HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/08/1971Page 3 Meeting Committee of .'adjustment August 9, 1971: General Business: The Secretary presented the following materi;:l to the meeting: 1. Correspondence from Depa!-Lnent of Municipal Af:Eairs, 801. Bay Street, ToronLo 5, dated July 12, 1971 signed by "Dalton Bales" Minister, indicating approval of the increase of fees Of apl-,lication for severance - $50.00; aiPplicat.ion for minor variance - y35.00. 2. Correspondence from The Ont<l.rio Municipal Board, 123 Edward Street, Toronto 101, Ontario, dated July 19, 1971 regarding Appe+-1 by Jean Goode against a decision of the Committee of :adjustment. The Secretary reported t_h,-.t all papers and informs -tion reruired for this appeal h.' -:d been forwarded to The Ont<.?rlo Municipal Board on August 4, 1971. Deeds were signed and stamped with the approval of the Committee; correspondence dictated dealing with several matters at hand; discussion with Mr. Horace Ft. Bcst, Building Inspector regard' the issuing of a building permit to one A.W.'�uhi.tmee (:-1276- -45) and this being all the business, this meeting a rned 10:30 p.m. K, Secretary -Treasurer Chairman O�-T�NdG COMMITTZE OF ADJUSTME'HT Wednesday, September 8, Present.: E.R. Lovel<in B.A. K. Schoonmaker, E.I.•'.R. Csborne, Mrs. Ellen M. Yeo, 1971 at 7:00 p.m. Council Chamber, Orono, Ontario. LL.B., Chairman, Member, Member, Secret_;ry-Treasurer Thc� minutas of meeting held on .'august 9, 1971 were approved on motion by F. :-choenmakor and seconded by E.F.R. Osborne. Carried. Applic-ition File 308-71 Mr:>. I°iaric 0. Gibson, Owner, R.R. 421 DIe•, c: ;tle, Ont rio, for cart of Lot 31, Con.3, Townshi'; of Clarke, Submission No. "B"308-71-246 s business arising from minutos of past mf_etings, this applicatic•n was br.ou_:ht fors.,ard for further consideration. Mrs. 1l_ rie.. O. nin,o ., th. a,,p' is ^ant, +_;ccomp,anied by her son M Russell Gibson, p I_,earc d in sup .art of this applic .t.i_,n. No other --er.son - ear_d --La sup ort of, or in op osiL-ion to this appli.0 :tion. Mrs. Gibson presc,nted the following material to the meeting: 1. A certi_ied Flan of Survey pr _ar.azd by H.D. Brown OLS., 121 '-'ue--n Strut, Bo'VIm-,nvil.le, Ontario, d ,ted AUCTust 24, 1971, Pile 67083 annotated "N;,t•: this plan is prei;arcd f_;.r comr;li a.ncs: �,,ith Section 86 (a) of the I'.egi:stry =.ct." J r Page 2 Meeting Committee of ;Adjustment Sept_,mher. 0, 1971: 2. Surveyor's legal description of the said lot; The Committee perused the Plan of Survey and noted that 66' of land had been left to nr-ovide adecuate access to the lands to the rear of this lot and the lot to the south. Mrs. Marie Gibson and her son Pr. Russell Gibson declared under oath that this was the lot on which a well had been dug and where the trailer was situate, presently occupied by Mr. Russell Gibson. The Committee roferred to the minutes of meetings held on May 31 and July 12, 1971; recalled t-h.ir inspcctfan o' the property on July 5, 1971 and following further discussion acre of the opinion that the Applicant had complied with the cond.iti..ins imposed as ev:idencr_d in former minutes. Applicati n granted on motion by E.F.S. Osborne and seconded by K. Schoonm;_.ker. Carried. CLASSIFIED 10 It-" Application File No. 331-71 Pieter Buma and Owners, wiebren Buma R.R. 44, Bowmanv_i.11_e, Ontario, for Dart of Lots 34 & 357 Concession 3, Township of Clarke Submission; No. "B"331-71-247 Applic,-ti_on wns made for exemption or partial exemption from provisions of the Planning Act to permit the parati_on of a parcel of land for a grant o" easement in _,erpetuity with tai.. Bell Telephone Company having the following dimensions: Part 1 - 299.78' frontage, 20' depth, area anpror.i.m_;tely 6000 sq. ft.; Part 2 5324.48'frontage, 20' depth, area approximately 126,4139.60 sq. ft. The Secretary reported that 25 notices of th:; s_.i_ci h ;,_r:i-ng had been mailed in accordance wiLh Item 4 of 'Chi Rubs of Procedure. Or. F. St-e�art, Right-of-way agent, Bell. TOlophnne Co., 25312 eorga St. N. Peterborough, Ontar' o, appearcd in support of this application. No other _erson appeared in supe"rt of, or in opno.sition to this application. The Socretary-Treasurer presant.:d the following material to the meeting: 1. Correspondence Trym Messrs. Barbur and Kelly, Barristers & Solici_tors, 23 King Street W. Bowmanville, Ontario, dated July 29, 1971, agents !or. the Bell Telephone Co. Thi: Committee noted the contents thereof; 2. A Ulan of Survey prnparcd by M.A. Wniny er Limited, OLS., 414 �vtcr Street, Peterborough, Ont,.�ric, "Drawn by K. Young File: Clarke 3" dated Hay 6, J 1971; Mr. F. Stewart under oath explained that the Bell Teleohone Co., w,re installing a telephone underground cable on the east side of the road commonly referred to as the "town line" (i.e. between Darlington and Clarke Townships). Kr. 1ierr_11 ROss, Hood 5uper.i.ntendent of the Townshin of Clarke had been informed of this application and had no objection to this easement. Hr. Stewart further indicated that the funds payable for the easement would be made payable to the joint ownars and to the Farm Credit Corporation as Mortgagee. The Committee noted that the Farm Credit Corporation had received a. notice of the hearing but were not represented at the meeting. The Committee stated that they haW all seen the Vro_-erty within the last few days and it wLs decided that a formal :insiection of the property was not rc uired. ,'pviication granted on emotion by K. Scho nmaker and seconded by E.F.R. Osborne. Carried. - CLASSIFWATI: N 10 "A" Scc 3.10 amending by-lr.w 1653 Page 3 Meeting Committee of :adjustment Satembcr 3, 1971: Applications File No. 337-71 No. 338-71 No. 339-71 rd. Kay Lycett B.A. , Agent, Barr-i_sLer a Solicitor, Orono, Cnta.r.io, David Nancekiev.i_ll, Owner , Orono, Ontario, for part of Lot 28 Con 5, Police Village of Orono, To'rnship of Clarke, Submission No."A"337-71-50 Submissi n No. "A"333-71-51 Submissicn No. "1"339-71-52 Applications were made for exemption or partial exemption from provisions of sub -division control b1 -law 1592 with amendments thereto to permit reduction of frontage requirements under appendix. 1 (a) on three lots in a re.siden Ual zone as follows: (1) Application 337-71 from 75' to 62.13-' (2) Appli_c tion 333-71 from 75' to 62.12' (3) Applic:ticn 339-71 from 75' to 52.12' W. Kay Lycett &A., Barrister & Solicitcro, as -agent for the applicant appear_d in support of these applications. No other NerLon appeared in.support of, or in opposition to these applications. The Secretary reported that a total of 54 notices of the said hearing on the 3 applications had been mailed in accordance with item 4 of The Rules of Procedure. The Senior Member, Mr. K. Schoemaker stated that having dissented in the previous decision permitting severance of the centre lot of the property new under consideration, he, therefore, wished to withdraw from any participation by the Committee of the merits of the case. This recusst was granted and the Chairman, E. R. Lovekin i B.A., LL.B., and' ISIr. E.F.R. Osborne, member considered the applic61tions. The Secretary-T.re_surer presonted the following material to the meeting: 1. Correspondence :From W. Kay Lycett B.A. , Barrister & Sol l.ci Lor, Bruno, Ontario, -dated August 23, 1971 " I enclose herewith three applications for minor variance in respect of frontage for three lots r:.cently d.ivid.ed under a prior applic,tion made by him to your Committee for snvcr.nce racontly concluded". The Committee noted the decision referred to by Mr. Lycett was granted on July 22, 1971 under submission "B"294-71-245" 2. A certified Plan of Survey, >rpared by M.D. Brown OLS, 12.1 Queen Stre_t, Bowmanville, Ont_.ri.o, d ted June 8,^1971 Revisions: August 11, 1971, file 71072, outlining the 3 lots with legal description for each lot attached thereto; The Committee perused the Plan of Survey and the applications -for mino_ variance and noted that the measurements given were the actual measurements of.the.frontade of each lot. Sec. 2 sub. sec. 17 of amending by-law 1653 permits the lot frontage -to be measured along a line twenty-five feet back from and parallel to the street line,so thit some of the frontages given in the a,_plications would be sl:ia_htly larger if this rule we -n followed. The Committee concluded that these applic.tions result from the previous decision of the Committee to sever these lots andthe granting of the minor variances naturally flout from this decision for thy: reesons set out therein ref"B"294-71-245" Applications granted on motion by E.F.R. Osborne and seconded by E.R. Lovek:in B.A. LL.B., on he following -conditions: C Page 4 Meeting Committee of Adjustment, Scptcmber 87 1971: N " � or variances 1. Trk: : ;'.+.,i��i.G th::�t this deo, sio.�, for minor of the C1 rhe Township Committee of Adjustment IS NOT YINAL AND BINDING until_ the time for appecl by any interested party has In sed under the terms of The Plvnno-n., Act of the Province of Ontario. TNTS TIME FO' ;\L .L IS 14 DAYS .'Ito ii THI DAT 1' that. the minutes of this decision have been mailed to tho Kinister of Ilunici;_�_'. :'.ffa.ir:; of thn. Province OF Ontario. 2. This decision should not be .ragi.stered on title until the said time for appeal hes lapsed when the applicant shall than register on title by ay of Deposit a copy of the Form of Consent si,nod by the concurring members, and shall forthwith thereafter forward to the Secretary of the Committee a duplieaL-e Ce.rt_hcate of Deposit or a Notarial copy thereof; 3. :;ND PU T=IE ? th ,t upon receipt by the Secretary of the aforesaid document, Khe appropriate administrative offici els of the Townsh:i." of CldrVe will be authorized to issue achy and ill necessary permits or t:_ take any steps necessary to imlement this decision. C� aRIED , CLA3ZIPTC _TION "R 1" Apnlic-:tion File No. 329-71 Northumhorl:nd & Durham Owner, County :3oar<1 of Education, Cobourg, Ontario, N.A. VacLood, Administe tion Offices, Cobourg, Ontario. Agent. for part of Lot 35 Con 5, Township of Clarke, Submission No. "/4" 5L9 -7/ - Application was made for exemption or partial exemption from provis.i,ns of sub -division control by -low 1592 with amendments thereto to permiL reduction in the set back .r nui.rement :From 931 to approximately 86' and a reduction from the floor ares requirement from 1200 sq ft. to ap_,roxim. Lely 1060 sq. ft. ap_:endix 1 (g) (h) in an Agricl bare 'Sone. The Secretary reported that 12 notice,- of the said h n zing had been ma.il.ed"in acco_'dance with. Item 4 of The Rules of Procedure. W. Grant Brooks, B.A. , Barr_ist>r & Solicitor, Honey,Brcoks & Harrison, Port Hope, Ont.r'.o, as agent; IIr. J.G. Hayden, Assistant Administrator of Northumberl:-nd & Duriham County Eoard of Education and Hr. Lawrence Greenwood, Board Member, appeared in support of thi's applic_ht_.on, Ar. John E;kens, R.R. 12 Orono, Ontario an abutting ouner also appeared. No Other person appeari_:d in support of, or in oppo:_,ition to this alDlicrtion. The Secretary -Treasurer pressnLad the Following mr,horial to the meeting: 1. CorrespondencFc from Sal. Grant Brookz, 3.A., Honey, Brooks & Harr_igon, 11.4 Wilton St. Fort Hoye, OnLirio, dated July 29, 1971. The Committee noted the contents thereof; 2. A Plan of Survey, 121 Queen Street, 1971, file 71093; prepared by Z.D. Broan CLS., 11067 Boti•r anville, Ontario, dated July 20, Mr. J.G. Hayden, under oatL, made,the following submissions: 1. The 3oart wishes to sell vacant school, properties; 2. There arc two applications for minor variance on school yrop^rties before the Board, at present. The ona under consideration at this time is known as "Clarke Union School" and is situate on the "Taunton Road" in the Townshi_p of Clarke; Page 5 Meeting Committee of Adjustment, Septemyer 8,1971: 3. Mr. Robert A. Edmunds P. United Counties, William had been consulted. nr. no objection to th> sale road; Eng. County Engineers Office, St. 0. & D. Cobourg, Ontario, Edmunds stated there would be As a residence on an existing The Committee were of the opinion that this applic_.tion would come under a "lot of record" sec. 3.15 of the nend.ng by-law 1653. The Committee also noted that the property w.s located in an Agriculture Zone and that sin;lo Lamil dw: 11 _ngs art a Permitted use in on :agriculture Zone. Mr. John Eikens, R.';. ?k2 Orono CnL _e, under oath, stated th.:t h4 owned property to the west: of the school property, of approxim"tely 143 acres. Mr. Eikens stated t-h<.t he had no objection to the conversion of the school house into a dwelling, but his main interest ',•.,-.s that, i h_= were ai,le to purchase the prol erty would he ba allowed to add 20 acres to the existing dimensions and hove a pond on the property. The portion± of his forehand af;uttinj the school pr.ogerty is not good agriculture land b.ci.n; mainly bush 1_nd and would be an ideal gond site. The Committee in'o.r_nod Mr. Eikens that generclly they look with favor upon any request to add to existing property, but at this time, the applic.tion before them was for a min0v vAri ncc and this would have to be 1-naliced on that basis. Lr. J.G. Hayden then -t-ted that it is the intention of the School Board to sell the school sues by public action and the restrictive ccvcnancs must be made I::nown to p_osyective buys _s and the consent of the Committee of Adjustment is rcr._u.i.red be:forc these s..l..s can be made. This plic -tion w s adj.rrrned to enable the Ccmnittne to inspect the pro,. e ty. CLA .;1i-- J 10 "A" Sec. 12 +WicAticn We No. 330-71 Northumber.lnnd. e. Durham Owner, County Board of ZducLtion, K. A. M cLoad, _1dminist.r tion Offices, Cobourg, oltrari.o, Agent, fol' 'part of Lot 91 Cori 31 Township of Clarke, Submission IQo.'A"3je-71-511 Applicgtion wa::_ made for exemption or partial anemction from iProvisions of sub -division control by-law 1592 with omcnO enL-s :hereto to permit reduction in the sot back rn�uirement from 93' to 901; reduction from front yard requirement of 50' to 38, and r=eduction from floor area requirement of 1200 sq. ft. to 1100 sn, ft., all under APPend:i_x "1" of amending by-lww 1653. The Socretar- reported that 12 notices ov the S- Q hearing had been mailed in accordance with Item 4 of The Pules of Procedure. W. Grant Braoks, B.A., h rri.st _r A Sol.icitsr, Honey,Brooks F,. Ii risua, tort ;Io n, on o mac, .,:s agent; tin. J.G. Hayden, Assistant Adml Istl,�tor of NorthumY,-nand & Durham Ccunty Lo._rd of Edu-ca.cion an lir. Lawrence Greenwood, Bon d Ksmber, apFe.red in support of 'this application. M & Mrs. Frederick Sticl en, accompanied by Piss Stickan, App G1.1, 10 Donwav_ Toronto Ontvr!o also app„_a_;_r.cnd. No other person Upn rad in suppart of, or in op"usit'.on to this appli_eataon. The Secretary-Trensur=r r_•resenL4d thy., following m::Leri_al to �J 1. Correspon6encc from w. Grant Brooks B.A., I annyY Brooks a Harri.con, 111 4olton St. Port HOVO, Ont_rio, dated July 29, 1071. The Committee noted the contents the7nof; 2. A certified Plan of Survey, -r,pnrcA by n.D. Brown OLS, 1971, file Queen Street, 3o.;manvilla*, Ontario, dated July 22, 1971, :fi_le 71097; Page 6 Meeting Committee of Adjustment, September 8, 1971: Mr. J.G. 'Hayden, under oath, made the following submissions: 1. This is a second application for minor variance on school properties before the Committee and is known as "Crooked Creek School" situate on the Newtonville - Kendal Road (County Road #8): 2. Mr. Robert A. Edmunds P. Eng., County Engineers Office, United Counties, William St. N. & D., Cobourg, Ontarioo has no objection to the sale of this school as a residence on an existing road; The Committee were of the opinion that this application would come under a "lot of record" sec. 3.15 of the amending by-law 1653. This property is in an..Agriculture Zone and single family dwellings are a permitted use in an Agriculture Zone. Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Stickan, under oath, stated that they reside in the City of Toronto but still owniroperty abutting this school property. They expressed concern that the school might be purchased for commercial purposes. They would not object to the school being converted to a single dwelling, but would certainly object to a commercial use. Upon being assured by Mr. J.G. Hayden, Assistant Administrator that school properties were being sold as single dwellings only, Mr. and Mrs. Stickan had no further objection. This application was adjourned to enable the Committee to inspect the property. CLASSIFICATION 10 "A" Sec. 12 Application File No. 333-71 Harold Frank Brown, Kendal, Ontario, for part of Lot 9, Block O, Lot ll, Kendal, Ontario, Township of Clarke, Submission No,'A"333 Owner, Con 6, 71- 6 Y Application was made for exemption or partial exemption from pm visions of sub-divisic:n control by-law 1592 with amendments thereto to permit the building of an extension on a non -conforming building. The Secretary reported that 25 notices of the said hearing had been mailed in accordance with Item 4 of the Rules of Procedure. No person appeared in support of this application. Mr. Allan C. Irwin, Kendal Ontario and Mrs. Robert Nicholls, Mill St., Newcastle, Ontario, appeared in opposition to this application. The Secretary reported that Mrs. Harold Brown telephoned the morning of the meeting stating that her husband would be unable to attend. Under Oath Mr. Irwin and Mrs. Nicholls stated that they objected to this application for the reasons contained in a signed petition, which they presented to the Committee. Upon perusal of same, the Committee instructed the Secretary to send a photostat copy of the petition for Mr. Brown's,information, The Committee felt that since Mr. Irwin and Mrs. Nicholls were already at the meeting they could take into evidence the petition itself without further comment except as to the validity of the petition as this would not prejudice the Browns and would facilitate the proceedings. The Committee also noted that the petition had not been witnessed. Reminding Mr. Irwin that he was under oath, the Committee requested Mr. Irwin indicate with an "x" the persons he had personally witnessed signing the petition. This application adjourned awaiting instructions from the applicant Mr. Harold.F. Brown. CLASSIFICATION "RR" Sec 12 Page 7 Meeting Committee of Adjustment, September 8, 1971: Application File No. 332-71 W. Kay Lycett B.A., Agent, Barrister & Solicitor, Orono, Ontario, Boyd Stanley Harris, Owner, Newtonville, Ontario, for part of Lot 6, Con 2, Township of Clarke, Submission No. Application was made for exemption or partial exemption from provisions of the Planning Act so as to permit the separation of 1651x385' being approximately 1.5 acres in area from the applicant's land. The Secretary reported that 17 notices of the said hearing had been mailed in accordance with Item 4 of The Rules of Procedure. W. Kay Lycett B.A., Barrister & Solicitor, Orono, Ontario, agent for the applicant appears in support of this application. The Secretary -Treasurer presented the following material to the meeting: (1) Correspondence from W. Kay Lycett B.A., Barrister & Solicitor, Orono, Ontario. The Committee noted the contents thereof; (2) Correspondence from Department of Transportation and Communications, Environmental and Operational Planning Branch, Downsview, Ontario dated August 252 1971 - "As mentioned there has been some concern expressed on development by land separation since this form of development invariably requires its own individual direct access which can eventually lower the level of service of the adjacent highway system. We note the lot in question contains the existing farmhouse and buildings which have access to Highway No. 2 and would have no objection to the separation of same; however, as discussed we are concerned about the remaining lands and would appreciate being advised as to the future use of the 41 acres." (3) A Plan of Survey, prepared by M.D. Brown OLS., Bowmanville, Ontario, dated December 31, 1968,#68112; W. Kay Lycett B.A., on behalf of the applicant made the following -submissions: 1. The applicant Mr. B.S. Harris was unable to attend the meeting because of an emergency at his place of employment, but he intended to attend the meeting to be held on Wednesday, September 15th, 1971 at which time he will make further representaticn to the Committee; 2. Mr. Harris presently owns 41.63 acres of the said subject lot fronting cn Highway 42 as shown on a sketch of survey as presented to the Committee; 3. These lands were purchased in September of 1969, since that time Mr. Harris has experienced serious farm losses and wishes to retire from the farming business but retain the dwelling house, at which he and his wife wish to continue their residence. It is Mr. Harris' intention to sell the remainder of the property which will comprise vacant land with an area of more than 40 acres and the lot which he wishes, to retain will have an area of approximately 1.5 acres with a frontage of more than 1501. Page 8 Meeting Committee of Adjustment, September 8, 1971: Following a discussion the Committee requested Mr. Lycett to bring some evidence of income from the farming operation to the meeting to be held on September 15, 1971. Mr. Lycett agreed, and this application was adjourned to enable the Committee to inspect the property. CLASSIFICATION 10 "A" / Application File No. 335-71 Alvin Bruce Yeo, Owner, R.R. #1, Orono, Ontario, for part of Lot 23, Con 4, Township of Clarke, Submission No. "s' a a s- 7/- a s. Application was made for exemption or partial exemption £rom provisions of the Planning Act so as -to permit the separation of 200'x653.5' being approximately 3 acres from the applicant's land. The Secretary reported that 21 notices of the said hearing had been mailed in accordance with Item 4 of The Rules of Procedure. Mr. Alvin Bruce Yeo, the applicant, appeared in support of this application. No other persona appeared in sup.ort of, or in opposition to this application. Mr. A. Bruce Yeo, under oath stated that he owns approximately 157 acres under The Director, The Veterans Land Act. He now wishes to sever a lot approximately 3 acreas in area for his son Grant Yeo, who is presently studying at the University of British Columbia for his M.A. in Honours History. After graduation his son plans on returning to the home farm and will assist with the farming operation as well as continue his career as a teacher in this area. The request for severance of a lot is for the future home of his son, who plans on marrying after graduation. Mr. Yeo presented a photostat copy of correspondence from Department of Veterans Affairs, 480 University Avenue, Toronto 101, Ontario, dated August 26, 1971 signed by "C.G. Whittall, Supervisor, Property Section, wherein he is advised that "we are prepared to recommend a partial sale under Section 11 of the Act, subject to receipt of any required approval by the Municipal Planning Board to the severance, and subject to receipt of the required plans of survey and legal descriptions of the area to be sold, and a suit- able metes and bounds description of the area remaining in the name of the Director." c Upon further questionning Mr. Yeo stated that from the time his son has been able to assist with the farming operation, they have worked together. Mr. Yeo's main source of income is from the farming operation and his son has a monetary interest in the cattle herd. This application adjourned to enable the Committee to inspect the property. CLASSIFICATION 10 "A" General Business Mrs. Helen Lovekin appeared on behalf Of one Gerrit Rekker and Dieuwke Rekker, requesting the Committee to stamp a correcting deed with their consent. Under Oath Mrs. Lovekin confirmed that a letter presented to the Committee, addressed to E.R. Lovekin and signed "M.D..Brown" acknowledged the error to be a typographical the ffice of t�said M.D. This error gave a distance einothein description to bee e23711 whereasown OLS. by actual measurement it is 2493' and a new survey had been prepared showing the correct measurement. On motion by K. Schoenmaker and seconded by E.F.R. Osborne this deed was stamped for the purpose of correcting a mechanical error in a previous document. Carried. (ref. Submission "B"191-69-170, decision dated June 2, 1969) Page 9 Meeting Committee of Adjustment September 8, 1971:. General Business cont'd The Secretary -Treasurer presented the following material to the meeti=ig: 1. Folder from Community Planning Association of Canada, being notification of 1971 National Conference to be held October 3 - 6;. 2. Folder of Annual Conference, Association of Ontario Housing Authorities to be held October 17-19, 1971 at Holiday Inn, Sudbury, Ontario. The Committee indicated they would be unable to attend these events. 3. Booklet from Department of Municipal Affairs, 1971 Summary of Legislation, Affecting Municipalities printed by the authority of The Honourable Dalton Bales, Q.C., Minister of Municipal Affairs. This being all the business the meeting adjourned_ at 1 ;-30 -x Secretary -Treasurer �Cllairfff6ri MEETING of the COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT Wednesday, September 159 1971 at 7:00 p.m. Council Chamber, Orono, Ontario. Present: E.R. Lovekin B.A. LL.B., Chairman, K. Schoenmaker, Member, E.F.R. Osborne, Member, Mrs. Ellen M. Yeo, Secretary -Treasurer. The minutes of meeting held on September 8, 1971 were approved on motion by K. Schoenmaker and seconded by E.F.R. Osborne. Carried. Application File No. 306-71 Barber & Kelly Agent, Barristers & Solicitors, Bowmanville, Ontario, Kaspar Hollen, Owner, Newtonville, Ontario, for part of Lot 4, Con 1, Township of Clarke, Submission No. "B"306-71-248 As business arising from minutes of past meetings, this application was presented for further consideration. Mr. Kaspar Hollen, applicant, accompanied by Merrill D. Brown OLS., Bowmanville, Ontario, appeared in support of this application. No other person appeared in support of, or in opposition to this application. Mr. Merrill Brown OLS., on behalf of the applicant presented the following material to the meeting: 1. A certified Plan of Survey, prepared by M.D. Brown OLS, 1106, dated August 31, 1971, File 71133 with legal description attached thereto;