HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/22/1967Page 12 Meeting of Committee of Adjustment, March 4, 1967.. The Committee unanimously agreed to use key index classifications on all applications with the provision that further classifications may be added when this Committee consider such provisions from time to time. A. Settlement Area B. Pre-existing Buildings• C. Severance for Separate Deeds D. Retreat Property - E. Agricultural Holding F. Agreement for Sale Meeting adjourned at 5:30 p.m. Secretary-Treasu er MEETING of the COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT for the TOMTSEII P OF CLARKE Wednesday, March 22, 1967 Present E.R. Lovekin, Chairman at 8:30 p.m. Council Chamber, Orono. K. Schoenmaker, Member Mrs. Ellen M. Yeo, Secretary -Treasurer Ted Woodyard, Chairman, Police Trustees,Village of Orono Minutes of meeting of the Committee held March 4, 1967 were approved as read on motion by K. Schoenmaker, seconded by E.R. Lovekin. ; carried. As business brought forward the following applications were Application File No. 45-66 from the minutes of the past meeting considered: W. Kay iycett B.A., Agent, Barrister & Solicitor, Orono, Ontario. Mrs. Bertha Little, Owner, 770 Hortop Street, Oshawa, Ontario. for part of Lot 7, Con. VI, of the Township of Clarke. Submission No. As business arising from minutes of the last meeting this application was considered. The Committee discussed the case from the point of view of general policy on what the guiding principle should be in granting a severance -of less than•10 acres in a retreat area or in an agricultural area, that is, an area distant or remote from settlement areas. The exceptions discussed included small lots for persons employed temporarily,in connection with the operation of an agricultural unit e.g. farmer conveying lot to son for separate dwell- ing house. Mr. Kay Lycett, Solicitor at Orono appeared on behalf of the applicant and was invited to make representation concerning this particular property. He pointed out that the Committee had granted at least one severance to Mrs. Catherine Fitzgibbon in this area. (ref. file 32-66). This precedent was discussed and it was Page 2 Meeting of Committee of Adjustment, March 22, 1967 noted that this was a fractional variance only. The severance granted being 10 acres less a road allowance which the Township Council had indicated would be closed. The Committee decided to visit the property before the next sitting of the Committee on the 10th day of April,1967 to see if any particular features were evident on the inspection of the property that had not been discussed. Application adjourned until the 10th of April 1967 at 8:00 p.m. Application File No. 46-66 Strike & Strike, Agent, Barristers & Solicitors, Box 7, Bowmanville,,Ontario, Peter Willems and Elizabeth Willems, Owners, Newtonville, Ontario, for part of Lot 10, Con. 1, Township of Clarke. Submission No. "B" 46-6645 As business arising from minutes of the last meeting this application was considered. The Committee visited the site on Sunday March 12, 1967. The Committee noted the following facts: (1) The lot was located within a settlement area, namely the Hamlet of Newtonville, Ontario; (2) There were pre—existing,buildings on the site and the purpose of the severance was to give separate title to each housing unit; (3) While conditions were not ideal for observing septic tank operations, there were no indications of an obvious septic tank problem. (4) On all these facts, permission to sever was granted on motion by K. Schoer_maker, seconded by E.R. Lovekin. carried. Application File No. 47-66 Claude D. Fitzgibbon, Agent, Barrister &'Solicitor,' 2 Baldwin Street, Port hope, Ontario, Catherine Fitzgibbon, Owner, 2 Baldwin Street, Port hope, Ontario. for parts of Lots 6 & 7, Con. VI, Township of Clarke, Submission No.^t3" y�_i4•�7 As business arising`from minutes of the last meeting the Committee considered this application and not having had any reply from Mr. Merrill Ross, Road Superintendent and Mr. Fitzgibbon, this. matter was held over until the next meeting of the Committee to be held on the 10th day of April 1967 at which time this matter will receive further consideration. Application File No. 48-66 W. Kay Lycett B.A., Agent, Barrister & Solicitor, Orono, Ontario, Mr. and '4rs. Leslie G. HoppertOwners, R.R. #1, Orono, Ontario, for part of Lot 29, Con. IV, Township of Clarke, Submission No. As business arising from minutes of the last meeting the Committee considered this application. _ Mr. Lycett, agent for the Applicant appeared and this matter was considered by the Committee. Page 3 Meeting of Committee of Adjustment, March 22, 1967: Mr. Lycett stated that he had conveyed the general feeling of the Committee to his client and was seeking their further instructions as to whether or not they cared to submit further evidence as to the suitability of the lot for building purposes. This mat=er was adjourned until the next meeting to be held on April 10, 1967. Application File No. 49-66 W. Kay Lycett B.A., Agent Barrister & Solicitor, Orono, Ontario. Mr. Robert E. Rienstra, Owner Orono, Ontario, for part of Lot 25, Con VI, Township of Clarke. Submission No. "S" ra-ac-�� As business arising from minutes of the last meeting the Committee considered this application. Mr. Lycett appeared as agent on behalf of the applicant. The Committee informed Mr. Lycett that they had visited the property on Sunday March 12th, 1967, The Committee noted that the survey in this matter was made the 24th of December 1964 which pre -dates the By -Law. They also noted that the entrance to the property was off a side road so there would be little or no traffic hazard with regards to an entrance. It was noted, however, that the immediate entrance road was not plowed and was clogged with snow the day that the site was visited by the Committee. The Committee further noticed that the site was eminently suited to building and had good fall and drainage to the South West. The lot was located on a height of land overlooking the Police Village of Orono, but not within the Corporate limits. The matter was adjourned until the 10th of April for further study by the Committee. Mr. Lycett was to make further representation at this time, if he so desires. Application File No. 52-67 W. Kay Lycett B.A., Orono, Ontario, Jan Ochonski, R.R. #2, Orono, Ontario, for part of Lot 29, Con. in the Police Village of Township of Clarke, Submission No. 52-67-46 Agent Owner V, Orono, As business arising from minutes of the last meeting the Committee considered this application. Mr. Jan Ochonski, accompanied by his agent W. Kay Lycett, B.A., Barrister and Solicitor at Orono appeared in support of this application. Mr. Lycett outlined the situation on behalf of ldr. Ochonski and pointed out that the land being retained for a proposed road allow- ance could not be severed without further application to the Committee. On these grounds the Committee decided that it was unnecessary to attach any condition to the severance being granted. The Committee pointed out that this application was being considered on the basis of the addition of -a lot in an area of ribbon development in a settlement area namely the Police Village of Orono. Mr. Woodyard, Chairman of the Trustees of the Police Village of Orono stated that on this basis the Trustees would have no objection to the granting of the severance. The Committee pointed out to Mr. Ochonski and his agent Mr. Lycett that the basis of their decision was not predicated on the proposals regarding a possible fully registered plan of subdivision but the Committee thanked Mr. Ochonski and his agent for their frank presentation. I Page 4 Meeting of Committee of Adjustment, March 22, 1967: The application, as indicated, was considered on the basis that: (1) It was in the village of Orono; (2) Municipal water is available; (3) The lot is in an area of similar lots; (4) An existing building is already on the lot; Consent on this application was so granted on motion by K. Schoenmaker, seconded by E.R. Lovekin, Carried. CLASSliTC:•. 014 Application File No. 54-67 W. Kay Lycett B.A. Agent, Barrister & Solicitor, -Orono, Ontario, Thomas John Ambrose Carscadden, Owners, R.R. North, Orono, Ontario, for part of Lots 15 & 16, Con. VII, for Township of Clarke, Submission No. As business arising from minutes of the last meeting the Committee considered this application. This site is to be visited by the Committee before the next meeting to be held on April 10, 1957 and, therefore, this application was tabled for further consideration at this time. The Secretary was instructed to notify the agent Mr. Lycett accordingly. The Committee added the following key index classification for all applications: "G" Municipal Water Moved by K. Schoenmaker, seconded by E.R. Lovekin that the information to be affixed to each Decision in accordance with Item 10 of the Rules of Procedure of the Committee, Subsections (10) to (16) inclusive, of Section 32b of The Planning Act, as amended, be printed to facilitate the speedy preparation of the Submissions. Carried. Meeting adjourned at 11:30 p.m. --�� -� c.�-� moi/ • ��� Secretary -Treasurer Ch ai i