HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/05/1968Page 2 October 2, 1968: in the Townshi_p'of Clarke, containing approximat.cly 19.8 acres. They presently h>--vc before the Committee of -'adjustment two separate applications to sever 5 acre parcels from this property. Since the Committee could not see any difference in the properties to be severed the same reasons for judgement shall a,ply in both cases. The applicant stated that he had originally int^nded to buy a 10 acre lot but the only It°.nd that he could find which suited his renuirements is the subj_ct lend. The basic reason for his applic_-tion, therefore, would appear to be that he wished to sell land surplus to his needs. It is noted that the lands to be severed are shown on the survey prepared by an OnL-aria Land Surveyor, Donovan & Fleischmann, 11 Ontnrin Street, Oshawa, Ontario, September 10, 19687 Job No. 17115. Thcre is no allegation, therefore, that the -ropos,�d severance had been commenced before it was prohibited by legislation and that unregistered deeds or similar_ documents were in e,i_stence. As the result of the evidence presented, the Committee concluded that the applicant knew or ought to have known that legally he could not subdivide this land as of right. He was aware that consent would be necessary and hoped that this consent would be forthcoming. In the absence of any special circumstances to grant the applicant permission to divide the land as he wishes would be to create a situation where a ,:person with less than 20 acres would be given con- sent to create 3 separate parcels of land. In the opinion of the Committee this is directly in conflict with the present policy regarding land seharatioh'as laid down by relevant Provincial Legislation 'which would require an application for a Plan of Subdivision. The only real argument advanced by the appli_'tant was that the property opposite this property had been subdivided into small lots. This does not, in the Committee's opinion justify further division of land. Application refused on motion by K. Schoenmaker, seconded by E.R. Love -kin. Carried. CLASSIFIC:=.II0N "C" Secretary -Treasurer _rman October 5, 1968 A Decision was given on the following application: Applicat'_on File No. 140-68 W. Kay Lycett B.A., Agent, Barrister & Solicitor, Orono, Ontario, Hilda Hazel Coatham, Owner, R.R. 41, Orono, Ontario, for pestof Lot 28, Con. V, being Lot 9, Block "Y", in 1-olice Village of Orono, Townshir_• of Clarke, Submission No. "B" 140-68-125 0 As business arisin fro,n minutes of past meetings this application was reviewed. The Committee perused the Plan of Survey received from hIr. Coatham on October 1, 1968, prepared by M.D. Brown, OnL-.rio Land Se vevor, $owmanville, Ontario, dated September 27, 1968 number 8086 and were on the opinion that the applicant had complied with the conditions imposed as evidenced in former minutes. Application granted on motion by K. Schoenm.-=ker, seconded by E.F.R.Osborne. Carried. Page 2 October 5, 1968; The Following ApQic.tgon was raviewed: Ap plicati:;n Fila No, 142_68 Sunnydene Estates Ltd., Owner, (In Trust) P.0. Box 141, Toronto -Dominion C--_ntre, TOrnnto 1, Ontario, for part of Lots 9 a lO,Con.v, Township of Cla_ke, Submission The "pplicant is a Corporate Entity unser the Laws of the Province of Ontario and P"ter Caspari F.R.I.B.A; N.R.A. _T.C., ppearad as acent for the Corporntion. The applicant requests permission to sever a lot containing_ a Hardwood Bush from a farm property and the following stat=istics are relevant: Total acreage owned in this parcel 129.23; acreage to be severed 16.02 Another applicLtion for severance of 10.02 acres of Cedar Bush on the same property is also §ending before this Committee. As a prroliminary matter the Chairmen E.R. Lovekin pointed out to the Ap;; icant's Agent that the junior PIembcr was unavoidably absent although h, h.nd been ;resent at the last meeting held on Seitember 23, 1968 when this matter was scheduled to be heard. Hr. Caspari apologized for not vp;sLrin_ at the last meeting but explained that he was unable to be pr:sent- then as he was absent from the Country. Tho Chairman exploined that s, ce only two persons were sitting and as the application had unique aspects the Committee would grant an adjournment to enable the matter to be disposed of before the whole Committoo if the uppli cunt so desired. The ap_,linant elected to proceed forthwith. The Chairman then pointed out to the a_.plic:,.nt that he had, as a Solicitor, represented predecessors in titre and had been the Vendor's Solicitor when this property was sold to the applicant Corporation. The Chairman stated that'he felt personal knowledge of the Property did riot ;rejudice him and he was nrepered to sit and U7.S OSr' of the matter as soon as Possible or to entertain any 'rcpre;en- taticOs Ch_.t he should stand down should the applicant- care to make such an apolic=.tion. The applicant's agent elected to proceed forthwith to present his a_Plication. The apl i c._nt pr_os ontod a lucid case for severance mainly along the line that land should seek its hion st and best use and he pointed out the suitabiiit_y of this prcyo ty as an "est te" lot suitable for a .relatively lorge country home. The Senior Member asked the applicant if he was relying on the argument that the wood lot was not part of the arable farm land and was therefore different in specie and constituted a natural severance area? if this was an argument he stated he would like to have professional opinions on Lice point. The argument on thisoint was by the applicant.p , thereby abandoned The aMic7nL volunteered to "POSuPca Ln_ 1 no a coalition that a home exceeding Clarke Township area s,eci=isitions would ba built u_un the savored lands and such stipulations would in fact cOm,ly with the higher rcquircAents of the neighbouring Township Of Darlington. The Committee accepted this voluntary undertaking in the good C, ith in whic� it was aper ently m,,, de and took the position that if the af,';xing of co--idiniOns would cause then they i- them to grant the applic Lion on -rant the a_plic nt or not h:' the 0 Pcrtunity Of stating whether was %r pared to meet specific conditions. Page 3 Octoo r 52 1968 The Committee were favourably impre<,scd tvit:. the candor, clari.Lv anc'i fairn:_ss of the argum-ants presented to tthcm by the air;7.icant's agent <:nd notedt' e agent's ,ro-essional �qualificaticns to state opinions in regi --d to housing and lots etc. The Committee adjourned the matter to consider their decision and reached the following interim decision: (1) That the application presented to them was in fact an invitation t. them. not to "adjust" anything \ ,but to legislate concerning lend use in the J Toi,znship. The land was located in an Agricultural Zone and not in an arca where the Committee could determine in any way that the Planning Hoard would desire or encourage this type of development. That it was their tentative opinion that to grant such an applic:'tion as it was presently frimed would be to exceed the spirit of tI_ relevant legislr_L-ion and would be an im roi:= exercise of their power; (2) l'r? t since the import of this decision would by implication apply to the other applic:tiun to be further argued by Mr. Caspari, in spite of his agreeing to present his case to a two man quorum he should have the opportunity to re -argue this applicatidn before the whole Committee along with his othor application. (3) The Zoning By -Law passed by the Township of Clarke has not been formally approved by the Ontario Piunicipal Board and the he, -,ring being originally scheduled for - 8 October, 1968 has been adjourned. l:ny amendment made at th-t r;eesing, iF it indicated a .change in Planning Board intenLions in this ares, could well be a relevant consider tion in the disposition of this m^_tier by the Committee. The applicant should be given the opportunity of considering his position from this viewpoint. B -cause o these unique considerations the Committee instructed the Secretary to mail to the Applicant the minutes of this interim decision and asked her to request of the applicant whether: (1) Ho wished the Committee to render a final judgement . forthwith; (2) He wished to appear before the whole Committee on October 23, 1968 and present further argument; (3) He wished to have his application further adjourned pending the outcome of the A.unicir:al Board Hearing or for any other valid reason to ba argued i1 October, 1968. >> / Jecretary-Treasurer L n