HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/08/1969Page 13 Meeting of Committee of Adjustment October 1, 1969: Owing to the lateness of the hour, this meeting was adjourned at 1:00 p.m. and the Committee arranged to meet on Wednesday October 8, 1969 at 1:00 p.m. to give further 'consideration to the following applications:. 184-69 Conley James Battams Verna Muriel Battams- % 212-69 •` Milton W. Staples Secretary-Treat4irer aix MEETING of the COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT Wednesday, October,8, 1969 at 1:00 p.m. Council Chamber Present: E.R. Lovekin, Chairman, K. Schoenmaker, Member, E.F.R. Osborne, Member, Mrs. Ellen M. Yeo, Secretary -Treasurer The minutes of meetings September 13, 1969 and October 1, 1969 were approved as read on motion by K. Schoenmaker and seconded by E.F.R. Osborne. Carried. Application File No. 184-69 W. Kay Lycett B.A., Agent, Barrister & Solicitor, Orono, Ontario, Conley James Battams, Owners, Verna Muriel Battams, Leskard, Ontario, for part of Lot 31, Con Vll, Township of Clarke, Submission No. /3 i5y-6y-i F3 As business arising from minutes of past meetings this application was presented for further consideration. The Committee considered the following facts:. (1) Mr. and Mrs. Battams acquired their entire holding under two separate deeds, the first on January 12, 1962 and the second property which lies adjacent to the south on August 10, 1965 and registered as N26740 on that date; (2) A covering letter from their Solicitor dated August 119 1965 stated in part "this was registered as a separate transaction and you:may sell it separately when or if you wish." This establishes without doubt that there is definite documentary evidence of prior intention to sever. The sub -division control by-law #1494 which came into effect on 15th November 1965 has_. created the problem which theynowseek to redress. The Committee further noted that correspondence from M.D. Brown OLS., 121 Queen Street, Bowmanville, Ontario, dated September 23, 196i_restablished that the subject lands are situated in an "A" Zone, thereby removing all doubt as to the exact location. _ Page 2 Meeting of Committee of Adjustment October 8,.1969: The subject land is situate in an area where there are a number of residences on parcels of land of approximately the ;same s&ze,.type and character and ,this could be classified as an infilling operation. The area of the lot is 45,600 square feet., a_depth of 456' and a frontage of 1101. This area is more than the required area by by-law 1592 with amendments thereto, although the frontage is less than the required 1501. _ The Committee were of the opinion that Mr. and Mrs. Battams should be clearly warned that this Committee has no jurisdiction whatsoever in the granting of building permits and the fact that the land is severed does not automatically entitle the purchaser to a building permit. The question as to the entitlement to a building permit is a matter between the applicant and the Township authorities. The Secretary.was instructed to request Mr. Lycett to complete his application by submitting a proper Plan of Survey in duplicate by an Ontario Land Surveyor;and to also send a copy of the minutes pertaining to`this application for his information. Application adjourned awaiting the submission of a Plan of Survey. CLASSIFIED "K" Application File No. 212-69 W. Kay Lycett B.A., Agent, Barrister & Solicitor, Orono, Ontario, Milton W. Staples, Owner, R.R. 421 Orono, Ontario, for part of Lot 29, Con V, Police Village of Orono and Township of Clarke, Submission No."B" 212-69-192 This applincation was brought forward for further discussion and consideration. The Committee were tentatively of the opinion that severance of land should not be granted until sufficient assurances were obtained to the effect that such a severance would not materially interfere or complicate any existing plan for the•area pending before the local Planning,Board and that specifically in this case the matters of drainage and access should be clarified. The Secretary -Treasurer presented the following material to the meeting: - (1) A photostat copy of a Plan of Survey prepared by. M.D. Brown OLS, 1106, Bowmanville, Ontario, dated August 28, 1969, 466148A2 annotated "additions September 2, 1969; and further annotated in pencil as follows: "additions Oct 71 1969"Proposed Development" 1166 foot access as per agreement with Staples" "Block B " Block All "th_-s portion of R -O -W north of proposed street to revert to applicant" "easement for channeling watercourse" The Committee perused the Plan of Survey and noted that this was an amended plan showing a drainage easement. The Secretary was instructed to advise Mr. O'Chonski's-agent - that the Committee would like to hear further argument on this Proposal at the next meeting to be held on October 27, 1969 and at'tl-at time particular reference should be made to the problem of drainage and access as outlined above. Application adjourned for further CLASSIFICATION "E" Me ng adjourned at 4:00 P.M. Secretary-Treasu e consideration. rman