HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/05/1971Page 12 Meeting Committee of Adjustment, March 8, 1971: General Business: The Secretary -Treasurer presented the following material to the meeting: 1. Correspondence with Resolution attached, from H. DeWith Clerk -Treasurer, with regard to the budget requirements o`f the Committee for the year 1971; 2. Correspondence from Community Planning Branch, Department of Municipal Affairs, Toronto, Ontario, dated February^23, 1971 with reference to a query from one Carl Todd; 3. Cdpies of minutes of the Clarke Planning Board dated February 18 and February 25, 1971; 4. Correspondence from Horace R. Best, Secretary -Treasurer, Clarke Planning Board, extending an invitation to the Committee to attend a joint meeting -of Planning Board and the Council -on Thursday March 4, 1971 at 7:45 p.m. in the Council Chamber, Orono. The Secretary was instructed to inform Mr. Best that the Committee would attend this meeting. Meeting adjourned at 11:00 p.m. Secretary-Treas rer I' EETIAiG of the COi'IP4I`" "`2= Cl' Aa U„US'.0"rl:LdT Monday, kpril 5, 1971 -at Present._ E.R. Lovehia, B.A. H. Schocr.0 l.er, E.Q.R. Osborne, !�Lrs. Dorothy Steer'_:, 7.00 p.m. Council Chamber L:..i3. , C'^_airilan, i,iemb er , De_^uty C1er_7, To -vans -I i of Clar__e 1'ne. Chairma-i, 'I.R. L'oveki=l reported ti7�-:t t'_e Secretary—'''reels User, 1,r;. Elio. `i;. 'Y'ea :;�s cbsent Clue to illness ar!d in her lace xxx on n:otior, b:and s��;onded 1�.P.n. Osborne, 1Zr8. Dorot7 Stark, De'-_ut Cleri'. :1&.S c✓'_ inted ,to act as Sz=otuary � t- is meeti_n.-. Ccrried. T__e 1:.ii:utes of mcceting 1'Icrch Ci, 19%1 'Jere c:pp='ovod on i:,otio-__ Dv ac `O �C!2Ila'.2r ai-a' -_ co de;. byE.Y.R. Osboriie. Carried. J J ;eeti Co::iit,;ce of rd,;ust!lerlt, 1e i?o. 2�2-71 <�• !LaY L•TCci,U L..-., .__Ent, is ;er Soliel"or, Orono, Ontario, bliss Flo ;s'__e ' ra.hail, Cwiler, :for ii£1't c� Lots 1 =.0, C:.::- 'LOwnsr i_.. 0' cir.r...e, Sub _iss'ioi_ 'i:O-t#g^282_71-228 1utOiS OUs1neSS ai' ; 'lS,.zI-- �'_Gc L1u1: was brO"1 -.:C.t i•Orric1'0. for fur" Ge"r C^`ilS id el"v".ti 0i1. IV. 1iay-Lycett li.r_., - 2Sr1S"U^cr Cc SOliclUor, a._ei't for ,IIB a.pplicant a,opeared in sup;`ort of ti.iS ,.` )licu.Lion. 'i �'o otilc_' Terson ail-. . OL. -i: -ed il. sur -'Ort, o, or ioptl pto t -.is alr;AiCL:Lion. 1'1r. !ycett requested that tl.is flatter be set aside until �ucll ti ---e as" Plan Of Survey is 1':�CEiV ed. Tilis T6que St 4JaS ;;r E'.ii'L G -Cl 817d the a15 `_%licLtion adjoua2ned 2:wc.ltln• receil:t of the re-fere-:!cEd plan. CL:rSa1'+LC_.... 101v 10 Il It yo,-licati oil File 2b6-71 onneville Fitz idoon,h ent, 11 1'_ill Street, "Port Hlope,Cnt. Er_dric_r F. i,ende-rson !iz:xgeret 1.R. ' ena.e-rson Owners, R.R. ;='1 ',iewtoiiville, Ontario, for p; rt of Lot 5, Con 111, TowilS..i' of Cla.r'_ e, Submission ,is business c.riS l.n f1'Oill L-lu"Les of t'_'e cast meet'_.T16 t_- -iS a:py:li CCa i0i1 'ei-as 'OroLi IIt-or'-lerd for furt.-er co-rsideratio . fir, li.i. _lend-rso l'_, t___. a-���J1"_i. 8.ilt:,lre0. 1i7 Sui_J5'Ort O t...1S -_ i'11.CJ Uo ho ogler ti.e:1'301_l c _)CL2'3d in SUp-_lOrt Of, Or 1n O_: os-_ —I to t is a),:_,lication. hs a lae:Lter o_' record the whole Con::::ittee visited the farm at 2LOC ,j.m. 1.11 ar d accoz a:ai ra b; t1iE accli Cant ax; inspect -on w ;_s mE-de of the lc.rd arid b'i., idin_;s. 'Zile Cori:).iLee noted t,'.ef0110tVi11�-'-� fac--jS:- 1. 1. barn apprO_, Tu_:Lel-, 40'.KlCC' ,a, -s situ<te u_;on the property w_'1017 ';las storEd lOOS:: Omits in t::e granary;_ 'VILea-t sElc_-s slid a few ll",;;e_il;^:; C: b@':.Le^,s of hay;. 2. The fo2_._;,5,`i'!1; farm machinery was i_ evidence: 1. im Inte._'nL-Joi�.al `414 a;iesel, equippe:��. with a raar blade; Case i;anure S, -.raider; i cCor_::ick 1aler; 2 three point :_itch cultivators; a '�a.SG 6' Cmbine; soed drill; 1 three point flitch 7' moo-er;: T'annin-_, 1''1.11; SEctional _.e.r2ows;l three yUoint flitch spra.yor; set of discs; 1 three furrow plow and other miscel. an ous far,: j. T_e onl:r 1ivestocc to be seen were c'iic:ens; The a-,,,Dlicar•_t il.i iccted to the ComI.u_ttee th-t he wished to ettend the nieetin: � or, t•_pril 5th, 1071 wi tl-.. _. view to �.merdiri , his aplic tion. idr. i,.L 1,..E_sCra 1^IaS 1'^.;-SwO.rll and '1'C'il_u,:stsd tilE':L t1E be a110:4E0. VO ,aeiid his ap `-11Catioi, to read for a Scverance of 40 acres. 1;Oved by E.11.R. Csb Orne ops`.. sE.cOT'ld,:d by iL. Sc O,_ 1iam ker that tie c:rl_ l i Caia CI -lend tyle a.p_%11ccl:;-_Gil for a Severance of 40 a.CreS of land Of uniform Droy,o:. iorls and the details to be rioted on a p1'O'per 1'lai; of i:iurvey. rriis a rl licr. t:_on c,s adjourned until such time as a ]. is presented. 10 n1.,_u __e j eetinp; Coi—i- ee Of d'ustr}^nt, .%pril 5, 'C71: "__plicetici; l+`ile ..o. 2-7-71 .i:a.rton S. Ellis Owner l°Jilli_u:: k. Coboa.n ',.C. Cwner Toronto Dor}inio._ Ce tre_, ent Tore !to 111, Ontario, for prrt of Lot 50, Con 9, Townshi_, of Cleri:e, rs o sines :'i A; from :rinutes of the pasL rte ti tris Ar ,i !.cavi or was orou ht for.•,orj. for iurtner co__si� era t; o _. lilli. A. Cob', -,_:r_, .C., __._rirrL;r• F. Solicitor, Toro:,to Dominion !3 oO..'Gre, 'l O�YiPtC, GJ ario appeared a.s agent and one Of the ajit_:li ca.._ts in support Of this api;,lication. :o O L;'n:.. S' Terson 111 Sup JO-� Of O_^ L_ O�)�.:OS_C!.O1} �_ �O this As a, mEtter of"rocord "Lhe Comi:iittee ir}snacted this pro"vier"tv o. Due to deep slew cor;ditions the Coni �i'-tee were unable tO inspect -o e e:i;tlre-y%rot__erty but they did note IIha.t the 1,?itd cocc x'713:'. is t-,pica.l of land ii,. the .ren rolling cauntr;;side ,,iith li.;ht Lree growth. %;o spocia1 topoJ-zra:hice:l 'e. -'ares . ere noted. The foilo'r;­nJ L'.c::';.eP1al -was ie:l e; :ped. to t_;.e i:iaetln.­: 1. Copy of COr1es_,Ondailcs ro_i 'i.L. _;.ii. JC. OL.S, lowlna!-v_.11e, Ontario, to Cou.�&_r Cor;:ren, ' oclley i Dal'a, J3ar _'inters il:; 1CiLOr ;, Tca10 ttO, Ontario. 'The CO::tiAtt Oe '_Ated the cciit E'its tihercof;, William 4. Cobban, _,,.C. was t G'll S1.1jo2n a!,d he submitted the fol.LOwinr Zacts:- 1.The 200 acre pa col aE.s ac:,uired by iii-_ and La.rton S. Ellis on rpri l 12, 1954 with the inte:iition of mahing it into a Christmas tree olanta.tion. Due to poor mcrheting coirid-itions for christiias trees, those plans were cancelled; 2. It is the inteitic±: now to sever the 200 acre parcel and sell the south. 100 acres to one Join S. Iiaciiey, an abutting owner and the north 100 acres will be sold to one William Longworth;; j, there is a sn_i a o__ t,e pro .erty vr_!ich feeds into wilr�ot Cree'_C; Tne COa'.mittee referred to tae minut(s Of maeting (arch u, 1971 at w--ich time an ad Ji: cent owner to this ,ro Iert77 tO the hast, one ii -r. Cocil Si.ir�ons appeared at the meetinL to voice ;.,is concern as to whetner iris rights of access would be effected by a new owner. Following a discussion the Chairman dictated a letter to iir. Cecil Simr: ons setti=.I out the following facts: " r. Cobban appeared before the Coamittee aiid satisfied us that t'.=is we.s a. rea.sor.'ele request as 'U -i --c. s:;vera_:ce was for 100 acres. ;o la.nd woulc. be 1_r:dloa,ed b 'the severance a.s -reouested." Nr. Sime ions was e.dvis-od to consult his Solicitor regarding ea.se:.ient r; 'IIts. The Committee rec_uest::=d lir. Cobban to submit nroF)er Plan of Survey jx epa-_,ed by an Ontario Land Survey, u' -,on receipt of 'Millen t -is a:c_}licLticn will b- ;liven further cons i'dere.t ion. ir. Cob:ran intima. -:ed L1.ot is ;I.D. 3rown OLS would prepare 'he Plat: of Survey a.nd present to Lr.e Comi:d—,tee Umen completed. Application ad,;ourned a.vraitinj pre:>ertati on of tih� requested. :ac.terial. = O 4 :-eeting Com._ittee of :_d;;ust:.:eilt, i`_pril 5 1c)71: p,:,lication rile :o. 20,-71 l'i. '_:&y Lycett =.., ent, arr'_ster So'_icitor, Orono, GntL.rio, :Vil l i r.ia Perry Iri;a'_n C'wrnEr'S, Etta irwin, for pa_t Of Lot 29, COI! 1'J, 1'owilshiP of Clarl.e, Subm. i ssiUil ITo. .'?s business &ricin from illi Butes Of the past meetinF- t -is a-I;lication was brou-ht forward for _urther consideration. i -ay L,<cett �.2.., arrister s Solicitor, Orono, Ontario, appearaa ill safi,,)Ort of this ap-uliCc:tion. P,O O::C!(,,r person c:1JjJr<Sed in su.:_;ort of, or in o-1:_,osition t As a. it attar o1 r'�icor:a the whole Coi.ir.iit"LeC- irsi)e Cted t1, ].s Proper r ty On _.ur_1 ! 1�/1, par'-icularly '-lie lot conic:rncd. I's this area hz:Is h�.d 1,r evious c:PyaliCat ions, t�ilc Ccm li Ltee w -re well aLlare Of the :3itu.-ti-n On t1ac rou,d. Tae Corailit"Gac 'Nicre Of the o -A ion "taet t[:is '._,!s:ttor s ould be refe=ed to the Y1&n-L)in": soC-r,_ for -their srecific recol:ii:elida.tion. 4 FollowL.._'. a discussion ^r. Lj'"cctt renuesteu tie Cio:r,,:Aii Uoe to ed jouri_ t::.is rn�'cter s _i -,e die. "_plication File ?,o. 29Ci-71 W. _ia..y Lycett L. I. AL`ent, arrister _ Solicitor, Orono, Ontario, J &T-cs Imlach, Owners, Isobell Ernestine Imlach, David Imlach, irewtoiiville, r_ OLerio, for part of Lo"L 11, ro-cen Froiit, loenzshi,, of C1ar::e, SubmiSS10i1 !':O. "C6'.)4c�-i 3i ,s business arlsln fro::! :Anutes Of the past meetln'C this :licati.n was brouyiht forward for further coIlSideration.' :ay Lycett 1"%.r., ...ib,rrister ..c Solicitor^ Or'o:1o, Onar'io, appaared in sup ort of ti.i,is a,-, :lic,=:Lion. ;o other ' _rson ap-cjeesod in sup_ort of, Or in o i_:os-_tion to ti;is application. rs a ml ttcr of record t`)e whole CoTi1,i-'GItee inspected t: -.is property On 1'i-�ril3, 1971 D.t 1:17 ii.l'. -'!l'. i,rS. IL'1c.CiI Were t __Osie. hhej' informed the Consiittee -,flat ti -,e surveyor h��i been at -L,; -.e pro)erty but due to Soar :round conditions he could not locate ti -.e necessara" Surve. St; l c:s. Pile Ciomr..ittee explained to the a.:;"olicants that a. fii.a.l dec'sion could no':; be handed down until the Flan of Survey is fii-ed w:5�" t'ae Com ,ittee. IT. . ITrs. I ile.ch e.lso sta:Led th_t t Cie hil'J6 f .'Lied since JUf"i8 1945 and fro, -.a i' n&t tfi.e CoimZ ittee ooscrved it iserfectly obvious that tiis is a bona fide fa.rmin opera.tion. The Ia.rm lies bc-c-:een i;i lhwat' 401 a.�,d the -1 i, in l i =e Of 'L'le a --d CFP, W:^_icil 2:t this Joint ruil-OarL.11el Go each ot'!1er e.nd is wit:iin 3/4 r:iile of the north shoie of La'7c, Cntari'o, southwest Of the .-;amlot of '.ewtoiiville i.nd a-onLoo:ii maluely !dl]dway" between it0u]PctIIVil�-e ei'id Port nope. The lo,,, to "oe sE_,l, _'Ca.ted is or, the West side Of a well maintained north -south _'owT:S '1 11cad. CLrO end 2elc.':07e l't 2i;S rL11 i-,st the lot. 1''11G'-' siteid c.:: 011 a i'n011 f with 1; e Icell,,lnt view Of la'_e :..rid -'or 5 or 6 11'1 I :�,o to the y \- east a.TiCL South. i,7. Lycett renuestcd that tl,iS mile` er be a.d ol,.riied Ui til rec---,1Pt of the Plan of Survey. 10 1. tl so.e5 iieeting CGY1a.11.ttee Of _d�,USt..i2l't _pril „ ly']l: Application File !o. 291=J1 Peter iolny Owner, bort o,?e, On .rio for p _rtof Lot 2, Co:., Towiis'_-.i - of C1a.rlce, Submission -'.s business arisin from the pc.st ineeti n t!"is a. licz tion was broL_r'_t for::ard fos' furt;.ier coiziderai-ion. tir, and. 11irs. fetor roiny :_;yoeax';.d iii support of t=_is ap liCa i Oii, L.o o ,her person o._ p; a _'l Ci in sup- urt of, or in ou,.osition to this a:p_:lication. .'.s a. matter of record the waole Co.a_:iittee inspected tris property on April , 1' ';%1 ;rt 7-00 n.:"i. 1'i:e followin:_7 facts Were nol;ed: 1. A '_ricL house was situ: to on the property as well as a barn with dim(;nsions a!i_::roxima.tely 01 o. th1'. t'Olny 'oJiaIl-s to fetaln a lot in the South west cori_er of the farm. _5:e e_rtre:;_e corner vro'.ld. be uns iitable for bu'_ d.in as i would oe in a flood _Main. io'.ever, to the east �!le la.i!d rises r' -'..1C: _I_ and €. sio-e on t_le side of a hill 'Vias v'er_�. t easlble y The a�plicat _urchE.sed the oropert;y i"_: 1�4G and for the past 10 years has arf.ed the land. 1'revious to th:_t he wes a ne.rt time farmer; he usua.11;p runs ?_j to 30 i:uad o= cattle, now ha.s 2�-. cattle. Li_ese w --r';: be --f cu'ttle be -.ng 1r.tteiicd, mostly �:.re=.ord. 4. The Committee were of the:. oyjinioil, from their observation Qf the Si tuction ti-iat the ,applicant was a bone. fide fa.rr:ier. Ers. _ir'olny to the Co! inii ttee that it was the intei.-.tion of `1 �aha her husband to reta.im ap"proximo.--tely 10 acres in t.die south west po-rtionof t'_c farm oro.:erty a -id put the rest o_ the fart2 up 07_' sale and when thc'.t had been aCCOs..>liShed to '(Y -zila E. re LIlrernent dwe'llin with access t0 the road runi=S' aloii: tii'a southern boundary of their property. The Coimnittee re -:;nested fir, and sirs. i'olny to sub-r:it a L:sol;er lan of survey reparcd by ar. Ont�.rio land Survey end this a(:i0li cation 1;•ias adtourned awai"tiny the 11questc;C11 mz;I: erial. CL',SSl 1C. i1C 10 "A" ,::p-_,lica.tion ile l:o. C-1 C 7 ;d. =;ay Lycet"t r.k. c -.Its, arrister Solicitor,. Orono, Ontario, iessrs. Chi:ries Lverett G. Stapleton, Owners, R.R. „i2 Oroiio, Ontario, for Dart of lot '0 Con 'i'ownsiii_c of "lar' -e, JU70DISS1ol" 1.0.6 'Yi-7r s'i3 As business arlS il':`. froiL 7:;inutcs of the pest i!ie6tiY1,� this api;lication was orou ;ht for"ija^ ,__ for furt-_er cciisiderati0._. iiessrs. Ch��-les _. __vercUt G. Sta_,)leton, the a.u"olica_ts, C'ccomy;<ried by their c ent W. E. Lycett pperred in sup ort of this app.licat_on. Ab other r>�rson c.a"pea.red in sug,ort of, or in of°ositioi:' to this application. -a��e PIe+ tin Ccu:::itteE of _d ust:aE_a :_: r`_1 5, !r'/I: a"s a iT,a-tt� of record the Com. ii -toe -visited the farm or, ri 71. !:;o O�;e was L:t - pri 1 '}, 1 `'1`) ,aO1:lE. 'P -ie COm:,iiut E2 OOSEr'V Ed the f ollos; in 1. 1= lame -'ar houso- a.r.d a bar:,,.,,re sitete on Lite ')ro-Jer -G.y; The nro_lErtj fronts u;.,ell trascl ed road; �. _i1e 1,-.nd -in eroa is flat and uniform ir_ cha_'actcr; no roc;: outcro .in_a or bush or other unusuel ': o;;o-:rai�hv; 4. On the aro ,ert: gore scvcral trailers for sale by "Gro -o 'Trailers"; T`TesSI:'.S'. Charl::s .11Verett Stalcton There sworn a., id subRiti;ed the follow -'_n1 facts: 1.L arc O:i Ot110]:S 3.-liQ' have COndl.C'�Ed a fa1^ialri�;' O;i F::Pai%ion under J01"lit Owrer'S--ip for many years;_ �. '2hE- have a. mi:ied lar=:fin:,_ Ope1'ati0'_'. 8.nd run a 100 fiend of Cattle;. utaJleton live's "itil :Tis -,life in -the St01_6 fa.r'i-,_ ouse on t.^.is ro,,erty;_ -t0 11-1 health,V Er et'G :Jt aplet On 1S our of his _.,art of the far: -:in' o'y-era"tion; The nro:Dosed would contain the fa. -r,, resident but would_ not __hclude t e farr:i barns. :'hese 'would. re..11L in C.itii the far`.:ilcnd "rciiainder of approxili;:tely 110 SCres; U. 'P'- . is is GOnc'i. 1:iCLE f�lr::,i _ri oce.'ation �.id ill health ha�.s forced the ret" :: -el ent fro:ii the fari:.in-, The COR--i�iittee lie 'used the Llai; Of purvey presented at the lcst 1!le8ti2?­ and SU�;-iESteQ t11&L an .:iEndr-:ei7t be P.ia.dE t0 atllOw S; V6r 2ca'. allowance rather then 4:_" . This cj"ii ]_1Caa 1011 BJc.S ,;jOUrY!eQ awai-ting the &.C:cnO.ed. clan Of Survey Imid :iUrther consideration will be ,i Ven t0 t_ is matter u., -,on recei..,t of t'_ -.e requested material. CL_.S;SI_ IC 'iO_d 1G ipy,li ca.tior = ile 293-%1 Part of Lot 35, Con. 6, Township of Clar_-.e. Dirc;ctor, Velerc.ris 01.1jIner, Land Ict, 4C0 Uiiiver'sit;;' Toronto, Ontario, Str::n1E Seneco , rurchaser, 246 . _iidsor St. ° Oshawa, Ontario."A ay3-9/"36 i ti:iliCal:lCi: -oa.s iliCde for eXemption Or pa1'tial e;>Oi::13ti0ri frol:l Dro JisiC:._S O-' sib—division control by—l�.w lj','2 LV 1't'tl o.1: e1:C1I:1 Lt thereto, so es toJcrmit a. recuct-ion Of front yl.rd from 0' to 40' on a. pa._'Cel of .land 201":150 with an Droc-c. of ap'prOXii�i='�,: -I-, 307000 sr,. it. in In t.'riculturc Zone. The Secretary reported that 15 noi:iccs Of the said. 1lenriaz been i:iB.ilG,1- 1P_ _lc JOrda':ce S:itii it as 4 of '-,Ie Rules Of ProcedarE. ae�. eco, yea I.0a i slltii_:0-t O_' v.. is a., 1_C 3.t ion. a ,.',:. , .1.... • J.N- ll. i.ac'L1V;; o__.SO C.��J I.. .1 � i 3i'507 al ... EL _( 1:._ 3U�>_�O_'� OI Or 1 _ O i 0�;! t,io� t0 t 'i s a.p_.l ic, tioT;. The followlii" 1!la.terial wc:S UZ'ESent EU. to t --ie :Tieetil csrtiiied 'Flan of Survey, -L,rep._'_:: by .'a' -e 7, - I':eeting n �osarcittee of :djustrnent, :_pril �_,, 1;71 °l. COiit'O ...D. rOLd il, C'JJ, bowmaiivillej Ontari0, dcted _,z%ril 15, ly65 §165019 an::otated ";,ddi U- 14z.rch 10, 1971" s1; Tier "i'i.D.brown" CLS; 1'1rs. Seneco LdaS sworn and i.riade the followin submissions -- 1. She a':.d _her husband. -are owners under il.l: _. of & double lot with di:itei;siolis of &-z�,,roximately 200' x 150'; 2. 'There are two homes built south Of their "I_irooerty and a.s shown o11 the 1_ l s.n of Survey, oLle lies Set bL.CI\ Of D:_ �:r0.]:1.i11 c`ively '�-V' El1iQ the Other a set O2.C..: OIc.1J1lrOYilslc.tely 32' ; L). T is application is for a reduction of front y� ".. from 0' , as indicate,: on blu-1din permit da: cd. 'c-b-ruary lo, 1;71, to a. front y .rd of 40' to maintain a consistent buildinLr; line thc.t confor:,s to the building; like est<blished by existing houses southerly ac j, cent to the subject Ur0``erU gild to i -,crease the rear ycrd for recreational use; T. -.is al,_ lic�aion &d,;ournea to enable -U".-.c Co,:I_iittee to inspect t, e i;ro_,erty. CL.flSKIIO".1i'I01 1'Lp;licatior, rile No. 2y4 -`J1 W. 17e.y L;cett E._`i., 1.gent, hoarrister Solicitor, Orono, Ontario, David l-ancelievill; -Zrc_aosed Orono, Ont�_rio, _urchaser, for part of Lot 2L7 'olice Vill�_c of Oro�.o, Towns',.i,, of Clarl e, Subrissio'r: iipolicatiOi! wcs me.de for e_�.emptlon Or-oartL..l E:; eLG)L1On froIi7 1JPOv1sloils of sub—division controlby15y2 --1 d amend Lie Ilts "thereto so 3S t0 ticri.lit 'he soy aratioi_ of 50.6' `:i 15j' being ar;:roximately ;180 sc_. _'t. in arz-a in an "Rl" zone, in the Police Vill-, e of Orono. The 3ncr_aary — 'T2Ec .s.:rer ;�)rese-iltCd t1. -,e follow -i -n material to the meeting: 1. Comes ;oi,dence fro:il 1.a; L rcett li.A. , Barrister So__i.;itor, Orono, Ontario dat.3d PIarch 12, 1911 and li-s'ch 1`J, 1;71, i're Com,':attee noted the Cioi-tents thereof ; ?. k sotosta.t copy oi' e, re 1cr;_t of hurc 'ale si_I;ned by "D ;vid I:ei ceki:iviil""J c_c 1. >P lso- "F,ary oheila '.Jilson" ; 3.anni-n-, Flan of Orono Village, showi.nC; the 5 lots and a date of lice. 1; ;r _tin`. Co-:r:_:i'�tee o rLr. T. anCP.31evill wus swoO ,n E.ihd 7ilc.de the follOwiri.� subIl.issiors. _l_. he i:, a builder nd 'Lntends to build i ousts, not buy and Sell lou -s Els a si:ocula""Cori 2.. The lot WILich is bhc subject of this ap,, 11cSai oih has a fronul aGe si.ail, r to abuttin lots; T1-iis ap"ylic£'.tion "o; CIS adjoUrieJ t0 ena.Sle t' -e Coi-iiiti-ee t0 insoect the `Oropert j vh=aa :�J_h1,11U., r21' zone &p_ lica.tion Yile 2" 5-%1 Kay L�rcett E.r •.c.,; ., liarrister J: Sclicitor, Grono, Ontario. Ellsworth ler: ar't S. Caswell K.n. `ort=-ope,. Gwr_er Ontario, for port of Lot 21 Co"., 2, "_'owns'_i-F� of Cla.r?_; , Submission p;1ic .t;: n was i:1 .d for e:=caption or 0Lrtia.l c.1 :1'tio fro. -.i provisions Of sub-^iVision cOntr0l by-law i:o. a.i:d al.:eriCt lila="!tS thereto so :i's O _ cr%li the su"iJ£1'ation of iL::a ely feet ZrC12 t a ai l i_cant' s .Cil% Zi �: Cr2't cS'y re_;o1_— C.d Uh2_v 15 ih0-'J1Ce5 Of U;lC Sv:L _ hearlrib 'Ila.Cl bz:,.. ,-,a..ilcd i_! atO OrCI c.aea Lgith Iul-cm 4 o `i'he hulas of P-_-ocedure. W..i'_6y Lycett - .a., 'iE=i(Ster c: .Solicitor, Erol -O, c`.CcoSa_ b�r i'<:_ _. 1'1rS. r._..a, vaSbJell 2.rd their Qo'.U��ht Er i,- rs i,. " �. _'. .. �aree_r. : e:;p�.dared in sup,,:iert Of this a, Lica Gi0i1. r:0 o het j:ersoll 1n SU_)�%OI't of Or _n Opt,oSit1o11 ,0 ,.,_:.is ai,y,llcation. The followin rlaterial hJ_-.s p e_,ented to t_ e meetin. . 1. 0Cr'res)ondeiice frog: W. --a-Y _ycett CSolicitor, Orono, Or_tcrio, ri.e Co-mi.ittee noted the contents thereof; r 'c> rci1 s'_ etch of the r)ror,oscd severa-ce. i'S. Ly cett on behalf Of the L'. Pi;l ica.nts stated tita."t in the -year 1 54 they. Lave a. lo't to their dau. h_ter and son-in-law Er. Green on udi:icil they constructed a home. i.Ls evidence Of t1lis lift nd to establish the tC- of the construction of the souse, _'r. 1Lyceu't produced a receiipt fr0m the Il'ownshij% of Clarice dated Dec 1, 11)54 a". d anno'uai,ed "receives froi.i.teL= Green the su.n of `?'5.00 for fil8.l uerillit, Lot 2, Co.:. 2 si-ned 1"..E. 1'lillson". T_ie Co!,ii.lttee arc^ faatiliar wltri the si.:nature of 1°.r. _.1:. i,11__son and the docuzc -t so 1):2oduced '.vE:S aCce"Otea as _:rii.ia facie evidence Of th'. informs' tion conTla.in(ed tih O-1'ein. The �:pplica.nts *,a: re reminded the t if t - : a_ i;licr.tion were ranted the lend to 'C Sf:Vi:1'8:-- would hav t0 be shown on a prol;er t lali of survey certified by an 0.aario lanc Surve: or. TheCo,ar.iittco .acre cozrylecely sat'_sfied that t' is *,vas a bona fide ter to i..sythe property. ect a�'d �.d;1 oarnc�f the r av �, '� CL23S1_'1C:_'1-C7- 10 11 i:e2tiiz_ Col:uai:,toe of r plic2.ti on file I:o. 290-71 L cc tt •S., S Vy1Zt, ra.rrister �, Solicitor,. Orono, Ontario, Bernard Callanan, Owner, Orono, Ontario, for vErt of Lot �,., Coll. '�, rU� ioe V'i_j_la'- e Of Li—O:-.O, of Clar;-:e, oub'Ilssion 1-o.°819,e �,-2- � ippl_ica.ti0n 'vias Or .)a.rti���l ex0-ifption from provisions of sab-division control by -las,; 15c"2) with 2.r.endrrents thereto, so s to permit the se; rc_tion of 75',}'175' beim aprrox- imL�:tely 15,12] sq. ft. fro1i the applica.r.t's laid in the Police Villa:, -e of Crono, zoned. "EL -l". The 3,.�cL'etary relported that 20 1ioti ces Of the said heerin! ­ hE.d been mail --d in aCCOrdci11Ce vjith Itc, t 4 of '!'i7.0 au.!, oI' ProCeCi_Ur'e. '+ T- ,, i.ycett U.r., :.)earl"'1Ster 6clicitor, aget_'i,, aC001"y. �h10d by the apL1lCc:nt _,;;rnard Callanan &!) e2.r0d iii sul)_)ort o- U:Is a" alicE.tion. The followi persons 1 1 r alio �.ppe red: 'r Ch lits '_nox, I A = Orono, Ontario, Er. Ronald Sutcliffe, Cl,ono, Ontario and P7r. c47illia1 Slater, represen"tcttive for the V,terc.ns La'rsd riot. 1.o Other i)el-Soll a_,_;eared in sup %o -_,t of or in opposition -to t11iS a S Ali Cati OTI. '21 -le f011owin� lnL:terial wcs :resented t0 t_e meetin . 1. COr_'es,londei ice fro:;; W. _:.ar1"1Ster Solicitor, da -t e:' I'<.rc 1';', l i71. The Cc_,Iiittee noted the contents thereof; 2. 1= ji,otostt- copy of a. an of ;3ury z, prepared by I:.D. .browD., C:ntario, dat.d Se--te ber lid, 19,38 and numbered 36121 "A", sold _hotosta't "-)lan of surv,:;r Outline in "red" the di,"'.enSio­.S of tike subJect land front - 01 -1 i'ai . Street, Village of Orono. _essrs. C. _.,nox, R. Sutcliffe, 'r,'m. Slzter were as,ed if the-, had c.n- :':uesti,;ns re -.rdin this ac :licati on ahld they reg-iiE�d in the negative. lihc-y il.b.d !,ie_,ely c;tteniied tiie rIleetini_; Es Obsea.veY'S and recuested that they sent a cosy of the decision. The nece4aary f Crms'were then siz.ned and & m'y 01 the deci5_o�, c1 L�_J_ b: Lc.iled to tiler:. i'ir.. Lyceut on behalf Of his client i1iade t11ef011_Oi:l ii- ;i "c)L1iaS1G nS: 1. '1'S1E lot ill-,Uos�ion is t0 have a i'o ;0aed fronta.'..e Of 75' On 1'?aiii Street "ru-m_iil" throu- h the said 'fi ll a_ -e and a de0uh to the ;.;a t of 1751. i,r. '.;al-ianan owns thos: lends u_der '-,he provisioh_s of ti:.e Veterans Land 21cti 2. IIx-. Ly cett uresentean h: reeme_it of gale dated iioveinber 1965 betiaeen V.L.A. and I:r. y. Callanan, as evidel-ceL j. :'r. Callanali wisl °es to disrtose of :Qa.ot Of 1 iS %rov-.erty., inc �11din" the -i ro')osed lot bci1ithe subject of this ap"y li C2 cion. :ie would have 5 other lots w1iicn Could also be s'sy. rated fror.l :_is presentholclin , if this 2. �_:lication i s successful. � . Lycett also _>ointe,,:, out to the Cor_-aittee t,Lt this v,ro .erty is in an "zl" zone in t'1he ;.'olice Vil!L,-e of Orono. it Callanan ',ias trlen sworn c, -..d he confirmed thr .t the f�.oGs -resented by ::r. -;'tett wore true. 'i1:a3 ali_'Ii Cc:"GlOn L0_00=ned to enable the Cioifl:_ it -tee to inspect the property. Pa:-ee 10 PIeeting Com-.tittee o Ld'Just;:ient, April „ 1971- gpnlicat�ons 297-71 290 7l: 299-71 Applications 300-71 307....-,.71 j02-71 Parcel_Inves_:--ents Limited, Owner c/o 47 Prince Street, Oshawa, Ontario r_lbertha Zosmar, Owner,. c/o 47 Prince street, Osha:ia., Richard i. Do'_ald �.A. :ent, Barrister Solicitor, 59 i{ing St.. E., Oshat.a, Ontario. pest of Lot 30, Con 5, Township of Clarke, Submission PIo. n �9? Submission 1�'o. � Applications were made for execiption or partial exemption from provisions of sub -division control by-law 1592 with amendments thereto, so as to permit a, reduction in side yards from 25' to a. minimum width of 14' on one side, and a minimui_'. width of 4' on' the other 'sidein ar_ a;riculture zone under appendix 1 (f). The Secretary reuorted that 20 mtices of the said 'nearing had been mailed re ardinG the first three ap_lication and 19 notices of the said hearing had been mailed recardin the second three applications all in, accordance with Item 1F of The Rules of Procedure. P:r. Gerald Van Schepen, Real Estate Salesuan, 259 Thomas St. Osha.wa,. Ontario appeared on behalf of the applicants and in support of these applications. The following -persons also appeared: ir. F. Hurst, R.R. ==2, Orono, Ontario; Er. L. 11dams, R.R. ;'-2 Orono Ont arl0 ;.'iir. Gary ancoc :, R.R. ;r2 Orono, Ontario, W. hay Lycett 3.1. liarrister & Solicitor, Crono, Ontario. o ocher pei"son appeared in support of or in opposition to these applica.-ions._ The following material was presented to the meeting: 1. Correscoi�dence from Richard H. Donald Barrister z:. Solicitor, Oshawa, Ontario dated Iiarch 25, 1971, 2. Signed and sealed authorizations for the v pai2cels of land giving I -Ir. R. i. Donald B... full authority to sign any documents on behalf of the said applicants; 3. F r'r_otosEat pe`.. s'cetcii of 14 lots, autlic;ir, tie o parcels of land to be dealt with; Er.. Var_, .Schepen was sworn a. id made the following subrissioris: 1. Solicitor, Richard i. Donald .A. was rot able to ° attend the meeting and he was appearing on behalf of the arplicants, 2. _'a is a director of Parcel Investments Ltd; j. The six parcels of land each have a frontage of 75' and a depth of 200'; 4. Building permits were issued or or about July 1969; 5. These applications s.re now for relief frai arendir_ by-law 1-053 for side yards of 4' UL 141; y.µ. e Ill Neeting Com:n.ittee of s'djustment, Agri l 5, 1971: Tile Coma-dttee .perused the 1'i.otostat " an S'. -etch and noted that 2 lots were at the extreme north end 8 lots separated the 4 adjoininb lots to the south. The 6 parcels are in the alternate na:!ies of ilbertha iosmar and Parcel Investments Limited.. lir. W. Y. Lycett B.A., iarrister Solicitor of Crono stated that he represented l r. G. :iancock and vr. A. :.dim. Their chief concern is the watercourse that runs tr.rou;h J the! 4 south lots. 14r. F. Hurst also stated that his concern was the wa.tbrcourse. T?one of these,persons had any objection to the a;plications provided that there would be no blocking of the watercourse. This �)roble'm vics discussed at some len,-th and the applicL�ticns were adjouine5 to enable the Corair.ittee to inspect the properties. CLASSI''IC." TC- s 10 "4" App. 1 (f) fpp�ica_tion Files ido. 303-71 304-71. 05-71 A nn Try ntje Van Dyk Owner I'arten Van Dyk Owner c/o L.C. Mason G.C., Barrister - Solicitor, 3owmanville, Ontario, Dir--_ Dini,e'Mmp, Ap _licar-t c/o Richciand �" Berk, -:gent, 409 Brock St. S. anitby, Ontario, part Lot 31,Con 1, Township of Clam_:e, Submission io, A 363 /- A 3dy'9/" 43 Submission 1.0.A 3OV - •/f Applicatib:s were made for exemption or partial ex-ciaption from provisions of sub -division control by-law 15;2 with amendments thereto for the reduction of the set back from centre line of Township Foad from 93' to 63' as required under Apperdi;: 1, Seca "G"in an a�3riculture zone. ':r., irriin;5c�ialr, apnlic!ant and equitable owner appear -ed• in support of thesmanplication. ,io other person appeared in support of or in op_csition to these ap-)lications. c The following material was presented to the meeting:: 1. Photostat copy of Plen of Survey, prepared by Flim, OLS,, 47 Prince St. Oshaw ., Ont. dated February 16, 1970 ';Y.C.. 401% Mr. Dirk Binnekamp was then sworn and he made the following submissions: 1. He purchased 3 abuttinE, lots approximately 2. months ago under an E^ reoment of Purchase 8_ Sale; 2. e wishes to build dwelling houses on these lots and wishes to bring them in line with other houses,. therefore, a reduction in the set back from 93' to 66' is rec;uired; The Committee rec_uested that the 6ge;t, Richman L, Berk 409,Brock St. S. di--itby, Ontario, send a letter explaining the chain of ownersiiip between the reSister:;d owners and the ap;;li pant. These applications Were adjourned to ena:old the Comnittee to insi;ecti the properties. C-LLSIZ-)!7I':_=,_`'ICi, 10 ppendix 1 Sec. nG". aoe 12, r IIeetin� Comrittee of Ad�justmer_t .pri1 5, 1,/l: p�,lication i1o. 3CG-71 'arber & I=elly .gent, Larristers & Solicitors, Lowr:anville, Ontario.. I;aspar _dollen, Owner, iewtonville, Ontario, for part of Lot 4, Con. 1, Township of C1arle, Submission Application was made for exemption or partial exemption from provisions of sub -division control by,lau 1592 with amendments thereto so as to permit the sepa.ratior of a parcel o: land approximately 50 acres from the applicant's land in an a-riculture. zone. The Secretary reported that 17 notices of the hearing were mailed in accordance with Item 4 of The Rules of Procedure. Kasper iHollen, the applicant appeared in support of this application. I°Lr. c, 1,Irs. John Bird,. R.R. t/l Dewtonville, Ontario, also appeared. ido other person appeared in sup:;ort of, or in opposition to this application. The following material was -Ftresented to the meeting: 1. - sketch plan prepared by I.I.D. Drown, GLS, 121' Cueen St. Bv,manville, Ontario dated M rch 24, 1971 and annotated "NoteL plan not prepared for re�,t,istra.tion purposes. for preliminary consideration by Committee of Adjustment of Clari:e only" I4r. K, spar I-iolien ;as sworn and stated that althoubh Iies;!rs. Barber a felly represented Ilia, he was appearing on his own behalf at this meetirL, _I,s. and IILs. John gird, abutting owners rectested Mr. i_ollen to indicate to t_iem the boundaries of the laird to' be severed. 1`'Ir. L Nrs. Lira had been concerned that access to the severed lands would interfere with drainer e into their pond in an area they have established as a bird sanctuary. Upon perusal of the sketch pres3entod by Ew. '_-_ollen, 1�Ir." IQrs. Bird were satisfied that no inco_.venience would be caused his land, if severed. Application adjourned to enable the Corii;:!ittee to inspect the propert,,*. CLr.SSTi IC == L IOiI 10 "All Ap,Dlic_tion 1i-_3 IIo. 2,9-71 '4. -Hay Lycett '3.A. , I.ent, Barrister « Solicitor, Orono, Crrl-a-rio, Williar I. hale Owners, John J. dale, R.R. ;rl, Ilewtonvii'le, Ol,cario, for pert of Lot 12, Con 111, 'Township'of Clarke, Submission No. "L"28j-71-227 .tiS business art Slil �� frGm 1_llllutiES of t,le pe.St mv-'Bt7.IIS tLi1S c:iJ'�;11Cc;1t1Gn 'rias rou-L.t for'.:a:Ld for furt."Ser COi'_S1u.Erat ion. >.s a matter of record the whole Ccm:liittee inspected this property on April 3, 1971. 11r. hale accompanied the Conunittee on their tour of inspection and pointed -out :there the proposed severance was located. The Comnittee rated there appeared to be a natural line of division provided by a Gulley. The Con .ii"ttee were satisfied that t_ "_is is e transfer of land from on< E.butti nL� o:vner to another a.11 pa.rtic-s beiin�, related. . . . . . Fa =-e 13 P?eeting Ccnmittee of ,Idjustment 1',r.ril 5,. 1971: .. KaLycett ;7.f_., as agent for the <r,; licants �.poec.red in sup,)ort of,this application. i,,o other person ap-p;:ared in su.i,�. ort of, or in opl;oition to tais application. Tihe Committee:. 1. • Referred to the minutes of Meeting ''E=ch u, 121 and their inspection of the proi,erty on !April 3, 1971 and were satisfied that the ap�aicants hard complied with the conditions imposed,as evidenced in the deed w_ich ,rants to Vaclav rrosek and :� fear ' ernice t'rose'_,c,, as joint tenants, so that the parcels merge. ApplicL tion ,,ranted on motion by .'. Schoen;ea'__er and seconded by L.F.R. Osborne. Carried. CL �S! Ivi_: 11( 1._II General yus".nesse U he cont'usion o_ the meeting the follo-.tiin- persons were interviewed: r. Z irs. Wilson, 724 Jeaupre .'avenue, Gsha:;a, Onto:-cio, trey wished information re arding land'use End b-aildin. iestrictions- within the '2owhsi.ip. 'They propose to purchase a p� reel of -land 100'x150' situz,te in Lov 22, Con 1. Followinr_r a discussion it was decided, si.ce t_'.eir problem would be side yards, they would be 1^�"uired to ay:,ly for a rinoll variance. I':r. -- i•1_s.. Wilson were titer_ `riven the necessary forms to apply if they wish. Time!! and I,Ir. o,r itz — wisl to divide 6 .» acres into 2 parcels. ` sketch yresentedRshowed these l:arcels to have an arca of 30 acres and 35.5 acres. i`ir. TimoTI wishes to sell the 30 a.c:es to lir: Litz.' Iir. Litz i:: a. wholesale food businese and, delicatessen. The Committee informed h;r. Timoll, that i3' he wished, he could tender an application and the, -,7 would. consider the matter then. Budget This matter :;as discussed and on motion by K. Schoenmaker and seconded by Osborne, the budet for the Committee Plembers be as follows: R. Love: in :_ ._. LL.B. Chairman ao00.00 annually I'r. K. Schoenmaiver, member 550.00 annually Er.E.F.R. Osborne, member 550.O0 an;ivally Contin;--ency Fund 2 0.00 , Total �zl 5G.U0 V ^ The salary of the Secretary -Treasurer was discussed and on motion by ". Schoenmaker and seconded by E.V.R. Osborne that this matter be adjourned awaiting a decision with re6ard to salaries for the of_'ice staff. The Committee tdanhed Mrs. Stark for her assistance at this meeting and on motion by r'. Schoenmaker and seconded by L.F.R. Osbor e irs. atark is to receive remuneraticr. 'or the hours spe i 'eeting adjourned. at 11;45 ecretar Trews .rer !airma-n T