HomeMy WebLinkAbout1448h VIZhE � TI CI � OF THE TMIN CF BO �of E: 0,0 RPO . ! AI By -law • of the Municipal Council of the Tovn of Bows anville to authorize the sale to certain Veterans of houses built by the orporation ' and e to authorize the making of certain grants b' the Corporation to the said Veterans. r'HER L, S under the authority of the Ac t Respecting 11annin,g and Development ( Statutes of Ontario, 10 George VI, J Chapter 1%) the Corporation of the Town of Bown ianville has pur- ehased certain lands and erected houses thereon for..the purpose a. of ' sell ing ,the game to persons who have served in the armed ` for 4 s' .. }. J l y . i a a� t t h �' i Y . n - ... P Y e. Ll, _ war ere.: n r ✓Sa Ap collectively as, "Veterans" or individually as "a Veteran ". yv AND WHEREAS the • s ald Corporation has agreed to sell, to, each, "of the veterans hereinafter named one of the said houses hereinafter described at a price of Four Thousand Dollars. Y AND tit rHEREA.S each of the said houses cost the said Corporation the sum of p5661.']1 to build and complete and - - the Corporation has undertaken to make a grant to each of the t said Veterans an amount equal to the difference between the said - ., r - r, cost of ,.each each house and the �s a id purchase _ Gee .. price:: of esne. • v NOW 'THEREFORE he �un�.cipal Goune it pursuant to The Aot 40 Respecting Planning and Development, Statutes of - Ontario 10 George VI Chapter 17 and of -The Municipal Act, R.3.00' • 1937, ' Chapter 266, Section 4049 Paragraph 32, ,hereby enacts as -Follows: frr , p¶ le The sale to' Gordon T. RoPherson, a Veteran of the - 19459 of the lands and remises situate on lot number` war 1939 p { 9 according to Plan No. 595 for the price of $4000.00 is hereby authorized and a further grant of the sum of #1661.11 to the said Fete"' n is hereby made and, confirmed. 20 The sale to Alfred Samells, a Veteran of the a .L.. �= war 1939 - 1945, of the lends and premises situate on lot number , to a.coord ing to Plan No . 595 for the price of $4000.00 is hereby authorized and a further grant of the sum of # to the said Veteran is hereby made and confirmed. i r ..,. r ., .. .: I. N IIr M.1 1 f..5.. .r. H•.. -., , .. . r �Y ' .G a? . -1: c�ik'9.:x� §: ' •%�ti 5.'w�sSHp:p.,, �'. r �_. -.a _ 't 'v St t rrs 4£ i, 1`, 3 J e 9 IV • of part of lot 12 in Block F, on the east s id e' of Lamb Street". according tockhart and Simpson ' s plan filed in the Registry. a 'Office for the County of Durham on L.,a re 6th, 18-56, and naw in > the Registry Office for the Registry Division 'of the Nest �Adine of the County of Durham, said p8.rcel or tract being more particularly described as follows: 00_ :1' MiCII G at an iron pipe planted in the southerly 1irlit of Third Street of said town, said 1 , iron pipe being distant easterly in said limit 5 feet 104 inches from the north west angle of said lot 12; THEYIDE southerly parallel with ,the easterly 1 irflit of saki Lamb Street 41 feet to a point; THvCE easterly parallel with the southerly limit of h t�,:.....a _...poa_nt. TIENCE northerly in a rd Street • 112 U. f e e d �.. n- c•he�s__.. -. s trai,ght fine 41 f get . to a point' i -n the • so lithe rl y limit of Third Street, said point being distant easterly in said limit 120 feet 9 inches from. the place of beginning; MEENCE westerly: in and along said southerly li :pit, 120 feet 9 inches more or Less to the 1 place of beginning ", for the price of $4000.00 is hereby authorized and a further grant of the sum of. 1661.71 to the ..said Veteran is hereby made and confirmed. �R 1 16. The sa-I to Edviard A Baker, a Veteran of the war_ rFT, jx• , - '19459, Of'. the lands .and premisss _described as follovis: vF "All and Singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premses,� 1 t'a to lying and :being In the - -irk ►n of Bowme�nv lle, in the 0ounty of E Durham, Province of Ontario, being composed of part of lot 12 in kook F ' on the east side of Lamb Street according to Lockhart and j • Si ip•sont s plan filed in the Registry .Office for the County of Durham on Yarch 6th, 1856, and now in' the Registry Office for the Registry Division of the Vilest Aiding of the County of Durham, said parcel or tract being; more particularly described as follows: l COMMENCING et a: point in the southerly limit of Third Street of said town said point being distant easterly n said limit feet y 5 10t inches from the north west angle of said lot 12 • THZNCE southex parallel with the easterly limit of said Lamb Street 41 feet to a .t� point, laid ' point being the place of beginning of the parcel here- after described; THEIt'ICE sout )Xerly parallel with the said limit of Lamb Street 42 feet 6 .inches to a point; THENCZ easterly parallel 1. 1 • TOLUM� 4 ,sr Y,2 S � ;f ,@ r � A H Se 4 6' � f. ��t t with the southerly litrlit of said Third Street ,120 feet 4'9 inches to a point; TAI TNTCL ' northerly in a straight line 42 feet 6 inches to a point, saki. point being distant easterly 120 feet 6' inches from the` place of beginning; TFENOJE westerly parallel ►vith said limit of • Third street 120 feet 64 inches more or less to the place of r beginning." for the price of X4&00.00 is hereby authorized and a further s -rant of the sum of 100 1.71 to the said Veteran is x ..hereby made and confirmed. 17. The zale to John, ,. 'rorter, a Veteran of the war , -1939,- 1945, of the lands and premises described a s. follows: r.3. and singular that... c e rte ri situate lying and beirig in the gown of Boy m.- Anville, in the County ,of :Durham, Province of Ont- �.rio, being composed of part of lots, 11 and 12 in Block F on the east side of lamb Street according to Lockhart and 3impsonI s pl' n filed in the Registry Office for the County of Durham on Larch &t1i 185 6 , and now in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of the Vlest Riding of the County of Durham, said pare el or tract of lend being more particularly described as follotiAls: C01% T4,, 1aTCING at a point in the southerly limit of Third Street of amid town said point bein distant easterly in g said -limit 5 feet l0t inches from, the north west angle of..ss'id_ lot h 12; THENCE southerly parallel with 'the easterly lizlit of said Lamb ki. street 83 feet ' 6 inches to a point., said point b eing -. the place of beginning of the parcel hereafter described; T .=F. southerly Para - . llel , with the said easterly limit of Lamb Street 42 feet to a point, .'THENCE easterly parallel with the said southerly limit of Third � f Street •120 feet 24 inches to a point; TFIBNCE northerly in a straight line 42 feet to a- point; said point being distant easterly 120 feet 4- inches from the place of beginning; TITIENCE westerly in a straight line ' 120 feet 4jg inches more or less to the place of beginnings , b t= for the price of $4000.00 is hereby �uthorized and a further grant , . � � 7 1� • of the sum of 1-661 to the said Veteran is hereby 'made' and confirmed. , lg. The sale to Frederick Dworkin, a Veteran of the war, 19 3.9,, - -1945 , of th'e lands and premises 1 deserib ed as follows Ull land sin singular that a arts in pata el or tea a t of land and pretnises� , , �z TIOLM ��t s., - 7 ,. :,k } K'f -,. i' - :..'°.?.. si tuate lyi nC_ and being in the 'Town of •F3o�rn;leriwi,lle , in the County, of Durhur rrovir_c e of . Ontario, bein6 composed of pe rt of lot 11 in Block F on the' east side c Lamb Street a.ccoruinL, to Lockhart and ., I Simpson s plan Bled in zhe .HeEistry Office for the Jounty of - �urhem on kszrch 6th, 1856, and now in the iteE'istry UVfice for the Registry Division of the viest Aidin6 of the County of Durham, said parcel or trect of lan• being; m ore particularly described as fo d llows: COI. ti i�'ITTG a•t a point in thle southerly 1 init of Third Street of sea l town, said point being distant easterly 5 feet 10 inches. from the north west ._,angle of �._ot 12 in Block F, - �n�.T� southerly parallel with the said easterly,limit of Lamb Street 125 feet inches to a point, ...._..,, .,,: 1is:: i G i G, e.:.. U& IM .. v ere. after descri Toed; �0 southerly 42 feet 9 inches to a. point; VA 'ffiTCE easterly parallel ipli th the southerly llm,i t of Third S tree t 120 feet to a point; Trr SCE northerly in a s traix,h•t line 42' feet v 9, inches to a point, said point beini; distant easterly 120 feet 2 inches from, the place of beginning; TIIENZGE westterly, in a • r straight line 120 feet 2' inches more or less to the mace of beginning" for the price of *4000.00 is hereby authorized and a ''fu rthe r grant of the sutra of X1661971 to, the sn1d Veteran is hereby made and confirmed. " 19. The Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized and , o empowered on behalf of the 'Corporation to comUe t•e all conveyances r4 , of the said lands and premises to the' said respective Veterans. z zz. " 20. The said grants to .each of the- Veterans as herein �3 set out and totell irg 29 , 910.']8' shall be pa id by the said corporation From the bequest of the McGill Estate to the, corporation and not included in any tax levy upon the ratepayers. ' The ' sal id 'by -law hewing received its first', second ' and third readings and was f ally passed, on the 28th day of November, 19470 lop r Sm �w for00 low lop, tv op r I Y ° H, ' ' awro�i:: we�r+ r�4�i+ f�gald� '�I�MW�OpMil;'S>M:hdlw►s>w, ,, ,, f VOL= 4 a;? MIMI!