HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/28/1973MEETING OF THE COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT Friday, December 28, 1973 at 9:00 a.m. Present: E.R. Lovekin B.A. K. Schoenmaker, E.F.R. Osborne, Mrs. Ellen M. Yeo, Council Chamber, Orono, Ontario. LL.B., Chairman, Member, Member, Secretary -Treasurer. The minutes of meeting December 5, 1973, were approved on motion by K. Schoenmaker, seconded by E.F.R. Osborne. Carried. As a matter of record the following applications were brought forward for further review, before consenting to the Deeds. Application File "B"65 -73 - Helen Mary Shaver, Owner, R.R. #1, Gormley, Ontario, Adams, Fraser,Smith & Shaver, Agent, 200 University Avenue, Toronto, Ontario, for part of Lot 21, Con 4, Township of Clarke, Submission No. "B"65-73-65 The following persons appeared before the Committee: John D. Maloney Esq., Barrister & Solicitor, representing the applicant, Helen Mary Shaver; Mr. Frederick G. Yeo and Mr. Aleck Moffat, abutting owners; Mr..Ernest Konzelman, proposed purchaser of "part 2" as shown on a Plan of Survey (Plan 10 R ...) prepared by Merrill D. Brown Limited, dated December 28, 1973, file 73357. Following further discussion of former minutes, Messrs. F.G. Yeo and A. Moffat, still under oath, stated that they were completely satisfied with the agreement made orally among them- selves further to the minutes of December 5, 1973. Mr. Ernest Konzelman, still under oath, stated that he is purchasing "part 2" with an area of 55.235 acres as shown on the Plan of Survey. The Committee instructed the Secretary to stamp the deed, as presented by Mr. John D. Maloney, with the Consent of the Committee. CLASSIFICATION 10 "A" Page 2 Meeting of the Committee of Adjustment, December 28, 1973: Application File No. "B"50-73 Patricia L. Weeks, Owner, 49 Tournament Drive, Willowdale Ontario, Roy A. Foster, Agent, Kendal P.O. Ontario, for part of Lots 13-14 Concession 8, Township of Clarke, Submission No. "B"50-73-50 Mr. Roy A. Foster, agent for the applicant, Patricia L. Weeks, being hospitalized, the Committee received their information in writing and by telephone from M.D. Brown, 01S. The Secretary was instructed to include the contents of a letter received from Mr. Brown, in these minutes: "Mrs. Ellen Yeo, Secretary, Clarke Township Committee of Adjustment, Municipal Offices, Orono, Ontario. Re: Weekes Application - Pt. of Lots 13 & 14, Concession 8, Township of Clarke. Dear Madam: Further to your recent request, I enclose herewith one copy of.our survey dated October 4, 1973, and a copy of Plan 10 R 268, dated Nov. 5, 1973. Apparently, some confusion has arisen as to the identification of the subject lands of this application. The Survey Plan submitted for approval to the Committee of Adjustment showed the Weekes property as part 4 and part 5 on survey dated October 4, 1973. This plan was prepared by superimposing the additional information on a plan now deposited as Plan 10 R 128. However., registry office regulations require a new Reference Plan to be deposited in order to describe the Weekes severance with the result that parts 4 and 5 are re -numbered part one and part two on Plan 10 R 268. I trust that this explanation will satisfy your committee that these parcels are one and the same. Yours very truly, "M.D. Brown", ""MDB/mjb Ontario Land Surveyor. it The Committee perused the copy of Plan 10 R 268 and were satisfied with Mr. Brown's explanation. The Secretary was instructed to stamp the deed with the Consent of the Committee. CLASSIFICATION 10 "A"" Page 3 Meeting of the Committee of Adjustment, December 28, 1973: Application File "B"71-73 Leslie E. Reid, Owner, Box 122 Centre St., Orono, Ontario, Bert Reid, Agent, Box 83, Newtonville, Ont. Submission No. "B"71-73-71 Mr. Bert Reid, as agent for the applicant•, appeared before the Committee. The Secretary -Treasurer presented the following material to the meeting: 1. Correspondence from Charles F. Riley, P.Eng.OLS., P.O. Box 375, Newcastle, Ontario - December 20, 1973, " With reference to the above lands, Part 2, as shown on the plan of survey originally submitted to your committee appeared as having an area of 45.005 acres, further checking has shown this to be in error. The correct area as shown on the amended plan enclosed is 45.038 acres. Yours truly, "Charles F. Riley" 2. Plan of Survey (Plan 10 R ..) dated November 27, 1973, prepared by Charles F. Riley, OLS., Newcastle, Ontario; Mr. Bert Reid, still under oath, indicated "part 2" with an area of 45.038 acres to be the land the applicant wished to sever. The Committee perused the material presented and noted the fractional variance in "part 2" now shown to be 45.038 acres rather than 45.005 acres as shown on the survey originally submitted. The Committee also noted that the applicant had applied for a severance of an area of 40 acres and Mr. B. Reid was granted permission to amend the application form to an area of 45.038 as revealed by the amended plan. The Committee accepted Mr. Riley's explanation as stated in his letter and instructed the Secretary to stamp the deed with the Consent of the Committee. CLASSIFICATION 10 "A" . . . . . . . . . . . Page 4 Meeting of the Committee of Adjustment, December 28, 1973: The Committee reviewed the question of the disposition of their files and noted that their files have all been placed in boxes and labelled by the Secretary ready for shipment, when instructions are received from the proper Authority. The Secretary was instructed to leave all these records in the Municipal Building of the Township of Clarke in Orono, in the care and custody of Mr. Horace R. Best, the former Clerk of the Township of Clarke who is staying on in the building as an employee of the new Area Government,.namely, in the role of By -Law Enforcement Officer. The Committee also noted that pending files have all been annotated for the assistance of the, new Authority. The master index books ( 2 in number) and a small card index box with a card for each case should be kept readily available for Mr. Best who is familiar with this indexing system which is alphabetical and cross indexed under Lot and Concession. These minutes complete the last meeting of the Committee whose duties will be assumed by a new Committee of Adjustment and a newly constituted Land Division Committee under the new Regional Government System. Moved by K. Schoenmaker and seconded by E.F.R. Osborne that these minutes be adopted as written and further that this Committee of Adjustment for the Township of Clarke, be dissolved as of the 31st day of December, 1973, in accordance with Bill 162 An Act to Establish the Regional Municipality cf Durham. This meeting closed at 11:30 a.m. Secretary -Treasurer Chairman D J .