HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/06/1970L'.ET:.D'G of the "^ ,'.DJUSTIIENT Wednesday, 1-1ay 6, 1970 at 7:00 p.m. E.;". Lovekin's Office, Newcastle, Ontario. Present: E.R. Lovekin, Chairman, K. Schoenmaker, Member, E.Z.R. Osborne, Member, Ers. Ellen P,. Yeo, Secret"ry-Treasurer. meet' ng was held in the office of E. Richard Lovekin B.... LL.B., Fle'dc :-stle. Ont.-rio at 7:00 p.m. I' -ay 62 1:70 to stamp deeds with the Consent cf the Committee and to consider the following applic.ti-:ns: r+pplic- ti... F7 -le No. 241-70 Kay Lycett 3..,, gent, Barrister a Solicitur, Orono, Cntario, Douglas U iilard iee;cs, Owners, Dav d Nancekievill, 168 Church St., . Bowmanville, Cn-­rio, for part of Lot 35, Cos:. V12 Township of Clarke, Submissiun No. "A" 241-70-14 a business arising from minutes of meeting ..cril 6, 1970; this application was brought forward for furtiier consideration. :s a matter of record the Committee visited this property on ..pril 18, 1970 and noted the following frdcts: (1) The pro_.erty has frontace on the Tauntcn _<oad, a well tri-Velled Highway-, (2) The chaar._cter of the immediate are:.: is that of a built up area and th prol:osed dwellin will make no substantial dif=erence to overall traffic density etc., The Committee referred to the minutes of meeting '.pril 6; :erused the elan of Surve: rind re -erred to corsr.spcndence received from ;" y LyC -t o..;d, agent for the a._,.licant, dated _.:;ril 27 1970 wherein he adv;sed that tt,e survc- , filed on this aplic:.tion should bear „verk order No. 1-01, dated ..,,ril 3, 1661 and rr&�ared by Flim and Trollope. The COmmitte,� were of the o_inion that this miior variance should be decided in accordance with the .,rinciples 1,_ 1d down by the Cnt rio Municipal 30.rd in _'rsser anG Vaughan Tudnsh:ip CNB1 0921-69 1st .;u ust 1969; and in-.lwington Park Incorporated and City of Kingston CMB P 9021-692 29th Jul , 1969 (ref. The I'-Iunicipal World February,1970, Committee of-%djustment Decisions, Volume 80 No. 27 p_ges 40 and 41). These dec__;i,n:; are authorityfthe vL_ or tiIat the term "minor" is not to b�_ defined in m:>t,;ematical terms. The r::air: consider_t__cn; to b� folloo;�2d are: (a) -'.ny prejudice to neighbours; (b) nj L,)rejudice to the public; (c) Is t,Z'- gents€al intent and pur_•cse of thu by=la;r and Officia clan (if a;;; ` F lic,.ble) :aainc-ined; The Committee w re satisfied that conditions ._'11 and "B" were met and 1n reg2rd t0 "C^ no "Of 1'iciLl rl-n" 1s yet in existance. This application was granted on motion b,, I:, .;Chuerlmaker, 5ecunded by E.F.R. Osborne with the proviso that a coy or the decision be registered on title to the prouerty. Carried. The Committee hereby aut::erize the appropriate administrative officials of the Township of Clarke to issue any and all necess_ry permits cr co t:ke any steps nocesv to impleiaent this decision. CL-: Sl7'IC_.TION Sec. 10 "-." _ ni,i.V," rage 2 _eeting Committee of -.djustment Iiay 6, 1970; Ipplic_ation File No. 242-70 :.drian DeGroot, Owner, 400 Grenfell St., =pt 225, Osha-via, Ontz.ric, for ,;art of Lot 352 Con V1, Township of Clarke, Submission Ito. ".`." 242-70-15 As business arising from the minutes of the past meeting, this applic.tic.n was y -resented for further. consideration. .s a matter of record the.Committee visited the property on Aril 1,0, 1970 and noted the following facts: (1) The owner had several wooden stakes in the ground showing the pro_:osed front of the building; (2) , visual inspection ravealed th,t locating the building on the existing bu_-lding line (as staked) would result in a 45' setback. In view of the existing buildings, it did not appear likely that the shortened setback would ever give any problems in relation to any proposed road widenings; (3) No lines of vision ,,ere affected; (4) The neighbours apparently had no objection to the suggested setback; (5) The lot and buildin, would be is conformity with the area; The Committee referred to the minutes of meeting April 69 1970; Perused the building plans and noted there was no proper"Northerly •crow" on the Blot plan submitted, but from the Committee's perusal of the site, the building orientation isobvious. The Committee were of the opinion that this application fell within the guide lines laid down in the On'_e.ric P-Iunicil)al Board Decision (ref. Fraser and Vaughan Twp. OMBP8921-69, 1st ..ugust 1969; ..lwington Park incorporated and City of Kingston OPBl-. 9021-692 29th July, 1969, February 1970). This applicati�;n was granted on motion by E.F.R. Osborne and seconded by K. �-choenm-:ker with the proviso that a'co,y of the decisi.:;n be registered on title to the pro_.erty. Carried. The Commi tee hereby authorize the ap_:ropr5ate admi:,istr�tive officials of Clarke Turnship to issu_ any and all necessary permits or to L:_ke any steps to i ri ,12;.ent this decision. I--,, CLASSIFICATION Sec. 10 ".." - "i•:.V." Meeting adjourned at 3:30 p.m. J