HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/30/1968Page 3 Meeting of Committee of !•.d;�strnent September 26, 1968: Applicati-:n File No. 143-68 D.M. Lyons, O,,oner, 65_King George's Rd.,� �O_onto 18, Ontario, for part of Lot 69 Con. V1, Township of Clarke, Submission No. "B" 141-68-122 As business arising from minutes of meeting September 23, 1968, The Committee rec,=ened at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, 26th September, 1968 at the call of the Chairman, E.R. Lovekin, accord- ing to the terms of the adjournment and visited the property. They wers= of the opinion that the sole question concerned herein was whether they would allow land to be sold by one abutting owner to another. Application granted on motion by K. Schoenmaker, seconded by E.F.R. Osborne that this applic..tic;n be granted but conditional on the understanding that the transfer of the land in question be to the abutting owner only, the land to be transferred so that it melds and the total holding of the Transferee becomes one lot for planning purposes. Carried. CLASSIFICA`"IUN "H" Applica.t.on File No. 145-68 David Bowman Esq., Agent, Barrister & Solicitor, 36; King Street E., Oshawa, Ont=rio, Lloyd Owen Perry Owner, 646 Gorevale Crescent, Oshawa, Ontario. for part of Lot 30, Con. V1, Township of Clarke, Submission 1\10. ,Bt' 145-68-119 This applic.ti-n was brought forward for further review. The Secretory -Treasurer presented the following material to the meeting: (1) A Sworn Affidavit by Hugh T. Nichol, of the Town of Whitby, in the County of Ontario, Solicitor, wherein he states that he is the solicitor for the purchaser of Lot 306-B-7 and that he has knowledge of the facts surrounding the error in the ."abstract Book in the [lest Durham Registry Office at Bowmanville; (2) A Photostat copy of a page from the Abstract Book asexhibit "A" to the Affidavit. The Committee noted the facts in the Sworn Affidavit and were Of the opinion that this file was now finalized and the facts wer= duly recorded for ;urooscs of the clarification of the records. CLASSIFICATION "N" Meeting adjourned at 10:00 i Sccretar_r-Treasurer of the COMI,=T;3E OF ADJUS^m' -NT for the TO69fVSIYIP OF CLAR.KE Mbnday, Sentember 30, 1968, at 8:00 p.m. Present: E.R. Lovekin Chairman. Council Chamber,Orono. X K. Schoenma};er, Member, Mrs, Ellen M. Yeo, Secretary -Treasurer, Low Administrator rTappoeoaCeakk e'The minutes ofMetingSeptember 26, 1968 were rvdsrd on motion by E.F.R. Osborne and seconded by K. Schoenmaker.Carrle8.• • . Page 2 Meeting of Committee of'_;djustment September 30, 1968: pp_i_3ti:n-rJ.e No. 136=68 Henry DeVries 0wners, Hyke DeVries, Newcastle, Ontario, Richard H. Donald Esq. Agent, 69 King Street E., Oshawa, Ontario, for part of Lot 26, Con. 1117 Township of Clarl:e, Submission No. "B" 136-68-123 As business arising from minutes of past meetings this application was presented for further consideration. Mr. Henry DeVries the applicant appeared in support of this application. No other person appeared in support of, or in opposition to this application. The Committee: (1) Reviewed the minutes of meetings July 15, and August 12 1968, September 23, 1968; , (2) Recalled their inspection of the site on July 81 1968; (3) Noted th facts covered in the Sworn affidavits; and upon revi_sw of all the facts concluded that the applicant had complied with the conditions imposed as evidenced in former minutes. Application granted on motion by K. Schoenms.ker, seconned by E.R. Lovekin, Carried. CL_iS31FIC-TICH ",3" Application File No. 141-68 142-68 Sunnydene Estates Ltd., Owner, (In Trust) F.O. Box 141, Toronto -Dominion. Centre, Toronto 19 Ontario, for part of Lots 9 & 10, Township of Clarke, Submission No.Q.a rG97—✓3o A '.(y_ L!_ iii As business arising from minutes ofp- as t meetings, thane applications were presented for further consideration. Mr. Peter Caspari, President Of Sunnydene Estates Limited, the applicant appeared in support of these applications. The following persons appeared as observers: Mr. Keith Wood, R.R. Al Kand 1, Ont- rip, and Mr. John P. I•icKay, R.R. #1 Newtonville, Ontario. No other person appeared in support of, or in Opposition to these a_;plications. Mr. Caspari Was invited to make his submissions and stated as follows: (1) The first applic:_,tion concerned a proposed severance of 10 acros of cedar bush situate on the south cast corner of the farm property. (2) He Proposed to build a residence on the subject land to enable the balance of the land, i.e. 103.19 acres including the 2 storey farmhouse and farm buildings to be sold for agricultural purposes for which the bushland to be sever d is of no value. Mr. John P. EcKay wss invited to make his submission and he stated that he appeared solely to clarify the question of maintenance of an existing line fence. The Chairman, Mr. Lovekin indicated that the legal position unser the Line Fence Act would, in the Committee's opinion, be that each abutting owner was liable jointly to maintain the fence. Since this was the question and'the parties haV4 ng reached an amicable agreement there appeared to be no reason to prolong this diarssion. Mr. Caspari offered to clarify the situation by complying in any suggestion made by a Page 3 Meeting of Committee of iLdjustment Sec,tember 30, 1968: Solicitor or by simply m•ilina Pir. McKay a letter setting out the facts. The Committee: (1) Referred to the minutes of meeting Seotembor 23, 1968 wherein an objection had boen raised by one Mr. Llewellyn Hallowell concerni ua the water rights situated at the south end of the farm. Mr. Caspari requ( ted that this application be adjourned in order to enable him to prepare further argument and to observe a factual situation in regard to drainage. This 711.tter was adjourned until the next ;neetinn to be h=,ld on October 28, 1968. Mr. Caspari stated that the second application concerned a proposed severance of 16.02 acres situate at the north west corner of the farm )rope�-t_y, part of which is a hardwood bush. The proposal here is also to build a residence. As a matter of record this pro_rerty was visited by the Committee on September 25, 1968 and this matter was set over for further discussion. CLASS_TFIC.=:TIvId "Etr 1',rolic:ticn File No. 144 W. Kay Lycett B.A., Agent, Barrister & Solicitor, Orono, Ontario, Maurice Harold Pedwell,Owners, Clive taric Pedwell, R.R. i21 Newcastle, Ont -uric, for part of Lot 30, Con. 11, Township of Clarke, Submission No. "B" 144-68-124 This applic tion was brought forward for further review. The Secretary -Treasurer ,resented the following material to the meeting: (1) A Sworn Declaration sign --d by C.P. Blaker, verifying his intenti. n to accuire the above-mc=ntioned _parcel for : the sole purpose of enlarging his resent holding and for no other ') " se and in fact the title of his present holding and the above noted lands will in time meld. The Committee: (1) Noted tha facts in the Sworn Declaration and were of the opinion that this file was now finalized an' the facts were duly recorded for purposes of the clarification of the records. CLASSIFICATION nNn Application File No. 146-68 John D. I:cLaughlin -'sg. Agent, 147-68 Barrist-,r & Solicitor, 362 King Street E., Oshawa, Ontario, dilli.,r Purvi.:, Procter Owners, Fern Proctor, 325 Kent Street, Whitby, Ontario, ` for part of Lot 31,Con Vl, Jj To+;✓nshin of Cla kp, ^pplications were made Submission No.B�J4b-68-127 for exem;tions or partial exemtl4 n 68-128 from provisions of Subdivision.Control BY -Law 1494 so as to permit the separation of parcels of land as follows: 331' x 660.41, and 3311 x 660.35' being land. ap proxi.maLely 10 acres in area from the applicants' - Page 4, Meeting of Committee of :adjustment September 30, 1968: Thc. ;ecret r e rel-,orted th,st 50 -notices o' th said hearing had be_n m_.il>d'in 4cccrdance .:ith Itcm 4 of The Rules of Procedure, Mr. Willi:1.1n. Purvis Proctor, the applicant, appeared in sup�,-;ort of this application. Mr. & Mrs, Vander Spruit, R.R. -1#29 Orono, Ontario sp-->oared as observers. No other person appeared in support of, or in opoosition to this application. The 3ecreta.ry-Treasurer prc-sentr>d ti!e following material to the meetin.: (1) Corresr ondence from John D. ilcLaughlin Esq., Barrister & Solicitor, 36 Kina Street E,st, Oshal,!a., Oni-ari_o. The Committee duly noted the c:itents thereof; (2) A Plan of Survey ret ar. d by Donevan & Fleischmann, Lane Surv-yin� & Engineering, 11 Ontario Street, Osha.Ja, i:ntarin, dated Scntrmber. 10, 1968, Nob No.17115. I°ir, Proctor t!as in-rited to make his submissi .rns and h,; stated: (1) He i.n` ndcd to buy a 10 acre parcel of land but had to tak 19.8 acres in order to complete the transaction, which took place in the first week of May, 1963. (2) H_ ha? ohtained permission to build a single i=amily dwelling on 19.3 acres i_sued by Arthur G. Lows Zoning Administrator, dated August 20, 1968 and numbered 55. (3) The full acre:. -e of 19.8 i:= too much ].and for his rcq;irements and h requcsLed scver,nce of the two 5 acre lots. Mr. Vanderspruit, an abutting land owner, stated that the southern portion was covered with water in the Spring, but a good culvert would correct this situ::tion. In fact thete is a nc.tural watt -3 -course across the southerly portion of the 19 acres of land. Z.s a matter of record this property was visited by the Committee on September 26th, 1968. The Committee iaere of the opinion that the matter of the enter course was not critical in thi; c,?se ,,s the anplicstinn is property dealt with on other grounds. This applic-tion eras set over for written reasons and judgement. 'CLASS]:FIC_,TION I-lceti.ng adjourn:=d at 12:00 p.m. aecretiry-Troasu`rer October 2, 1968: A decl� .;az _iven on the following aq_C11c '.tion: 146-68 p} 1i_ca'.ti n F _le IQo. 1,7-68 John D. McLaughlin Esq.,Agent, Barrister & Sold.citor, 35 -'King Street E., Oshawa, Onta.r_i_o, Wi.11i:lm Purvis Proctor Owners, Fern Proctor, 325 Kent Street, Whitby, Ont.rio, for part of Lot 31, Con V1, To,;lnshi r of Cl_.r1-e, Submission No. B146-68_127 Phe acplic•_Mts _viilliarn Purvis Proctor and Fen; P�oetor urcBTsed68-128 pro::erty being part of Lot 311 Concession 6 on the Leskard Road,