HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/11/1973Page,21 Meeting Committee of Adjustment September 10, 1973: The Committee having heard all oral repre=tat�.ons from the applicants and their agents, the meeting was adjourned at 1:00 a.m. on motion by K. Schoenm�ker and seconded by E.F.R. Csborne, to be re -convened at 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, September 11, 1973, �.:�ecretary—T rea.surer _ 1°i Ti11C C,F THE COM1,1ITTEE C_ :,._)Jv "Ti:F.NT Tuesday, September 11, 1973 at 8:00 p.m. Council Chamber, Crcn7., Cnt ric. Present: E.R Lovekiri E.A. LL.D., Chairman, K. 5choer:maker kember, E.F.R. Osborne, Member, Mrs. Ellen M. Yeo, Secret=ry-Treasurer The meeting of the Committee of i'.djustment re -convened on Tuesday, September 11, 1973. The fcllouing applications were brought forward and the oral representations on same as submitted at the m eting held on Monday, September 10, 1973 were duly reviewed and recorded. Application File "3"52-73 Reginald George Wesley Elliott Owner, W. Kay Lycett :.C., gent, Orono, Ont,.rio, for part of Lot 11, Con 8, Township of Clar'.e, Submission "n"52-73-52 Application wes made for exemption or partial exemption from pro-,risions of the Planning Act to permit the separation of approximately 4 acres from the aj;plicant's l.rid. The Secretary -Treasurer reported that 20 hearing notices of the said hearing had been mailed in accordance with Item 5 of the Rules of Procedure. Mr. R.G.V% Elliott, applicant, acco;p�7nied by his agent W. Kay Lycett ,.C., Barrister & Sel;_citor app,e-red in sur.,:c,rt Of this application. No other person rppeared in supiort of, or in opposition to this applicati_:n. The Secret=ry-Treasurer present•._d the following material to the meeting: 1. Correspondence from W.A. Fray Lycett O.C., Barrister < Solicitor, Crone, i'ntario, d=tc-,,d August 27, 1973: " I am enclosing an application on behalf of our client above named for severance of 4 acres parcel from lands registered in his n -me lying at the southwest corner of Lot 11 in Concession Eight of the To:•unship of Clarke. In the year 1971 P•:r. Elliott Sr. allor•;ed his son Harlin.] George Elliott to erect a house upc;n the subject lands in this application but no conveyance was ever made of any part of his holding to his son and therefore the house built by the son still remains registered in the name of Page 2 Meeting Committee of Adjustment, September 11, 1973: Yr. Elliott Sr. and at the time the building was erected the building permit was also made out in the name of Mr. Elliott Sr. At the present time Mr. Elliott is most anxious to convey the subject l-nds in this application to his son that his son will then have legal title to the house in which he lives and is paying for, and thus this applic=tion becomes necessary. I might point out that Mr. Elliott Jr. does not wish to obtain title to any more land than the 4 acres being the subject of this application which hos been fenced off, and I am told that the remaining lands in Lot 11, Concession R which Mr. Elliott Sr. still retains will lend themselves to a more recre-•tional type of use in thn future and certainly it is not his intention to develop the lands in n residential way" (sgd) "i;.l:. Lycett" Mr. R. Elliott was sworn and questionned as follows: ';er( there any buildings on the property before the dwelling built in 1971; "A" Yes, buildings were talen down in the 1920's and moved off the property; ":<" What is the fundamental ch.-racter of the land; "A" This is ranch lend and bush. I pl nted ap_roximptely 15 acres of Xmas trees, but this was uneconomical; Is the house occupied by your son on a pa=t of the l2o acres: "'," Yes; and there is a storage shed approximately lo' x 25' "Q" How Ion( have you owned the land; ""-" Since.1955, bought in 1956 from Har; r Carscadden Estate; "Q" Does any part of the property abut on lands owned by the Ganaraska Authority; "A" Yes, on the north and for 200 rods on the West. Yr. R. Elliott also stated that he har'. nc Present intrni-inna of selling the land. The lard is too hilly to be worked and would lend itself for recreational purposes; Remarks by Chairman Z.R. Lovekin B.A. LL.B., " Fir. Arthur Low h -s indicated th t by is interested in this application and I would ask him to make any submissions he may wish. " Mr. :rthur Low replied that he rapresented the owner of Lot ll, Concession 7, one Anton Czapka���nd was holding a wAtching brief for Air. Czapka. He had no special re;_re entations or comments to m=ke. This being all the discussion at this time, the applic=ticn was adjourned to enable the Committee to inspect the property. CL`S%IFIC.- ICN 10 "=" Page 3 Meeting Committee of ^Alustment, September 11, 1973: Applicat'cn File "7."23-73 hJilb?rt K. Jones, Oivner, C'-2, Taunton Read, Orono, Cnt.-.rio, for part of Lot 35, Con 5, Townsh.p of Clarke, Submission No. "t."23-73-23 Aprlicatic;n w -s made for exemption from provisions of sub -division control by-law 1592 as a,mc--nded by by-law 1653 for permission for a variance of 21 ft. from rear yard requirement of 251, to a rear yard of 141. The Secretary -Treasurer reported thet 16 notices of tine said h=_:ring h -d been mailed in accordance with Item 5 of the Rules of Procedure. Mr. eyilbert F. Jones, applicant, appeared in support of this application. No other person-ppeared in support of, or in opposition to this applic-tion. The Secret-ary-Treasurer presented the following material to the meeting: 1. ; photostat cony of a Flan of Survey, prepared by Merrill D. Brown Limited, Land Surveying and Engineering 121 2ueen St. Fowmanvil le, Ontario, :=71093, dated July 20,1971; Dir. .F Jones, under oath, indicated on the Plan of Survey an existing shed attached to the dwelling which he intends to demolish and will replace with an addition,to the south-east side of the dwelling,measuring ap:roximately 20' x 401; Dir. '.q.K. Jones' daughter is an invalid and requires an extra bathroom and bedroom, therefore, if the old shed is demolished and replaced with a proper livak>le area for hi.s daughter this would solve the problem of taking care of her at home. The Committee recalled that a minor variance on this property w, -,s granted the 15th day of September, 1971, Submission "_"329-71-53 allowing the former Clarke Unicn School on Taunton Road to be used "or a single family dwelling.' Aplication adjourned to enable the Committee to inspe=ct the pro; erty. CLASSI=C _TIOh 10 "P." Application File 'B"43-73 Charles 1J. Smith, Owner, Application File 11.'.11 25-73 Cor. Simpson & Perry Sts., Hampton, (.ntr.rio, Miss Gladys Rcy, Agent, Barrist_r & Solicitor, Bowmanville, Cntario, Agent, for part of Lot 23 & 2.4, Cor. 6, Township of Clarke, Submission "5"43-73-43 Submission "A"25-73-25 Two applic=tions were presented -.s follows: Application 1143-73- ".pplic tion i.:,as made for exemctien or partial exemtion from roviSicns of the Flann�'ng Act to permit the separation of ap,.roximately 46.712 acres from the applicant's land. Application "A"25-73- Ipilication was mad e for exemption or partial exem:)tion from provisions of the sub -division control by -lam 1.5'2 as amen:::ed by by-la)w 1653 for a minor ve_riance from rac Uired frontF,Ce of 330' to a fr-ntage of 271.541 on the pro osed severance of 46.712 acres in an agricultural zone a, i end 1 " Lot F rontage; . . . Page 4 Meeting Committee of Adjustment7 September 11, 1973: The Secretary -Treasurer reported that 21 hearing notices of the said hearing had been mailed in accordance with Item 5 of the Rules of Procedure. Miss Gladys Roy, solicitor for the equitable owner and applicant Charles Smith; W. Kay Lycett Solicitor for William Tomlinson the proposed vendor appeared in support of this application. Hr. G. Turner, R.R. 41 Orono, Ontario, appeared as an observer. IJo other person appeared insupport of, or in Copposition to this application. Ths Secret-<ry-Treasurer presented the following material to the meeting: 1. Correspondence from "Gladys D. Roy" Barrister .p Solicitor, 9Z Kinn St. E. 3owmanvill•e, Ont=ri.o, dated August 7, 1973: "Enclosed in duplicate is an application for consent of severance of 46.712 acres from a parcel of 146.712 acres. Earlier on the title the 46.712 acres was a separate parcel, that is the south quarter of the north halves of lots 23 and 24, Concession 6. The exceptions on Highway 35 shown in the sketch were convoyed prior to the acquiring of the land by the Tomlinsons. I asked the Vendors solicitor for a direction to make application and he stated that none was necessary, in that he had frequently made application for a purchaser as equitable owner. As it is necessor, that my client obtain severance prior to closing, he hos made applicnticn himself. This is outlined, to set out to you that we are not claiming to for Charles Smith be the owner for severance but Yith the lack of application by the vendor under the agreement, as it was left up to Mr. Smith, and the statement of the vendor's solicitor, it leaves Hr. Smith ith no alternativn but to apply as equitable owner under the agreement for sale, which W. K. Lycett says is satisfactory. Enclosed also is an application in duplicate for permission to convey the land when the frontags is 271.54 feet and not 300 feet. At the time the land was con- veyed to the Tcmlinsons the frontage was the same 271.12 feet. I note that for non residential use the frontage maximum is 150 feet. The land which his been excepted is in one instance used as Highway Commercial. (sgd) "Gladys D. key" 2. Correspondence dated September 8, 1973, signed "C.E.Viller" 'Re- Mr. C.W. Smith's application to build a home (Hampton) on parcel of land approx. 46.712 acres, frontage, being 271.54 feet being minor variance from 300' in an agricultural zone. We would not want Vr. Smith's drainage system to interfere with our wells. If the house is built on the knoll behind north of °ir. Allen's home, this could happen. On behalf of Mr. H. Allen, Mr. Larry Miller, and myself, we have no objection to this application providing it is for a home. If these ,are not the facts, then we would like to reconsider our decision. Yours truly, "C.E. Miller'' 3. n Flan of Survey, prepared by Merrill D. Brown Limited, OLS., dated July 18, 1973, file 73161; Mr. William Tomlinson, having been sworn, stated th-t the area of 46.712 acres as shown an the referenced Flan of Survey, was the north end of a prel_erty of 150 some acres, the south end of which fronts on the south frontage on the 6th Concession and the north west corner of part "1" shown on the survey referred to, fronts on Highway 115/35 with a frontage of 271.15 feet, the remainder of the frontage having been sold off to other owners prior to adequate land use controls being introduced into the Township. Page 5 I'eeting Committee of Adjustment, Septeibr>r 11, 1973: P.r. Tomlinson was asked if the land he owned south of part "1"' shown r.n the Flan of Survey w;:uld front on Highway 115/35 ad he st=ted it would. He was further asked if he had an entrance at the extreme north-we:;t corner anci he said that he had a farm entrance. There is a gate and culvert in this location. He also has a similar type of farm entr>:nce with a gate and culvert giving access to Highway 115/35 on the part that.he will be retaining. He will also have access to the north side of concession 6. The road allowance shown at the east side of the i.roperty is an unopened road allow;nce. Mr. Tomlinson w s then asked what type of farming oiler,=tion did he have and he replied that he intended to continue t:pith cattle, but he wished to dispose of part of his farm holdings. This application was adjourned to enable the Committee to inspect the _ro,erty. CL.'SSIF'IC Thid 10 ""r'" Applications "E"53-73 Fr , r Olive [-ia_ie Pedwell, Owner, "B"54-73; R.k. 421 Newcastle, Cnt=rio, "E)"55=73; "E"56-73; W. Kay Lycett Q.C., Agent, "S"57-73; "D"58-37; Barrister & Solicitor, "E"59-73; "B"60-73; Orono, Ontario, "E"61-73; for part of Lot 30, Con 22 "3"62-73; "B"63-73; Township of Clarke, "B"64-73; Suhmissi.on Nos Twelve applicat`_c,ns were ma -'e for exemption or partial exemption from provisions of the Plann'-ng Act to permit the separation of lots as follows: Applicat`_or:s "E"53-73 to "E1163-73 for. 11 lots with an area of 100' x approx• 15,000 sq. ft. A'7 "3"64-73 for 1 lot with an area of 241.71' x 150' cait': . __ea of aprox. 36,256.50 sq. ft. The Secretary -Treasurer reported that 15 notices of the said hearing had been mailed in accordance with Item 5 0£ the Rules of Procedure. The said h%-aring notices, in this case, contained the entire information regariing the 12 lots concerned. Mr. P,iaurice Pedwell, husband of applicant Olive Marie Pedwell acccr;ipanied by solicitor Kay Lvicett Q.C., appeared in support of thesaapplications. Mr. Charl:-s Reid appeared as an observer. No other person appeared in support of or in opposition to these applications. The Secretary -Treasurer presented the followin;: material to the meeting: 1. Correspondence dated august 31, 1473, signed K. Lvicett " - `,;e have filed with you twelve (12) applications on behalf of our client, Olive Marie Pedwell, for severance of 12 lots owned by her in Lot 300 Concession 2, of the Township of Clarke. These applicat_ons were made for the pur- pose of obtaining your consent so as to satisfy requisitions of a Solicitor who is acting for the proposed purchaser of these lots. The lands in question were severed several yaars ago by conveyance, however, by reason of the confusion with regard to the effect of the Flanning Act and the various Provisions relating to that statute this requisition has been made. " Page 6 Meeting Committee or I.djustment, September 11, 1973: 2. Plan of Survey, Flan 1OR 4175, dated 5th July, 1973, prepared by 1,,errill C. Bresrn Limited, Land Survey.inc, and '-ngineering, 121 '<ueen Street, Bowmanville, Cntaric, file 167060-C9 date June 20,197'; Er. 1.7aurice Fe1*11, under oath, on the Flan of Survey the lots he wished to sever and stated th-t he had approval from Council regard -4n building :.ermits if the ro=d was brought up tc standard. Totten, Sims & Hubiki are currently making a detailed Elan regarding. construction of the roan. In vieu of the fact that we are now on the verge of Regional Government, i.r. Dudar's solicitor requested Committee of Adjustment consent on the deeds to be given at this time. 1'•'!r. Pcdwell further stated th=at he had acce.-ted an Offer of ='urchase from Mr. Dudar, a Building Contractor. e:. Kay Lycett, .C., made some comments on how the lots came into existence. Int - This application is really a series of 12 app1.'...__ _:.- lving 24 lots. In his oral present�ti.on to the Committee, 1<ay Lycett 2.C., of Orrno, Cntario, agent for the applicant stated th.,t the consent of the Committee of .adjustment is being sought to clarify a cloud on title and that the immediate reason for the applications was to satisfy a re_uisition raised by a proposed purchaser's solicitor. It should be noted for the record that the Committee deal with applications in chronological sequence as per the filing date and, therefore, these al.plicetions were dealt with as one of the last applications of the evening, net being reached until after midnight. Under such circumstances these ap1:licaL-icns were not extensively argued. Upon reviewing the presentation at their deliberations on the following evening (September 11, 1.973) at their adjourned session, the Committee realized that they did not have a complete history of the chronology of the stens t -,ken by the appl`_cant to create these sever,:=nc-s or a r.,recise definition of the alleged cloud on title. This Committee is prepared to give the fullest type of consideration to this submission if the point at issue concerns only an incidental cloud on title. It is quite apparent that an application to the Committee of Adjustment is the quickest and mc --t inex.ensive way of removing any cloud or. title. Cn the other hand if the matter involved is a su'stantial point of Law, the Committee would not consider creating 2,^ new lots which would usurp the planning function. The Secretary was, therefore, instructed to request W.K. Lycctt, '.:.C., to submit a comi;lete summary of thr= relevant facts from the time that the farm was an unsubdivided farm until. the present time with particular reference to dates and specific steps taken to sever these lots. lith these facts before them the Committee will reach a conclusion and give specific reasons. applications adjourned to enable the Committee to inspect the properties and to await receipt of the requested material. Ci .SSIFICi-.TICN 10 "A" Page 7 Meeting Committee of Adjustment, September 11, 1973: F.pplic�tion File "31134-73 dilliam Skelding, Owner, Neitonville, Cnt&rio, for part of Lot 8, Con 2, Township of Clarke, Submission No. "3""34-73-34 As business arising from the minutes of September 10, 1973 meeting, Mrs. gym. Skelding returned to the adjourned meeting on Tuesday,.September, 11, 1973 and this application w:.s brought forward for further consideration.. Nr. Horace R. Best, Secretary of the Planning Board also appe_=red. Mrs. -,;Jm. Skelding, under oath, confi._med that she wished to separate a "Commercial Lot". Following a discussion and review of the minutes ofthe meeting September 10, 19732 the Committee advised Mrs. Skelding that in the event the Committee approved of a severance it would be necessary for the owner of the severed land to apply for a Minor Variance in respect to the area and the frontage before a building permit could be issued. The application was then adjourned to enable the Committee to inspect the property and this m=tter will be brought forward at the October 9, 1973 meeting. CLASSIFICATIUN HC Application "3"49-73 Richard D. Morton, Owner, R.R. Q, Kendal, Cntario, for part of Lot 19, Con 6, Township of Clarice, Submission No. "3"49-73-49 As a matter of record Er.Richard D. Morton, was unable to attend the meeting on September 10, 1973 and this application was brought forward for consideration at the September 11, 1973 meeting. Application was made for exemption or partial exemption from provisions of the Planning Act to permit the separation of approximately 67 acres from the applicant's land. Mr,Richard D. Norton, applicant, appeared in support of this application. No other person appeared in support of, or in opposition to this application. The Secret_ry-Treasurer reported that 16 notices of the said hearing had been mailed in accordance with Item 5 of the Rules of Procedure. The Secretary -Treasurer presented the following material to the meeting: 1. A pen sketch or the proposed se=verance. Mr.Richard D. Morton was sworn and he stated the following facts: 1. He wishes to sever approximately 67 acres of land which is 10`0 or less non -arable bush; quite remote from the rest of his farm and inaccessable during the Spring, except o7er a public road; 2. In regard to the remaining lands owned by him, he was not counting his home farm abutting these lands which moans that he is retaining a total of approximately 243 acres and not 48 acres as shown on the pen sketch; 3. This particular piece of proi:.erty was bought 11 years acro; but the main family farm has been. . . . . in the family for 2 generations; Page 8 Meeting Committee of Adjustment, September 11, 1973: 4. Mr. Horton also owns other lands in the area, the total holding being apyroximately 558 acres; 5. The land to be severed is regular in shape being nearly square and lies entirely within the easterly half of Lot 19; The Committee perused the pen sketch and Mr. Morten was permitted to amend the area remaining from 48 acres to 243 acres in accordance with his explanation; Application adjourned to enable the Committee to inspect the property. CLAS.Sl_ IC:_T: -;N 10 Application "L"46-73 William J. Stapleton, Owner, R.R. 42, Newcastle, Ontario, for part of Lot 12, Con 2, Township of Clarke, Submission No. "3"46-73-46 As a matter of record Hr. Wm. J. Stapleton did not attend the meeting held on September 10, 1973. This application w.s brought fcrw rd for consideration at the September 11, 1973 meeting. Application was made for exemption or partial exemption from provisions of the Planning Act to permit the separation of approximately 49% acres from the applicant's land. Charles Ewert B.A. LL.B., an articled Student in the Law Office of E.H. Lovekin B.A. LL.B., Newcastle, Ontario, appeared on behalf of the applicant in support of this appli.c-tion. No other person appeared in sup,ort of, or in op__os;tioc to this applicaticr.. E.R. Lovekin B.A. LL.B., Chairman, disqualified himself from the hearing of this application, having previous knowledge of this matter and Mr. K. Schoenmaker, senior member, conducted the hearing on this case. The Secretary -Treasurer reported that 17 notices of the said hearing had been mailed in accordance with Item 5 of the Rules of Procedure. The Secret=ry-Treasurer presented the following material to the meeting: 1. Direction, authorizing Lr. Charles Ewert "to act as my agent for me and on my behalf before your Committee" dated 10th day of September, 1973 Md.) "Willirm James Stapleton" 2. Certified Plan of Survey, prepared by M.D. Brown CLS., 30wmanvillp, Ontario, dated Larch S, 1.971, 471020; Plan IOR 473, registered I•iarch 18, 1971; Charles Ewert B.A. LL.B., under oath, stated the following facts: 1. Hr. Stapleton wishes to sever 49.5 acres and retain 45 acres; 2. Some confusion arises from the fact that 42 Highway in this area has been changed and the former right-of-way of the old A Highway was deeded by Pr. Stapleton in exchange for a new right -of -Sway; Page 9 Meeting Committee of d justment, September 11., 1973: 2. Mr. :tcpleton has owned and worked this farm for approximately 50 years; 3. The property now being severed was previously completely separated by the former 52 Highway. This older right-of-way is now abandoned and deeded to Mr. Stapleton; 4. A severance is therefore now recuired, Mr. 1 Stapleton h,=s re,ched the age of 80 years and -J is unable to carry on any active farming operation. 5. This ap_`licntl on clavrly comes under A pendia 1 (j) "Formes. Retain!ng a lot". Mr. Stzoleton is retai inj the lot on which his dwe h ing house and outbuildings are erected; 6. The arn& b-in7 severed is both uniform in dimension cnC adequate in size. Application adjourned to enable the Committee to inspect the property. CL JAI 'IC=.TI�id 20 ";" G_ NETAL BUSILESs The Secretary-Treesurer presented the following corres.;onder.ce to the meeting: 1. Kay Lycett ,.C., aarrister fx Sclicitor, Crone, ont'r10 dated August 2, 1973: � Re: Stacey Application "Some time ago, you will remember I made a .representation with respect to the Stacey appl.icntion indicating that the deed which was consented to was improper since it was made from one part,- to the same party. I believe your Committee agreed th,t if a correction deed were submitted at this time within the two year period subsequent to the date of the decision the same could be reconsented to." (sgd)"W. Kay Lycett« per, "FB', The Committer were of the opinion that this matter could be dealt with provided that Mr. Lycett submits an Affidavit setting out the nature of the error made and that the correcting deed contains recitals explai: ing that it is a correcting deed. 2. Correspondence from Cntar.io Municipal '-oar::, 123 idward Street, Toronto 101, dated September 4, 19730"K.C. Andrew _'ecretary, advising Re: Appeal by the Clarke Township i-lanning from a decision or the Committee of Adjus!ment Township of Clarke, .Submission A 21-72-17 Clarke Fish and Conservation Club - "I am directed to advise the continuation of the hearing by the Board on the above matter scheduled for 10 A.A. on .onday, October 1, 1973 hos been cancelled. A new appointment for such continuation will be made at the earliest opportunity and you will be duly notified when the date has been determined.'' This mwet_ng adjourned at 11:00 p.m Secretary -Treasurer Chairmen �---