HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/11/1972Page 3 -ieet].ng Committee of Adjustment, Apri`1 10, 1972: Follo•,:inc further consideration he then recuested permission to amend his applicc=tion from a double garage to an application for a single garage with an, attached extension to the rear of same to serve as a workshop for personal use. This atL-ached garage would than have a length'of 401. The sicleyard would be redu::ed from the required 25' to 151. This request was granted and the applic::)tion with attached sketch plan of the proposed addition was amended accor;ingly.' initialled by the applicant and witnessed by the Secret::ry-Treasurer. +kpplication for a minor vari:-rice from requirud 25' cideyard to 15' sid(,yarci granted ori motion by ;il.r',1;. usbornc, seconded by 1:. Schocnrnaker granted, subject- to the following conditions: 1. T_%K ; w,:,,iQIl1G that this decision, for a minor variance Of the Clarke Township Committee of Adjustment IS NOT FINAL _`.ilD BI1;,;Il'_C until the time for appecl b any interested party has lapsed under the terms of The Planning >.ct of the Province of Ontario. T iI5 7I1.3 FO -R .i i" iL IS 14 D>iYC FRu1-! T--!,,,'Dl.TE that the minutes Of this decision have been mailed to the 14inister of 1°lunicipal :'.ffairs of the Province of Ontario; 2. This decision should not be registered on title until the skid time for appeal has lapsed when the applicant shall then register oi-i title by way of Deposit a copy Of Lire Form of Consent, and shell forthwith L -hereafter :Forward to the Secretary ofthe Committee a duplicGti Certificate of DeposiL- or a Notarial copy thereof; 3. AND FUF 1'li; l: that upon receipt by the Secretary of the aforesaid docurnenL, the approriate administrative Officials of th:� To%✓nshi�> of '-larke will be autl;orized to issue any and all necessary permits or to take any steps necessary to iml.lement U:is decision. C.'.P._;I.,ll. CLA_'-SIP'IC,'.TIOld 10 "A" J The Committee, having several more files to consider, this meeting was adjourned at 4:00 p.m. on motion by E.F.it. Osborne and seconded by K. :�choenma'cer, to be re -convened at 1:30 the followlno day Wednesday, April 11, 1972, at which time Chairman, E.�, Lo in S. A. LL. B. is e;cpected to attend. Carried. Secretary-Tre s rer I1EZTI1VG I ; CGPu• I'1" EF' firman The :neeting of the CommiLtee of Adjustment re -convened on Wednesday, April 11, 1972 at 1:310p.m. in the Council Chamber, (_rcno, Urrisrio, at which time - �.i;. Lovn_kin B.A. LL.3.2 Chairman; . -",choenmaker l°iember; L.i'.R. Osborne ile¢iber; and ilrs. Ell. --n 1;. yeo, Secretary - Tr --,-,surer atLe?nted. Inspection Reports for the fdllowi_ng applications ',Vere considered: Application 113113-72 As business arising from minutes this application was brought==orward Person in sup,,ort of, or. in -artiald Hoy _�s Owner, 2602 1Ryral Trust Tower, Toronto -Dominion Centre, ToronLo 111, OnLt'rio, 1-i. D.BYCI^✓rl [J _, J,., Agent, 121 ':ween Street, Bowntanvillr_, Ont; -ria. Lot 29, Con 97 Tow,rshi,_ Of Clarke, SubmiS5lC:rr P?o. "3"3-72 of i' -larch 27, 1972 meeting for furth-r condideration . No opposi_',.ion to t'!is application. J Page 2 Meeting:iii Committee, pril 112 1972: As'a matter of recorn the entire Committee inspected Qis propertX on Acr:i.l 5, 1972 and the following facts ware noted; 1. In ascertaining the exact pro_�crty, the Committee requested a neighboring owner to pont out its boundaries and one "Skelding" indicated to the r Committee the exact_location.of the land in question; 2.' :'access up the side road to the northern end of the. property would be impossible because of snow filled roads. The amount of snow in this area is much greater than in the area to the south nearer Lake Ontario as this r'ogion is part of the area referred to as "The Groat Pine Ridge" and the elevation in the general arca is several hundred feet (a; mucic as 500' or more) higher than the shoreline of Lake Ontario some (14.) to (15) Milos to the south; 3. No flowing stre nm was visile on the property and grass in this area is not Iarticul,rly good for pasturing cattle. Tho he.t of the summer would probably burn the grass making very poor pasture in the IoLe summer. 4. The road running east and west-, across the south end of the property was poste;: "not a through road" to the east. About 5' to 6' of snow blocked the north - south road at the south-west corner of the property. This had been caused by the snowplow throwing up a bank of snow and no one cleaning iL-.out. 5. Suitable use for the land would be for ranching, recreational or re-f-orestration; 'o. Division of the lana'. into 40 to 50 acre parcels would not destroy a viable agricultural unit; 7. No buildings Of any kind were visible on tho prohcrty; The Committee could not see any compelling reason either to sever or not to sever as by-law 1592 amended by by-law 1653 provides for 40 acre lots in the area. The proposed division appeared reasonable in all the circumstances and in accordance with current Municipal Legislation. The Secretary was instructed to request the applicant to provide a proper Flan or Survey; certified -ans prepared by an Ontario Land Surveyor showing the dimensions of the land to be severed and the dimensions of the land to be retained. Application adjourned until such time.as the requested material is prewanted. CLASSIFIC .TIQJ 10 ":J' Application File No. "]3"4-72 r As business arising from minutes (\ this application was brought forward No person appeared in support of, or application. _ braniulav 3ogd-novic Owner, R.:: rl i`dca..tc,iwillc, Critario, Logs, Con 7, Township of Clarke, Submissic,n No. "3114-72 of March 27, 1972 meeting, for furthLr consideration. in opposition to this As a matter of record the entire Committee inspected this property on April 5, 1972 and noted the following 'facts: 1. Due to poor road and field conditions, the Committee were unable to walk over all the property; Page 3 Meeting in CommitLe2, April 11, 1972: 2. The buildings of the applicant (house and barn) clearly indicate a large farming operation; 3. chile snow conditions prevented a complete examination of the ground, the type of land was clearly indicated by the type of trees and other vegetation visible in patches where there was little or no snow coverage;, 4. The south end of the applicant's land was somewhat., low and swampy and possibly its marshy character would prevent it from "burning" if used for late -summer pasture and, therefore, make it useful as part of the veal raising operation. Most of it would not be suitable for building lots; 5. The area would definitely be marginal from an agricul'Lural viewpoint. The assessm._nt of the land's potential as given in ev=idence by the applicant was probably correct. The Secretary was instructed to notify the applicant of the next meeting to be held on April 24, 1972, at which time this application will be reviewed. =_,SSIP1Ci,Tl:.N 10 "A" Appl'caticn Pile No. "B"5-72 Konwald Investrients Limited, Cwner, c/o Adcros,Prass2r,Smith & Shaver, 200 University Ave., Toronto, Ontario, Lot 29, Con 3, Toti✓nship of Clarke, Submission No. 1113115-72 As business arising from minutes of Ea -ch 277 1972 meeting, this applic=tion was brought forward for further consideration. No person appec rad 1n supiiort 02, Or 1n Op GSIL:LCn to this application. As a matter of record the entire Committee inspected this pro_i-erLy on Wednesday, April 5, 1972 and the followincrfacts were noted= 1. The house and barn are on the east side of Highway +1115, about half way between the Villages of Orono and Newcastle, Ontario; with direct access to the said Highway; 2. There ware ao special topographical features which would create a natural line of division between the house and buildings, and Lire remainder of the acreage; 3. There are severed commercial establishments along Highwqy 11115 in this area, but this application, to the Committe='s knowledge was not part of a re -zoning to sever commercial property from agricultural lands. The�applic tion appears to be a simple severance of a farmhouse and a barn from abutti:ig farm lands, which would result jr, two separate parcels of land. The remaTi.in�j farrRi-ends of approximately t y 58.362 acres were not beirig sold to an abutting owner, so it wc;s not a case of re -adjusting boundaries between abutting owners. On the material presented to date, no cogent reason for the preNOs�;d severance hes been made oul-_ by tie appl_canL-. . The Secrete.ry was instructed to request t1le a'iPlicant to attend the meeting to be held on April 24, 19721 at wi�icil tifae this applicatisn will be reviewed. CL;'.SSIL 1_ '.TIS iy l0 "All General Business - The Chaix;nan, Z.P. Lovekin B.A. LL.B., dictrsl.cd several letters, and this b�:ing all the busiries:� at this time mc. Ling adjourned at 4:30 p.m. ec e a y- eae =—