HomeMy WebLinkAbout1905B U D G E T 1961 for THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF BOWMANVILLE Presented March 18th, 1964 4W 0 - 1 - March 18, 1964. The Mayor and Members of Town Council, Bowmanville , Ontario. Your Worship and Gentlemen: I submit herewith for your consideration and approval the annual estimates for the Town of Bowmanville for the year 1964 as finally prepared by the Finance Committee. It is our pleasure to submit a budget which does not increase the Mill Rates of the previous year. The Public School rates both Commercial and Residential will remain s the same as in 1963, namely Industrial and Commercial 97.9 and Residential 90.25. The Separate Supporters however will be faced with a slight increase due to increased costs facing the Separate School Board. Although the debenture debt payment has increased some 30,000.00 over 1963 resulting from the Sewage Treatment Plant and other Capital costs, the increased Assessment has helped to distribute this load without causing further cost on the local ratepayers. In addition to this the Public School Board found it within their power to reduce their maintenance levy by approx- imately 11,000.00. The High School Board and County has been able to hold the line this year which has assisted considerably in our endeavours. We would like to express our appreciation to the Com- mittee and Board Chairmen in presenting well planned and economical budgets for Finance Committee consideration, which has made our job much easier. All of which is respectfully submitted, Ross Stevens, Chairman, Finance Committee. B U D G E T 2 - TOWN OF BOWMANVILLE BY -LAW N0. ........ WSING A BY -LAW TO GOVERN AND REGULATE THE FINANCES OF THE TOWN OF BOWMAN - VILLE FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31st, 1964. THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF BOWMANVILLE ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: PART ONE 1. That the assessment made and concluded in the last preceding year, to wit, $8216069 (residential: 5)6$1,170, industrial: 2,534,$99) is hereby adopted by the Council of the Town of Bowmanville for the year 1964 as the assessment on which the rate of taxation for the year 1964 shall le levied, 2.. That the tax of the Town of Bowmanville for the year 1964 for the purp- oses mentioned in Part 2 of this By -Law, but not including local improve- ment rates or other special rates collected as taxes shall be: For Public School Supporters: Residential 9 0.2 Com "l and Industrial 97.9 For Separn.te School Supporters: Residential 9 .016 Com' 1 and Inds, stria110 'and shall be levied, raised and collected from all assessed value of Real nd Personal Property, taxable and liable to pay the same. 3. That an addition of Jf of if penalty shall be made on any installment on the first day of default and on the first day of each calendar month thereafter in which default continues until the end of the year, in which taxes are levied, when an additional four per cent will be added and such additional amount shall be levied and collected in the same manner as if it had been originally imposed with the formed part of such installment. 4. That the several sums or rates so to be levied and collected shall be payable by the persons liable therefor, at the Tax Collector's Office in `the Town Hall of the Town of Bowmanville in four equal installments, which shall. be paid on or 'before before the following dates: 1st. Installment -- -April 24th, 1964 2nd. Installment -- -July 10th, 1964 3rd6 Installment -- -Sept. 11th, 1964 4th. Installment -- -Nov, 13th, 1964. 5. That any ratepayer may pay all of these installments on or before the date - April 19th, 1964, and the following discounts will be allowed: 2nd. Installment - if 3rd. Installment - 2% 4th. Installment - 3% 6. That it shall be lawful for the Treasurer of the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville to pay, and he is hereby authorized to pay out of the monies of the Corporation in his hands from time to time available for such purposes and several grants, rates and payments specified in the schedules of the Estimated Expenditures of the Corporation for the year 1961, as shown in Part 2 and being "ESTIMATES, TOWN OF BOWCANVILLE, 1964." 7. That the Estimated Revenuesas shown on Schedule rtAtt attached hereto and forming part of this By -Law be and are hereby approved, confirmed and used for the purpose of determining the tax rate for the Town of Bowman - ville, for the fiscal year ending December 31st, 1964, in conjunction with several appropriations set out in Part 2 of this this By -Law. Read a first and second time this 18th day of March, 1964._ Read a thi time and finally passed this 18th day of-Marc 1. h, 64. Z2— Cler .... « ................. .Mayor ;,, . .. .. . - 3 - SCHEDULE It A It That the following Estimated Revenues be and are hereby approved, confirmed and used for the purpose of determining the TAX RATES of the Town of Bowmanville for the fiscal year ending December 31st, 1964, in conjunction with the several appropriations as set out in Part II of this By -law. ESTIMATED REVENUES By Taxation: Residential Public Residential Separate Com'1 & Ind. Public Com'1 & Ind. Separate Supp. Taxation Sec. 53 Debentures Recoverable Public Utilities Ratepayers Share of L.I. Reserve Provincial Grants Direct Relief Police & Fire Department of Highwas Recreation Unconditional Per Capita Children's Protection Other Revenue See Page - 4 - 5,491,935 @ 90.25 $4959647.13 189,235 @ 96.p4 18,211. -97 2,475,994 @ 97.9 2423399.81 58,905 @103.54 61099.02 16,000.00 77$,357.93 445,000.00 15,083.00 2,700.00 40,159.93 400.00 37,500.00 6,200.00 25,732.00 3,500.00 62,783,00 113,491.93 84,900.00 1,039,532.86 - 4 - OTHER REVENUES Fire Protection 3,000.00 Ambulance Agreement 3,000.00 Licenses 600.00 Building & P1. Permits 22500.00 Fines and Fees 32000.00 Rents & Fees 3,000.00 Dog Tax 1000:00 Poll Tax $00:00 Miscellaneous 6,500.00 Traffic Violations 12000.00 Meters 9;000400 Fedt Govt in lieu $)000.00 County Road Rebate 16,500.00 Penalties on Tax Arrears $6000.00 Transf. Prisoners 1$000600 Depreciation $)000400 Special Account 104000600 84,900.00 - 5 - PART 11 That the following sums of money be and are hereby appropriated for the corporated purposes hereinafter specified for the fiscal year ending December 31, 1964. See A. General Government 74,597.70 P - 6,9,10,11 B. Protection 99,665.00 P - 7110,11 C. Public Works 106000.00 P - 7,14115 D. Unemployment Relief 49,231.12 P - 7 E. Education (debt not incl) 290,660.00 P - 8 • Separate School 71418.39 • F. Recreation 20,918.00 P- 8 G: Debt charges 242,523.2$ P - 8 H. Reserves, Supp.pmts etc. 2$6399.09 P - 8 I. Capital Expenditure 12,000.00 J. County 942170.28 K. Other not specified 13,450.00 Total 1,0391532.86 - 6 - TOVIN OF BOW11.1ANVILLE 1964 Budget ANALYSIS OF EXPENDITURE Budget Budget A. General Government 1963 1964 Executive & Legislative 51000.00 5,000.00 Car Allowances 3,220,00 p - 9 32220.00 Administrative Salary 27,250:00 p _ 9 27,570.00 Convention, Delegations 500.00 500.00 Public- Buildings 12,385.00 p - 10 123315.00 Office Expenses 5,000.00 P - 11 4,$50.00 Legal 11500.00 1,500.00 Pension 1,000.00 1,000.00 Town Plan 1,600.00 11900.00 Public Receptions 200.00 200.00 Public Liability Insurance2,400.00 2,500.00 Ontario Hospital Plan 325.00 325.00 Group Insurance 100.00 100.00 Unemploy. Insurance 120.00 120.00 Retirement Allowance 3160000 3,600.00 Farm Rebates 500.00 500.00 Central Lake Conser. Auth. - 897.70 Election 1,500.00 - Audit 1,500.00 1,500.00 L.O.D.A. - - Deficit 71000.00 7,000.00 74,700.00 74,597.70 ' - 7 - TOWN OF BOW1,1ANVILLE CO. 1964 Budget 1963 1964 Budget Budget B. PROTECTION TO PERSONS AND PROPERTY: Fire Department 10,660.00 p _ 11 11,000.00 Hydrant Rental 91000.00 92540.00 Police 50,615.00 p _ 10 56,!.)00.00 Building Inspector 3,6$9.00 p _ 11 4,''25.00 Ambulance 31600.00 62000.00 Street Lighting 112000.00 11,000.00 Dog Control 2,000.00 p _ 12 2,000,00 Traffic 100.00 100;00 90,664.00 99,665.00 500.00 91,164.00 C. PUBLIC WORKS: Roads and Streets 91,500,00 912500.00 Benfits 21500:00 2,500.00 Office (See P 14,15) 102000.00 102000.00 Garage 21500.00 2,500.00 AL 106,500.00 106,500.00 D. UNEMPLOY1,'INT RELIEF Welfare 46,000.00 49,231.12 EIT ERGENCY MEASURES Budget 250.00 250.00 -8- 1963 1964 Budget Budget E Education High School less debenture 146596.45 140660.00 Public School less debenture 160775.90 150000.00 1960 Underlevy 307372.35 290660.00 F Recreation Commi,pity Sery Library 6242.00 6318.00 Recreation 14600.00 14600.00 20$42.00 2091$600 G Debenture Charges Debenture Debt Chgs- Princ. 92448.02 Interest & other charges 70067.82 187930.05 Bank Interest 5:00.00 5000.00 County Debenture '� 0/�9 00.00 49593.23 216515484 242523.28 H Provision for Reserve Uncollectable Taxes . 1000-00 1000.00 Reserves & Supp. pay- ments to other Boards 9 000 100 00� 0600 10, 000.00 10, 000.00 I Capital Expenditure 12,000.00 12,000.00 J Joint Expenditure County Rate 92,000.00 94,170.2$ 1960 Underlevy K Miscellaneous Sundry Grants 100.00 100.00 Discount on Current Taxes 4500.00 5000.00 Industrial Committee 4300.00 P - 12 5200.00 Lion's Centre 2200.00 2200.00 E. M. 0. 250.00 250.00 Area Planning Board 100.00 100.00 Miscellaneous 600.00 600.00 12050.00 13450.00 - 9 - Town of Bowmanville 1964 Budget 1963 Budget CiiR ALLOWANCE 1964 Budget T. K, Stewart 500,100 500.00 M. Ji Moore 780.00 780.00 R. J, Welsh 600:00 600.00 B. Kitney 840400 840.00 C. S. Oke 500.00 500-.00 31220.00 3,220.00 itDMINISTRATIVE SALt�RIES 1963 1964 Budget Budget T. K4 Stewart 6,037.50 6,150.00 M.. J. Moore 3,53$.50 4,000.00 H. Bickle 2,$03.50 2,900400 R. J, Welsh 4,515.00 4,650400 S. Green 2,2$3.25 2,2$3.25 P. Porter 1,575:00 1,575:00 H. Depew 2720.00 B. Kitney 5,742.50 5,900.00 C. S. Oke 51670.00 5,$50.00 D. Adams 2,1$4.00 2,250.00 L. Piper 4,000.00 4,100.00 J. L. Reid 7,875.00 8,000.00 27,227.00 27,570.00 - 10 - Town of Bowmanville 1964 Budget Budget 1963 1964 Public Property Salary 4000.00 4000.00 Insurance 425.00 425.00 Hydro- Town Hall 450.00 470.00 - Library 260..00 270.00 Heat- Town Hall 700.00 800.00 - Library $00.00 1000.00 Janitors Supplies 700.00 700.00 Misc. Repairs 700.00 700.00 Flashing on Roof 2300.00 -- 60 Painting -- 2000000 Sttrm Windows 600.00 600.00 Dog Pound Repairs 350,00 350.00 Misc. Eq4. -- 1000.00 11285.00 12315:00 Police Department Salaries,Ben., Overtime etc. 41050.00 47000.00 Clothing 1300.00 1790,.00 Equipment 500.00 600.00 Trans. New car etc. 3600100 3600,00 No Office 1500.00 1000.00 Signs 600.00 -- Crossing Guards 1865-00 1860.00 White Lines 100.00 -- Associations 100.00 100.00 Arena Police -- Advertising 50.00 50615.00 56000.00 4 Fire Denartment : - 11 TOWN OF BOWMANVILLE 1964 Budget Budget 1963' Salaries 6650.00 Caretaker 120.00 Fire Alarm Calls 600.00 Servic;nw Fire Truck 600.00 Burl e-et 1964 6990.00 120.00 600.00 600.00 Mechanic 875 +00 800400 Alarm System 300.00 300.00 Telephone 240.00 240.00 Lights and Power 175.00 125.00 New Hose and Equipment 500.00 500.00 Gas and Oil 200.00 200.00 Insurance 850.00 $50.00 Heat 300.00 325.00 Fire Inspections 100.00 100.00 Contingencies 25.00 50.00 10,660.00 11,000.00 Office Expense Stationery 875 +00 800400 Stamps and Expr.ess 625.00 600.00 Insurance 390.00 400.00 Telephone and Telegraph 900.00 900.00 Equipment Agreements 425.00 400.00 Supplies 625.00 600.00 Search of Deeds 50,00 50.00 Advertising 300.00 300.00 Misc. 850-00 800.00 5,040.00 4,850.00 Building Inspector Salary 3,53$•50 4,000,00 Miscellaneous 150.00 25.00 3,6$$.50 4,025.00 5 • -12- WIN OF BOWMANVILLE 1964 Budget Welfare Budget Budget 1963 1964 Direct 14elfare 33,1$5.72 31,279.87 Nursing Homes 9,2$$.15 14,203.90 Supplementary Aid 1.,32b.00 1,620.00 Indigent Burials 540.00 214.00 Excess Hospital and Drugs b50.00 1,913.35 44,983.87 49,231.12 Dog Control Committee: Insurance 126.00 126.00 Salary and Benfits 3,500.00 31600.00 P.U.C. 60.00 60.00 Heat 150.00 150.00 Telephone 150.00 150.00 Miscellaneous 150.00 150.00 Food 100.00 100.00 Car 400.00 440.00 Stationery 10.00 10.00 Express 4.00 4.00 Disinfectant 10.00 10.00 Trade in Car - - 4,660.00 4,800.00 Industrial Committee Agent's Commission 1,000.00 12000.00 Salaries -Ind. Com and Sec'y - - Publications 75.00 75.00 Telephone 100.00 100.00 Supplies 50.00 50.00 Misc. - - Brochure - - 0.I.D.C. Membership 15.00 - Advertising 2,500.00 3,000.00 Aerial Photos & Maps 60.00 200.00 Travel, Conf•& Entertain, X00.00 775.00 4,300.00 5,200.00 • - 13 - TOWN OF BOWMANVILLE 1964 Budget COUNTY DEBENTURES: Analysis By -Law No. % Assessed Princ. Int. 1754 22.8531 21513.84 12375.47 1878 1893 Total Unmatured Dec. 31, 1964 3,889.31 34,165.38 1913 11,198.02 18,488473 29,686.75 310,345.10 co 1739 " 10,740.96 51321.92 162062.88 1313176.79 24,452.82 252186.12 492638.94 475,687.27 - 14 - • Town of Bowmanville 1964 Budget . Roads and Streets Department Subsidized Accounts Budget 1964 1963 Recommended Brush & Weeds 1500.00 1500.00 Catch Basins 1500.00 1500.00 Grading 2000.00 2000.00 Dust Control 500.00 300.00 Hardtop patch 3000.00 5000.00 Gravel patch 2000.00 3000.00 Spring Cleanup 1000.00 1000.00 Culvert Misc. 500.00 500.00 Bridge Mtno. 1000.00 800.00 Connecting Link 1000.00 1000.00 C. P. R. Crossing 500.00 400.00 • Cross walks 500.00 300.00 Winter control 14000 +00 13750.00 Bridges and Culverts 2000.00 1500.00 Ditching 2000.00 - - - - - -- ,.. Culvert Construction 2000.00 Engineering - - - - - -- 2450.00, 35000.00 1;000.00 Construction- Original 20000.00" 20000-00 Construction- Supplementary 17250.00 18200.00 7250.00 3 200.00 Ordinary Maintenance Sanding Sidewalks 500.00 500.00 Sidewalk Repair 10000.00 5000.00 Sewer Cleaning 1000.00 1000.00 Street Cleaning 3 t Q.()O 4000.00 Vacation Pay etc. 2500.00 2500.00 Tools 250.00 100.00 Tree Trimming 4000.00 3000.00 Tree Planting 500.00 _ Parks etc. 500.00 500.00 Storm Sewer Liberty St. 00.00 21750.00 20800.00 v b Garage Stock 500.00 .. 15 - Benefits 2000.00 !:udget 1964 Office 1963 Recommended T. K. Stewart 6037450 H. B o'tle 2812450 Benefits 500.00 Phone 400:00 S Supplies 150.00 Transp. 100 '.00 10000.00 10000.00 Garage Stock 500.00 500.00 Benefits 2000.00 2000.00 2500.00 2500.00 2-26 00,00 106500.00 General 1495 1729 1763 1778 Local Imp. 1463 1500 1536 1556 1709 1764 1821 1843 Public Schools 1464 1512 1567 1627 1737 1803 Public Utilities 1433 1463 14$$ 1500 1536 1556 1558 1$82 - 16 - Town of Bowma.nville 1964 Budget Debenture Schedule Princ. Int. 5500.00 1000.00 1200.00 6000.00 13700.00 5000.00 28OO ► 00 1300,00 1600,00 2000.00 2000.00 2000.00 1000.00 17700.00 8200.00 3200.00 7200.00 4700.00 7000.00 000.00 33300.00 11000.00 4200.00 15400.00 4345.00 34945.00 1494.50 2625.00 625.00 8965.00 13709.50 .875.00 787.50 625.50 87$.75 2415.00 2430.00 3277.50 2300.00 135$9.25 2233►00 1152,00 3$$4.00 391$,75 11375.00 5980.00 28542.75 Tot al 6994.50 3625.00 1825.00 14965.00 27409.50 5875.00 3587.50 1925.50 247$.75 4415.00 4430.00 5277.50 3300.00 3128,9.25 10433.00 4352.00 110$4.00 8618.75 18375.00 89$0.00 61842.75 1380.00 12380.00 1127000 5327.00 7657.00 23057.00 8127.34 12472.34 18291.34 53236.34 Mat. Date Oct. 1 May 15 May 15 Nov. 1 Oct. 1 Apr. 15 JunO 2 May 15 July 30 May 15 Dec. 1 Jan. 1 apr. 15 June 1 June 1 Mar. 1 Oct. 15 Feb. 1 Feb. 1 Apr. 15 June 30 7 AM - 17 - C. M. H. C. Sewage Plant (1 Liberty Street (2l 6052.89 11282.63 214,86 301.83 17335.52 516.69 62674i75 11584.46 17852.,21 105912.75 85717.30 191630.05 3700.00 paid for out of Roads & Sts. 3700.00 187930.05