HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/10/1973MEETING OF THE COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT Monday, September 10, 1973, at 7:00 p.m. Council Chamber, Orono, Ontario. Present: E.R. Lovekin B.A. LL.B., Chairman, K. Schoenmaker, Member, E.F.R. Osborne, Member, Mrs. Ellen M. Yeo, Secretary -Treasurer The minutes of meetings July 23; July 24; July 26; 1973, were approved on motion by K. .Schoenmaker, seconded by Q.F.R. Osborne. Carried. Application "B"32-73 J.G. Stephenson, Owner, R.R. #2, Newcastle, Ont=rio, for part of Lot 23, Concession 1, Township of Clarke, Submission "B"32-73-32 I.s business arising from the meeting of July 24, 1973, this application was brought forward for further consideration. Mr. J.G. Stephenson, applicant, appeared in support of this application. No other person appeared in support of, or in opposition to this application. Mr. Stephenson, under oath, presented the following material to the meeting: 1. Plan of Survey, signed "Charles F. Riley", CLS., dated June 16, 1973 , Plan R undated; Mr. Stephenson indicated on the Plan of Survey the area of 9.385 acres he wishes to sever and convey to his daughter. This is part 3 on the referenced Plan. The Committee referred to the minutes of July 24, 1973; recalled their inspection of the property on July 24, 1973 and following perusal of the Plan of Survey the application for severance of 9.385 acres "part 3" was granted on motion by E.F.R. Osborne, seconded by K. Schoenmaker, sub;ect to the following condition: 1. That the land being conveyed to Mr. Stephenson's daughter, Mrs. Ross Boyd, will bF held in the same name or names as the land presently owned by her so that the new parcel will merge with the property already held and become one property. CLRAIED. CLASSIFIC',TIG:r 10 "A" Page 2 Meeting Committee of Adjustment, September. 10, 1973: Application File "B"24-73 William H. McIlroy, Owner, R.R. -2, Newcastle, Ontario, for part of Lot 1S, Con 2, Township of Clarke, Submission No.B24-73-24 .s business arising from the meeting. June 20, 1973, this application was brought forward for further consideration. No person appeared in support of, or in opposition to this application. The Secretary -Treasurer presented the following material to the meeting: 1. A signed statement from Mr. McIlroy as follows: "I, William H. AicIlroy, R.R. 42 Ne�,rcastle, Ontario, confirm that my daughter and her husband (Robert B.M. Watson) will take the land severed under application "B"24-73-24 in the name or names as the land already owned by them. signed "Iir. William H. 1•1cT_lroy" Dated at the Village of Orono, this 15th day of August, 1973." The Committee referred to the minutes of June 20, 1973; recalled their inspection of the property on June 15, 1973; perused the Flan of Survey and the application for a severance of 4700 sq. ft. to be added to an existing lot was granted on motion by K. Schoenmaker, seconded by E.F.R. Osborne, subject to the following condition: 1. That the land being conveyed to Mr. Mcllroy's daughter will be held in the same name or names as the land presently owned by her so that the new parcel will merge with the pror:erty already held and become one property. CLFSSIFICATICN 10 "A" Application File "B" 40-73-40 CARRIED W. Kay Lycett, Q.C., Agent, Barrister & Solicitor, Orono, Ontario. Bernard Callanan, Owner, Orono, Ontr.rio, for part of Lot 29, Con. 5, Police Village of Orono, Township of Clarke, Submission No. "B" 40-73-40 Application was made for exemption or partial exemption from provisions of the Planning Act to permit the separation of 355.2' X 355' X 4791, approximately 4.53 Acres from the applicants land. The Secretary -Treasurer reported that 22 notices of the said hearing had been mailed in accordance with Item 5 of the Rules of Procedure. Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Callanan, applicants, accompanied by their solicitor, W. K. Lycett, o.C., Barrister & Solicitor, Orono, Ont.,appeared in support of their application. No other person appeared in support of, or in opposition to this application. Mr. Roy Foster appeared as an observer. The Secr­t?ry-Treasurer presented the following material to the meeting: ............... Page 3 Meeting Committee of Adjustment, Sept. 10, 1973. 1. Correspondence from W. K. Lycett, C'.C., Barrister & Solicitor, Orono, Ont., under date of August 15, 19732— ,e again make application on behalf of Bernard Callanan for separation of a portion of his lands comprising part Lot 29, Concession 5, Clarke in the Village of Orono and being part of Block 9 according to Hanning's Plan, all as per survey copy of which is enclosed for your information. These same lands were the subject of a prior application filed with you under number 296-71. I believe that consent was granted to sever at that time however no conveyance was submitted for endorsement of consent in the time provided for under the Planning Act, so therefore consent has expired and thus this application becomes necessary. In view of the results of the former application we see no difficulty in the matter and trust you will bring this matter up at your next meeting. Signed "W. K. Lycett". 2. Correspondence from Robert A. Edmunds, P.Eng., Counties Engineer's Office, Counties Building, Cobourg, Ont., under date of September 4, 1973, —"Phe Counties Road and Bridge Committee has reviewed the Aprlication for Consent to divide Mr. Callanan's property on County Road 472 in Orono. As you know, if this consent is granted, the Counties would be required to approve another entrance onto the County Road. In our opinion the existing entrance to the Callanan home and garage is a hazard to those using it and the County Road. Another entrance- south of the existing one would only increase the problem. The Counties Road and Bridge Committee opposes the grant— ing of this severance until such time as a proper and safe solution to the access problem is made. Signed "Robert A. Edmunds, P.Eng., Counties' Engineer and Road Superintendent." This is an application by Mr. Bernard Callanan for consent to the same severance previously granted to him under application "B"296-71-234 dated May 31, 1971. Since the time of the previous application the VLA were concerned and similar other factors intervened and the applicant allowed the 2 year period to elapse before presenting a deed for certification. While this Committee have never considered itself by the rule of stare decisis, common sense would dictate that given the same facts, the Committee Urould consistently reach the same conclusion. The only possible exception to this situation would be where intervening legislation had changed the rules under which severances should be granted. The Committee have carefully looked into the question of intervening by—laws and statutory requirements and are unaware of any circumstantial material to this decision. The Committee noted that a letter was received from the office of the County engineer, Cobourg, Ontario, contents of which are included in this decision. At one time there was a request on behalf of the applicant for additional entrances south of his present entrance and the Committee, upon inspecting the site, refusedthese entre.nces mainly because of the grade of the road and the elevation of the embankment adjacent to the road. The Committee are aware of "United Counties of Northumberland and Durham GUIDELINES CONCERNING DEV'_LOrEi-N ADJ:CE:JT TO CCUNTY ROADS", dated July 27, 1973, received from Clerk—Treasurer, Ken Symons, Cobourg, Ont.-�rio. ................... Page 4 Meeting Committee of Adjustment, Sept. 10, 1973. Attempts were made to contact Mr. Robert A. Edmunds, Counties Engineer, by telephone, but he was unavailable and the Committee feel that he has probably remembered this particular problem and is of the opinion that this present application #11B"40-73-401 is a renewal of former applications which requested extra entrances, #11B"12772-101 4#"3"-13-72-11, .$"B"14-72-12, dated May 5, 1972, which were refused by the Committee on July 4, 1972. Upon cross examination of the applicant, Mr. Callanan, the Committee were satisfied that he wasnerfectly aware that the Com- mittee were in no way recommending additional entrances to the one which he already uses and access is a matter beyond the Committees' control. Bearing in mind all these facts, this application for Consent to a prior application (4296-71-234) so tliat a deed may be certified is granted on motion by E.F.R. Osborne, seconded by K. Schoenmaker, carried. CLASSIFICATIOI•I Sec 4 "Rl" Application File No. "A1124-73 Home Smith Properti,os Limited, 123 Edward Street, Toronto, Ontario, Owner, Charles Ewert 3.A. LL.B.Agent, General Delivery, Newcastle, Ontario, for part of Lot 64, Flan 693 Village of Crono, Township of Clarke, Submission No. "%.1124-73-24 Application was made for exemption or partial exemption from provisions of the sub -division control by-law 1592 as amended by by-law 1653 from the required front yard provision of 20' to a front yard of 19.961, Apr!endix 1, Sub. Sec. (d) Charles Ewert B.A. L.L.B., an articled Student in the Law Office of E.R. Lovekin B.".. LL.B., Newcastle, Ontario, appeared on behalf of the applicant in supl.ort of this application. No other person appeared in support of, or in opposition to this application. E.R. Love'rin B.A. LL.B., Chairman, disqualified himself from the hearing of this application, having previous knowledge of this matter and t -_r. K. Schoenmaker, senior member, conducted the hearing on this case. The Secretary -Treasurer reported that 11 notices of the said hearing had been mailed in accordance with Item 5 of the Rules of Procedure. The following material was presented to the meeting: 1. A photostat copy of a Flan of Survey, prepared by Merrill D. Brown Limited, OLS., Bowmanville, Ontario, dated December 11, 1972, file 72133-64-B;. Mr. C. Ewert, under oath, indicated on the Plan of Survey the discrepancy which he stated to he 19.961. The front yard requirement under section Appendix 1, sub. sec. (d) of the by-law is 201, therefore, the difference in this measurement is .A4'. This was really a matter of a survey error and the differentiation is microscopic. The Committee perused the Plan of Survey and concluded that this was a very minor error and there would be no need to inspect the property. Application for the minor variance as applied for granted on motion by E.F.R. Csborne, seconded by K. Sch.:enmaker, subject to the following conditions: Page 5 Meeting Committee of .djustment, September70, 1973 1� TAKE' WARNING that this decision for minor variance of the Clarke. Township Committee of Adjustment IS CBCT FI?:1 AND BINDING until the time for appeal by any interested party h -s lapsed under the terms of the Planning Act of the .'rovince of Ontario. THIS TIME FOR APPEAL IS 21 DAYS FRGM THE DATE that the minutes of this decision have been mailed to the Minister of Municipal Affairs of the Province of Ontario; 2. This decision should not be registered on title until the said .time for appeal has lapsed when the applicants shall then register on title by way of Deposit a copy of the Form of Consent and shall forthwith thereafter forward to the Secretary of the Committee of Adjustment a duplicate Certificate of Deposit or a Notarial copy thereof; 3. AND FURTHER that upon receipt by the Secretary of the aforesaid document, the appropriate administrative officials of the Township of Clarke shall be authorized to issue any and all necessary permits or to take any steps necessary to implement this decision. CLASSIFICATION Append 1 sub sec (d) "Rl" Application File "B1130-73 Ci.RRIED. I.C. Copping, Owner, R.R. #12 Crono Ont=.rio, for part of Lot 21, Con 6, Township of Clarke, Submission No. "n1130-73-30 As business arising from minutes of July 23, 1973 meeting, this application was brought forward for further consideration. Mr., E.C. Copping, applicant, Hppe red in support of this application. No other person appeared in support of, or in opposition to this application. The following material was presented to the meeting: 1. -. Certified Flan of Survey, Plan 10R, dated Septem;er 5, 1973, file 73207, prepared by ^Cerrill D. Brown CLS 1106; Mr. E.C. Copping, under oath, indicated on the said Plan of Survey the lot he wishes to sever. This is shown as "part 1" and an area of 1.00 acre. The Committee reviewed the minutes of their meeting July 23, 1973; recalled their inspection of the property on July 24, 1973 and following further discussion the application was granted on motion by K. Schoenmaker, seconded by E.F.R. Osborne,subject to the following conditions: 1. The granting of this severance for 1 acre will nullify the applicant's privilege of retaining ancther lot from the sale of his farm as provided for under Section Appendix 1, sub sec. 1 (j) "Farmer Retair:ing Lot" amending by—law 1653; 2. That the following clause shall be included in the deed to the 1 acre parcel retained by the applicant E.C. Copping: "`UBJ--ct to the restriction,limitation.and condition that the lands herein described shall not be sold,transferred or conveyed, or any equity therein, with the exception of a mortgage, be sold, transferred or conveyed to any person,firm or corporation other than to a person who is an immediate member of the "Copping" family for a period of five (5) years from the date upon which the decision of the Committee of ^.djustment of the Township of Clarke to the within conveyance becomes final, such date to be as shown on the copy of the decision of the said Committee which is attached to and forms part of this Deed." CARRIED. CLASSIFICATIL.' 10 "A" Append 1 sub sec 1 (j) Page 6 Meeting Committee of ,djustment, September 10, 1973 File "•�"22-73 Ernest €Arlette Beaudette,Owners, Crooked Creek R.R. 41, Newtonville, Ontario, Lot 9, Con 4, TownshiF of Clarke, Submission 11A1122-73-22 As business arising from minutes of meeting July 230 1973, this application was brought forward for further consideration. Mr. Ernest Beaudette, applicant, appeared in support of this application. No other person appeared in sup.:crt of, or in opposition to this application. Mr. E. Beaudette, under oath, presented the following material to the meeting: 1. A Plan of Survey, #68096, prepared by M.D. Brown CLS., Bowmanville, Ontario, dated October 23, 1968 on which is outlined the reccmmendati_ns of the Building Inspector, Mr. Horace R. Best, as to the location of the proposed new dwelling. The variances proposed are as follows: (a) Under Section 3.8 - a variance of 14' to permit a building or any appurtenance thereto to be installed 86' from the existing creek; (b) Under Section -ppend 1, Sub sec 1(g)- a variance of 35' thereby reducing the set back from required 93' to a set back of 581; The Committee referred to the minutes of their meeting on July 23, 1973 and were satisfied that Mr. Beaudette had complied with their recommendation at that time to consult Nr. H.R. Best, Building Inspector,"regarding a re-locat_on o� the proposed dwelling" and the application was amended accordingly and initialled. The Committee recalled their inspection of the property and were of the opinion that the proposed new dwelling will be a considerable improvement. It is understood that the old building which is part'_, on the road allow,nce is to be tern down. Application for a minor variance from the required 100' from a stream to 86', (sec. 3.8) and a minor variance for a set back from the rcequir._d 93' to a set back of 58' (append 1, sub sec 1(g) amending by-law 1653 was granted on motion by K. Schoenmaker, seconded by E.F.R. Osborne, subject to the following conditions: 1. The old house must be completely demolished; demolition to commence immediately upon the new house being occuFied and to be completed within 6 months; 2. The applicant to be a are that he must secure permission of the Haliburton Kawartha cine Ridge District Health Unit for the septic disposal system; 3. The Building Inspector, r°:r. Horace R. Best to be given a complete "site plan" prepared by an Ont=rio Land Surveyor so that the new house would be accurately located; Face 7 Meeting Committee of Adjustment, September 10, 1973: 4. TAKE WJARNING that this decision for minor variances of the Clarke Township Committee of Adjustment IS NOT FINAL AND BINDING until the time for appeal by any interested party has lapsed under the terms of the Flannina Act of the Province of Ontario; T'sIS TIME FOR AppE.'-:L IS 21 DAYS FRGM THE DATE that the minutes of this decision have been mailed to the Minister of Municipal :affairs of the Province of Ontario; 5. This decision shculf not be recistered on title until the said time for appeal has lapsed when the applicant .shall then register :n title by way of Deposit a copy of the Form of Consent and shall forthwith thereafter forward to the Secretary of the Committee of Adjustment a duplicate Certificate of Deposit or a Notarial co,,y thereof; 6. AND FURTI?ER that upon receipt by the Secretary of the aforesaid document, the appropriate administrative officials or the Township of Clarke shall be authorized to issue any and all necessary permits or to take any steps necessary to irn__lement this decision. CARRIED. As a matter of record, Chairman, E.R. Lovekin B:A. LL.B., withdrew from participation in the final decision, as since the application was presented his firm has become involved in the proposed sale. CL; S,;=IC "_ ION 10 "'21 Sec. 318 `prr_nd 1, sub sec. 1 (,) Applicaticn File "B"33-73 Charles Stapleton & Owners, Everett Stapleton, R.R. 42, Orono, Ontario, for part of Lot 30, Con 6, Township of Clarke, Submission No. "B"33-73-33 As business arising from minutes of meeting July 23, 1973 this applicat_cn was brought forward for further consideration. Messrs. Charles Stapleton and Everett Stapleton appeared in support of this application. No other person appe',red in support of, or in opposition to l'iis application. The following material was presented t the meeting: 1. A certified plan of by E.D. Broom CLS., file 73210; Survey, plan 10R, prepared dated August 31, 19732 Messrs. Charles and Everett Stapleton, under oath, indicated on the plan of Survey "Fart 1" to be added to "Fart 211. The Committee perused the Plan of Survey; reviewed the minutes of the meeting July 23, 1973; recalled their inspection of the property on July 24, 1973 and following further discussion the applicat'_cn for severance of 27+ acres of abutting land to create a larger lot for the existing dwelling and barn was granted on motion by E.F.R. Osborne, seconded by K. Schoenmaker. CARRIED. Page a Meeting Committee of Adjustment, September 10, 1973: Application File "-"35-73 cert D. Mann, Owner, c/o J.L. Zeldin %C., Barrister & Solicitor, 23 Bedford Road, Toront-, Ontario, for part of Lots 17 & 180 Concession 2, Township of Clarke, Submission No. "3"35-73-35 As business arising from the minutes of meeting July 23, 19731 this application was brought forward for further consideration. [Merrill D. crown OLS.,Bowmanville, O:a ario, appeared in support of t is application. No other person appeared in support of, or in opposition to this application. The following material was presented to the meeting: 1. Letter, signed"John Leon Zeldin" 4.C., 23 Lsedford Rd. Toronto Ontario, dated September 5, 1973, addressed to :r. M.D. Brown, Ontario Land Surveyor, 121 ,ueen St. Dowmanville, Ontario - "Let this letter serve as your authority toact =s my agent to present to the Committee of '-dj.ustment for the Township of Clar,--e, an up-to-date survey with regard to the above applic,=tion at their next meeting on PIonday, September 10, 1973. Yours very truly, (sgd.) "John Leon Zeldin" 2. A certified Plan of Survey, prepared by M.D. brown OLS., dated September 10, 19737 !r68058C; Mr. Brown, under oath, indicated on the Clan of Survey the area to be severed containing the farm buildings, etc. This is "part 1" and contains 67.795 acres. I°ir. Brown explained that the fence on the southerly part of this property abutting the house had been moved southerly in order to give adequate side yard clearances to the pool and dwelling etc. The Committee perused the Plan of Survey, reviewed the minutes of the meeting July 23, 1973; recalled their inspection o� the property on July 24, 1973, and the application for severance of 67.795 acres was granted on motion by K. Schoenmaker seconded by E.F.R. Osborne. Granted. CLA.3S1F ICZ.T1C N 10 "A" Application File "B"34-73 William Skelding, Owner, Neatonville, Ont'ric, for part of Lot 8, Con 2, Township of Clarke, Submission No. "31134-73-34 As business arising from meeting July 23, 19739 this applic-tion was brought forward for further consideration. Mrs. William Sk_eldirg, applicant, appeared in support of this application, No other person appeared in support of, or in opposition to this arplicetion. Firs. Skelding was reminded thr,t she was still under oath. The Committee noted that the applicant's property was zoned "Highway Commercial" which requires a minimum lot size of 1 acre. The applicant's business is located almost in the exact centre of the Hamlet of New tonville and the 1 acre recuirement for a Highway Commercial Pro:erty appears unrealistic in the centre of a Hamlet. Page 9 Meeting Committee of .adjustment, September 10, 1973: Briefly the applicant seeks to retain the fuel supply business on part of the property and to retain a com:nercial lot for the construction of another commercial business. Following further discussio n the Committee recommended that Mrs. Skelding consult Mr. Horace R. ^est, Zonig=.dministrator and Secretary of the Planning Board, regarding the rezoning of this property from "Highway Commercial' to'Commercial". Application adjourned awaiting further submission from the applicant. CLASSIFI"7.TI N HC Application File "B"36-73 ',obert S. Kent, Owner, R.R. 2, Newcastle, Ontario, for tart of Lot 32, Con. 2, Township of Clarke, Submission 11B1136-73-36 Application was made for exemption or partial exemption from provisions of the Planning -ct to permit the separF�ticn of a parcel of land approximately 20 acres from the applicant's land. The Secretary:Treasurer reported that 17 notices of the said hearing had been mailed in accordance with Item 5 of the Rules of Procedure. Mr. Robert G. Kent, applicant, appeared in support of this application. The following persons also.appeared: Mr. & Mrs. R.H. 5en.son, R.R. s1`-2 Newcastle, Ontario; Mr. Eugene Hyslop, R.R. 42 Newcastle, Ontario. No other person appeared in support of or in opposition to this application. Mr. Drian Hayes appeared on behalf of Er. Jack Boynton, R.R. #2 Newcastle, Ontario. Mr. R.G. Kent, under oath, stated the following facts: 1. He owns approximately 98 acres in this area, but has other lands father away and conducts a full time farming operation.; 2.. This has been a family farming operation for approximately 26 years; 3. He wishes to sever approximately 20 acresand retain it as a lot for himself and to sell the farm to one or more of his sons who now assist him on the farm; 4. He is of the opinion that he would qualify under appendix 1 (j) "farmer retaining lot", as this would be a retirement home. The following persons were then requested to st=ate their concern regarding this application: Mr. and =rs. Robert Benson, stated -that they had appeared as they were under the impression that Mr. Kent intended to create a park or camping ground. They verbally confirmed that they had no objectic.n to a retirement home. The Chairman explained that this Committee has no control over "land use" which is a Planning Board and Council matter. A severance does not alter "land use"; Messrs. E. Hyslop and Brian Hayes,st�ting that he appeared on behalf of Mr. Jack Boynton, both were of the opinion that this application was for recreational purposes and following the explanation regarding "land use" by the Chairman they also verbally confirmed that they would have no objection to a retirement home. The Committee intimated to Mr. Kent that they would require a restrictive clause be inserted in the deed and this application was adjourned to enable the Committee to inspect the property. The applicant was also advised that he would be required to submit a proper Certified Plan of Survey before a final decision would be given. CLA551FI:7=_TI01J 10 "A" . . . . . . J Page 10 Meeting Committee of Adjustment, September 10, 1973: Application "B"37-73 Harold Edgar James Souch, Owner, R.R. #1 Newtonville, Ontario, W. Kay Lycett Q.C., Agent, Barrister & Solicitor, Orono, Ontario, for part of Lot 4, Con 5, Township of Clarke, Submission "B"37-73-37 Application was made for exemption or partial exemption ' from provisions of the Planning Act to permit the separation of a parcel of land approximately 12 acres from the applicant's land. The Secretary -Treasurer reported that 16 notices of the said hearing had been mailed in. accordance with Item 5 of The Rules of Procedure. Mr. Harold E.J. Souch, applicant, accompanied by his agent W. Kay Lycett Q.C., Barrister & Solicitor, Orono, Ontario, appeared in support of this application. No other person appeared in support of or in opposition to this application. The Secretary -Treasurer presented the following material to the meeting: 1. Correspondence from W. Kay Lycett Q.C., Barrister & Solicitor, Orono, Ontario, dated August 1, 1973 "Mr. Souch is presently the owner of the north half of said lot 4 Concession 5 Clarke and he has a proposed sale of the northerly 12 acres more or less of his holding to a Mr. Hartoon who is the owner of a tobacco farm on the north side of the 6th concession line of the Township of Clarke, his lands lying directly across the road from the subject lands in this application. He wishes to obtain a conveyance for this 12 acre parcel which will be used in con- junction with his tobacco farming operation." Mr. H.E.J. Souch, under oath, stated the following facts: 1. He wishes to sell the northerly 12 acres to one Mr. Hartoon to be used in conjunction with Mr. Hartoon's tobacco farming operation; Mr. Hartoon's property is across the road and he grows 39 acres of tobacco; 2. Mr. Souch also stated that he is the third generation on the farm. The Committee intimated to Mr. Souch that they may require a condition be attached to the tobacco farm that the land be used for agriculture purposes. Application adjourned to enable the Committee to inspect the property. .CLASSIFICATION 10 "A" Page 11 Committee of Adjustment meeting September 10, 1973: Application "B"38-73 Newcastle Mushroom Farms Ltd., Owner, R.R. 43 Newcastle, Ontario, Louis Bellefontaine, Agent, P,O, Box 406 Newcastle, Ontario, Lot 24,Broken Front, Twp Clarke Application was made for exemption or partial exemption from provisions of the Planning Act to permit the separation of 1.4 acres from the applicant's land. . The Secretary -Treasurer reported that 17 hearing notices of the said hearinq had been mailed in accordance with Item 5 of the Rules of Procedure. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bellefontaine, as applicants for Newcastle Mushroom Farms Ltd., appeared in support of this application. No other person appeared in support of, or in opFosition-to this: application. The Secretary -Treasurer presented the following material -to the meeting: 1. Correspondence from "Louis Bellefontaine, President of Newcastle Mushroom Farms Ltd., dated July -25, 1973; "Attached please find an application for consent to sever a lot for the construction of one agricultural dwelling on lot 24 B.F. Concession Clarke Township. This lot consists of 9.7 acres and is zoned for agricultural use containing one mushroom plant as shown on the attached drawing. The property and buildings are owned by Newcastle Mushroom Farms Ltd. with the Industrial Development Bank holding a Mortgage secure loan. The undersigned is currently arranging for the acquisition of all shares of Newcastle Mushroom Farms Ltd..and in light of this development I wish to apply for a'building permit to construct a family dwelling on this lot as I understand this complies with present regulations. The department of health has inspected the property for sewage facilities and this location offers all that is required to comply with all department of health regulations. The construction of a family dwelling on this lot requires the writer to obtain a mortgage for the necessary funds. As a result a severance is necessary in order to obtain a deed to the lot for the mortgage company. A residence at the mushroom plant is necessary for caretaking and maintenance, picking and crop surveillance. When consent is granted to sever a lot on this site there is no intent of offering this lot or dwelling for sale nor is there intent to construct another dwelling on the remaining portion of land that contains the mushroom plant. The deed for the severed lot would however be registered in my name or that of my wife. With new regional government in the immediate offing and my urgent need for a family dwelling I throught it appropriate to make application now so that consideration could be given by those who have local interest and concern. The writer has discussed this severance with I.D.B. and has their approval of this application. I trust the committee of adjustment will see fit to investigate this application at their earliest convenience. (sgd.) "Louis Bellefontaine" Face 12 Meeting Committee of Adjustment Septem'_-er 10, 1973: Mir. Louis 5elletontaine was sw- rn and quest'.onned as follows: "Q" Can you give us an idea of the total value of the mushroom gro'.fing operation; "A" As of January 1971, $86,000.00 on fixed assets; "Q" Can you give us an idea of prcducticn to date by way of gross value s_..les; "A" About y15,000.00 per annum; "Q" Total acreage; AAAI approximately 9.7 acres; "Q" Have you h -d any particular difficulties in developing this business; "All Yes, one problem, failure of well water supply; "Q" Do you intend to continue on as a mushroom c;eration "." yes "Q" Who purchased these lands originally for this purpose; "A" Charles Riley, Land Surveyor who is my brother-in-law and myself; ghat was done with the land; "A" Sold to the Newcastle mushroom Farms Ltd. who applied to Industrial Bank for a loan; "Q" Is the Newc=istle Eushroom Farms Ltd., a private or public company "%"" private company; Are the majority of the shareholders all members of your immediate family; "A" my brother-in-law and myself on a 50-50 basis; "Q" 14here are you presently living "A" 'Ile live at Nec,,cestle on th_ Lake, at ::ill & Bolton Sts; "Q" Is it necessary for you to be near the mushroom crop; "A" yes, definitely for basic care and attendance to check morning and night, for checking temperature and humidity; boiler system operetes automatically, but in the event of a storm (lightning) the boiler would automatically shut down and this weld necessitate the resetting of the equipment. "Q" Where do ycu dispose of these mushrooms; "A" Commercially to Toronto market, Peterborough and locally This concluded the discussion of the application and the matter was adjourned to enable -the Committee to insrect the property. CLASSIFIC'=C N 10 "•" Page 13 Meeting Committee of Adjustment September 10, 1973: Application File "7-1139-73 Sidney Hallowell, Owner, R.R. 41 Crcno CntFrio, Agnes Prosek, Agent and General proposed purchaser, Delivery, Nestonville, Ontario, for part of Lot 13, Con 4, Township of Clarke, Submission No. "B"39-73-39 J Application was made for exemption or partial exemption from provis.icns of the Planning Act to permit the separation of approximately 58 acres from the applicant's land. The Secretary -Treasurer reported that 17 hearing notices of the said hearing had been mailed in accor,lance with Item S of the Rules of Procedure. Mr. Sidney Hallowell, applicant, accompanied by Mrs.Agnes Prosek and her husband, appeared in support of this application. No other person appeared in support of, or in opposition to this application. The Secretary -Treasurer presented the following material to the meeting: 1. Signed authorization by "Sidney Hallowell" '"appointing Mrs. Agnes Prosek my agent to make this applicn_tion" (sgd.) "Sidney Hallowell" E.R. Lovekin P.A. LL.B., Chairman, disqualified himself from the hearing of t`r1s application, having previous knowledge of this matter and Mr. K. Schoenmaker, senior member, conducted the herring on this case. Mr. Sidney Hallos%,ell, under oath, stated the following facts: 1. He owns approximately 116 acres and has owned the property since 1944. He retired from farming approximately S years ago; 2. Mr. Hallowell pointed out on a sketch the area he wishes to sell to Mrs. Prosek; Mr. and Mrs. Prosek,under oath, stated the following facts: 1. They wish to purchase the land for farming purposes; 2. This has been rented for one year and it has all been plowed; 3. Wishes to build a house thereon -and a barn; 3. The land will be used for genu al agricultural purposes and there is a good stream for cattle. ApplicatiiDn adjourned to enable the Committee to inspect the pro:- erty. CLASSIFICATICN 10 ":A" Page 14 Meeting Committee of Adjustment September 10, 1973: Applicaticn File "B"41-73 C. Vince Austin, Owner, 54 Fishleigh Dr., Scarborough Ontario, Paul Riley, Agent, R.R. 43 Newcastle, Ontario, for part of Lot 24, Broken Front, Township of Clarke, Submission No. "B"41-73-41 Application was made for exemption or partial exemption from provisions of the Planning Act to permit the separation of approximately 2.3 acres from the applicant's land. The Secretary -Treasurer reported that 18 hearing notices of the said hearing had been mailed in accordance with Item 5 of the mules of Procedure. Mr. and firs. C. Vince Austin, applicants, accompanied by Nr. and Mrs. Paul Riley appeared in support of this application. No other person appeared in support of, or in opposition to this application. The Secretary -Treasurer- presented the following material to the ma:;eting: 1. Signed Authorization that Paul H. Riley IfAct as my agent on my behalf regarding application for severance of prcl:erty" (sgd.) C. Vince Austin" 2. Pen sketch of the proposed severance; Mr. C. Vince Austin and Mr. Paul Riley, under oath, indicated on the sketch of survei the location of the house which is in the process of being built. The dwelling house is situ -ted on approximately 12 acres and this applicatin is for consent to put the house on a smaller plot. This will enable separate financing to be put on the house and will enable the owners to obtain a partial discharge of an existing mortgage. Application adjourned to enable the Committee to inspect the property. 10 VIA't Application File "3"42-73 Charles Melville Jones, Applicant, 10 Duke St. Owner, Bo�.:manville, Ontario, Swartz & Swartz, Agent, Barristers & Solicitors, 22 King St. w., Oshawa Cntario, for part of Lot 81 Con 1, Township of Clarke, Submission No. "B1142-73-42 Anplication was made for exemption or artial exemption from provi-cions of the Planning Act to permit the separation of approximately 61..17 acres from the applicant's land. The Secretary -Treasurer reported that 26 hearing notices of the said hearing had been mailed in accordance with Item 5 of the Rules of Procedure. Mr. Charles M. Jones, applicant, accompanied by his solicitor Joel R. Palter, B I.L.B., Barrister & Solicitor, Messrs. Swartz & Swartz, Cshawa, Ontario, appeared in support of this application. No other person appeared in supr:ort of, or in o;,-_.osition to this ap, lication. The Secretary -Treasurer presented the following material to the meeting: . . . . Page 15 Meeting Committer of Adjustment, September 10, 1973: 1. Correspondence from Messrs. Swartz & Swartz, Barristers &. Solicitors, Oshawa, Ontario, dated 22nd August, 1973: "'.s background information, we wish to advise you that the property penciled in, and parts 4 & 5 on the Reference Ilan were owned by Alice Nary Jones who died on June 2S, 1972. By her Last Will and Testament, she devised this land to her son Charles Melville Jones, the Applicant herein. Charles Melville Jones was and is also the owner of E'arts 1,2,3,6 & 7 on the Reference Flan. Mr. Jones has entered into an Agreement of Purchase and Sale for the sale of Parts 1;2,324,526 & 7 on the Reference 'Plan. However, he wishes to ret=in the two pieces of land which we have penciled in on the Plan and which were devised to him by his mother. As we are sure you can see, if Por. Jones and his mother had entered the Agreement of Purchase and Sale prior to his motter's death in 1972 and his mother had agreed to sell parts 4 & 5 and Mr. Jones had agreed to sell parts 1,2,3,6 & 7 to the perspective purchaser, no Consent would have been required." (s(:jd.) "Joel F. Palter 2. Copy of clan of Survey, elan lOR, dated June 21, 1973, signed "S.A.. Biddle" OLS., Donavan & Fleischmann Co. Ltd., 11 Ontario St. Oshawa Ontario, Job No. 23360; Mr. C.:,. Jones, under oath, indicated on the Plan of Survey The lands he wishes to sell and the lands he wishes to retain. Also shown on the said plan and outlined in "ink" is an area of a proposed lot south of "rose Street". Following a lengthy discussion Joel R. Falter B.A., LL.B., agent for the applicant briefly outlined the reason for the application which in its simplest form may be summarized as follows: Charles Melville Jones, the applicant; wns both the owner in fee- simple of certain lands being part of Lot S, Concession 1, Township of Clarke, now part of the Hamlet cf Newtonville, Ontario, and the beneficiary inheriting, certain other lands in the some area under the terms of his mother's will, Mrs. Alice Jones. Mr. M41ville Jones is the co-executor of the Will of Alice Jones along with his wife. Mr. Jones wishes to retain part of the lands he owns and to sell the remainder. Because of this particular situation of being both the owner in fee simple of some lands and the beneficiary inheriting other lands, a planning problem of merging has arisen. Mr. Palter, in order to clarify title in a proposed sale to Mr. Stanley Gujda wishes to hove the deed approved in order to put the validity of the transfer of property beyond any doubt because of the cloud on title caused by the Planning Act, since some of the lands abut. Iyir. K. Scnoenm-ker, member, pointed -ut that if the applicaticn were granted under the special terms suggested by Ir. Ealter, the lot on the south side of Rose Street would be an undersized lot in a "RR" zone. Mr. Palter requrested the Committee to consider either J permitting this land to be sold to Mr. Gujda, the proposed purchaser, as part of the entire transaction or alternatively permit it to be enlarged so that Mr. Jones will retain a 1 acre lot and, if possible, this election to be given to the purchaser. Application adjourned to enable the Committee to icspect the property. CLASSIFICA.TIC N "RR"" C C Page 16 Meeting Committee of :adjustment September 10, 1973: Application File "3"332-71 W. Kay Lycett B.A., Agent, Barrister & Solicitor, Oronn, Gntnrio, Boyd Stanley Harris, Owner, for part of Lot 6, Con 2, Township of Clarke, Submission No. As business arising from the minutes of meetings - September 8th and 15th, October 13, November 1,1971 and July 23, 1973, this applicaticn was brought forward for further consideration. Mrs. Boyd Stanley Harris, widow of Boyd Stanley Harris, as applicant accompanied by her solicitor W. Kay Lycett S.A., appeared in support of this application. No other person appeared in support of, or in oppositi.n to this applicaticn. Mrs. Harris, under oath, stated that she is unable to carry on the farming operation and wishes to sever a lot from the farm as permitted under Section Appendix 1, (j) "Farmer Retaining Lot. W. Kay Lycett B.A., amended the application to read "Estate of Boyd Stanley Harris, Deceased, "Myrtle Irene Harris Executrix" and initialled same. The application is now adjourned awaiting a proper Plan of Survey, prepared by an Cntrio Land Surveyor for the requested severance. CLAS51FICATIoN 10 "Alt Annend 1. (i) Application File No. "B"44-73 Prairie Automobile Transport Limited, Owner, Sawmac Farms, R.R. N. Orono, Ontario, Peter Z. Magda Zsq. , Agent, Barrister & Solicitor, 356 King St. W. Oshawa, Ontario, for part of Lot 29, Con 7, Township of Clarke, Submission No. "B"44-73-44 Applic=tion was made for exemption or partial exemption from provisions of the Planning Act to permit the separation of approximately 40 acres from the applicant's land. The Secretary -Treasurer reported that 14 hearing notices of the said hearing had been mailed in accordance with Item 5 of the Rules of Procedure. Peter Z. Magda, Barrister and Solicitor, Oshawa, Ontario, on behalf of the applicant, appeared in support of this appliction. No other person appeared in support of, or in opposition to this application. The Secretary-Trensurer presented the following material to the meeting: 1. Authorization signed "L.R. Sawyer" appointing Peter Z. Magda, Barrister and Solicitor to act as agent in this application to the Committee; 2. Correspondence dated August 21, 1973, signed "Peter Z. Nagda". The Committee noted the contents thereof; Peter Z. Magda, Barrister and Solicitor, under oath, stated the following facts: 1. The 40 acres concerned was largely covered with trees and was rolling land, while suitable for a dwelling it was not suitable for agricultural purposes; . . . . . . . Page 17 Meeting Committee of Adjustment, September 10, 1973 Th,i Committee perused a pencil sketch of the proposed severance and advised Mr. Magda that the Committee will inspect the property and will notify him if they require a Plan of Survey. Application adjourned to enable the Committee to inspect the property. CLASSIFICATI-,N 10 "A" Applicrtion File "B"45-73 Victor Schneider, Owner, R.R. 43 Newcostle, Ontario, Richard Bates, Agent, R.R. 43, Newcastle, Ontario, for part of Lot 19, Con 1, Township of Clarke, Submission No. "B"45-73-45 Application was made for exemption or partial exemption from provisions of the Planning Act to permit the sepAration of approximately 1 Acre from the Applicant's lend. The Secretary -Treasurer resorted that 16 hearing -notices of the said hearing.had been mailed in accordance with Item 5 of the Rules of Procedure. Mr. Richard Bates, agent for the applicant, appeared in support of this application. No other person appeared in support of, or in opposition to the application. Mr. Richard Bates, under oath, presented a pencil sketch of the proposed severance, and stated the following facts: 1. The farm of approximately 75 acres as been owned by Mr. Victor Schneider, his father-in-law, for about 20 years: 2. The major source of income is from the farming operation; 3. The proposed severance is for a dwelling for himself and his wife to enable him to assist Mr. Schneider with the farming operation; L".r. Bates also stated that he is an employee of the Ontario Provincial Police, but still spends considerable time assisting on the farm. _=application =dlourned to enable the Committee to inspect the property. CL:,S51FICATICN 10 "A" AFPLICATION File "B"47-73 Peter G1=shergen, Owner, R.R. 41 Newtonvilie, Ontario, Lr. Stan Gu j da, Agent, 1519 Park ,"toad South, Oshawa, Cntario, for part of Lot 1C9 Con 1, Township of Clarke, Submission No. 113"47-73-47 Application was made for exemption or partial exemption from provision of the :Tanning :act to permit the seporati.on of aptroximately 1.2 acres from the applicant's land. Page 18 Meeting Committee of Adjustment, September 10, 1973: The Secretary -Treasurer reported that 19 hearing notices of the said hearing had been mailed in accordance with Item 5 of the Rules of Procedure. Nr. Stan Gujda, as agent and pro;osed purchaser, accompanied by Joel R. Palter Esq., Barrister & Solicitor, Oshawa, Ont..-,rio, appeared in support of this applic-tion. No other person appeared in suplcrt of, or in opposition to this application. The Secretory -Treasurer presented the following material to the meeting: 1. Authorization appoint St=nley Gujda, purchaser, "to represent me on an application for severance regarding the abcve noted property. (sgd9 "Peter G. Glasbergen; 2. Photostat copy of a Plan of Survey, doted August 23, 1973, 473195, prepared by Merrill D. Brown Limited, Land Surveying & Gng.'neerinc, 121 'ue_n St. Bowmanville, Ontario, annotated "sketch illustrating proposed separation of Part of Lot 10, Concession 1, Township of Clarke, County of Durham" Mr. Stan Gujda, under oath, stated the following facts: 1. The propsed severance is in an "RR" zone, Village of Nev:tonville, Cnt,rio; 2. The requested severance is for a centre lot and is shown outlined in "red" on the referenced sketch.. There are frame sheds situate on the property. Application adjourned to enable the Committee to inspect the property. CLASS IFI,C_.TI:N "RR" Application Pile "B1143-73 Lesley A. Starke and Owners, Mary o ;tarke, R.R. Orcno, Ontario, for part of Lot 14 & 159 Concession 3, Township of Clarke, Submission 1131148-73-48 Application was made for exemption or partial exemption from provision of the Planning ict to permit the separation of approximately 20 acres from the applicant's land. The Secretary -Treasurer retorted that 17 hearing notices of the said hearing had been mailed in accordance with Item 5 of the Rules of Procedure. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley A. Starke, applicants, appeared in support of this application. No othef person appeared in support of, cc in opposition to this application. The Secretary -Treasurer presented the following material to the meeting: 1. Correspondence from"U.n. Starke", dated Au-ust 24, 1973 - "The purpose of the enclosed apr.licotion for severance is to rive the applicant an opportunity to retire after 45 yeas in the labor mill. The farm in its present st-te is too much for me to handle, both financially and physically. Fage 19, Meeting Committee of Adjustment September 1.0, 1973: "Our plan on separation is to build a modern home and small : -rn that wo>;ld be more adaptable for an older person o✓ith a grown family, also to allow the raising of stock etc., on a scale in keeping %,.-ith my ability and Nhysical condition. As time is not on my side any consideration to expedite this request would be deeply appreciated. sgd. "`.1'. Starke" Mr. and I-;rs. ..1+. Starke, under oath, st-ted the following facts: 1. They have owned the farm of approximately 114 acres since 1963; 2. They have carried on a beef raising operat9.on for a.proxim'tely 10 years; 3. The approximate income from the farming operation is from $6,000.00 to $8,000.00 per year; 4. They carry on the farming operation themselves and now wish to sever approximately 20 acres as a retirement home and the continuance of a smaller farming unit; the remaining 93 acres they wish to sell; 5. Nr. and Mrs. Starke, indicated on an ink sketch the proposed severance and the land remaining; Application adjourned to enablethe Committee to inspect the prol_erty. CLAS SIPIC :TIUN 10 "A1° Application File 1151-73 Ted Barnoski and Owners, Joe Barnoski R.R. 41 Newtonville, O;t.ric, for part of Lot ll -12 Concession 4, Township of Clarke, -submission No. "i3"51-73-51 - Application was made for exemn-tion or partial exemption from provisions of the Planning -.ct to permit the separation of approximately 5 acres from the applicant's land. The Secretary-Treasurerreported that 16 hearing notices of the said hearing had been mailed in accordance with Item 5 of the Pules of Procedure. i.r. Joseph Barnoski, applicant, ap,e.,red in support of this application. No other person appe-red in support of, or in opposition to this application. Mr. J. Barnoski, under oath, stated the following facts: 1. lie h..s been a tobacco f_,.rmer for 16 years; Chairman E.R. Lovekin B.A. LL.B., reviewed the following facts with 1,r. Barnoski: Ihen did you first commence tobacco operations; "h" rpproxim-tely in December of 1958 4 "Q'I Did you hold tobacco rights under The Ontario Flu Cured Tobacco 1%arketing Board; "L" Yes, 60 acres; I,ir. Barnoski then stated that he is "phasingout out" of the farm- ing operation and will ba completely out by the end of April, 1974. He is, therefore, in effect selling 45 acres_ to his son and keeping 5 acres. Following further discussion, Mr. Barnoski presented the following material to the meeting: Page 20 Meeting Ccmmittee of.djustment September 10, 1973: 1. A certified Plan of Survey, dated September 4, 1973, file 73206 (Plan TOR) prepared by Verrill D. Brom Limited, Land Surveying and Engineering, 121 queen St. Bowmanville, Cntario, on which is outlined in "black" an area of 5.00 acres; Mr. Barnoski indicated on the Plan of Survey that he wishes the 5.00 acre parcel severed. The Committee perused the Plan of Survey and indicated to Mr. Barnoski that if consent is giver: to this severance they would require a restrictive clause be contained in the deed. Mr. Enrnoski replied that he did not wish a restrictive clause to be in the deed. There being no further discussion this application adjourned to enable the Committee to inspect the property. CLXSSIl!CAT=CN 10 "A'' Application File No. "B"50-73 Patricia L. ?leeks, Owner, 49 Tournament Drive, Willowdale Ontario, Roy A. Foster, Agent, Kendal P.O. Cntorio, for part of Lots 13-141 Concession 8, Township of Clarke, Submission No. "B"50-73 Application was made for exemption or partial exemption from provisions of the Planning Act to permit the separation of approximately 40 acres from the applicant's land. The Secretary—Tre-surer reported that 16 hearing notices of the said hearing had been mailed in accordance with Item 5 of the Rules of Procedure. Mr. Roy A. Foster, agent for the applicant appeared in support of this application. No other person appeared insupport of or in opposition to this application. The Following material was presented to the meeting: 1. Plan TOR 41289 dated and regis`ered February 91 1973, prepared by Merrill D. Brown Limited, Land Surveying & Engineering, 121 Queen St. Bowmanvi.11e, Cntrrlo, File 72108, dated January 4, 1973: Mr. Roy Foster, under oath, indicated on the Plan "part 4" with an area of 80.018 acres. The severance is for an area of 40 acres from this parcel, leaving of 40.018 acres. Cdr. Foster also stated that this not good form land being rolling and hilly. The land the applicant was purchrsed 3 months ago. of Survey requested remainder land is owned by Application adjourned to enable the Committee to inspect the property. CL.`.SSIFIC,".TION 10 "A" Page,21 Meeting Committee of Adjustment September 10, 1973: The Committee having heard all oral repre=tat�.ons from the applicants and their agents, the meeting was adjourned at 1:00 a.m. on motion by K. Schoenm�ker and seconded by E.F.R. Csborne, to be re -convened at 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, September 11, 1973, �.:�ecretary—T rea.surer _ 1°i Ti11C C,F THE COM1,1ITTEE C_ :,._)Jv "Ti:F.NT Tuesday, September 11, 1973 at 8:00 p.m. Council Chamber, Crcn7., Cnt ric. Present: E.R Lovekiri E.A. LL.D., Chairman, K. 5choer:maker kember, E.F.R. Osborne, Member, Mrs. Ellen M. Yeo, Secret=ry-Treasurer The meeting of the Committee of i'.djustment re -convened on Tuesday, September 11, 1973. The fcllouing applications were brought forward and the oral representations on same as submitted at the m eting held on Monday, September 10, 1973 were duly reviewed and recorded. Application File "3"52-73 Reginald George Wesley Elliott Owner, W. Kay Lycett :.C., gent, Orono, Ont,.rio, for part of Lot 11, Con 8, Township of Clar'.e, Submission "n"52-73-52 Application wes made for exemption or partial exemption from pro-,risions of the Planning Act to permit the separation of approximately 4 acres from the aj;plicant's l.rid. The Secretary -Treasurer reported that 20 hearing notices of the said hearing had been mailed in accordance with Item 5 of the Rules of Procedure. Mr. R.G.V% Elliott, applicant, acco;p�7nied by his agent W. Kay Lycett ,.C., Barrister & Sel;_citor app,e-red in sur.,:c,rt Of this application. No other person rppeared in supiort of, or in opposition to this applicati_:n. The Secret=ry-Treasurer present•._d the following material to the meeting: 1. Correspondence from W.A. Fray Lycett O.C., Barrister < Solicitor, Crone, i'ntario, d=tc-,,d August 27, 1973: " I am enclosing an application on behalf of our client above named for severance of 4 acres parcel from lands registered in his n -me lying at the southwest corner of Lot 11 in Concession Eight of the To:•unship of Clarke. In the year 1971 P•:r. Elliott Sr. allor•;ed his son Harlin.] George Elliott to erect a house upc;n the subject lands in this application but no conveyance was ever made of any part of his holding to his son and therefore the house built by the son still remains registered in the name of