HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/24/1972MEETING C? THE C0110=7 o :;_ausT,.KjT AonViy, April 21, 1972 at 7:00 p.m. 4ounc l Chamber', crono, Ontario. iresant: E.K; Lovekin 5.A. LL.B., Chair.an, K. Schaanm..kbr, 1'�1ember, "rs. Ellen i;. Yeo2 Secrctary-Treasurer The minutes of maetings held on March 27, "pr l 10 and April 11, 1972, were approved on motion by K. SchooAmaker, seconued by E.A. Lovekin. Carried. Chzirman L.R. Lovekin announced that Member L.Y.R. Osborne was unable to attend this meeting, but as two me-bers constitute a quoruo, this meeting .could be con_iucted as planned, and the following applications considered. Application File No. �1-72 William & Hazel LcCarru", Owners, 1'1c•;tonville 11.0. , Ontario, part Lot 9, Con 1 L 21 To,;n,ship of Clarke, Su�.;mission No. "a114_72-4 Application was made for cxeiption or partial exemption from provisions of 'sub -division control by -12w 1502 as amended by by-law 1653 tc allow ralie_ from re . uired front:ne of 150' to 122.001; and rolief from appendin 1 (b) ro uir ng a lot K- a. of 1 acre to .9'' acre in an "RR" 'Lone. The SecraZary reported that 26 notices of the _.aio hearing had been made 1n accord-'nc ` with lt'nA of the Rales of frocedure. Or. William EcCarron, applicanL, app =ared in support of this apPliration. No ocher i-rson 1_psared in su;'yort of, or An opp_sition to this application. The Sacr` Lary -Tree: urer pre ;ant :d the followinn n- tarial to the meeting: 1. Photostat co:y of a Surveyor's Certi_Vicate on which Lr. ncCarron had outlined the proposed dwelling; well and driveway. Th._ Co;m-ei tteo recalled their inspection of the abut Ling lot on April 5, 1972. The subject 1_ind is located in the Hamlet of Newtonvillc, in the Township of Clarke. This is a centre lot which was saver_ed by the CommiLtee on October 13, 1971 under Submission "3"344-71-251 "Duke Estate". i�ir. r.c _'ancon, under oath", stnted as fellows: I. He purchased tho subject land. on Novanbe;: 4, 1971; 2. He ✓:_s unaware th:_L he :could be required to apply for __ minor variance of frust: ue an" area as re,uired under amendl-ng by-law 1653 when purchasing this property; 3. He i; aware of tKa condition regarding the entrance to the property as handed down by the Committee in their decision on October 13, 1971, heretofore mentioned, and h'_ agrews witK 'tLi s c "'ai Lion; Following further discussion the Committee indicatcW that they would impo^:e tho same _cndition regarding cntrLncc to the property a5 in their decision under Submission "Li"344-71-251. ThL applic,_nt was ashcd if he wished to .. ake any further submiszion and he _plied "no". .ppli'c,-t-i.cn for a minor variance from re.,uired 153'front.ge to 122.00' and a minor variance, from required lot size of 1 acre to .92 acre in an "RR" zone gran'Lod on motion ;y K. _-choenm,.ker, seconQed by L.R. Lovekin, subject to L -ho following co"ditions: Page 2 Meeting Cormnitt.w of 'adjustment, April 24, 1972: 1. Ehtr,;nce to this property shall be from the road allowance betwo2n Concussio._ 1 and 2 Township of Clarke and should be on the cast sides Of the lot SO t"at wh On tri-�vcllln. ever the hill there 1s a clear line or vision, before comin, to the driveway. (area 0.92 acres, 122.00' centre lot); 2. T;",.'.. :i:-,. iJ_i-1J �� that this decisio i, for a minor variance of the Clarke `_Township of C,m; ittee of Adjustment IS NOW FINAL AND BINDING until the time for appeal by Any inLore:;Led party has lapsed under the terms of The Planning act of the Province of Ontario. TQ!j `�'24;'l ;'0' APPiaL IS 14 DAYS FROM T_h DATE that the minutes of this dccisi_on have been mailed to the I inist:r of Aluniclpal Affairs of the Province bf Ontario; 3. This acisiun should not be regia red on title until the s=;id gime for appeal has lapsed when the applicant shall than register on title by way of Deposit a copy of the Form of Consent, and _:hall forthwith thereafter forward to the Secretary o"' the Committee a duplicate Certificate of n-a_posit or a Not-orial co,y thereof; 4. ANJ IFU!',Ti!�R that upon receipt by the jecrut :ry of the nfures,id documonL, the appropriate administrative officials of the ToOnship of Clarke will bCauthorined to issue any and all necessary permits or to take any steps necessary to implement this decision. C.::=D. CLASSIFICATION "RR" Application File No. "A"5-72 'T "6-72 "A"7-72 Dirk Binnekamp, and Owners, Patricia Jean Binnekamp, C/o Hichman,Richman,Hark and Handelman, 342 King St. W. Oshawa, Ontario, part of Lot 31, Con 1, Township of Clarke, Submission No. "A"5-72-5 Submission No. "A"6-72-6 Submissicn No. "A117-72-7 Three applications were made for exemptioa or partial exemption from _rovisibns of sub -division control by-law 1592 as amended by by-law 1653 for th_ reduction of the set back from centre line of Township Road from rc=c_r,,;ired 93' to 63; Appendix 1, Sec. "G" in an agriculture zone. No person 4ppcared in support of, Or 1n OpposAtion to these applicaL-i, ns. The Secretary reported that 13 notices of the said hearing had been mailed in accordanco with Item 5 of The rules of Procedure. The Secretary -Treasurer presented the following material to the meeting: 1. Correspondence from Richman&ichman,Ber-k L Handelman Barris Lers a Solicitors Ushawa, unt-rio, with photostat copy of sketch showing the taree lots as "B"Dirk Binnekamp; "C" P 1 atricia Jo. -.a _ Et ire^:"a:rip; "D" Dirk 3innckamp; The Committee perused the sketch presented, recalled their decision made On those soma lots under su5mission No's, A303-71-.12; A304-71-43;1'.305-71-447July 5, 1971 and concluded that these applications, havi_i been brought forward because it appeared that previously a non -owner had applied for the minor variance, and it now appearing that the applications had been pr-Lperly applied for - minor variances as previously approved are hereby granted on motion by S.A. Love) i , seconVed b ubj ct to th,:: --cllo>✓`.n,r condi ons: K. .Sr_-hoenmaker, Page 3 Meeting Committee of Adjustment, April 24, 1972: 1. TAKE I 'i'ra_sIG that this decision, for minor variances of thy: Clarke Township Committee of Adjusuaent IS NOT FINAL AND BINDING until the" time for apynal by any interested party has laps<d under the terms of The Planning :-ct of the Province of Ontvrio. =j TIi 3 YuR APPSAL 15 14 DAYS FAWTi TADATE that the minutes of this decision have been mailed to the Minister Of nunic:i_pal Affoi.rs of the Province of Ontario; 2. This decision should not be registered on title until the seid time for ap§et_1 hos lapsed when the ?pplicant shall then reyis:_er on title by way of Deposit a c%j of the i'orm of Consent, end shall forthnith thereafter forward to thn Secretary of the Com:.;Moe a duplicate Certific-te of Deposit or a Notarial copy thereof; 3. Aida) FLIRT, -,T_ that upon receipt bl thdecretary of the a7oresaid document, the appropriate a.;ini r:i.str_itive officiris of Life Township of Clarke will be authorized to issue any and all necessary :ermits or to t%ke any stews necessary to implonent this decision. CA_A!�D. CLASSIFIC,'`TION 10 "A"AppendiX 1Sec "G" Application File No. "A" 0-72 Winnifred Wargaret ilcKay, Owner, R.t;. c-kl :-iewsonville, Ontario, Pert Lot 10, Con 5, Tc,:pship of Clarke, Submission No. 11A118-72 Application was made for exemption or partial exeraption from provisions of sut-division control by -l. 1592 as amended by by-law 1653 for permission to use an abnn�oned school house as an arL- studio for week ends. h1r;- ;innifred A. ncKay, Aypiicarrt, acccm ;Lnie ? by her husband i -.r. Jack McKay pp-_,_i,.d in support of this applic-tion. The following pe7sons also appeared - W. K. Lycett i.C.1 as agent, Mrs. Sarah LePan, 44 Lonsdale '-load, Toronto 195, Ont., proposed Purchaser and Ar. NecDonald of Ricard Real sL to Ltd., Bowmanville, Ont. No other_ person appeared in support of, or in opposition to this application. The Secretary reported that 15 nuticgs of the said hearing had been mailed in accordance with Item 5 of The Rules of Procedure. '4r. Jac], idcI:ay, under oath, slated as „follows: 1. The lot on'which the 1 storey frame school is situate is owned by his wife Winkifrcd Varg rat- n&Kay by deed dated 14th January, 1970 4N'44074; 2. The schoolhouse is now vacant and h o been used for nothing since the closing of the school; 3. He underst-nds that the proposed purchaser Mrs. Sarah Levan is in artist and wishes to /— purchase the school house for Use as an art studio for week -ands; 4. He is the owner of approximately 200 acres on which the schoolhouse i:: situate; ss. 'Uinnifred i'. McKay, under oath, vanlied the facts as submitted by her husband, to be true to the best of her knowledge. i age a Pet ng Committee of ,_djust*cent, "pril 2Q, 1972: I_rc. LoPan, under oath, stated the following Facts: 1. aha is an artist, for a p-r"oximaLn_ly 30 years, the abandoned schoolhouse would m,._ke an ideal art studio; this would be used for weak -ends only,at the present time. At some future time there is a possibility that she would wish to change the building from a school house to a single family dwelling; 2. She is presontly the ro isLcrad owner of Property in the City of Toronto and the property under discussion would also be registered in her name. Mrs. Lo an presantcd to the Committee a letter received by her from Mr. a.:. nest, ±V luing Inspector, dated April 12, 1:72. The Committee instructed the Secretary to m.Lke a photostat copy of this for the f.le and to include the letter in these minutes. "Mrs. Sarah Lclan, 44 Lonsdale Rd., Toronto 795, Ontario. Je&r Madam: ie: Former Starkville school. Pursuant to L7 request of Kr. :acllon�ld Of Rico.rw Rool Lstate Ltd., win are pleased to submit the folloL,'. ng comments pertaining to a change in use of the former Starkville Scnool house. It is possibla to change the us_ of the ?wilding from a school ]louse to a sinal+_ family dwelling provided that the single family dwelling so crc=ted ment all provisions of t u rolevant by-law in effyct as of today. However we must point out that all of our Aunicipal By -Laws are subject to amenWents at any tim'o and your applic ation would be processcd in acc_urConce with the provisions of all relevant by-laws in effect on the da Le your application is received. c!e would be pleased to discuss t u foregoing in more detail at any time it was cunvc 0ient for you to attend this office. ..3B/mb Yours truly, "_ioracs R. Best" Building, Inspector.'' The a,_cretary pre::ented a photostat co, -)y of a Plan of Surve r, _prepan_d by Donovan 1 Fleischmann, nts, 11 OnWrio 3t. Oshawa Ontario, dated September 16, 1969, Jou No. 18526. This Man of Survey outlined Llhe position of the schoolhouse on the lot and also showed the area of the lot to be 0.55 acres. This application w:a adjourned to enable the Committee to inspect the property. CLnjSI_ 1CnT±. M 10 "n" Sec. 11 Application rile No, "A" 9-72 Harold ':Moffat, Owner, Box 37, Orono, Ontario, Robert G. Moffat, f:ge,ht, Box 37, Orono, Ornt- rio, Part of Lot 26, Con 5, To+,r„shiF; of Clar}ce, Submission No. "A119-72-8 ?application was made for exemption or partivi e caption from provisions of sub -division control by -1-.w 1592 as amended by by -low 1553 for permission to build a dwelling on a lot 100',:150' in an agricultural zone. Ar. Aobor.t G. Moffat, father of the applicant, ap_eared in sup or L- of this applic ation "r. Alex Aof;_at, a neighbour, also ap cared. No other pe -son appoLred in sup ort of, Cr in opposition to this application. Tho Secretary reported that 16 notices of the said hearing had bewn mailon in accerjnnce with !tam 5 of 'Tha Aules of Procedure. Fage 5 Meeting ComwiKen of 4djus'tne'nt, April 24, W72: Mr. Robert Moffat, under oath, stated as follows: 1. The subject land was a standard sized lot when surveyed in 1962. The present =mending by-law 1653 requires a larger lot; 2. The pro,,oseu ;purchaser will build a house in conformity with all requirements of the present by-l.w 1653; The Committee recalled that they had severed this lot by consent on October 13, 1971, Submission "B"345-71-252. An - inspection of the property on October 12, 1971 revealed that tho lots on either side of this particular piece of property were identical in size and both have single family dwellings built thereon. The Committeenwcre of the opinion at that time that this was a clear case of an infilling operation. Following further discussion the Committee concluded that there appeared to be no reason why this application should not be granted. Application to build a dwelling house on a lot 100'x150' granted on motion by K. Schoenmtker, seconded by E.R. Lovekin; subject to the following conditions: 1. T. K__ .inR :_NG that this decision, for a minor variance of the Clarke Township Committee of :d3ustmcn'L Is PIv'P Z1IL'>L ,.1-,o until the time for appeal by any inte_e:ted party has lapsed under the Terms of The Flanning Act of the Province of Ontario. THIS 'i Ili.: 2OR APPEAL IS 14 DAYS IN i TAS D'WE that the minutes of this decision have been mailed to the Ninistor of Idunici,:al Affairs of the Province of Ontario; 2. This decision should not be reisteNed on title until time said Lima For apl.eol h, s 1. ysed when the ap_ lic=n L- shall then register on title by way of Deposit = coyy o:: the Form of Ccnognt, no si ll forthwith 'thereafter forwa:._d to the SecreLAry of the Comwittec a duplicate Certiziccte of Deposit or a Notarial co&y thereof; 3. dJ ."J1:'2 Lh_iL- upon receipt by tha Secrets_ of the aforesaid document, too aplrcpriahe auminis trative of_`.ici 13 of the 'Township of Clark" will be authorized to issue any nnd ill nscossi2y permits or to take any steps neces- ry to implement this decision. CP.r:::I SD. 10 "All Appliczt0 n File No. "B"2-72 1. Kay Lycett =<.C., Agent, Barrister G jclicitor, Orono, Onto rio, Mr. ::van ';illi. m Ilewell,Ocm,�r, R., .r2, CrG1109 C.n, rio, for 1;art o:" Lot 33, Con 7, Tota,:gni,: of Clarke, Submis:>icn No. 11i+112-72-1 .'. l L.0 :. ':..,] S. �in•� from minu' es of past ': seting;;, this application was I_resonLou For _urtner consi enation. _rp licanL, : ccumpsni"d by his agent 7. Kay Lycett _1.C., e a "r. A.D. 'roi n OLS., _tc;, mLnvills, unt.._io, appsarod in support of Lkis application. No other ycr5o n _p_ Dared in sup_ ort of or in opposition to this application. L on 6 Ideet_ng C=Aaictce of _-djustment, "pril W, 1972: Mr. Brown a.v sworn and ::n behalf of the applicant presontcd to the Committee a Boundary Survey, U te_d April W, 1972, File 72050, preprrcd by _.D. Brown OLS. hr. Brown st.ted ns follows: 1. In his opinion, the division shown on the Plan of Survey is the best possiblu any of dividing this property baaring in mind the topography of the land. The following facts w_rc coAsidered: 1. The location of the existing sewa;re disposal and septic tent on the northerly arca of 1.40 acres; 2. The side yard renui_remcnts for a frame garage; 3. The area of t -ho dwelling and the road giving access thereto; 4. Frame sheds existing on the south property at the rear Lhwoeof shown in dottod outlIAe (to be delolished); lir. Brown also sited that he hn_ advisLd the a; licant, in c.rder to secure a building permit cn the southerly area of 0.76 acres a minor variance application will be necessary. Referrin to the northern 1.40 acres, Kr. Crown commented this was part of the original old mill race which is now nc lon.,nr in existence and is unsuit::ble for buildings as being too wet. The southern 0.75 acre is completely and totc;lly useanle with no waste areas whatsoever. lir. Lycett was asked by the Committee if he wished to amend the applic,tion to co-incide Nith the boundary survey presented by Kr. ;gown. Ar. Lycctt agreed and the applic tion was amended accordingly. Hr. Newell, being reminded that he was still under oath, confirmed that the facts submitted by iir. 3rown ware true to th_ best of his knowledge and belief. The Committee perused the Poundary Survcy presented; considered all th4 facts presented and: 1. Re:;errcd to the minutes of meetings February 22, and narch 272 1972; 2. Beca.11ed their inspection of the property on March 16, 1972; 3. Referred to th , cast that Ar. Newell is the registered owner of the ,property under the terms and conditions of t -ho stand rd VL.'. :agreement. t.pplicetion_granted on motion by K. Jchoemmnker, saccaded by E.H. Lovokin. Carri od. CLi:SSIFIC:.TIi'N "RIZ11 Application Pile No. "4"4-72 Lrcnislav Logdanovic, Owner, . A We tomsal.lu, Ontario, Lot G! Con 75 Township of Clarke, -ubmissio :to. "i3"4-72 tis hu. lno s arising from minut;: s Of post mLetingw, this appli c: ti^rl w- ' brou jht r l ,,.,, rd for further c•nria rati n, Mr. R. fog Lncvic applicant and Hr. Roy Foster ap,_e rut in sups ort of this ap .clic tion. No other y a s _ c [, :rad in ;upp..rt of, or in opposition to this application. Page 7 Meeting CoiniaitLee of :.djusti,�_,nt, '.p.i_il 2�1, 1972: The Ccmmittec discuSsed Lheir iriapecti:n o: the-roperty with iir. �ogdanc,vic. .�'Iow C 'i1 `1'L1::r1S a'L the tim,l had prevented a e :mpl L:_ examination of the gr,_,un:l e Lc. P r. ;.ogdancvic under oath stied that th', lc-nd he wishes severed is that part of his farm <<jizich is nct particularly good for farming with the exception of ahpsoximately 3 acres which he has in hay. This is the centre 40 acres of the farm l and in his opinion has more value as a parcel of 1_.n:: to be sold. He would retain approximately 150 acres being ar:prox:imately 110 acres to tha scuth en r!hich is situate the house and barn; and 40 acres to: the north whici, is swampy and not particularly good for far'„itrg but has a good bush from w.riich he can cut logs and wood for fa,,cing etc. Following further discussion the Secretary was instructed to reuest the applicant Lo submit a certified Plan of Survey prepared by an Ont,ric Laid Surveyor and ti.is a:plic Lion was adjourned awaiting the requested material. 10 "All j�ppl:lcati.,n File No. 113116-72 ..G. Perrin, Cwner, R.R. f27 Newcastle, Ontario, for part of LOL 17, Con 3, Township of Clarice, Submission No. 7?B"6-72 +ppli,7: ation was made for e :eripti,in or partial exci tion fr..,m i,)rovio,7una of the Planr>_n:, fact so as tc pe.rniit the separ-L__:n or al -proximately 70 acres from the- cpplico.nt's land. I:r. A.G. Perrin, .applicant, appeared if, su ,port of tris arplication. No other perso;-' appec,red in support of, or in op_(. sition t this application. The Secretary reporLed thaL- 24 notices o the said fearing had been 'nail�iG 1 1 accordance wit'„ ILcm 5 .:.f The Rules of prccedura. Mr. ".G. errin, unuer oath, st"ted Lhe following facts: 1. He is the ovrner of approximately 120 acres; 2. He now wishes to sever 50 acres on which to build a new home and sell the rerna.r,ing 70 acres on which L -here is a dwell:i.nq housA, presently occupied by himself arrd family, and th r:_ are al o oL'acr buildings th,reon; 3. This pro, ert_y was purcllc,sed under the Veterans Land ,%ct; 4'- H- has lived on the property a:;lroxim telt' 40 Years, having moved there after the second war The Secretary -Pre : surer presented -a encil sketch prepared by !"i, D. Brown CLS., 1 .1 :sue n SL Lovn.ianville, Ont :rio dated .'.pr:i.l 10, 1972 illus�raLing the proresed severance and indicaL_ng thereon the na'r;es of _butting owners, the pro cd pro.;,arty line and "Grahari Creel:". d This a plication tins adjourned to enable rn the Cornitt ,e to insl::ect the properLy. Page 8 I.leeting Committee r.. ?.djust:.:ent, April 24, 1972: Application File i1c. "3117-72 W. Kay Lycett _,:.C., Agent, Barris"Ler & Solicitor, Orono, Ont -Frio, Grace Luella handers, Owner, Kend,:,l, Ontrric. for part of Lot 5, Con.6, Townchip of Clarice, Submiasion PJo. "L117-72 Application wr:� made for axe:H.,tion or parti_ 1 exemn tiorr from provIsions of the Planning Act so a,_� to permit the Sapar�la -on or approxima.Loly 1,065,000 sq. ft. in areafrom the applicant's land. 11r-. Grace L.' sanders, ap_ licant, accompanied by her hus!:anci Fir. !-iartln i'tanderS and ries agent l'l. Kay Lycett .,'.C., appeared in support of this ap,,lic<:tion. No other person appeared in sup,ort of or in opposition to L -his application. Th=• Secretary reNorted that 10 notices of the said hearing had be -n mailed in accordance with item 5 of 'fhe Rules of Procedure. Tho Secretrr,'-Treasurer, presented the follot•:inc material to the .*neeting: 1. Correspondence from W. I_ay Lycett- ':,.C., Barrisr & Solicitor, Orcno, OnLFrio dated iipril 11, 1972. the Committee noted the contents thereof and iiistrur.ted the Secretary to include this in the minutos: - "On behal Of !ay clicn"L, Gr?ci; Luc-lla i!Finders I am ericlosing herewith her aN;licatlon for severance of part of Lot 5, Conces::icn 6 of t'.ie Town�hi_: of Clarke. firs. handers presently oorns the SouLhlerly 33 acres more or less of said Lot 5 el]. as tale Soutyi one-half of the adjacent lot 6 to the 1,7esL. This entire holding comprises a LOL,'cco farm whicYlfirs, danders with her husband has been ones=Lin for scmeriod ofears y , however with the cutback. In "tab;LCCO grUl:'L'1C ri h' s 1n the recentp.. ast i-ir5. enders hr',s found it U17eCO::":Gm 1Cc_l to CO,I'Llllu �_ yrOli l!1 .� Lobi°cco on a small scale andshe has enta_'ed into at this t.me an agree- ment to sell thL su Jc-ct 1 -ands in this a .,;;licction tocLether with 10 acres of growing rights attach -ad th,�etc anC it c•;i11 '.e her to continue ren' c:n:D "Lha balanr_e of her lands an gro"rillg ri,21!ts to another to;Dacco qrowing f�_,rmcr in this area. I am (2nclo in herewith a very rough sk.tch th,-t I he vc prepare"i. d z3hoing tiie 1 nds in�lues"tion and I havemarl;. �•.;j {:ilU S,_: 1.'..nd� beide; the o.ie3 to be considered in t:is .�pplic-tire ac th su':jcct lands. These lands com- prise a fronta e of 750 feet on a road allowance adjacent to L,ie .. ;sL and will run Lhc full depth o_ til concession lot of 1326 fe L mora or loss an:.° having very irregular dimensions e: siiorrn on i=i c s]<etch.It i s 11r;. sanders cjj.sh to retain the cuE_crly _" :rtion c t,'i% tot 5 ..to dcjA s of -250 feet and 350 Feet to ­'rascirvc th hri Vac , o'_' 11o, 0115 'il Qldill: , 1)C in, a dwr=11 ng nru,-, :n._. 10L fronting on trle �)c;uth limit of the concession, 100 feet by 200 {oeL also sl?Or'n on the: sketcl"1. it i lih' 1, d C011Si Led _ Z "' ^_dS iblc' ti"tIinnd CY'S :nun will in t]"rc futur_ carry an with tide f._!mily tobacco farming business anti he will probably acquire a title to this Southerly portion or Lot 5 and Lria South orae-hr'lf o± Lot c tc t;l_ .:ea'_ a'. sumo time in tTr_ future. The proposed1o Of Lho u`� cL lane:, in this; ap 1,c_ticn w,=a to b ccrig;l-Led Oil Or bc_�)a the 21s1z of April 197% howLN ver Sitice Y( -Ur Commute drill not be meeting until a.f"Lcr th_t'w,e are :IzrLe, reuu-st ng th ctensicn of Lhis clo;_in- r, t:. idon-thcloss >LYic Ln<, p.ro,:c d purchaser and also i4rs. ,;nae are most anxious to ize their grow__nr, ,rogr._al for L;lis year 1972 In r-_speCL of tobacco crus_-:, PJO Y'e IiIJ U tin};l JU;: t0 have '✓OUr deci 1 i7 in 'the md'Lt r as Ooon is ani, dS was SUygcsted to your `Secretary maybe the Committee Ill"' ecoid visit "-he pro,.urty pr_or to tl e nexL- r,icot' y on :.pril 2s?, 1972. Fate 9 Meet.'.ng _oramitt_: of adjusL .cnc, -`.rail 2^, i'-�72: 2. Pen S; -itch sh ::ing 'lie 1.. nd's in <ucsti n _:nd ouLli.ning the lands to be ccnsidcr��d in the application; A a m "tLer of racord the whole ComIlAtt e0 inspected this property on April 20, 1972 and accompani_d by Ilr. I!anders,'the following facts were noted: 1. This is obviously a tobacco.farminc oper^tion, greenii-uses and e.iui :,.int were. _t_n evid%nce; 2. The land being transferred is arable agricultural lend; 3. It was in-'icaL-ed to the applicant thc:t the land to he severed should be of a more- reular shaped parcel; 4. The lana being retained was adjacent to a house . owned by a son; ISr. Handers under oath, s!:o-ted asfollows: 1. He has been operating a tobacco farr.i since 1951; 2. He has 25.72 acres or tobacco rights; 3. Ile now wishes to sell the subject lands together with 10 acres o_= growinr; rights attached thereto; n. The subjc1ct L_ -n" he proposes Lo sell is the re uired acreage of lr--nd that must be transferred with 10 acres of grow i ng rights under the rcculaL-ions laiu down by the Onte_r9.o Flu Cured Tobacco GroL.ers Ilarl:eLing Board, whic; is 23 acres of suitable land. 5. The sole reason -for this apl:lication is to support the sale of the tobacco gru�,a_ng rights; 5. lie will not grow to�acco this year. The rights that arc retained, namely, 15.7- acres can be rented to anoLP>er grower for one more year but after L -hat his r:i,.rrhts would be forfeit if he does not grow crop himsel acc:-rdinc to the present rules of the Board; - 7. The cerscn buying the rights is not an abutting owner. This will remain a separate parcel; W. hay Lycett d.C., agent for the applicant informed the committee that the proposed pure]a6er ,aas one Mr. Albert Vander Haegen of R.R. 41 Simcoe, Ontario. Mrs. Grace L. Flanders, under oath, confirmed t=fiat the evidence submitted by her husband was true to th` best of her knowledge and belief. The CommiLtee intimated that they may impos--, a restrictive clause on the lands that nc d:rellin unit will h: erected on the proporty for a period of 5 years from the registr--tion of the Deed. Pir. and VIrs. i=anders verbally sL,-.ted that tills would be acceptable. The Secretary ,.,as instructed to request the applicant to submit a certified Flan of Survey, prepared by an Ont:,rio Land Surveyor and this ap__licati.on was adjourned awaiting receipt of th(:, recuestcd material. C1L.".;;JS1'I:=::TiD1' lU "yin Application File No. "B'8-72 W. Kay Lycett .C., . „gen'_, Bairistez U' Solicitor, Grono, Ontario, Savvas Glia £r rias-.- Concepta Glia, R.R. ;�1) Orono, Ont., O mars, part of Lot 28, Con`4, Townshi) of Clarke, Submission No. "B"S-72-2 !Application w -s madom e for exei.r.Lion or part exe.LlOn from p rovi.s_Biis of the Ell,-innl. g Act so as to pertnit he septiaLaon I Pace 10 Neeting Committee of .djustzent, April 2n, 1972: of ap roximately 37,209 ccs. ft. in area from tho applicants' land. W. Kay Lycett :..C., ,'3._rr_istcr & Solicitor, agent, and Ar. Savvas Elia, applicant appeared in support of this application. 1 . �� 1�licati.on. No other person afpeared in sup;_ort os, or in opposition to this application. The Secretary roported that 14 notic•cs of the 9pij hearing had been mailed in accordance with Item S of The Vulas Of Procedure. The Sacret,ry-'Preasuror presented the following material to the meeting: 1. Corrospondence from W. Kay Lycett Q.C. ,_ mister & Solicitor, U ono, Ontcric, dated April 11, 1972. The: Comrr,ittee noted the contents thereof and instruct=d the Secretary to delude this in tthe minutes:-" On behalf of Ar,d Ars. r Savvas milia we enclose: herewith their application for severance of their real property in the Townshi of Clarke comprising part of Lot 20 Concession 4 of t -he said, Their entire holding consists of a Sunoco Service St- u.On and two dwell=in,; houses. T11e,r hLvc entered into a conciti_;nal sale of the service st„ticn and one or the dwelling houses being the more Northerly house and -fra.mo garage a.: shown on the ska L -ch of survey which is enclosed herewith in duplicate prepared by Id.D. Brown anu dated July 62 1570. You will note Ln_t this h;;lc:ing fronts on Hioh'. ny 35 and 115 and was the rroyerty formerly owned by a local resid_nt Junior . OnG n15 l'!i-fe. .� ile ve;gY ago iir. 'r;est acquirF'd the SQOMonal 100' of land to the Scuth of the service s otion Lo;,:e;:ty upon wLich he built his nes; and larger home in ad -tuition to the other frame dwelling :included with the servico station pre arty. Ar. and �r-. Zia hav = been operating the service ,station property now for close to two nears end have now hZd a chance'to sell t -he service sLntion but wish to retain the larger dwelling house and the 100 feet of l nd at the South and of the road. 4c would be Old if Your Committee would consider tis application at the earliest possible date and if at all possible we would be glad if the COmmiMnu members would visit the property prior,to the next meeting of your COmmitteL so that all the facts may be before the Committee for the r:_h .. r al ccnsidqr.:_, Lion. .s a matter Of record the whole Committee inspected this yroperty on April"20, 1972 and noted the following facts: 1. There are Lhre,_ bulldinr s on the cLI L :tide of Highways 115 & 35, north Of the roLd allowance concession 3 and 4, Tow nshi1 of Clarke. The;;e bui.lcings from North to South are: (a) Concrete block, stuccu f0cod Service ltni:lov; (1) Frame Garaye and a Prime Dwelling; (c) Sllit level brick dwelling. 2. The three buildings have „uiiably entrances to Highway 4115 &x;35 and soy3rate savtic tanks nd the beds. One well services the three properties'. Lr. Elia, under oath, stated as follo�s: 1. its i)urchased this Property ap,rOrimatcly 2 years ago; there are two houses and a service station situate thereon; he is assassed for three separate pro cf ties, he haw a co i 9 i tial 1 sine for the garage and one house- anj he wishes house to separate the most southerly riJm Lrhe service station and the contra_ house; he intends to live in the souLhe ly house; . Page 11 Meeting Committee of Adjust"ont, :'April 24, 1972: W. Pray Lycett _;.C., on behalf of the appli_anL, gave a brief resume' of the facts contained in his letter and further sated that Lir. Elia now wishes to. ret ain the home located farthest to the south on the some 100' frontage that was added to the original property by lir. 'hest. To increase the frontage of this property would be to hammer the tr.ffic into the service station to the north. The Committee wera c the opinion that the primary ,'.'act was to preserve a smooth flow of traffic off Highway 435 & 4115 into the service station. The Secret,ry-Treosurer presented the following material to the meeting: 1.A c_rtified Flan of Survey, prepared by Ido U. 3rown OLS., 3owuanvills, Ont,:rio, dated July 6, 19707 470066, on which is outlined the position of the service station, frame garage, frame dwelling and a split level brick dwelling; J The Committee perused the Plan of Survey and follo.:ing.furtLer discussion this application was granted on motion by K. Schoenmaker seconded by E.R. Lovekin. Carried. ' CLaSSI_ 1CA '1,N Sec 6 Application "B"9-72 W. Kay Lycett A.C., .'agent, Ba,.rri:_tcr & Solicitor, Orono, Ontario, John and 14ario i 1 cKelvey,Ocvners, R.R. North, Ont,riu, for part of Lot 20, Con 7, Township of Clarke, Submissi Jn No. "B119-72 Application was mcdo for exemption or partial exemption from Provisions oC the Planning, =pct so as to permit the separation of approximately 1 acre in aroo from the applicants' land in an agricultural zone. W. Kay Lycett Q.C., Barrister & Solicitor, Orono, Ontario, agent and Mr. John KcKelvey, th,, applicant, appeared .in support of this applic tiun. No other Person appeared in support of, or in opposition to this application. The Secretary rcportLd that 17 notices of the said hearing had been ;nailed in accordance with Item 5 of The Rules of procedure. The Secretary-Treasurerresente? the following ng mate. ia1 to the meeting: 1. Correspondence from W. Kay Lycett .C., 3arristc-r & Solicitor, Oro -o, Ontario, dayed April 112„1972. The Committee noted the contents thereof and instructed the Secretary to include this in the minutes: "we wish tb advise that we are enclosing herewith applicat:icn on behalf of John and "anion hcKelv-1. long time residents of the Township of Clarke who pro,.ose at this time Lo%ceaso their farming operation and r sell to their nei hbour, James 12utherford all the f&rm 1( lards, but in the situation where tAey will retain the use of a one acre lot for their continued residential use herein the Township; We are having Mr. Brown prepare a survey of the intended lot and with luck we may have the survey available at your next meeting. I don't thiAk that your Committee will have any problems locating the property in question which fronts on the 7th concession line North side on Lot 20 as aforesaid. Page 12 Meet' -rig Committee of ".djustmeriL, :`,,ril 211 1::-i72: The proposed lot is to have a 150 foot frontage and a depth sufficient to yield the average of one acre, This-applicrztiorl is Bing : adc for UI -1 lot being retailied Urhicn will o deeded out of the i:ch lvey name pond ricL the completion o;: Lh._ s7lo o£ the bae lanc of the lands to ilr. i:uL",erford and '-ilo;: a t r der de,3 back to the .?Cl:nlvoys." "'.u.i'.. Lycett" ?ir. =?cl clvcy, under oath s'_;� Led the `ollos;irng � cCtS: 1. fie tray born on the property and had 'Farmed it all his life with the exception of the past twG years; w?n�_n the land has been used -"or pasture. In the me ntirnc he ;",as be --n employed by the 'load Dei,;a_tmerit of thi l United Counties Of Northum erland and Durham; 2. ile nos,+ wishes to retain on acre on which is situate the residence and sell 99 acres to a neighbor to be used by the neie"hbor in conjunction with an existing farming o;.; ; ,=:t -qn in the aria, This ah,hlica:;tier ins sdj,urned Lo enable tTie Cornra_i.LL-ee tO :inspect the pror;erty. <'pplLcatiun Pile No. "3"10-72 �.5, Cobbledick, '�;;ner, Cnt-rio, for , Ccr;l 12 part of Lot 3.' Towrahi.; of Clarke, u; rrissi(:n 71o. " "10-72 lcatlon W o riade ;For ., r Li ..1 x ral L cn from O✓ �.� On-' 0. thtc ti ',:nniII� ''.r -L c) E.J to 1 F ri;1i 'I7.G- ci�aS 'Ll J17 rL ry ima t l 2 Y act --s in, ar:u .rrom Li ani]L_.anc'.. land in -an ..r�r!cultu al Zone. Cobbiedick, applt_ant, ap,.sai_d in -.up.Ort of :Yiis Bpp11ca Liun. DIo other 1. er ,3ol'i arrSd 3t- SUCH, 01't of, Or �;1 p` p o L.csitic.i to Lhi.; ai�plicat'.on. " Th i-cr� .pryr-� -ort._d that 16 no LiI c s r„ the i d n saar_ng d b n alai_ d :in accord _nee with Iters of h ules of i.'rocedure. rCo'_')ledick, undler oath, s:,:"I'd as full o', s : 1. He has lived On L -he farm since 1940; he has carried on a farming operation on this and abutting lands for the :x.ri c;se of rais.-;'_ ?crafcrd cattle. He } Oducos an orchard crop. Tho oriyii,al farm is ccinposed of L 3'.nu ai1C1 O ` b_i '1 G .;_ t LO_'i acquired .Nroximr. LLly 30 acr :-Or ssF a "green bLl L" abuting ;ilmot Greek. Indications at the time were if this l-nd could not ?Ji_ acquired by negotiation t;ic.n it would be a�quircd by ercpropriation. Land from al-tl.tting or;riers w,is acquired 1-n th:_ s ,mc- way; In 1950 Llic Dropartmcrit Of highways a.cgtlirad 10 acr:ro for ?iirhrda_y 2. Tha u jo-cL land '.rs Lu tlic ,.. i.h of Iii h,✓_,y :;r2, last of Llic ru ;rshiro ad - uc_.:t_i lots 32 &: 33. The r_; nt 'ir:;l :-ome anr.t .o,ri;s _acc or. Lh-1- Totinship road dividinrr lots 31 & 33. Tllu ,,ro_osod house v+ould be built fr;;nLiii u:i'?[i h,✓ul, 2 un the- north- eaot corner Of lot 32, Part of th,_ lands tr"_e Forri lit/ u -:'i :Or- c. (�+Qt;Glinc rV�Cr Lat: it t:uL- t1115 sfc tic,.?. waG _10 i_; -i whCii .111113f A' )l v uE,�.rled an; Qiv,._r LC-tht d d :rl%, Or U:1- - r2 • e L tr, :f ric from ?Iigh'.✓ay 0 3. ?E: 4d 1.�il�i: -'LO r:LLin a 2 acre parCul enU till be usc,l ."Or agricultural N i1oses. pr 1 tron adjourned LC :_,iat;le tri;, Comte . Loe to 10 ih o;r,airiacr J Page 13 Maet:r.g Comnittce of :�djus"L:,-at, .April 2r12 1:72: Appli(-:at.1)n File f.Io. "3"1-72 ;pplic ti,.n F:_l^ ITO. "b'5-72 V ,clay L'rosek and .Lgnes Prosck f:Orivlald InvesLru�nts Limited. oral submissions were heard and considered on the ahove- menLioned applications, but duo to Lhc lateness of the hour, the Comr,tittcc adjourned these to be considered by the whole Committee as soon as can h` arranged. General 3usiness: The Sacretr:r,.-Treasurer preoented correspondc-ncc from 'Zichard Lovcicin .r.. LL.B., 3ai.::iater c'< SoliciLor, .Iey,c,.s"Lle. G'ntario. The Secretary was irlstructed to include L-hic; fetter in the minutes. "Re: Turner Apr,licnticrl - Zoning Problem ConsulLat=_oiZ by Committee of � djust!aents Account to 'luniciL:al Planninci ConsultDnLs 541.65 - Police Puling Y, Under tlhe 1'la.rleiing Lct the CommiL-tee of AdjusL-mdnts may consult sucih independent authorities as are necessary fur than to carry out Heir duti�:; under the act. As the Committee's funds come from Council any such accounts would be r,^_ferred to Council for payment. In ;rears of operation this is I heli-ve our first account and its j,urpose was to dcLarmirlc the overall planning policy i:j; ragard to commercial esL,.--�lishments on Highway ;#115. =here may be other similar expenses in the future. If Council so instructed u6, we could direct such enquiries through til:_ Clerk's office oo ho could reEain f_nancial ccntrol or through the I',lanninc Bo rd. ;lay I summarize Lige situ -,tion as folloc:s: 1. This exp-anditure appears both necessary and rea-onable and i certify it as necessary, reasonable and authorized from the m Comittee Of :.djustcients viewpoint and I hereby request that paymenL- Of the account by the Township be auLhorizcd. •2. I do not Elin); a special budget" for this sort of thing is nLcesr;�Lry and th fd,,v expenses occurred coup'. be charged to I lanning Ccn:. ultant fees gnrlerally. 3. If L -hs 'i'resurer or Council wish to exercise "3udgeL-ary Corltr;;l in such maLccrs ,,rill the -Y pleaoa advice the Committee how such matters should be proccss.ed in the future:(i. e. t;zrough the Treasurer or. Ilannir_-; 3d. etc.) this account has been Ou Lst,-nding for so]Ilc time-., I p,rCuld apl,;reciata .it being paid soon. Yours truly, "8.:2. fovekin" .c, i. s enry U�uJi"th, Clerk, �-r1 �:lrCilan CcmrnitteC of _Ld'us Liionts � PoWnshi;., ofClarkc, oro.l_, ontaric C.C. Munici_;;al ='l:::nai-ru; Concultdnts ^GO !;punt Plcas.nt Rd., Toronto on"tc:rio, (your filo, k -N3532) IT The followin, leiter was dictated by the Chairman: for. E Nr_. ,drq. _odor, Generc_1 Deli"„ery, Grono, Ont--:rio. JaE-r rdr. yrs. FrecLor: . Ic J.:: our undcrs L, njinr, t:!,,t you_ enquiry befor'-- L!7 rhli Planng ti0 and in re�7lJ.rd t0 SLV�l cinc? your p::Of erty was un;>ucco,*:;f L11.. ✓ahilhz "the Com�littee of Adjusb.:=t arc a.;arc that on the other side o` L - road from ycur ire r"ty, con Lr r:blo dev 10P'n nL tuck place before iL .nc hali._d by rc:.trlct.iv lc.;_LSl,_tiOrl, L1« Comr:titte_ are Of the oi:ini;rl that, dev..lo;nu,rrt c` v,lur is of the: .road coulc:' not he property clan:,i;:irad a:; "infillin:_ ;"9%v>io,:ment" and the e e✓duld not �"Pp1 ca = to b._ any ether c,:tenory under which the Comraitte, of Ldjus!: i;nt r✓out Flrve jurisdiction LO grant ever,Mcc ir, such Page 14 M11oeLirlg Commi'Ltee of Adjustment April 24, 1972: If yoU wl:,h t,0 COn' U1'ol'✓'i - olic :-or in thi J IaLttcr and instrUCt him to bring all a1.1. 11c -'ti0i1 ')Eiif Ori the COrlmittee, You are; O.` coursF rrU Ire O :i0 GU Ind lua6 - c assured that any SLiCY' 3i'�;) l.. c["L1C�II would be riven th^ 1'Ulle:,t COnslCieratl0ri. In Ll"1e CI.rC!1ITIs ta'1C 5, as wc- Un Ce-sLan.; 't': :rl t]1S COn1i 1LteC iS n,' tir_ o ,inion th =L- i F you wi i to subdivide all or part of vcur 1 nd a fur..iaj e ,l tc Lion should be made to the "i'1 nniny Board uhuivisi orl of lend be fac i li+ ated 1'1\' an am ndm nt Lo -n._ L, nin'� by -I. -i,, or by I formal regiotoed plan O SLI i. <71'Ti S 1 (.n. r;i Lhcr_o 1.J...= broC dUr eS S C%U1d be throu(h t?ie i-].:.nninc✓ 2o: r;]. Your::. very truly, 1;.3. Lovekin B.;\. Chalrili='.n,.COr;Lilitt%E' Of :'idjUS'Lr.'r2nt .. erlrx ev for To',-✓r?shil, of Clarke. The Secrsi_aryr:eNorted roc T, L- -, -cquest for _n(ormaL-ion r--r.ard'n'a` - y'O:ose-' Severance from I.r. .;alL!