HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/16/1970I MEETING of . the COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTI'IENT Monday, November 16, 1970 at 7:00 p.m. Council Chamber Present: E.R. Lovekin, Chairman, K. Schoenmaker, Member, E.F.R. Osborne, Member, Mrs. Ellen M. Yeo, Secretary -Treasurer The minutes of October 20, 1970 were approved on motion by K. Schoenmaker and seconded by E.F.R. Osborne. Carried. Application File No. 174-69 Nancy G. Hood, R.R. k2, Orono, -Ontario, for part of Lot 30, Con. V1, Township of Clarke, Submission No. The Secretary re_corted that Mr. Hood attended her office on Tuesday, October 27, 1970 and requested the return of the deed - Ronald Hugh Reese to Nancy Gail Hood, dated 10th October, 1968, registered 24th October 1968 as N34848 and the photostat cony of lots on the Leskard Road. This material was handed to Alr. Hood and a signed receipt is in the file verifying these facts. i°Ir. Hood also stated that he and the former owner had come to an agree- ment with regard to the lots and he no longer wished any further consideration given to his application. The Committee reviewed the file and it was moved by E.F.R. Osborne and seconded by K. Schoenmaker that this application be withdrawn and the facts duly recorded for purposes of the clarification of the records. Carried. CLASS Ii2IC:! j ION "J" Application File No. 271-70 W. Kay Lycett B.A., Agent, Barrister & Solicitor, Orono, Ontario, Richard Donald Morton, Owner, R.R. 41, Kendal, Ontario, for part of Lot 20, Con 6, Township of Clarke, Submission No. 'B"271-70-214 Application was made for exemption or partial exemption from provisions of Subdivision Control -By -Law No. 1592 and amendments thereto so as to permit the separation of a parcel of land approximately 2681x324' being approximately 86,832 scuare feet in area from the applicant's land. The Secretary reported that 13 notices of the said hearing had been mailed in accordance with Item 4 of The Rules of Procedure. W. Kay Lycett B.A., Barrister & Solic=itor, Orono, Ontario, 4s agent for the applicant appeared in support of this application. Also apnearing were the following persons: Ivr. Milton Wannan, R.R. N. Orono, Ontario; 1,1r. Edw rd 'Wm. Copping, R.R. 41, Orono, Ontari-o. No other person appeared in support of, or in opposition to this application. The Secretary -Treasurer presented the following material to the meeting,: (1) Correspondence from W. Kay Lycett B.A., Orono, O,nt,ar„i.o.,,dated October 23rd and November 3rd, 1970. The Committee duly noted the contents thereof; Page 2 Meeting Committee of ?djustment, November 16, 1970; (2) A Plan of Survey prepared by i�I.D. Brown, OLS., 1106, certified, Bowmanville, Ontario, dated October 30, 1970 and numbered 70131; Mr. Lycett appearing on behalf of Richard Donald Morton, the registered owner and applicant in this matL-er made the following submissions: (1) The subject lands were sold under agreement of purchase and sale to one Paul N. Bennett, dated October 23, 1965 and registered in the Registry Office on October 29, 1965 as #N27739 for the Township of -Clarke. The purchaser took possession of the property and is now in the residence; e .(2) Mr. Bennett now proposes paying the balance of purchase price owing under the said agreement and this application is made by the registered owner for consent to the deed in pursuance of the provisions of the Planning ;ict of Ontario; (3) The Committee perused the Plan of Survey and noted that Mr. Lycett was applying for a deed of lands outlined in black, whereas the light line appears to be the description of lands actually conveyed under the Agreement of Purchase and Sale; Upon enquiry by the Committee, Mr. Lycett agreed that the survey as prepared and certified by M.D. Brown OLS dated 30th October, 1970 and identified as Job 70131 showed a discrepancy in the boundaries between the lands to be conveyed and the lands as described in the Agreement of Sale. This discrepancy is clearly demonstrated on the referenced survey. i'Ir. Lycett requested permission to amend Section 8 of the application form to conform with the survey as submitted. This recuest was granted and the application should now be read accord- i_igly. Mr. Lycett furt ier-stated that iir. Milton ,iannan is the mor'.gagee on this property and is the owner of the adjoining property. Mr.. Wannan had been advised that the mortgage will be paid off in full,upon consent of the Committee. He understands this and on the basis of his receiving payment in full he has no objection to the application. Mr. Edward Wm. Copping was sworn and made oral representations to the Committee that he was concerned lest the survey made might result in the road being displaced and encroaching on his property. The Plan of Survey, dated 30th October was shown to this gentleman and it was explained to him that the Committee of Adjustment rely on the surveyor's certificate as set out in the right hand corner of the survey and that the Committees Decision in regard to the proposed severance would have no legal effect on the validity or invalidity of the Plan of Survey. Mr. Coping further stated that he had nothing to say with regard to the proposed severance. Mr. Milton Wannan was sworn and -he expressed concern that a clear deed could be given before an existing, mortgage.was paid off. ft was explained to Mr. Wannan that this Committee had no authority to require payment of a mortgage but that no clear deed could be given until the mortg::ge'was paid. vJannan thereupon indicated that he was dc --cling with Mr. W.K. Lycett B.A., Barrister & Solicitor of Orono in regard to the pay out of his mortgage and -he was ) advised to clarify this m:.tter dierectly with Mr. Lycett which J appeared to be a satisfactory arr:,ngement to all parties. Mr. Wannan's objection was only insofar as his mortgage was concerned. Page 3 Meeting Committee of adjustment, November 16, 1970; The Committee informed Mr. Lycett that they would inspect the property on Thursday, November 19, 1970 and he will be notified of their decision. This application was therefore adjourned. CLASSI'IC:'.PION "F" Application File No. 265-70 Joseph C. Victor B.A. LL.B.,Agent, Creighton, Drynan,, Murdoch & Victor, Barristers & Solicitors, 5 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Ontario. Leo Joseph Boisvert Bella M. Boisvert, Owners, R.R. 4-1 Nel.:tonville, Ontario, for part of Lot 9, Con. 11, Township of Clarke, Submission No. "B"265-70-215 Submission No. "B"266-70-216 Submission No. "B"267-70-217 As business arising from minutes of hast meetings, these applications were presented for further consideration. Joseph C. Victor B.A. LL.B., Barrister & Solicitor of Oshawa, Ontario, appeared in support of this application. No other person appeared in support of or in opposition to this application. Re: Applications 265-70 and 266-70: The Committee reviewed the minutes of their meeting held on September 22, 1970 with regard to these applications requiring, consent to deeds to correct a discrepancy of 105.5 feet between the lands which were purchased and which are occupied by 1,1r. and Mrs. Boisvert and the manner in which these lands are described in the deed by which they obtained title. Nlr. Victor stated that it will be necessar•, for Mr. and Mrs. Boisvert to convey to 1,1r. Brown, the original vendor of the adjacent lands to the north, the parcel which is described in application #265=70 and to obtain from Mr. Brown a conveyance of the adjacent lands to the south, the parcel which is described in application 42.66-70. Upon perusal of the material supplied and referring to their inspection of the property on October 17, 1970, the Committee were of the opinion that these applications were bona fide and made solely for the purpose of correcting title, the problem having been revealed by the Plan of Survey as prepared by M.D. Brown, OLS, dated August 13, 1969 and numbered 69113. Moved by K. Schoenma.ker and seconded by E.F.R. Osborne that applications 265-70 and 266-70 for consent to correcting_ deeds required to clear title be granted. Carried. CLASSIFICATION "O" Re:A plication 267-70 Por. Victor st-,ted that he was pursuing the app ica ion before thIs Committee for the consent that was re- quested in the first instance i.e. to sever the lands in the centre. He also indicated that if the severance was granted, an application for a minor variance would be necessary to reduce the lot size because re -zoning to"Rural Residential^had not been completed and the lot so crenated would not qualify under the by-law as a "lot" on which a dwelling could be erected. Mr. Victor gave the Committee in some detail the history of his negotiations with the Planning Board and stated that it had been made clear to him that the Council had not finally dealt with the matte;- as Council were awaiting the final decision of the Committee of Adjustment. Page 4 I•leeting Committee of Adjustment, November 16, 1970; The Committee of Adjustment were of the opinion that any action taken should be by way of an amendment to the by-law. This point of view receives support in the remarks of D. Jamieson, the Vice -Chairman in the Board's decision dated March "9, 1970 (ref. P.6635-68; P7122-68; R.831-69, The Ontario Municipal Board; hearing held on I -larch 3, 19'70)., In paragraph 118" Fir. Jamieson states with re`-erence to Mr. Boisvert's application at the hearing "He will now apply to- the township-- coun'cil for a rezoning to a category which will permit a lot of the size that he wishes." Following a lengthy discussion; reviewing the detailed minutes on this application at meeting September 22, 1970 and recalling their inspection of the property, the Committee were of the opinioncthat this-applic->tion would have to be refused on the grounds that a proper interpretation of the request could not beiproperly classified as a "minor variance" and there was no indication,that such a :severance would be in keeping with the overall plan in -the area. Therefore, the application for a severance of 4.073 acres was not granted on motion by K. Schoenmsker and seconded by E.F;R. Osborne. Carried. CLASSIFICATION Sec. 10 "A" +pplicati.oz File No. 272-70 i�,r. Grorge Van Dyk, Agent, 2 Summerfield Court, Bowmanville, Ontario. Mr. Marten Van Dyk, Owner, R.R. 44, Bowmanville, Ontario. for part of Lot 31, Con 1, Township of Clarke, Submission No. "A"272-70-33 slpplication was made for exemption or partial exemption from provisions of sub -division control b --law No. 1592 and amendments' thereto for the reduction of the set back from centre line of ' Townshi; road from 93' to 63' as required under Appendix 1, Sec. "G". The Secretary reported that 17 notices of the said hearing had been mailed in accordance with Item 4 of The Rules of Procedure. I°ir. George Van Dyk, as agent For the applicant, appeared in support of this application. Also appearing were the following persons: Mr. Alexander. Paterson and Fir.arry Godfrey, both of R.R. #21 Newcastle, Ontario. No other person appeared in support of, or in opposition to this application. The Secretary -Treasurer presented the following material to the meeting: (1) Photostat copy of Flan of Survey, prepared by Flim and Trollope, -OLS, Brown Street, Oshawa, Ontario, dated August 9, 1965; (2) Photostat cony of Plan of Survey, prepared by H. Flim, OLS, 47 Prince Street, Oshawa, Ontario, dated February 162 1970 ✓d.O. 4017; Fir. Van Dyk was sworn and the following submissions were made: (1) He wishes to build a dwelling house on the subject land and this application is for exemption from the rewired s :tet back of 93, to 631; (2) Mr. Vin Dyk referred the Committee to the photostat copy of Plan of Survey, dated -august 9, 19659 prepared by Flim and Trollope on which 8 lots are shown, each having a'dimension of 75' frontage and 200' depth. The two abuttinc properties to the north of the subject land have a dwelling thereon, each with a 35' set back. The two lots to the extreme south are shown to have a dwelling thereon, each with a 35' set back; J Page 5 Meeting Committee, of Adjustment, November 16, 1970; (3) Mr. Van Dyk requested that he be allowed to build his new house in line with the houses already established. Also to be considered,, is thc: f+ct that the ground slopes gradually to the jack of the property necessitating a considerable amount of fill to avoid water problems in the basement of the proposed dwelling. (a) The required set back would place.the,house in such a way that the front would be facing the back of the housi-next'door; there would be loss of privacy and also the value of the existin;g:,homes. could -be affected; , Mr. Alexander Paterson was :worn and submitted that he was an adjacent owner to the north. He would have no objection to'the;application';'in fact,, he was very much in favor of having the house placed in line with his own. He would object to the house being placed so that the front would be facing into his garden. He appreciates the privacy of his own property and would, like to,. see it remain as, is. Mr'. Barry Godfrey was then sworn and he confirmed that he was in full agreement with Mr. Paterson. He is the abutting owner to he immediate north and would much prefer to have a new house in line with his own. He had,no objection to the proposed application. Mr. Seldon Parker was then sworn and hcosubmitted that at one time he owned the farm from which these lots were sold to i1r. Allan B. Moore, Barrister & Solicii.or, R.R. 44, Cobourg, Ontario, on or about the year 1965. He had personally laid 6500 tile drains in the 67 acres of land being to the west of the proposed lots. This is a field 80 rods wide which runs down to a creek properly referred to "Baldwins Creek", otherwise known as "Wilmot; Creek" or "Cobbledick's Creek". 1,ir. Parker was of the opinion that there should not be any drainage problem. He did not have any objection to this application. The Committee thanked Mr. Parker for giving the factual background on these lots. The Committee informed Mr. Van Dyk that they would inspecf the property on Thursday, November 19, 1970 and this application was adjourned, awaiting their report. CLASSIi'ICI:TION 10 "A" Appendix 1 Sec. "G" Application File No. 273-70 Messrs. Greer & Zubkavich, Igents, Barristers & Solicitors, 86 King Street E., P.O. Box 204,"Oshawa, Ontario, Mike Zachanowich, Owner, R.R. 43, Port Hope, Ontario. for part of Lot 3, Con. 2, Township of Clarke, Submission No. Application was made for exemption or partial exemption from pro.visio)s of Subdivision Control By—Law No. 1592 and amendments thereto so as to permit the separation of a parcel of land approximately 901x434' approximately 439560 square feet from the applicant's land. The Secretary reported that 15 notices of the said hearing had been mailed in accordance with Item 4 of The Rules of Procedure. Mr. Mike 'Zachanowich, the applicant, and hisson David Zachanowich, �:ccompanied by their agent Stephen M. Zubkavich B.A., LL.B., Barrister & Solicitor, Oshawa, Ontario, appeared in support of this application. No other person appeared in support of, or in opposition to this application. Page 6 Meeting Committce.of Adjustment, November 16, 1970; The Secretary -Treasurer presented the following material to the meeting: (1). Correspondence from Stephen M. Zubkavich, B.A. LL.B., Messrs. Greer and Zubkavich, Barristers & Solicitors, 86 King Street E., Oshawa, Ontario, dated November 3, 1970. The Committee noted the contents thereof; (2) A photostat cony of a drawing showing the dimensions of the subject land. The Chairman, E.R. Lovekin, stated that he had acted as a Solicitor in this matter in the past and he, therefore, felt that he should withdraw from any active participation in this application. With the members' consent he withdrew and Mr. K. Schoenmaker as Senior Member assumed the chair. Stephen M. Zubkavich B.A. LL.B., Solicitor, Oshawa, Ontario, representing the applicant made the following submissions: (1) This is an application by the registered owner for consent to a deed. Mr. and Mrs. G. Bingham originally purchased the property by an Agreement for Sale, registered as #N17274, dated July 30, 1962, registered August 10, 1962 in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of the County of Durham, West Riding. This Agreement was from Mike and Annie Zachanowich to Keith and Mildred Bingham. The Agreement of Sale was renewed in 1967, extending the terms and was registered as N341041 dated August 15, 1967 registered on September 5, 1967 for the balance of the monies outstanding; The said agreement for Sale has now been paid off and accordingly Mr. and Mrs. Bingham arc entitled to obtain a deed to the subject property. -The Committee informed Mr. Zubkavich that a copy of a plan of survey, certified by an Ontario Lands Surveyor must be attached to each copy of the application and this would be required before the application can be finalized. Mr. Zubkavich stated -that a survey of the property was being Made and it would be submitted upon completion. The Committee will inspect this property on Thursday, November 19, 1970 and this application was -adjourned awaiting their report. CLASSIFICATION "F" ny!;'llcation File Lo. 274-j0 The Llydro--hiedtric tower c VOiipissio i of Ontario trent, 620 University Avenue, 101'O !to 2, Ontario, Ceresmore Jarzs Limited, Owner, C/o ;°ir. u. Rickard, rres._, R.F. ;g4, to ar:_a._vi11e, OTitaric, for :art of hot „ Con 11, To,,ausiiir_) oi; Clarke, Submission it. ^ A1)UlicLVion was made for exemption or partial exany tion from pnovisions of sub -division co..trol by -low Lo. 15Y2 and ameniI eats thereto to permit the ;grant of a renewalof an e2.sene._t apprpximatelY 5"/5..O0,'x66' being apuroxima uely 3?,950 squore f ceti in area.. The Secretary raported Wat 26 notices of the said hearing - had be n mail, in accordance witL Item 4 of '.L'0 Rules OI j2pcealure. . Pa �e 1:G'Eti;. Commi"�"uee Of Q.0-ustflient, 1`,ove:%ber 16, 1970; 14r. F. Ellis' Of Ontario Hydro, 620 University A Criue, T ��rio appeared in support of this; application. 10 lol�nto, 0 , pp PP �- other personappeared. in support of, or in,opposition to this applic-.tion. The 8ecretar,—Wrecsu_rer presented the following meterial to the meetin6: (1) Correspondence from Ontario Hydro, 62C, University Avenue, Toro"O.to 21 Ontario, da...:ed hovember 5, and lovembey 11, 1070,, The Committee noted the contents thereof; (2) Photostat cony of The hydro -Electric Power Commission of Ontario Mer to 'Grant EaseDoht, dated at the Villo oe of Lewcastle, 22nd day of Kay, 1970 s"i °lied "Garnet R. iiia_.. r_-" "Annabelle Ri c_ia.rd" R.R. ;-'r4, lowmai villa, Ontario - Line G 12x15 W.C. 643-D15'Q, with to 4a:1 a0bcri�ati on c t -a0i ed thereto, certified correct under dote of Sed tember 21, 197G and signed "G wood" OIS "for Chief Surveyor ; (3) Khotos oat cop! 0 l n of 6urveduted September 24, 1970 certifies OJ "L.-+. Ric!lards!on" Wief Surveyor sho.ai-_ the transmission line; ; 204 TD103122; Nr. Ellis was SWO20 and advanced the following submissions' - (l) ne wa, "ctin as agent for i'r. 2. 1':rs. Garnet R. Ricsiard, R.R. Q howr anville, Ontario and that trey hod full =,_howled, e of the mutter and concurred as evidenced by their siInature on the "Offer to grant EaseDent"; (2) The jro�osa;_ easement is a. renewal of easeaent ,iZhts covering a. twin pole transmission line constructed ;roximvte1;y 40 Yars ,0. The or_-inal easement anen on or about the ,year 1927 cove -rad a W strip o- lard !Yin! 33' on each side of thu centre line of the hydro transmission line. The new Easement will cover the same width of r_ �ht-of-way. There will be no change whatsoever and no additional, cutting done. T'^ 0 i'�'�` ._IJOIIli.l El: :ieiuS ecJ. the material presented and informed Ar. Ellis that the propertl would be inspected on Thursday, november 10, JOVO and h0 will be notified of the Comwittee's decision. Arr_�1ic+..tion adjourned.. CLASSWOMILL Application r1.1E Eo. 275-70 N s, Roma A. 'Turner, Owner, R.R. ;^2, Newcastle, Ontario, for port of Lot 2;, Con. 111, Township, of Cla__ie, Submission ho. ApplicLticn was mode for exemption or partial excmDtion prom provisions of Subdivision Co ,trol 492 and ar,oi dments thereto s0 to permit the scuaf-;,ion of a parcel of lands 2 O':il5o' bein1 ; a11��_Oti1111��.�ely 37,500 square feet r in Asea frow the applicant's land. T i, ry P notices of the sL i d llc;Q,_"_ng The Secreat.ported that 22 had been mailed in accordance with Item 4 01 'The Rules of Tocedure. 141-0, Row' A. Turner, the applicant, aC oa l anted by her husband Lr. kustin Turner appeared in supyolt af this application. to O"Lf1c:C person ai0peai'u^^d 1—' 3upi.%Ort Of, or 1i: O"OS1L tall t0 this application. Pa._'e S i'ie�Gt il:;v �iGmmitt ee Of l.djuSi, i,ieat, 1.GVe"i:.Der 11:, i(Ui The Secretar�­ -n, i_I'esepted t-2e-t.C1=owi 1= material to the meetiiiS_ l; IPl._..0 3urvc- "prepare -d by i'. D0..'uva1_' C vr_z��io,lc Seg Ue:doer ob =ul jo i 1S'. Austin '_'uriler, was sworn, LMLI iaCt :'"1 aS a_:e_-t .for ills wife, ;':1'S. RO.na A. :L'urner, submitted the following "_''acts: l) 1h15 i.� ___ a:.,,`11CatiG;S 61' a :>EVSrEiiiCe Of an existin; Com::;ercial �_c;crt-j from farm lands (2) llie Ori_ii _l ci was constructed in Or about the sumIler Of L: -a was not o_JGra":ed oy ni_.isslf cit ail,- tiiiib but was leased to `l'G-i:aco Canada Ltd., with cross, Lt,ase to the aCtual- 0_:.`e'rcaOr , Li 11iE.T1 Glellnyy (�) The faril 1_ -,rd border .lhLthe lot to be Severed would be :r:_ roima." ely �G to C s.cres;_ (4) Ea.rlair opdo_&Aor_s on this property hL'.ve been carrie':: on s:.2ice a"yprc.;im : el„i lc)46 and across the road frGYi this site, fariilin` O_Cei@:i;io-ns have OeEn carried on Since ap_%rG:�1L:�,'cGly Z.j)Gi (7). 'the service S"i,al-ion hL.3 C1's al ..?ed urand aL.i::E: andiS now selli_n_ pe"croleum ,:1'od.ucts for Lyle aervice C�iltres Ltd., !+hli17tSi,on _?C. 'Ides' _rill 1>.G., GIl'_"<io; _nS -ecJ. O_ _-:ac0 Ca_ ar;.a Ltd. cnd -is O"t.:;=__1.6 ._ _'.S & service S'_'. io , .pit_! E ;ci:iimum o= repe;_r .,.icr . or o"i7.^.Gr ser Vici..i1-beinG done aIld is es; ,nti ally L. service s`�_tion outlet only. fii, arra. concerned `!<:s be;n zoned "Ii h1a, 3em.:.o�cia1" by b,;­1a.w 1�, 1�2 .�.nd as' ..d:: cars thereto; The Cof.mi"i_1-ee .;olisid_red the facts �.reoented al -,d in 1,)4_'I.1Sing the YIc.Il of aLtrve 'doted tLct it had not been Certified by F.J. DCn,z Vvc l iis30CiL."Ges. 1'S. 2'uri er VIL.s requested tG h<.vc col)ies of th'.} t`lc.2i of '3urvev UrepareCi and certified and the Co)mmittee will L:3NGCt. "L'A:S pTG` ei `_"i.V 021 `l'ilul'SCia ,1`lO VelMo er l`„ 1;'/G• hlr. 1'uTner reB-C'_ily &,,reed t Eal- Sii1Ce he ._aC_ Oihly one Plan Of SurVe-, he wo--'ld be will`_'it t0 LJG�-end to this -latter 2.IId the extro. Copies would be handed to the Secreta.r-as soon as �:O SSibl e, 1_cotion adjourned. CT iiJ 01i' 1vr__'l� L: 11 �11 — Sec • r� ._. V Application rile 1:0. 276-70 A.W. Whitmee, Crr;ner, R.R. „ =, iiewcastle, Gnta.ri',. I pt:rt of Lot 2;i, Con 11, o',a21s `1i o Clurk„ Submiesi on _.e. �1G:_ T.1 hi 1"_._qie lOr or -;i'.-1t1£;l L c'I:1"ya 10n --roil �:i OVA �_O:;o O '.;;QU—i�]_V 1:;101: c0i=ol O,/—lc.:? lj'j:_, rd a'L:!end— :1;: L�2�0, _ I -1 1, .`��CC ul'u r t11r1:i a r/' .z;c eyard, t0 the Co i ractl0 t Of c bu�_idin_.i (dwollin a2i of Lv' _1G `t1_1_., 0-_ l;G roL CJ c.110 ::`aIiCe. The ;6Jcrc repiortud the t l .:�:: _ llouices of gin,: S�.-_a _.2d Ccs: ih d i;, LCCO_da21C:1-ITtil/1tia.l 4 O "fi_q: Rales Of _^GC�O.UTc. Fate 9 r� , t°ieetin- Conr,:itte:: of xdjustni�-�, i;ovenber lu, l;/vim r. 1`T'L'. and. 1"1lS. 11.'J.�.:_itmEe Lj� ";pc.rBC-a'. 11i SUI JOrt O1 tfi1S ap�i)1Cau10n. 1.0 other 1)Crson �7p-;eEred in su'i7.iOr-t of, Or 111 0IJOOS1t101. -tC this a.DJlica;tion. Tha Secret:.:-?- ,.-rcL B1119r 'lir@':)Gilted LIle follow -In_; Arterial to '„he ,Ileet7_"1i: (l). k S'ctCl'i pleL2 OI ViiC Sl D.i.,C't laTici -tn.e minir:_am sC� bac-_ C'.S 1'._U-ired iao an " .° Zone c (2) r_ l.ilotos;,c.t corag;- of clan of Sarvey pr,Epared by 1'lia an '_rollope, OLii., 111 Wil; ill Street _LE,st, Osha:,a., untario, d<.ted 1:ovem_ber 2i , l;s:i, W.U. 2>5; ,:r. 6:.itraee Baas ti^corn Znd the follov.ing submissions .were mace: (1) 'fr1iS Lro_ertjr wLs T>LirC1csed. from Allan E. J'loOre, r is ter Solicitor, 1L.P_. it -4 Cobour.-, Ontario, Oil October 1, 19']0;, (2) V_7 the 11a.1. Q:i- SUry ;; his loL 1s snot^In as 15 and [,but.Jr_- his pro, ert; to file south is a ;ell 'tele: Gone . Sub Station, L nd runiiin� across '--is ')ropert,, to the '-' clire'Ctioal 1S a �O' C:i.SC-i-1"F nt south, in a waste_1y of :-I"Fi1 'lele__hone Co.;_ (J) lite house ;^,e "Jro,)osos bUilO7_n,I would Tlav3 c' rJidth of 4c' ca.= r�::ra.,,;e.. He would also c lig-e to cO-nSt1'uct r S a:_+_)11Ca:tiO 1S "or rCiUCt1011. Of '—he Tar reGuir.ei. i.ent fro -m 25' t0 ' on Gi1e 11ort'n end 11j' n,_ On tilE south. 'I" _liS WGUICi a1.L0'%1 him GO COTiu-tl'UCt :3 thehouse4i1 U,. O,n F7.Lti c.0 l2ci�. :a1^c:-;8 IQ' 1'Clil U_5E -�e 1, 1e ,1l.cne Corr,ps.ny _ ropert;; to the south and allow. o' 'roE tl_e C:b-attir. c•:.'lier's driveway; CJ) i_iore is ;-Llf CiEY't roO1T1 'Cr a gre n11ous. at the back O'_' Elie 11.0 U.Ue and 111E U2._1::.TiC C: O -L T,1 -ie IU.T'id 190U1i,. be us --d -Loi' `and Eliili ;, The Cora:_:it,,e: considered the facts oresented Li -d informed. E'r. ihitlnee :La . :ould inspEct t__ pr pert';r on Tilursda , ovc ,nG or 1 1y; 0 c, d -C.iis a_ i,licoaion was ad; ourned awaiting their reort. oi Variance General Business: The Secretary presented to the Committee an Ontario P1ann.Lng Newsletter, dated October 1970. The Committee noted the contents thereof; At the conclusion of the meeting Mr.,S. Elia vias granted a lengthy interview with regard to his proposal to install gas pumps in an existing restaurant with attached dwelling unit. The Committee held a closed session on: (1) October 24, 1970 - from 10:00 a.m. office of ''.R. Lovekin, Chairman, application of Mrs. Marie Micklash administrative mdtters; (2) November 10, 1970 - from 1:00 p.m. revision of the Procedure rc Hi_nor Hearing Notices. Meeting adjourned at 1:00 a.m. Secretary-Treasu er until 2:00 p.m. in the to discuss and review the and to attend to other until 5:00 p.m. to,4lraft a Variances axil t�l ?e Chairma ---