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I londay, April
Present: K. Schoenmaker
L.F.A. Gsborna,
Ellen . Yeo,
01' THE
. LJU.;TiiEiIT
10, 1972 at 3:00 p.m.
Council Chamber,
Orono, Ontario.
Secretary -Treasurer
The Secretary -Treasurer reported that Ch-..-irman ..R, Lovekin
L.A. LL.3., was unable to attend this meeting due to his
attendant._ at Supreme Court.
The minutes of meeting meld on march 27, 1972 were approved
on motion byZ.W.R. Osborne and seconded by K. Scoo=uker.
Application File No."A"3-72 Jamas & Nad_ine 'Trimble, Owners,
D.O. 3ox 47,
NeUtonville, Cn-c:rio,
part Lot 9, Con 1 & 27
Township of Clarke,
Submission No. "A"3-72-2
Application was made for exemption or partial exemption
from provisions of sub -division control by -low 1592 as amended by
by-law 1653 to allow relief from required frontage of 150, to
122.001; and relief from appendix 1 (b) requiring a lot area of
1 acre to 0.96 acre in an RR Zone.
The Secretary reported that 25 noticesrof the said hearing
had be --e„ mailed in accordance with Item 5 of the :rules of Procedure.
An a matter of record the eAtire Committee inspected this
Property on Wednesday, April 5, 1972.
"he -following fdnts ware noted:
1. The su:Djoct lend is located in the Hamle-L of
Ne,;tonville, in the Townchi, of Clarke;
2. To the .:est OF the property is the Lakeview Cemetery,
nearly providing a "greenbelt" area; No. 2 iighway
angles Lhzaujh No,tonville, at this point from south-
west to northeast as oypos_
_ d to the Concession linos
which run truer east and west. The result is that
the sewn^ concession Mats High.;ay No. 2 in the
middle of the Hamlet of Ne.:tonville is a "V" so that
to the west of the "4 corners." of ile.,,tonville the
second concession and Hic;ht✓ay_':i'2 are the:twc SILOS or a "V"
shaped parcel of land 00t comes to a point at the "4
corners" and widens Out as it goes w85t;
Er. `frim le, under oath, stated as follows:
I. he purchased the subject land on November 11, 1971;
2. He was unaware that ho Oould be required to apply for
a minor variance of front�gc and area as rL ,Uired under
amending by-law 1653, until he ;pplicd for a building
3. do is aware of t:,c coadi:_ion regarding the
� entrance
to the property as hnnded down b, the Committee in
their decision on October 13, 1971; and he agrees
with this condition. NO Llso st-"ted that there will be
a cowsiderable amount o.` excavation but this will not
cause any erosion;
Page 2
I•Ieeti:;g Committee of Adjustment, April 107 1972:
The Comj�ittee noted that the dimensions for frontage were shown
to be 124.331. This is the frontage of the property on 42
Highway and since in actual feet the entr_.nce will be from the
road allowance between concessions 1 and 2, the appli_canL was granted
permission to amend the applic:_.tion to 122.00' to conform w4 th the
former decision on the severance', by the Committee. The amended
application was initialled by the pplicant '.nd witnessed by the
SecreLrjry-Treasurer. i4o person appeared in support of or _i.n
opposition to this application.
Following further discussion the Comr:iittee indicated that they
would impose tide same condition regarding entrance to the property
as in their decision under SubmiL,sion "34.4-71-251" heretofore
referred to in these minutes.
1pplic�ktion for a,mincr variance from ruired 150' frontage to
12.2.00' and a minor variance from reuuired lot`sizo of 1 acre to
0.96 acre in an RR zoizc granted on motion of i.i'.?, Csborne,segonded
by I. Schoenmaker, Subject to the following condlLions:
1. Entrance to t its pro,-)crty shall b<: From the ro-d allot✓�.nce
between Concession 1 and 27 Townshi;: of Clarke, being
the first lot tr ivellin:; from west: to east wh cit is the
first lot east of the Lakeview Cemetery, entrance should
be on the wesL side of the lot so th ;.t one coin see it
before dropAng over the brow of the hill (area 0.96 acres,
122.00' frontage);
2. TAIC--,J-R;J]-ITG th<-t this decision, for a minor
vari -;nce of the Clary Townshi.,; Committee of Adjust-
ment IS lvu2 .. 1 .0 ::iJJ 13I J"-LJvG until the time for
appe-1 by any interested party has lapsed under the
terms of The L-lanning '.
et of the = rovince o C OnLar_o.
T,.1 ' T-,11- F�-).;P L IS 14 L , s i' J: P i-' D..T-' tha L- the
minu�as of this decision have bean hailed to the
!�ii.rrister of i:unicipal ;'.ff :irs of the Province of Ont sio;
3. This decision should not be registered on title until
the s,id time for appeal has lLpscd when the ap;1 c:_nt
shall then register on title by way of Deposit a copy
of the Form o_° Consent, and shall fortlwiLh thereafter
forldard to tiie Secretary of the Committee a duplicate
CertificaLe of Deposit or a IJotarial co1,y thereof;
4. iIViJ Ftii P.: .: that upon receipt by the Secrct:.ry of tale
a :GrC?S a.ld dOCUlilellt, tilt 1i 1=Opri-;;.ti.L admiji15trative
officials of Lhe Townshi_) of Clarke will be authorized
to issue any and all necessary permits or to take any
steps necessary to implement this decision. CAiIRIIED.
nppl_cation File No. ",`,"1_72 Eurruy & Donna !ardy,. . . 0wncrs,
R.". ;,'=2, Orono, Ontario,
Lot 46, plan 667,
Lot 30, Con 6,
Tounshil; of Clarke,
Submission No. "A111-72-3
As buS],ness arising from minutes of past minuLas, this ap1lication
wr.,s brought forwarj for further considera icn.
1"1.r. i'urray .-lardy, the applicant, s.ppear�d in support of this
application. No other person apj.;t.,ared in supi_,orL- of, or in
opposition to this applic tion.
"Ir. Hardy w.�-s reminded that he ,vas still under oath, and he
stated as follows:
1. That he had ,,e.used the Committee's interim decision
nail=_d to himon April 3, 1D72 wherein Lhe Ccmmiittee
indicated that the variance as re:iuest"'111
1. s of too great
a magnitude.
Page 3
-ieet].ng Committee of Adjustment, Apri`1 10, 1972:
Follo•,:inc further consideration he then recuested permission
to amend his applicc=tion from a double garage to an application for
a single garage with an, attached extension to the rear of same to
serve as a workshop for personal use. This atL-ached garage would
than have a length'of 401. The sicleyard would be redu::ed from the
required 25' to 151.
This request was granted and the applic::)tion with attached
sketch plan of the proposed addition was amended accor;ingly.'
initialled by the applicant and witnessed by the Secret::ry-Treasurer.
+kpplication for a minor vari:-rice from requirud 25' cideyard
to 15' sid(,yarci granted ori motion by ;il.r',1;. usbornc, seconded by
1:. Schocnrnaker granted, subject- to the following conditions:
1. T_%K ; w,:,,iQIl1G that this decision, for a minor variance
Of the Clarke Township Committee of Adjustment IS
NOT FINAL _`.ilD BI1;,;Il'_C until the time for appecl b
any interested party has lapsed under the terms of
The Planning >.ct of the Province of Ontario. T iI5 7I1.3
FO -R .i i" iL IS 14 D>iYC FRu1-! T--!,,,'Dl.TE that the minutes
Of this decision have been mailed to the 14inister of
1°lunicipal :'.ffairs of the Province of Ontario;
2. This decision should not be registered on title until
the skid time for appeal has lapsed when the applicant
shall then register oi-i title by way of Deposit a copy
Of Lire Form of Consent, and shell forthwith L -hereafter
:Forward to the Secretary ofthe Committee a duplicGti
Certificate of DeposiL- or a Notarial copy thereof;
3. AND FUF 1'li; l: that upon receipt by the Secretary of the
aforesaid docurnenL, the approriate administrative
Officials of th:� To%✓nshi�> of '-larke will be autl;orized
to issue any and all necessary permits or to take any
steps necessary to iml.lement U:is decision. C.'.P._;I.,ll.
CLA_'-SIP'IC,'.TIOld 10 "A"
The Committee, having several more files to consider, this meeting
was adjourned at 4:00 p.m. on motion by E.F.it. Osborne and seconded
by K. :�choenma'cer, to be re -convened at 1:30 the followlno day
Wednesday, April 11, 1972, at which time Chairman, E.�, Lo in S. A. LL. B.
is e;cpected to attend. Carried.
Secretary-Tre s rer I1EZTI1VG I ; CGPu• I'1" EF' firman
The :neeting of the CommiLtee of Adjustment re -convened on Wednesday,
April 11, 1972 at 1:310p.m. in the Council Chamber, (_rcno, Urrisrio,
at which time - �.i;. Lovn_kin B.A. LL.3.2 Chairman;
. -",choenmaker
l°iember; L.i'.R. Osborne ile¢iber; and ilrs. Ell. --n 1;. yeo, Secretary -
Tr --,-,surer atLe?nted.
Inspection Reports for the fdllowi_ng applications ',Vere considered:
Application 113113-72
As business arising from minutes
this application was brought==orward
Person in sup,,ort of, or. in
-artiald Hoy _�s Owner,
2602 1Ryral Trust Tower,
Toronto -Dominion Centre,
ToronLo 111, OnLt'rio,
1-i. D.BYCI^✓rl [J _, J,., Agent,
121 ':ween Street,
Bowntanvillr_, Ont; -ria.
Lot 29, Con 97
Of Clarke,
SubmiS5lC:rr P?o. "3"3-72
of i' -larch 27, 1972 meeting
for furth-r condideration . No
opposi_',.ion to t'!is application.