HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/06/1972MEETING OF THE COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT Monday, November 6, 1972 at 7:00 p.m. Council Chamber, Orono, Ontario. Present: E.R. Lovekin B.A. LL.B., Chairman, K. Schoenmaker, Member, E.1''.R. Osborne, Member, Mrs. Ellen M. Yeo, Secretary -Treasurer The minutes of'meetings October 2, Meeting in Committee, October 3 and Inspection Report October 19, 1972 were approved on motion by K. Schoenmaker, seconded by E.F.R. Osborne. Carried. Application File "B1123-72 Eleonore Adams, Owner, ' Newtonville, Ontario, for part of Lot 9, Con 1, Township of Clarke, Submission No. "B"23-72-20 As business arising from minutes of past meetings, this application was brought forward for further consideration. As a matter of record, Chairman E.R. Lovekin disqualified himself from participation in this decision as he represents Mr. Adams in matters associated with this property, therefore, Mr. K. Schoenmaker, senior member, conducted the hearing on this application. Mrs. Eleonore Adams and her husband Mr. James Adams appeared in support of this application. No other person appeared in support of, or in opposition to this application. Mr. Adams, being reminded that he was still under oath stated the following facts: 1. He had consulted his Surveyor, as to a suitable division of the land, upon the recommendation of the Committee at their last meeting; 2. He wishes to sever the parcel of 7.01 acres as outlined in "red" on the said Certified Plan of Survey as prepared by M.D. Brown OLS., Bowmanville, Ontario, #66092, dated July 12, 1966 and annotated "additions and revisions November 2, 1972"; this severance will leave the required area in an "RR" zone; The Committee perused the Plan of Survey and noted that the area to be retained by the applicant will be 1.45 acres on which is situate the dwelling house and a frame barn and the area to be severed is now 7.01 acres. Mr. Adams requested permission to amend the application in accordance with the Plan of Survey. This request was granted and the changes initialled by Mr. Adams. The Committee referred to their meetings of September 11 and October 2, 1972; recalled their inspection of the property on July 21, 1972 and were of the opinion that the applicant had complied with the conditions imposed as evidenced in former minutes. Application granted on motion by K. Schoenmaker, seconded by E.F.R. Osborne. Carried. CLASSIFICATION "RR" Page 2 Meeting Committee of Adjustment, November 6, 1972: Application File "B"24-72 Gerrit and Dieuwke Rekker, Owners, Millson Hill Drive, Orono, Ontario, for part of Lot 28, Con 5, Police Village of Orono, Township of Clarke, Submission "B"24-72-22 As business arising from the minutes of meeting September 11, 1972, this application was brought forward for further consideration. Mr. John Rekker, son of the applicant, appeared in support of this application. No other person appeared in support of, or in opposition to this application. Mr. John Rekker, under oath, and on behalf of the applicant, his father, presented the following material tothe meeting: 1. Photostat certified Plan of Survey, prepared by M.D. Brown OLS., Bowmanville, Ontario, #69062, dated May 22, 1969, annotated "additions November 2, 1972" on which is outlined in "red" the area to be severed; Mr. Rekker confirmed that the "subject lands" as shown orI the said Plan of Survey are to be conveyed to an abutting owner one Mrs. Wilhelmina Peeters who wishes extra land for gardening and recreational purposes to meld with their property. The Committee recalled their inspection of the property on Labor Day, September 4, 1972 at which time the applicant Mr. Gerrit Rekker discussed the transfer of property between himself and the abutting owner,and the fact that this property would not be built on and will become cultivated "greenbelt". The Committee were of the opinion that the applicant had complied with the conditions imposed as evidenced in former minutes and this application was granted on motion by K. Schoenmaker, seconded by E.F.R. Osborne. Carried. CLASSIFICATION "R1" Application File No. "B"33-72 Daniel Katz, Owner, C/o 119 Adelaide St. W., Suite 109, Toronto, Ontario, Harry Katz, Agent, 16 Duncannon Dr., Toronto, Ont., for part of Lots 3.& 4, Con 4, Township of Clarke, Submission No. "B"33-72-31 As business arising from minutes of October 2, 19727 this application was brought forward for further consideration. Mr. Harry Katz, agent and father of the applicant, appeared in support of this application. No other person appeared in support of, or in opposition to this application. As a matter of record the whole Committee inspected this, property on Thursday, October 19, 1972 and spoke to one Mrs. K. Francek who stated that she and her husband had sold the property to the applicant Daniel Katz in April of this year,retain- ing the right to stay on the property for one year. She also stated that Surveyors had been on the property. Mr. Harry Katz, father of the applicant, was then sworn,., and stated the following facts: 1. His son Daniel Katz is the registered owner of this property who purchased it approximately 8 months ago. This area is very scenic and his son wishes to retain the 40 acres on which there is Page 3 Meeting Committee o€ Adjustment November 6, 1972: 1. cont'd a dwelling and several farm buildings. The creation of two agricultural lots will enable other members of the family to live on the property as it is intended to build a home on the remaining 62.97 acres; 2. In reply to a question from Chairman G.R. Lovekin as to whether there is any intention to apply for re -zoning of either parcel to a"commercial use" Mr. Katz replied "no, the division was to have separate ownership in his own family for single family dwellings" The Committee noted that this land has never been subject to a severance although the former owner could have applied for a "farmer retaining a lot". Following further discussion it was explained to the applicant's agent Mr. Harry Katz that the Committee do not -give any final decision until a certified Plan of Survey prepared by an Ontario Land Surveyor has been submitted with the supporting documentation. Mr. Katz indicated that he would see that the Committee would be supplied witha proper Plan of Survey and this application was adjourned awaiting receipt of the requested material. CLASSIFICATION 10 "A" Application File No. "B"34.72- Harry A. Kuehn, Owner, R.R. #19 Newtonville, Ontario, for part of Lot 6, Con 2, Township of Clarke, Submission No. B1134 -72 - Application was made for exemption or partial exemption from provisions of the Planning Act so as to permit the separation of a parcel of land approximately 36 acres from the applicant's land in an Agricultural Zone. The Secretary -Treasurer reported that 27 notices of the said hearing had been mailed in accordance with Item`s of The Rules of Procedure. Mr. Harry A. Kuehn, applicant, accompanied by Mr. Murray Payne, the proposed purchaser, appeared in support of this application. Mrs. Murray Payne also appeared. No other person appeared in -support of, or in opposition to this application. Prior to consideration of this application, the Committee referred to a previous decision of this Committee in regard . to the same owner and the same lands and read this file "mutatis mutandis" with this application. (ref "B"22_69-196 Feb 9/70)). Mr. Harry A. Kuehn, under oath, _stated the following facts: 1. Approximately 511 years ago he purchased a farm containing approximately 100 acres. Three years ago he sold 40 acres and retained 50+ acres. He now wishes to sell 36 acres to an adjoining owner and retain 14 or 15 acres with the existing buildings in his name; 2.. His main source of income within the meaning of the Income Tax Act is from an agricultural pursuit, mainly, the rearing of rabbits; Page 4 Meeting Committee of Adjustment, November 6, 1972: 3. The land he wishes to retain with the existing buildings constitutes a viable economic agricultural unit; 4. In answer to a question regarding odour and waste disposal Mr. Kuehn answered, there was no problem in this regard. Following further discussion the Committee explained to the applicant that since he is in an agricultural zone, any severance of land in a unit under 40 acres would be in contravention of the existing land use by-law. , Mr. Murray Payne under oath stated facts and answered questions as follows: 1. He owns lots 7 & 8, concession 2 in the Township of Clarke; "q" does this land that you own abut the unopened road allowance between lots 6 & 7? "a" "yes". The lots number from east to west; "q" your lot 7 is west of the property now being ,sought to be sold? "a" "yes" 120 acres which is separated from the proposed severance by an unopened road allowance. "q" what is the purpose for which you wish to own this land? "a" for farming and pasture; "q" what is your total farming operation in this particular area? "a" 320 acres. The total of all my farms is 600 acres; "q" is your main source of income derived from agricultural pursuits? "a" totally. "q" how long have you been farming in this area; "a" since 1957 and previous to 1957 I farmed.in partnership with my father and brother. I have carried on a farming operation in conjunction with other members of my family since a very young age. I am engaged in a bona fide farming operation. Application adjourned to enable the Committee to inspect the property. CLASSIFICATION 10 "A" Application File "B"35-72 Norman and Evelyn Ruth Brown, Owners; R.R. #2 Bowmanville, Ont., L.C. Mason,Q.C., Agent, Barrister & Solicitor, Box 129, 135 Wellington 5t., Bowmanville, Ontario, for part of Lot 7, Con 4, Township of Clarke, Submission No. "B"35-72 Application was made for exemption or partial exemption from provisions of the Planning Act so as to permit the separation of a parcel of land approximately 4712 acres from the applicants' land. The Secretary -Treasurer reported that 24 notices of the said hearing had been mailed in accordance with Item 5 of The Rules of Procedure. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Brown, applicants, appeared in support of this applicationt No other person appeared in support of, or in opposition to this application. 0 . . . Page 5 Meeting Committee of Adjustment, November 6, 1972: Mr. Brown, under oath stated the following facts: 1. He owns approximately 95 acres of land in the Township of Clarke which has been used as pasture land for approximately 5 years. This is a separate parcel of land. He now wishes to sever 472 acres with a remainder of 472 acres; 2. He lives in the Township of Darlington and operates a dairy farm there. The property in the Township of Clarke is of little use to him. He has no intention of building a house on this land at the present time and would continue to pasture it for the time being. This application adjourned to enable the Committee to inspect the property. CLASSIFICATION 10 "A" Application File "B"37-72 Herman B. Horstman, Owner, Newtonville, Ontario, W. Kay Lycett Q.C., Agent, Barrister & Solicitor, Orono, Ontario, for part of Lot 10, Con 1, Township of Clarke, Submission No. Application was made for exemption or partial exemption from provisions of the Planning Act so as to permit the separation of a parcel of land approximately 2 acres from the applicant's land for addition to adjoining landowners parcel in an area zoned partly "agricultural" and "RR". The Secretary -Treasurer reported that 28 notices of the said hearing had been mailed in accordance with Item 5 of The Rules of Procedure. Herman B. Horstman, applicant, accompanied by his agent W. Kay Lycett Q.C., appeared in support of this application. No other person appeared in support of, or in opposition to this application. The following persons appeared as observers - Mr. Peter Willems, Newtonville Ontario, Mr. Samuel Shetler, Newtonville, Ontario. Mr. Ben Angi, the proposed purchaser appeared in support of this application. The Secretary presented the following material to the meeting:. 1. Correspondence from W. Kay Lycett Q.C., Barrister & Solicitor, Orono, Ontario, dated October 23, 1972. The Committee noted the contents thereof; The Committee referred to a previous severance granted Mr. -Horstman on April 14; 1969 at which time Mr. Horstman conveyed to Mr. Ben Angi 0.95 acre for a residential lot. (ref. "B"177-69-159). Mr. Horstman originally owned 28 acres. Mr. Horstman, under oath, indicated on the Plan of Survey presented with the previous application, the area of 41,360 sq ft (0.95 acre), said Plan of Survey prepared by M.D. Brown OLS., #68093A dated April 10, 1969. He now wishes to sell to Mr. B. Angi and additional 2 acres which will increase Mr. Angi's total holding by two acres more or less. Mr. Horstman also stated that he had bought this property in 1960 and sold the 0.95 acre parcel to Mr. Angi in 1969. There is no problem with the road which is always plowed and kept in good condition. The land is presently rough pasture land. Application adjourned to enable the Committee to inspect the property. CLASSIFICATION 10 "A" and "RR" Page 6 Meeting Committee of Adjustment, November 6, 1972: Application File "B"36-72 Carl Todd Owner, R.R. #1, Newtonville, Ontario. Rowland Spencer, Agent, Real Estate Agent, 137 King St. E., Bowmanville, Ontario, for part of Lot 2, Con 4, Township of Clarke, Submission No. Application was made for exemption or partial exemption from provisions of the Planning Act so as to permit the separation of a parcel of land of approximately 80 acres into two 40 acre parcels of land in an agricultural zone. The Secretary -Treasurer reported that 21 notices of the said hearing had been mailed in accordance with Item 5 of The Rules of Procedure. Mr. Carl Todd, applicant, accompanied by his agent Mr• Rowland Spencer, Real Estate Agent, Bowmanville, Ontario, appeared in support of this application. No other person appeared in support of, or in opposition to this application. The Secretary presented the following material to the meeting: 1. Letter of Authorization signed "Carl L• Todd" per "M.T." authorizing Mr. Rowland Spencer to act as agent in this application; Mr. Carl Todd, under oath, stated the following facts: 1. He is the owner of 80 acres separate and apart from his farm of 100 acres. These two parcels are separated by a Township Road in that the 80 acres are situate in Lot 2, Concession 4; and the 100 acre parcel is situate in Lot 2, Concession 5. He also sharecrops 135 acres; 2. He has carried on a farming operation for approximately 40 years; 3. He now wishes to sever approximately 40 acres from the 80 acre parcel as outlined in a sketch of survey prepared by M.D. Brown OLS., dated November 6, 1972, #68021 - A• 4. The southern portion of this parcel is very poor and has only 3 or 4 acres of workable land which is too far away from his farm and too small to work economically. This application was adjourned to enable the Committee to inspect the property. CLASSIFICATION 10 "A" 2. Page 7 Meeting Comm• A mitt of A PPlications File to djustment� NOyemb 01,B"29'72 er 6, 1972 .B'+3p_ n8n32_72 R R al 72 #2 and srl °n� O, iO'ymanDrchmnEqBarr g 136 ssnd ters & Sol. Ischmar for OshawamCOe Sty N•; itors� Townshi t Zo f Lot'31 submisspoOf Clarke' Con 6, bu n N°.S .-n g'rr As 29..72_ apPli cations nwerearisjn Mr PresenterOm minutes �Bn3o_'72 behashman, ga°r, stein, Lad for furtheo con iaar 2r 1972 32 72 3 In if Of's lsters w Student ration ' these suPAoeport �f•th ischman B solicitors in the Office Tt °f� yman or insoAAoeititionsLL 8-'Nabsent duentariiof xacti'Dlamond to the Meet.. ecretarY-Tr on t° thses arpl cPerson ialness, apA are 1• ting: easurer pre ed atiIns. APeared in c rres sent th Jo BdarsndenCe, or dat e following material BarnThris i s rs f& SoliIs to ci F shmtorsan er 52 1972 11 * signed it on •O per t by of°r ethhd rv OSha td Onyman taronto F. chman ad. er 2 e Co ded on Clarke , ad,Journe 7 1972 mmitted e e behal plan tha1c1a1vised bP1 Mr. L°yekuntil th � xthsltting at�onSt e f ning agr cul to re proAe tY ro in or e Townshi here is Wa were theon Leskard ROzoning� gEaestion wsch uldlarke andIsed �wO w land sO that i adsOur clientould have ome under feet andel have a fr all there wishes to frontage three 150 fee outage wOuld divide 124 feet old each ha'espectte LeskardbR five lots built direct, •across We un rstanant ges o fel the m f 138 .65 de a e suggestnthats Iftl00road there our cpPent3mtejY9 character t this wo feet by e are new ho that In that be stn the arce OUld seem to� feet and Wes the plaresidential e Character are, therete the would the ening B rather of th fore °ffici °ard m than e land ' PrOAos_ we ea j. MPI e ed APre ndi whi h we necessar1 Lural ouUnderst tnat seem Correspondence or liesd s ch an es on convent eYourat ladvi nge of ch snot Yet Clark plan ein in reply f . neer J. B arom irli resmman is t You OCtobb0"e tpt j. letter Oct - 25 Bestn r letter was 1972 we a d furthe oCtOberP6, 19. ynetin9 on Tresenteddtose as f 1 our lette2 ofgard, low - r Ing on theur request day, Octob e Board at -r 19 your comment Oru al ese t, aclassn a � resident. Subject lldn 0 theirrn °972 nsi -regular Minns sectlph r• B. C rn atioey n,al rather designated AffairsY of Treasts Adm.2 Senior pia rd nnneroted relative to 'allaAPl cS and nt rg fftheal n to rezpne rn ral aI Page 8, Mg@ting Committee of Adjustment, November 6, 1972: 2 cont'd land in your immediate vicinity to a category permitting two dwellings on one ten acre lot. We quote Mr. Carney's comments, "The Branch's policy is that non -agricultural -uses. should be restricted in the rural areas and located in existing communities. The proposed by-law, therefore appears to be in conflict with the Branch's policy". :We regret to inform you that in view of Mr. Carney's comments a motion was duly moved,• seconded, carried and recorded in the minutes of the aforementioned meeting whereby the Board took no action pertaining to your request. "Horace R. Best" Mr. Stein informed the Committee that he was not too familiar with these applications whereupon the Chairman E.R. Lovekin out- lined -the facts as presented at the meeting on October 2, 1972 and explained to Mr..Stein that this area is in an Agricultural Zone and before the passing of the by-law a number of lots had been established by a series of deeds which sub -divided a number of the lots from adjoining farm properties. Following further discussion with Mr. Stein the Secretary was instructed to present the minute book containing the facts of these applications to Mr. Stein for his perusal and information. This being done, the Committee intimated that their decision will be forwarded to Mr. Sheldon Fischman, agent for the applicants, at an early date. CLASSIFICATION 10 "A" General Business:. The Secretary reported that quite a number of files were being held for deeds to be certified; consents to be registered on minor variances etc., These applications had received the decision and consent of the Committee, the time for appeals had long passed and it would appear that the applicants were taking advant=age of section 29 sub. sec. (6) Consent to lapse after two years. Letters were dictated on these files. The Following material was presented to the meeting:. Application for an amendment to zoning by-law No. 1653 File No. 72-40 - Nick & Mike Antoniadis. The Clarke Planning Board requested comments before submitting its recommendations to the Council of the Township of Clarke. Reply dictated. Photostat copy of a letter written to Mr. Horace Best dated October 20, 19720 signed "Ross Davidson" regarding Enterprise School enquiring on behalf of the purchaser Mr. Nimigon if the school can now be used as a dwelling. Reply dictated. Minutes of Clarke Planning Board under dates of September 25; October 5.;October 19; The Secretary reported that two appointments for hearing were scheduled:- da) Clarke Township Planning Board re Clarke Fish and Conservation Club. A letter was dictated to Ontario Municipal Board, att: K.C. Andrews, Secretary, dated November 8, 1972, by special delivery. The Committee were of the opinion that the preamble was in error and the facts were stated, ,as understood by the Committee. (b) Bernard Callanan appealing the decision of the Committee of Adjustment on 3 lots. The dates of these hearings were duly noted. This being all the business at this time, the medti d at 12:00 o'clock, midnight. -�� Secretary-Trea rer h