HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/21/2021WEETING IN COMMITTEE June 21, 1972 5:00 p.m. The Committee met, in Committee, at the home of member K. Schoenmaker prior to inspecting several properties being = Application "A1111-72 Roderick MacDonald - Lot 30, Con. 4 Twp Clarke Application "B"19-72 Austin Turner - Lot 28, Con. 3 Twp Clarke P.M. J Upon their return at 6:30 the following matters were considered: Inspections reports prepared for above mentioned applications; Application "B"18=:.72 Kaspar Hollen - the committee having visited Mr. Hollen's property on several occasions the Committee deemed it unnecessary to revisit the property at this time and this application is to be re -considered at the meeting on July 4, 1972; Application "A"12-72 Wolfram H. Klose - the Committee inspected this property on June 10 and their inspection reportm was included in the minutes of June 12th meeting. The Committee reviewed this application and their conclusions.will be presented at the meeting on July 4, 1972. The Committee considered a request from the Secretary -Treasurer for approval of payment to Miss Yvonne Schoenmaker for assistance on June 19 and June 20, due to the heavy work load of the Secretary -Treasurer. The Committee were aware that Chairman E.R. Lovekin had granted Mrs. Yeo's request for extra help at this time and it was moved by E.R. Lovekin and seconded by E.F.R. Osborne that Miss Schoenmaker be re-imbursed at the prevailing rate for casual help in the Township Office, being $2.00 per hour for June 19, 2 hours June 20, 6 hours 8 hours .....$16.00.. carried. This meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m. Secretary=Trea rer Chairman MEETING IN COMMITTEE June 27, 1972 3:00 p.m. Application "A"21-72 - Clarke Fish & Conservation Club -. As a matter of record the whole Committee inspected.this property again at 12:30 on June 27, 1972 accompanied by several members of the club. Following their inspection tour the Committee met in the Council Chambers, Municipal Building at 3:00 p.m. to review and give further consideration to this application. Their conclusions will be presented at the meeting to be held on July 4, 1972 at which time representatives of the club will be in attendance. This meeting adjourned at 4:30 p.m. Secretary-Treasu r ha' an