HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/13/1969MEETING of the C0MMITTEE- OF ADJUSTI-'iENT Monday September 8, 1969 at 8:00 p.m. Council Chamber The meeting scheduled for the above-mentioned date was cancelled by a telephone notice from the Chairman, E. Richard Lovekin, to the Secretary -Treasurer, Ellen M. Yeo. A quorum of members were unable to present, therefore the meeting was cancelled until September1 1969 the Council Chamber, and the Secretary was instructe ot• y 1 p concerned`. C�� 4a --✓l,. /. 7 ��f-IJP r Secretary -Treasure' Chairman MEETING of the COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMIIT Saturday, September 13, 1969 at 1:00 p.m. Council Chamber Present: E.R. Lovekin, Chairman, . K. Schoenmaker, Member, E.F.R. Osborne, Member, Mrs. Ellen M. Yeo, Secretary -Treasurer, Mr. Arthur Low, Secretary, Planning Board. Thg8minutes of meeting held on July 14, 1969; decisions made on July, 1969 and cancellation of September 8, 1969 meeting were approved as read on motion by K. Schoenmaker and seconded by E.F.R. Osborne. Carried. Application File No. 173-69= George Lumley, Owner, R.R. #1, Newtonville, Ontario, for part of Lot 2, Con 111, Township of Clarke, Submission No. "B" 173-69-152 This application was brought forward for discussion. Mr.. K. Schoenmaker, Senior Member, reported that an appeal by George Lumley against a decision dated March 11, 1969, of the Committee of Adjustment for the Township of Clarke was heard by The Ontario Municipal Board, at the Council Chambers of the Town- ship of Clarke on Monday, July 20, 1969 at 11:00 o'clock in the forenoon. The following persons attended: Mr. K. Schoenmaker and Mr. E.F.R. Osborne, members of the Committee of Adjustment; Mr. Horace Best, Building Inspector, for the Township of Clarke; Mr. George Lumley, applicant, R.R. #1 Ne.,tonville, Ontario, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Weaver, proposed owners, R.R. #1, Newtonville, Ontario, Mr. Jack Ogden, R.R. #1 Newtonville, Ontario, an abutting owner; Two members; of the Ontario Municipal Board conducted the hearing. The appellant, in his presentation, stated that the proposed dwelling would not be an accessory to a farm use. The hearing was adjourned for a period of ten minutes and upon their return the Board referred to Section 10 Agriculture Zone "A" "no person shall within any Agricultural Zone, use any land or erect, alter or use any building or structure, except for such purposes and in accordance- with such regulations as are per- mitted by and are in accordance with the following provisions:. (a) Permitted Uses; (i) all farming uses and uses accessory thereto including one family detached dwellings." The Board thereupon dismissed this appeal. The Committee were of the opinion that this file is now finalized and the facts were duly recorded for purposes of the clarification of the records. CLASSIFIC"TION "E" Page 2 Meeting Committee of Adjustment September 13, 1969: Application File No. 184-69 W. Kay Lycett B.A., Agent, 'Barrister & Solicitor, Orono, Ontario, - Conley James Battams, Owners, Verna Muriel Battams, Leskard, Ontario, for part of Lot 31, Con V11; Township of Clarke, Submission No. 5' 1 3 '0 -f c 8 As business arising from minutgs of, meeting July 7, 1969 this application was presented for further consideration. W.,Kay Lycett B.A.Barrister & Solicitor, Orono as agent for the applicants appeared in support of this application. No other person appeared in support of or in.opposition to this application. Mr. Lycett stated that he hid been in touch with Mr. Merrill Brown, OLS with regard to the exacf location to the subject property, but was unable to contact Mr. Brown personally. Mr. Lycett r•eque'-ted that this application be set over until the next meeting, at which time he expects to have the required information. This application was adjourned accordingly., CLASSIFICATION "O" c Application File No. 190-69 Messrs. Strike & Strike, Agent, Barristers & Solicitors, Box 7, Bowmanville, Ontario, Orley Trew, Owner R.R. #1, Campbellcroft, Ontario, for part of Lot 1, Con. Vill, township of Clarke, Submission No. As business arising from minutes of past meetings this _ application was brought forward for furtherconsideration. The Secretary -Treasurer presented the following material to the meeting: o (l) Correspondence from M.B. Kelly, B. Comm., LL.B., Barrister & Solicitor, of Messrs. Strike & Strike, Bowmanville, Ontario, wherein he stated "Mr. Orley Trew has instructed the writer to` with- draw his application and accordingly we will be closing our file" The Committee noted the contents thereof and instructed the Secretary to annotate the file "withdrawn" and close the file. CLASSIFICATION "E" Application File No. 198-69 W. Kay Lycett B.A., Agent, Barrister & Solicitor, Orono, Ontario, Donald John Cochrane, Ow;ier, R.R. 41, Orono, Ontario, for part of Lot 25, Con 1X, Township of Clarke, Submission No. "B" 198-69-176 a ll As business arising from minutes of past meeti gs this application was presented for further consideration. Page 3 Meeting Committee'of Adjustment September 13, 1969:. W. Kay Lycett B.A.,,Barrister)& Solicitor, Orono as( ) agent for the applicant appeared in support of this application. No other person appeared in support of or in opposition to this application. , i The Secretary -Treasurer presented the following material to the meeting: ' (1) A Plan of Survey prepared by M.D. Brown, _ Ontario Land Surveyor 1106, of Bowmanville, Ontario dated August 1, 169 and numbered 69112;_ (2) Correspondence from W. Kay Lycett B.A.,,, Barrister & Solicitor, Orono, Ontario, dated September 2, 1969• The Committee noted the contents thereof. The Committee: (1) Referred to the minutes of meetings June 2, 1969; July. -,14, 1969; (2) Recalled their inspection of the site on June 11, 1969;; (3) Perused the Plan of Survey submitted and noted that there were only one set of buildings on the 50 acre parcel being severed and there were no buildings on the parcel remaining. The acreage was so large that this appeared to the Committee to be a bona fide severance of agricultural land from forest land. This application was granted on motion by E.F.R. Osborne and seconded by K. Schoenmaker. Carried. CLASSIFICATION "E" Application.File No. 201-69 W. Kay Lycett B.A•; )Agent, Barrister & Solicitor, Orono, Ontario, Bertha Violet Little, Owner, 770 Hortop St., Oshawa, Ontario, for part of Lots 6 & 7, part of road allowance between Lots 6 & 7 all in Con VI, Township of Clarke, Submission No. "B" 201-69-177 As.businass arising fromminutes' of -,past meetings this application was brought forward fox` further consideration. W. Kay Lycett B.A., Barrister & Solicitor, Orono, Ontario, as agent for the applicant appeared in support of this application. No other person appeared in support of or in opposition to this application. The Committee noted the following facts: (1) The land was in an agricultural area according to by-law 1592, with amendments thereto; t .(2) Mr. Lycett submitted that his application was based on the face that previous documentary evidence exists by way of a prior application to the Committee (refer 45-66 dated 10th April, 1967). This prior intention to sever the land pre -dates the repeal of the 10 acre lot provision (BIJI 89); and Mrs. Little could at that time have divided the land as she now proposes Page 4. Meeting Committee of Adjustment September 13, 1969:. (3) There was evidence (oral only). that the deceased father had promisdd to give a lot to his children; (4) The parcels to be created were all 10 acre or more in size; (5) The parcels created were all going to members of the family; (6) Land use in the area is already established in a 10 acre parcel pattern; , (7) The type of land on which these 10 acre parcels already exist,,and the land which is the subject of this application, is poor for agriculture. It is sandy in texture and is ideally suited for residential use, being wooded and with a meadow and stream; (8) Ready access to a paved county road on the north side makes the property readily accessible; Based on these facts and referring to their inspection of the property on Wednesday June 11, 1969 the Committee concluded; (a) The applicant owns approximately 34.3 acres and wishes to sever a parcel of approximately 14 acres situated in.the centre of her lands; , ) (b) The subject proi;lerty abuts a hard surfaced county road; (c) The character of the land is poor quality farmland, partly covered with bush; (d) A runningoskream is situate on the property (e) The land seems suitable for private sewage disposal purposes;. Clear documentary evidence exists of a previous intention to sever, namely, an application to this Committee;. In view of these facts, and particularly in view of the documentary evidence led of prior intention to sever, the Committee informed 14r. Lycett that this application will be given further consideration subject to the following conditions:. (1) A proper Plan of Survey in duplicate prepared by an Ontario Land Surveyor be presented to the Committee;, (2) The Corporation of the Township of Clarke to be given an option for a 66' road allowance for a 10 year period. The said 66' road allowance shall be located on the eastern portion of the remaining parcel which is situated to the east of the proposed severance; (3) An Affidavit to be sworn by Mrs. Bertha Little verifying that the lots are to be held by herself or members of her family; (4) A restrictive clause to be contained in the deed to the subject property and in the deeds to lands created by remainder as follows: "Subject to the restriction, limitation and condition that the lands herein described shall not be sold, transferred or conveyed, or any equity therein, with the exception of a mortgage, be sold, transferred or conveyed to any person, firm or corporation other than to a person -who isga member of the Little family for a period of at least 5 years from the date upon which the decision Page 5 Meeting Committee of Adjustment September 13, 1969: of the Committee of Adjustment of the Township of Clarke to the within conveyance becomes final, such date to be shown on the copy of the decision of the said Committee which is attached to and forms part of this Deed." This restrictive clause shall form and be part of any deedtendered. (5) Conditions (2) and (3) to be satisfied by an undertaking to be<forwarded to thc�Committee by Mr. Lycett and condition (4) to be met by a covenant in the deed to the subject portion -and in the deeds to the parcels created by remainder. This application was adjourned until such time<as the requested material is presented to the Committee for their further consideration. CLASSIFIED "E" Application File No. 205-69 W... Kay Lycett B.A., Agent, Barrister &-Solicitor, Orono, Ontario, Harold Ball, Owner, R.R. 42, Orono, Ontario, for part of Lots 31 & 3.22 Township of Clarke, , ' Submission No. "A`205-69, As business arising from minutes of past meetings this application was brought forward for further consideration. W. Kay Lycett, B.A., Barrister & Solicitor, Orono, Ontario', as agent for the applicant appeared in support of• this application. No other person appeared in support o-, or in opposition to this application. The Secretary -Treasurer presented the following material to the meeting,:. , , (1) Correspondence from W. Kay Lycett B.A., Barrister & Solicitor, Orono, Ontario, dated August 18, 1969; the Committee noted the contents thereof; (2) A Certificate of approval from the Medical Office of Health, Northumberland -Durham Health Unit dated July 29, 1969 and signed by "Henry A. Rood" approving a private sewage disposal system. This matter was further discussed and a request for more information was forwarded to the agent, W. Kay Lycett B.A., Application 'adjourned until such time as the required information is presented to the Committee for their consideration. CLASSIFICATION "P" Application File No. 207-69 " c Grant Cooper, Agent, Newcastle, Ontario, Jacqueline Cooper, Owners, John AlbBrt Smith, Newcastle, Ontario, & 13 for part of Lot 12,/Con �11, Township of Clarke, Submission No. Application was made for exemption or partial exemption from provisions of Subdivision Control By -Law No. 15922 with amend- ments thereto, so as to permit the separation of a parcel of land, approximately 74.50 acres from the applicants' land. The Secretary reported that 14 notices of the said hearing had been mailed in accordance with Item 4 of the Rules of Procedure. Page 6 Meeting Committee of Adjustment September 13, 1969: The Secretary -Treasurer presented the following material to the meeting:: (1) Correspondence from E. Richard Lovekin B.A. LL.B., Barrister & Solicitor, Box 9, Newcastle, Ontario, dated July 14, 1969.1 The Committee noted the contents thereof. The Chairman of the Committee, E. Richard Lovekin, stated that he had previous knowledge of this application and withdrew with the members' consent. Mr. K. Schoenmaker, as senior member assumed the chair. Mr. Grant Cooper, Newcastle, Ontario, as agent for the applicants appeared on behalf of this application. No other person appeared in support of or in opposition to this application. Mr. Cooper made the following submissions - (1 Mrs. J. Anderson Smith, deceased, owned this land and the land is now being conveyed to the two heirs of the estate, Joe Smith Jr., her son and Jacqueline Smith her daughter (Mrs. Grant Cooper); (2) The Executor, instead of c„nveying half the farm to each, conveyed the lands to both heirs as tenants in common (not joint tenants). The heirs themselves now have to negotiate an even division of the lands; (3) The total acreage of the subject land is approximately 150 `acres. The heirs have agreed to divide the land whereby Joe Smith Jr., would retain 74.49 acres and the remaining heiress Jacqueline Cooper would retain 74.50 acres; (4) There are no buildings on the 74.50 acre parcel, but there is a good stream on 'the 3.08 acre which is to form part of this holding. The intention is to keep cattle on this land; (5) All the buildings are located on the 74.49 parcel and it is proposed to create a pond of approximately 2z acres on this land; (6) The property is divided by an unopened road allowance; (7) This is marginal land and not suitable for agricultural purposes but Quite suitable for the raising of cattle; The Committee considered the facts presented and informed Mr. Cooper Lhat they would require a restrictive clause in the deed that the 3.08 acre parcel shall remain with the 71.42 acre parcel. Mr. Cooper ve_bally agreed to this condition and the application was adjourned to enable the Committee to visit the property. CLASSIFICATION "Ell Application File No. 208-69 J.J. DenHollander, Owner, R.R. 42, Orono, Ontario, for part of Lot 28, Con V. Police Village of Orono, Township of Clarke, Submission No. Application was made for exemption or partial exemption from provisions of Subdivision Control By -Law No. 1592 and amendments thereto so as to permit the separation of a parcel of land approximately 751x182' being approximately 13,650 square feet in area from the applicant's land. The Secretary reported that 18 notices of the said hearing had been mailed in accordance with Item 4 of The Rules ofe Procdure. Page 7 Meeting Committee of,Adjustment September -13, 1969: Mr. Den Hollander accompanied by his agent W. Kay LycettB.A., Barrister & Solicitor of Orono, Ontario appeared in support of this application. No other person appeared in support of, or in,opposition to this application; The Secretary -Treasurer presented the following material to the meeting:. L (1) Correspondence from W. Kay Lycett B.A., Barrister & Solicitor, Orono, Ontario, dated August,20, 1969; The Committee duly noted the contents thereof; (2) A Photostat copy of a pencil sketch slowing the subject land; Mr. Lycett made the following submissions: (1) The subject land is located in an "R1" Zone in the Village of Orono and fronts on Main ..Street -North, just north of Millson Hill Drive; (2) The frontage will Ibe approximately 75' by a depth of approximately 182' and it is proposed that the parcel in question will be sold as a building lot; - (3)'.This conveyance will effect the creation of two lots and Mr. DenHollander will reserve a 75' parcel lying to the north of the said lands; (4) The property lies in a built-up area, municipal water is available and this could be considered as an inSilling operation; The Committee considered the facts presented and this -application was adjourned to enable the Committee to visit the property. CLASSIFICATION "J" Application File No. 209-69 J.R.K. Eardley, Owner, Box 63, Newtonville, Ontario, for part of Lot 10, Con 1, Township of Clarke, Submission No. 55 ao;-69- iyz, Application was made for exemption or partial a exemption from provisions Qf Subdivision Control By -Law No. 1592 and amendments thereto so as to permit the separation of a parcel of land approximately 120' x 212.68' being approximately 25,516 square feet in area from the applicant's land. The Secretary reported that 26 notices of the said hearing had been mailed in accordance with Item 4 of The Rules of Procedure. Mr. J. R.K. Eardley the applicant appeared in support of this application. No other person appeared in support of, or in opposition to this application. The Chairman of the Committee, E. Richard Lovekin, stated that he had previous knowledge of this application as he'had represented Mr. Eardley when the land had been purchased. He therefore withdrew with the members' consent and Mr. K. Schoenmaker, as senior member assumed the chair. - The Secretary-Treasurer.presented the following material to the meeting: (1) A Plan of Survey prepared by M.D. Brown, OLS., Bowmanville, Ontario,.dated June 30, 1969 annotated "additions Aug 13, 1969" and numbered 69085; Page 8 Meeting Committee of Adjustment September 13, 1969: Mr. Eardley made•the following subrAissions: (1) The subject land was acquired in July 1969 and is in an "R1" Zone; in the Village of Newtonville, Ontario; (2) The proposed severance will have an area of approximately 25,000 square feet and fronts on a well travelled gravel road; (3) The land is high and dry and quite level; Mr. Eardley further stated that he wished to retain a portion 11' wide by 213.60' deep abutting the proposed severance which would give him access to the rear of the remaining property where he lives. In the winter it is very difficult to reach the property from Highway r#2 on the south side and a rear en- trance from the gravel road on the north side would be very helpful. , The Committee considered the facts presented and this application was adjourned to enable the Committee to visit the site. CLASSIFICATION "A" Application No. 210-69 Edward R. Woodyard, Agent, Application No. 211-69 Orono, Ontario, Miss Helena J. Waddell,Owners Miss Catherine A. Waddell, Orono, Ontario, for part of Lot 29, Con V, Police Village of)Orono, Township of Clarke, Submission No. "B"210-69-190 "B"211-69-191 Applications were made for exemption or partial exemption from provisions of Subdivision Control By -Law No. 1592 and amendments thereto so as to permit the separation of two parcels of land, each parcel approximately 75' x 1001 in area from the applicant's land. The Secretary reported that 54 notices of the said hearing had been mailed in accordance with Item 4 0£ The Rules of Procedure. Mr. Edward R. Woodyard as agent for the applicants appeared in support of these applications. No other person appeared in support of or in opposition to these applications. The Secretary -Treasurer presented the fdllowing material to the meeting: (1) A pencil sketch of the subject land; (2) Correspondence from G.L. McGee, P. Eng., Orono, Ontario dated September 10, 1969. The Committee noted the contents thereof and instructed the Secretary, to, include the contents of this correspondence in the minutes of the meeting:. "pear Sirs: Ref. Application 4210-69:211-69 - With reference to the application for the separation of.,a parcel of land by Misses Helena J. Waddell and Catherine A. Waddell as noted on Application ;#210-69 may we draw the attention of the Committee of Adjustment to the following conditions: (1)*The parcel of land to be separated would lie somewhere in subdivided lots Nos. 829,10,11, and part of 12 in Lot 29, Conc. 5., which is a registered survey of the area. (2) The proposed area of 75'x100' does not clearly designate the location of the separation in relation to the subdivided lots noted in (1). (3) No mention is made of public access to the area to be separated. Page 9 Meeting Committee of Adjustment September 13, 1969: (4) The west boundary of'the present Waddell property contained in lots nos. 8,9,10,11, and part of 12 divides the property from the "Wild Life Conservation Area" of the Town- ship of;Clarke now designated Open Space on the plans of the Sub -Division Control By -Law. Thig Open Space area was sold to the Township by the undersigned in 1965 with the stipulation that it could only be used for "Wild Life Conservation" for a period of twenty-five ,years from the date of sale. WE WOULD NOT AGREE TO ANY ROAD ALLOWANCE BEING CONSTRUCTED TO SERVE THE WADDELL LOTS NOTED ABOVE ON THE "WILD LIFE CONSERVATIGN AREA" WHICH WOULD BE CONTRARY TO THE TERMS OF THE SALE OL' THAT PROPERTY TO THE TdG+NSHIP. We trust that this letter -be brought to the attention of all concerned at the proposed hearing of the application on September 13. 1969. Yours very truly, (sgnd.) 'GoL. McGee, P. Eng. " Mr. Edward R. Woodyard on behalf of the applicants made the following submissions: (1) These applicati.ons concern land fronting on Concession 5, in the Village of Orono, and zoned "Open Space" in By -Law 1592 and amendments thereto; (2)_ The applicants propose to sever a piece of property with a frontage of 150' x 100' depth into two. building lots each having.a frontage of 75' x 1001 depth; Mr. Woodyard further stated that in his capacity as Secretary for the Police Trustees he was aware that an extension of the water supply was being considered to service these lots and the hydrant would be placed in front of the subject lands. This would serve the new homes to be constructed and would also be useful as a fire prevention, a large area of treed lands being immediately to the West. The Committee considered the facts presented and referred to the Municipal Board Hearing on the 16th of June, 1969, at which time it was -suggested that an amendment would be considered to re -zone the open space land lying to the west of Main Street in Orono, south of the abandoned railroad and north of Concession 5. The Committee indicated that they would visit the property and be in a position to give a decision when the amendments to by -law - 1592 become officially implemented and a survey has been submitted. The Secretary was instructed to reply to Mr. McGee's letter and inform him that the next meeting will be on Wednesday, October 1, 1969�at 8:00 p.m. should he wish to attend. Application adjourned for further consideration. CLASSIFICATION "A" Application No. 212-69 W. Kay Lycett B.A., .'Agent, Barrister & Solicitor, Orono, Ontario, E ilton W. Staples, Owner, R.R. 42, Orono, Ontario, for part of Lot 29; Con V, Police Village of Orono and Township of Clarke, Submission No. "B"212-69.192 Application was made for exemption or partial exemption from provisions of Sub -division Control By -Law No. 1592 and amendments thereto so as to permit the separation of 3001x830' being approximately 249,000 square feet in area from the applicant's land. Page 10 Meeting Committee of,Adjustment September 13, 1969; The Secretary reported that 17 notices of the said hearig had been mailed in accordance with Item 4 of The Rules of Pro- cedure. W. Kay Lycett B.A., Barrister & Solicitor, Orono, Ontario, as agent.for the -applicant and Mr. Jan Ochonski the proposed purchaser appeared in support of this application.- Mrs. George Clarke, Orono, Ontario, an abutting owner appeared as an observer. No other person appeared in support of, or in opposition to this application. - The Secretary -Treasurer presented the following material to the meeting: (1) Correspondence from W. Kay Lycett B.A., Barrister & Solicitor, Orono, Ontario, dated August 29, 1969. The Committee noted the contents thereof; (2) A Plan of, Survey, prepared by H.D. Brown OLS, 1106, of 13owmanville,. Ontario, dated August 28, 1969, numbered 66148A, annotated "Surveyor's Certificate" "this survey was completed on the 27th day of August, 1969:' Mr. Lycett made the .following submissions: (1) This severance is for a portion of 'Mr. StaplesT farm property which lies within the boundaries of the Police Village of Orono and is zoned "R 111., - Mr. Jan Ochonski, 'a local contractor, is interested ' in purchasing the most northerly 300 feet for develop- ment to his other lands which are adjacent to the east and to the west of the subject lands; (2) Mr. Ochonski purchased the parcel to the east, lying adjacent to the subject lands from Mr. and e Mrs. Beauchamp (ref. ("B" 51-67-4211) and the lands to the west were acquired several years ago and are the subject of a future residential development; The property in question in this application will tie these two pro_-erties together and will give the necessary access to the we_,terl.y lands whereby Mr. Ochpnski will be able -to supply the westerly lands with municipal water subject to any required agree- ment with the Trustees of the Village of Orono. The Committee indicated that they would visit this property and this application was adjourned for further consideration at the next meeting. CLASSIFICATION "H" Application File No. 213-69 Keith E. Wood, Agent, Kendal, Ontario, Wm. E. Reid Owners, Keith E. Wood, Orono and Kendal, Ontario, for part of Lot 9, Con V1, Township of Clarke, Submissicn No. Application was made for exemption or partial exemption from provisions of Sub.,,Division Control By -Law No. 1592 and amend - menus thereto' so as,to permit th@ @@paration of 531.89'x1885.03' x1.381.251, being approximately 30 acres in area from the applicants' land. c Page 11, Meeting Committee .of Adjustment September 13, 1969; The Secretary reported that 13 notices of the said hearing had been mailed in accordance with Item 4 of The Rules of Pro- cedure. Mr. Keith Wood, Kendal, Ontario and Mr. Wm. Reid, Orono, Ontario, appeared in support of this application. No other person appeared in support of, or in opposition to this application. The Secr@taryrTreasnret presented the following material ' to the meeting: (1) A Plan of Survey prepared by M.D. Brown, OLS., Bowmanville, Ontario, dated June 5, 1969 and numbered 69070; Mr. Wood made the following submissions: (1) Mr. Reid and himself are joint owners of an agricultural holding of approximately 50 acres; (2)` This application is for a severance of 30 acres from this holding to be added to his present farm which would'give him approximately 59.49 acres; (3) This increase woOld be deeded from a parcel of land laying to the north and the remaining piece in that parcel would be reduced to a�size of 20 acres. The 20 acres so remaining is,in general, rough land and not suitable for cultivation but suitable for rough pasture; (4) No house remains on the 20 acres but a farm barn in useable condition is on this parcel and this barn is currently used by himself and Mr. Reid for animals being pastured there; (5) There would be no change in building Bite and this addition to his present farm would add enough suit- able land.torcarry on a more extensive operation. This application was adjourned to enable the Committee to visit the site. CLASSIFICATION "E" Meeting adjourned at 6:30 pm Secretary-Treas—UT er MEETING of the COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT Wednesday, October 1, 1969 at 8:00 p.m. Present: E.R. Lovekin., Chairman, Council Chamber K. Schoenmaker, Member, E.F.R. Osborne, Member, Mr -s'. Ellen I1. Y'eo', Secretary -Treasurer. The minutes of meeting held on September 13, 1969 were approved as read on motion by E.F.R. Osborne and seconded by K. Schoenmaker. Carried. Application File No. 184-69 W. Kay Lycett B.A., Agent, Barrister & Solicitor, Orono, Ontario, Conley James Battams, Owners, Verna Muriel Battams, Leskard,Ontario, for part of Lot 31, Con Vll, Twp of Clarke Submission No. -r'11, As business arising from minutes of past meetings this application