clarke Township building and land area specifications. Such an "estate type" home would prove an asset to the Community was the cont- ention of the applicant. The Committee: (1) REcalled their visitation of the site on September 26, 196$: (2) Recalled an objection raised by one Mr. Llewellyn Hallowell at the meeting of September 23, 196$ concerning the water rights situated at the south end of the farm concerning the 10 acres of cedar bush; (3) Listened to an observation by their third member, Mr. Russell Osborne who stated he disagreed with Mr. Caspari that the Hardwood Bush was not valuable to the remainder of the farm land, in fact, he was of the . opinion that a potential farmer purchaser would indeed be very interested in having the 16.02 acres of Hardwood Bush form part of the farm land, if for no other reason than that it was a natural conservation of moisture. The Committee concluded that and considered. Mr. Caspari was final Decision within a few days. all the facts had been presented informed that he could expect a Hearing adjourned for written judgement to be delivered. CCLAASSSIFTCATTON rtg" Page 4 Meeting of Committee of Adjustment October 28, 1968: Application File No. 148-68 Colin C. Warminger Owners Patricia Warminger 822 Glen St., Oshawa, Ontario, Kurt Kern, Agent, 73 Centre St., Oshawa, Ontario, for part of Lot 31, Con.Vll Township of Clarke, Submission No. 148-68-134 Application was made for exemption or partial exemption from provisions of Subdivision Control By -Law No. 1494 so as to permit the separation of a parcel of land approximately 100.021 x 3081 being approximately 30,800 square feet in area from the applicants' land. The Secretary reported that 15 notices of the said hearing had been mailed in accordance with Item 4 of The Rules of Procedure. Mr. Colin C. Warminger accompanied by his agent Mr. Kurt Kern appeared in support of this application. No other person appeared in support of, or in opposition to this application. The Secretary -Treasurer presented the following material to the meeting: (1) A Certificate of Approval for installation of private sewerage system from Northumberland - Durham Health Unit, Head Office, Cobourg, Ontario, dated April 5, 1967, signed by Henry A. Rood and issued to Mr. Kurt Kern, Lakemouth Street, Oshawa, Ontario. Mr. Kurt Kern was invited to make his submissions and stated as follows: (1) This property is located on the Leskard Road and at the time he purchased the subject land about two years ago, the frontage of 100.21 x 3081 being 30,800 square feet was considered sufficient and of a proper size for a building lot. In anticipation of erecting a dwelling house he had obtained a Certificate of Approval for the installation of Private Sewerage System from Northumberland -Durham Health Unit, dated April 5, 1967, attached as evidence to his application form. (2) Mr. Kern further stated that he does not live in the vicinity and has decided to remain in Oshawa, Ontario, therefore, he sold the lot to Mr. Colin C. Warminger on July 19, 1968, instrument #37711, not realizing that under the provisions of Zoning By -Law No. 1592 his lot was considered undersized for building purposes. (3) The application is submitted to the Committee to enable him to give Mr. Warminger a clear title to obtain a building permit. The Committee informed Mr. Kern that they would take into consideration the facts as presented, visit the subject land and notify him of their decision. pay= 5 ["i'eeLl- -,f Conmi?_t,_-e :,f AjusL ,ant October 237 1968: Ay.'_ic .t:i_:_n File No. 1':9-63 Lu'....__ S. Br::. n, Owner, R.R. ;rl, Gr: __ , Ong. rlo, rie A..cton, :.gent, 637 Burnham �trsot, Cobourg, Ont:.rio, for p..rL- of Lot 30, Con.11l, Township of Clarke, Submission No. plicLti_n wow m::de for exemption or partial 'exC' iytio_t from rcv s_. ns of Subdivi --;nn Cwnur3l By -Law _io. 109= so DN to ermit th- r_ti,n of a rc l of l:rc E ,o imataly 200' x 250' beinj ap7r nimaWly 1, acre ; in _r Zr. m the applicant's lend. The J cra j r'_�Atad tki t 44 notices of the said 5 aring h d bc_�n mail in �cco':'danC with _tem _ of Tho Ru.'_z of Pricedure. Mr. a Ars. ...i=ic EisLon, :.ho proposed purchasers ao,,ared in su ort of this a_ : licit .on. Mrs. Konn. th J. . e _kes, :,pt. 6117 822 Glenn St. c„h2- .., Lnl._ri , also _.p: .,,_r_,d as an observer. No other person appe...r_a in supl ort of, or in opposition to this aPplic,_tion. The Secy_ Ary-Trc,-surer presented the following material to the meeting: (1)A copy of a let1:07 written by 1. Richard Lovekin _-sq., Barrister a Solicitor, Ne'wc_._stle, Ontario, to Messrs. Bonneville and Fitzgibbon, Barristers a Solicitors, Fort no w, Ontario. The Committee duly noted the contents thereof. Corms ;ondenc_ dated SeDbcmber 12, and Seltnober 20, 1968 from C.D. Fitzgibbon Esq., Nessr_;. Bonneville L ''itzgibbon, Barrister_, & Solicitors, Fort Ho"pc,OnL.orio. Th 2 Ch i rc.n of the Comer L-tra, Z. Rich .r', L w hi , stated thea he!ad knowledge of the °nets pertaining to this a., ,lication and he, therwrore, withdrew with the ii ambc_rs' consent, _ or, - K. Schoenm>.ke_ as Scnior Nambar assum_d the chair. "r. Eric 3aston, in eduiticn to being the pro'pused purchaser also ..ct_d as agent on buo alf or Hr. Luther Brown,and stated as follows: (1) This applic-tion is for permission to add an area of 2501x200' to his present holdings in order to have a sufficient :._re_. for a private septic tank and disposal wee5ing tile bed; (2) ile InLcnds i.n build a dwellin[i of ay-,_ oximatoly 2400 square feet and fools that a. housn of these proportions renuiros a fairly large urea for a weeping tile bed; (3) The ires._nt holdings were acgmired by Hr. Za ton from YL Luther Brown Coring January 1968; (-') Mr_. L. Drown yr=s_ntly owns approxim,toly 60 acres. The S=r._tnry-1'r_c-_surer presented a survey :.r:=parod by A.D. Brown, ung _:rio Land Surveyor, Bos;manvillo, Ontario, dated Dfay 17, 1965, numucred 65030. The Commi'ttec considered the facts presented, perused the survey and this glic_tion as adjourned to enable the Committee to visit the property. CL: WTV110 "H'' P I aEe 6 Mol ,tin. of Committ^e of Adj;,,stm^nt Ontohcr 2P, 7or',: a.pplicatibn Filc No. 1SO a u, Dean h.,ner, (-oF Ki n , St . 'i. , Osh.xe:a, Ontirin, for -art of Lot 10, Con. T. To*:Tnshi n of CI.rL.= S o-;rsinn .npli^.-Minn —7—s mRdr P,— „,m"tlnn nr uri al. -x^*^t.inr from crovisiors.nf Si, d,r sion�Cnntrn] T:---T.a,N aS to 1 emit t P .5 ,na.ra.tion of a par[^1 of land 1551x 300' ?,ci.n,_T an-,rAximately 1.07 acres in a.rna f' -,m t,h., anali�antIS 1_and. The Secr,t7tr r pn`^ted that; 23 not.ic,s of th- said h: ari n had hn^n mailed in ac^nrdan^^ •,i th Tt-m h of The R,,1 rs of Procndnr^, - TI-. and Mrs. Eric W. Dean, Apt, ll, 27h 3a Tur.na,r Av,-nn,, Oshawa, Ontario and T?r. and T"rs. Carl .Smit?,, 20Ko Don Mills Rd.,-VIillo* dalc. Ontario, snprtared in sunnnrt of this apnl.icat i.nr. Yn otherr-nsnn a.nT prFd in S,.',nn +' nf, nr in L'_. ,pnosZtion to this annlicatinn. Thr S^cret.ar-r Trrasnrnr presented the fnlloTr7i-n:" material to tl'ie m pt.irA : (l) Correspnndencn from mr, -A. H. D=an, how Kin,,, St. 'I., OshaWa, Ontario. The Committe^ duly nntrd th- contents thereof. (2) a Plan of St,r r. -•, r nai i Tq. D. =rown, Ontari-o Land Siirvnvor, Fovmianvillc, Ontario, dated S-=pter!l,^r 2h, l nhR, and n„m •need F'501':'F. Mr. Eri D -an annoi,nced that he attnndnd t.hc me^tin? to - pr^s^nt.1'is father Mr. h, H. Dean, and Mr. Carl Smith, the, propnsed purchaser had accompanied him. On behalf of his father he, therefore, made the fo7.1_o-in,- sul-,missions: (1) Por. A. II. Dean, ov^r 80 years of aze has no inclination to operate the halanc- of hi.s property consistin_- of a'proxi.matel-r 50 acres as a far-in-op^ration.. (2) Several Lots have he^n sold off the farm from ti.Tnc to time. Mr. Smith, the proposed purchaser, is hei.n­ t.ransfcrred to Port Hone, Ontario and i.11 hr ^mp7.ov :d h,r the Ontario Fvd^n, Mr, STnitl' nrnfers to live, in e nol.intry at.mosphe,.rn and a Int in this v_icinit,r :could },e an id^al location. not on]_v to he ahl<' to cnmmute to his. '=pork bnt also provi.d^ a home in th^- connt—r. Tha Committ^e not^_d t.hc fo71o: in"fact.s: (]) Th^ Depart.mnnt of Hi,-11-1a,rs had expropriated a portion of the far” land fnr ^oa.d '^'id^ninj- (ref. d^po,i.tod Plan No. 005); ("2) Lott h^d h n sold _'Tontine, on a nav,0 Ni-h,•ny 12, and d*ael_7i.n^s had 1—n , ret^H; (�) Tlii. .•;ls a I,t,i.lt lip e?r a. :'i,th a nl,mh�­ of d..... 11,. a.lsn me-art^d to the East of T"r. De-,nls n op^rt•. This n. -plication �ras ad jo„rncd to nnal,l - t,h- Committ t,o ,,ri Slt thn prop^rty. CT.AS.STFTC,',TTOT,i rtprt Page 7 Meeting of Committee of Adjustment October 28, 1963: A'bplication File No. 151-68 tn.-Aob^_rt 'C. Si -m son, Owner, R.R. 42, Newcos,tle, Ontario, for -�ar_t cf Lots 19 8, 20, Concession 2, Township of Clarke, Submission_No.B151-68-132 A"i011Ca"On m,?.de for cx�em-�i= n r ra i o tion from 1 -: Y.. 1 n O rt 11 "]X""� provisions of Subdivision Cor'rol By Law No. 7494 so ss to permit the sep"r-ti-n of i "arcel of land approximately 2660' x 2200' be', 17 ruxim telt' 108.26 acres in rs'9 from the applicant's land. The Secretary rc_rrt^d that 52 notices of th,p said;he.ring had been mailed in accordonce with item 4 of The Rules o_ Procedure. The Robert C. Simpson the applicant appeared in sup ort of this appl`cztion., Mr. Heinz Rottschacfer, 147 Zlgin Street E. Oshawa, Ontario appeared as an observer. NO other Person appeared in support of, or in op_ osi Lion tc this a.ppic tion. The Secretary -Treasurer jrescnt� � �d the following material to the meeting: (1) A Plan or Survey prepared by M.D. Brown, Ontario Land Sury-eyor Bw• manville, Ontario, d_=.ted September 10, 1968 and numbered 65094D. The CoNVAttee noted the following facts: (A This application was to fo.rmall-y r_-;cogni;e a Golf Course (N=wcastle Golf Course Limited) as a mparate holding from 108.26 acres. (2) in this case an owner hjd a large ,acreage and vcstwd in part of his farm a Golf Course on which the industrial Development Bank advanced a mortgage. Th: lands,remaining held in the owner's name and used as a Golf Course were t.r_;nsferred to a Cor ,or-: t-i_on. Technically the Corporation being a scparvte legal entit-' no Formal sovarnti-oq is necessary. The holders the of mortgage on the Golf Course, the .T_ndusL-rial Devalonment Bank ,.,vrn r.n:;arently concorncd lest their security micht be technically challenged on the basis that the title division was capable of being legally challenged. This aOnlic tkon was granted on motion by K. Schoenmaker, socandcd b_r E,F, � Osborne. Carricd. o. CLASSIFIC..TICN "0" ADpli_c^t.cn File 4152_68 W. Kay Lycctt B.A., Agent Barrister L Solicitor, Orono, Ont r:i.o, Audrey Milligan, Owners, Amy Sophia Milligan, Jean Lorraine Hall Ncwtonv-ille, Ontario, for y:art of Lot 71 Con. 11, To,•mship of Clarke, Submission No,.,g"„Y-6,:_,17 • ' _ 1 is t:`_ - n - n .Go for exemztion or partial cxemption from rcm rovi .v ;ns the of aubd vi„icn Control By -Law No. 1491 so as to s .a, -ion bF � &I _ :-;ac_l of land approximately 120' x 125'ermi-t o-Jar f_oly 1c,nd. r_rox mn 15,000 square f.oet in area from the applicants' Page 8 I eL of .nj Of Committee Of : djust,',ent October 28, 1968: r The Secretary re, ortcd that 14 nctices of the ,_aid hearing had been mailed in accordance with Item 4 of Th." Rules of Procedure. Mr. W. Kay Lycett B.A., Barris`.cr & Solicitor, Orono, Ont ric appeared in support of this application. aso ,.ppeLLring as observers - Mrs. A. Sedorko, 1286 McKenzie Ave. Oshawa Ontario and Mrs. Doreen Quick, 1287 AiKonzie Avenue, Osh- idea, Ontario. The Secretary -Treasurer pr;es:entad the followin_; material to the meeting: (1) Correspondence from W. Kay Lycett B.A., Barrister a Solicitor, Oronu, Ontario, dated October 2, 1968. The Committee duly noted the contents thereof; (2) A rough ,yen sketch of the proposed severance. Mr. :'7. Kay Lyc: tL-, as vgent for the applicants made the following submissions: (1) This arnlicaticn 1s being made for the severance of one parcel to have a frontage along Number Two Highway of 120t and a depth of 1251, but the applicants have in their possession_ an Agreement to sell two such lots;. (2) Their presar,t holding consists of approximately 8 acres alon the north of Highway Number 2 within the built up socti_vn of the Village of Newtonville, OntLrio; J (3) These lands lie within a Zone proscribed by the local Subdivision By -Law as "Nesidential 1". (4) Mr. Lycett further sL_'.tod if the Committee consider that this application hos merit then it would be his intention 'Lo enl=arge the application on behalf of the applicants to cover two lots r,.ther than one lot and to provide the necessary survey. Th_ Committee noted the following facts: (1) The land concernxed fronts on Highway 02, which is paved an:] the speed limit is aDproximatLly 40 &I.P.H., (2) The apylice'.nts :dere not interested infarmingor working the 8 acres of land. (3) If more than one lot was considered, the applicants shvu14 bo advised to apply under Ilan of Sub -Division. After duo co'si_deration of all the facts as _presented this ap1iq'atinn Batts adjourned to enable the Committee to -visit the pro'erty. CLA3SI_'_C_T1(.'N "J" Applicatlon File No. 153-63 Strike a Strike, Agants7 Barristers E Solicitors, Box 7, 3:. King SC. la., l Bowmanvillc, Ontario, J Steuart "dais Collins, Owner, R.A. 52, Newc-sCie, Cntnrio, for 'part of Lot 32, Con. 1117 To,anshi) of Clarke, Submission No. "B" 153-68-133 Apalication was ma n for exemption Or yartl;al exemption from provisions of Subdivision Control By -Law No. '1294 so as to permit Page c Kentinc of Committ-e of ;id11 tm=n' Octn r 2", lc,., the separation of a pa.rcol of land anor,xi_r^at& 7 32-r x 1130.1.5r bin. approximately 1.0.011 acres in area frim th- applicant's land. Th(, Secrnt.ary reported that 21 notices 1f the said hoarin,- 'h(ad l o^n mailed in accordant- *•pith Item 4 of The. Rules of Procedure. Mr. St -wart Adair Collins, accompanied Kv his anent, Mervyn Kell-, P Comm., !L.P., i`?es.srs. St ik= n Strike, Fa risters c- Solicit,ors, Tuiranville, Ontario, appearedo 0 in s>> n rt. of this application. No other person anoearod in s-.poort of, )r in opposition to this aoolication. The Secr--tar•--Tr-asu-er presented th- fo.11owinj material t:o th- mpeti_nv: (1) Correspondence from M. P. Ke117, F. Comm., LL.R., Messrs. Strike F; Strike, Parristers r_. Solicitors, Sowmnnvil.le, Ontario, dated Octoler 11, 1008. The Committee duly noted the contents thereof. (2) ,t photostat copy of a Plan of Survey showin" the proposed severanr_.-, bein-- Lot A 10 on the Survey. Mr. Kelly referred to the fart that the photostat cooV of the Pian of Survey was only in part and hn gave his undertaking to mail two complete Plans of the Survey as prepared by M. D. Brown, Engineer & Surveyor, 2owmanville, Ontario, dated "pril 23 1908, number 07022. The Committee noted: (1.) This is an application to cl_:ar ti.tic in re;_-ard to a possible requisition hecapse of a mortqafe Zi_ven rack on aiutting lands. (2) If a Vendor sells a. series of lots and take's back mortlaCes, the legal gnnstinn is whethe- h> Las an interest in alutting Lands capable of mel.di.n : two parcels. Until tl!9_s matter is clarified 1, a Court. Decision, applications such as this will contig"-. (3) As a matter of policy this Commi.ttou intends to .grant any suchapplicati.ons in order to clari O7, situati_nn, in an7 given case, for land owners in the area. Application 1ranted on motion "r K. Schoenmaker, seconded VY E. P. a. Osborne. Carried. CLr,OP I I TT, n* rr NI? the Cnmmi.ttcn ,added the fol_lo:ir, kn7 ind-_~ ._ PIP cgifi rai-.i nn {'r,- oI -,-,1;--.+; --- . npir T,,i. Fret in,r ad jo -r.. 9 •' ecrAnry-Trcasna M