HomeMy WebLinkAbout1439A by-law to authorize the sale to certain veterans of houses built by the corporation and to authorize the making of certain grants by the corporation to the said veterans c�7 ok Charles ,W. Wri a Vetelvan, of t he war. 1939 1945, one of the said, gn houses situate on lot number 12 according to Plan No.,595 fo:^ the price of Your Thousand Dollars upon th e terms set out in an agree- ment between the, Corporation and the said, 0 ha rle s, 'Vv . lir i ;ht dated- the 31st day of March, 1947, which agreement is made Schedule, '*DO to thi s by,-law. AND ',WHEREAS the said Corporation has agreed to :;ell to Tice, a Veteran of the war 1939 1945, one of the said houses situate on lot number 13 accordin'p, to Plan No. 595 for the pric6 of Four-Thousan'd Dollars upon the term's set out in an agree- ment between the Corporation and the, 'S' aid Edward Tice dated the 31st day of March, 1947,, which agreement is made Schedule'"ER,to AND I.NHE REA 3, the said Corporation has A greed' to sell to -William I. Tait, a Veteran of the war 1939 1945, one of the said houses s, i tua to on lot number '14 accordin'6 to Plan No. 595 for the- pric e o f 'Four Thousand Doll,& rs upon the terms set o, ut in an a gree ment between the Corporation and the s aid William I. Tait dated the 31st day, of Larch, 1947', which - agreement is made Schedule* "FII. to ''this by-law. AND 'WHEREAS the 's a. id Corp ration-hes a greed: t o sell to J Ross McKnight a Vetekan. he war 1939 1945 one o f the said, houses situate on lot number according to Plan No* 595 f or the price.. of Four Thou -sand Dollars upon the terms set out in an agreement between the Corporation a nd the said-Irle J Ro Co ss McKn ht dated the, 31st day of March, 1947o which agreement is. made Schedule "GO, to this by-law* 'AND WUE RFJ. S the' said G o rp'or'a ti on has agreed to sell to ----Yrank Duperron a Veteran of the,. war 1939 19459, 0,116 of the said., houses situate on lot number 7 according to Plan No. 595 for the price of Four Thousaild Dollars upon the terms set out in an agree- ment between the Corporation and the said F rank. Duperron dated the 31st day of March, 19479 which agreement is made Schedule 'AH" to this by -law i_. iA ry .., is .. • ' , . . v °.. -° xt p ANT 'rIHEREAS the said Corporation has agreed ;to sell to Raymond Kowal, a Veteran of the war 1939 -- 1945 , one of the said S p. houses situate on lot number 6 accordinG to 11an ��Tc -_ 45 for the price of Four Thousand Iollars upon the teni,s set out in an agree - ment bet ween. they Cornor�:ti on end the Slaid Aymond Koval dated the ` d 1st deir of arch 1/047, which agreement is rude "'D"chedu1 e "I" to this by -law. , h Alb ►'RFAkS the-said Corpora.ti on he. s agreed to sell to Carl r�. RoeLers,, a Veteran of the war 1939 .1945's one of the -fall - houses situ;E�,te on 1 of number 5 accord ink; to Plan No. 553 for the price of ' Four Thousand Dollars upon the terrs.s set out J- n e. n_ agree- mer. t between the Jor s�r_.t or, any the w iu Carl .:. �o srs dated the X this by-law. l Aj D ''/ 41� i%S the said Corporz, io.n. has a'Ereed' to sell . to Reginald Rackharn, a Veteran of the war 1939 - 1' 945 , one o f the sal d- douses situate on lot number 4 according to i lan M . 595 for the price of Four Thousand Dollars', upon the to ras s'e-t out in an ,.a.gree -- me t between the Corporatiion -and the said Re��nald t ckhatn dated the ' 1st day of March 19479 which agreement is mead e' Schedule "K" to x this by-law, r'ZFE LEAS Corporation has ANI) , the, said agreed to sell ta" w,. , Bertram Syer, a Veteran of the year 1939 - 1945, one -of the said x ggx .' o n 1 of . n uc�ber,__ .........:... _ houses , situate 3 aaco rd ing to Plan Igo . 5 95� for � the s price of Four Thousand Dollars ulaon the to ims set out ri an agree =- merit between the Corporation and the .said 111. Bertram Syer dated the 31st day. of L%rch, 1947, which agreement i s mad a Schedule "L" ' to this by- law. \ \\ A t'HREAS the said Corporate on ND has agreed t o sell to Richard Patf ield , a Veteran of the war 1939 - 1945, one of the said n. � houses situate on lot number 2 according -to Plan No. 595 for the � Price of Four Thousand Dollars upon the terms set out in an agree -, went betweep the, Corporation and' the said Richard Pa tfi eld , dated r , r I' i tt r vac k J: ;f;L„•,i•, :i' } <sF .✓' fT .t > w my SY,. 1:- " £:& rM f 5 ,r T. NoPh'erson which, is, Schedu� a ,A to•, this by -law is hereby authorized. i { : � 2. The s al a to. Alfred Samell•s of th e .1 ands and f remises A tua to on 1 of number p 10 according to said Plan number • -- - - 595 upon -the terms set out in the areement v!ith the said Alfred .. : Y Samells which is Schedule "B" to this by-law is hereby-authorized'. F 36' The s ale ' to Robert T. Hayes of the lands and premises situate on lot number 11 according to said Plan number , o 595 upon the terme set out in the agreement with the said Robert T. Hayes which is . Schedule "C" to this by -law• . is hereby authorized x -1 -:i:. -,.,.. ... . r....; { . r..::•, 1 : "..1 . it • r . 1 .r "!'• hs. a a to• V13�iir es P,A • ��+1 3 .t ot- 'he y� r.. �a31d and wemi ses situate on lot number 12 according to s aid Plan number 595.-upon the terms set out in the, agreement with the said Charles W. Ifiright which 'is Schedule. "D" to this by -law, is ;hereby authorized, 5. The . sale to Edward Tice of, the la" nd s and premises - si tu. a , t. o or 1 of number according ordi n g to said Plan. numb_ er 595• upon. the terms set out is the agreement with the said Edward- Tice �� z r which 'is Schedule �� „ to, this by-law is hereby authorized. y I, r The sale to William I. Tait of the lands and - exi-s e s situate on lot number 14 according to said .Plan numbed 595 upon - the terms set out in the agreement with the said Willi am a Tait' which is Schedule I'F" to this by-law is hereby authorized. �; The sale to W.. J. Ross' McKnight - of the lands and r Premises situate on lot number ,8 according to said P.an number r:iln 595 upon the terms set out in the agreement wi th the said W. T • � Ross McKnight which is Schedule "G" to this by -law is hereby, , authorized. 8 • The'' sale to Frank Dup error of the lands Qna re - mi ses si tua to on lot number 7 according to said Plan number 595 ' upon the terms set out in the agreeaent with the said Frank I Duperroa whieh is Schedule "T" to this bar -law is hereby authorized.' n • . ..w:e n., ..` .ti w r ..wVp-t �:19F i��M►,yyVY°MFI,YaiAV li111 'lt "" -- .............. .... .. _. .... , - 7 , w; rr =.•;, aC f S• e , weh i?'' '. e ifs � \I1�� . � ,a r,4= • 5 � $,r>w. xx *rx ,,ry.• ,mss : ..s -- 'T FF"T .. ,. _ f { llalg _,$�_' an:t lid #NINi:�9Pp11iVf� r�o .ate. ny ��� � �F cr + =: t± $ ,h s r � 3. s � u s -�'�' 1 - 41�t*s'' Jc�'�- � •� h-4 5 1 S f vr+� - x° � "t �. 9 VOL= WE ft 0 1' 'Si, JU 04 THIS �� �' G �' ANT made this 31 s t day o f a rc`h , 1947. B e t w e e n: THE "ORPORr=011 C "' TPa TC`.' :N off' BC' T.rtTVILhE, hereinafter called the CORP 0 ��=jT10N CIF Ti; FIR 'T r.r=. RT • , _ and _ ALFRED 3r.1 -ELL 3 , of the Town of Boivru n v1 l le , in the. County of. Durh�.rli, a Veteran , of the war 1939 --45, d hereinafter call d the PURCRASER i OF THE 3ECOIID PART:. .`►IT:vTSSETH that the Corpart ion agrees to'-ell end the , Purchaser agrees to purchase the land's anti premises in the Totin of t lie, f Dram pE rticul� rly described as,, Lot ^ n - i_,.e . r . nu7 h e _ ide e.t,e ars; enue according to Plan nurr_ber X95 at or for the uric e of Four Thous na. Doll- ^.rs pE.y ble T.,io i una red Dolle rs es a deposit (receipt of which �. s h ire by acrLno�til r:c3 ;ed) and Three Thousand . snd Light HunC. red Dollars -hen a deed under the seal 'of the Corporr_;tion E.na free frorl� encul'rlbrancles is delivered to the. Purchaser. The premises covered by this, jreement 'consist of a dwelling house anti the lands appurtenant thereto being one of eighteen dvelling houses erected or being erected' by the Corporation for sale to war._.ve.terans,. It i�s . a e ......i s�a3� , an,d .o•urc.has , sun. of Fcur Thousand Dollars is to include the amount ,which, tut for this provision of this agreement, would be levied against the said " premises, as the cost of the installation of sewer and 4ater rr�ains now constructed or bein6 constructed to 'serve the 'pro pertie s shown on said plan number 595 • 1' It is a further term of tl,is sale and purchase that if the final cost to-the Corporation of the said house when coin �pleted i s les's than Four Thousand Dollars then a grant of the amount by which such final cost is less than Four Thousand Dollars � shall be made by the Corporation to the Purchaser and paid to him ; An cash. forthwith after such final cost has been determined. r / : _ , v. 1 .......... ... 1. .A y '. i l..'.1 • , „„ ... .,.... , ,. i.i'r "„ ,i,. ,. , ,., •i , , i ., ,. ,l.v i,,. ., ,. „1.,.1. I/r 1, II'11i1c 11`I 111 r {, ..IY'v :1. r ..... ....... v „.. ...... rN „' ' ..N- fYd%{i''�%jLls.waw/. l'YI.1ii %I!/�MgfB. YIAq.W+YR.ar..• .... _ s - ;. -. - •_ - � _ s. , t °'� .,chi = z.� ., .. SC IaDUL E "B" , THIS �� �' G �' ANT made this 31 s t day o f a rc`h , 1947. B e t w e e n: THE "ORPORr=011 C "' TPa TC`.' :N off' BC' T.rtTVILhE, hereinafter called the CORP 0 ��=jT10N CIF Ti; FIR 'T r.r=. RT • , _ and _ ALFRED 3r.1 -ELL 3 , of the Town of Boivru n v1 l le , in the. County of. Durh�.rli, a Veteran , of the war 1939 --45, d hereinafter call d the PURCRASER i OF THE 3ECOIID PART:. .`►IT:vTSSETH that the Corpart ion agrees to'-ell end the , Purchaser agrees to purchase the land's anti premises in the Totin of t lie, f Dram pE rticul� rly described as,, Lot ^ n - i_,.e . r . nu7 h e _ ide e.t,e ars; enue according to Plan nurr_ber X95 at or for the uric e of Four Thous na. Doll- ^.rs pE.y ble T.,io i una red Dolle rs es a deposit (receipt of which �. s h ire by acrLno�til r:c3 ;ed) and Three Thousand . snd Light HunC. red Dollars -hen a deed under the seal 'of the Corporr_;tion E.na free frorl� encul'rlbrancles is delivered to the. Purchaser. The premises covered by this, jreement 'consist of a dwelling house anti the lands appurtenant thereto being one of eighteen dvelling houses erected or being erected' by the Corporation for sale to war._.ve.terans,. It i�s . a e ......i s�a3� , an,d .o•urc.has , sun. of Fcur Thousand Dollars is to include the amount ,which, tut for this provision of this agreement, would be levied against the said " premises, as the cost of the installation of sewer and 4ater rr�ains now constructed or bein6 constructed to 'serve the 'pro pertie s shown on said plan number 595 • 1' It is a further term of tl,is sale and purchase that if the final cost to-the Corporation of the said house when coin �pleted i s les's than Four Thousand Dollars then a grant of the amount by which such final cost is less than Four Thousand Dollars � shall be made by the Corporation to the Purchaser and paid to him ; An cash. forthwith after such final cost has been determined. r / : _ , v. 1 .......... ... 1. .A y '. i l..'.1 • , „„ ... .,.... , ,. i.i'r "„ ,i,. ,. , ,., •i , , i ., ,. ,l.v i,,. ., ,. „1.,.1. I/r 1, II'11i1c 11`I 111 r {, ..IY'v :1. r ..... ....... v „.. ...... rN „' ' ..N- fYd%{i''�%jLls.waw/. l'YI.1ii %I!/�MgfB. YIAq.W+YR.ar..• .... r v�. is qz y cr 'z ,♦ T i — A - - -- 1- - - -- - L _ •.j1 A- L di r : , , 1 - , e ( • `0.{.J ♦' , ?', r' ' • .1. , ..�.... ' -, :. r r l t ' '1 � .. ... .: .: :. :.: .. .. . :. i rrirrrrl`1 ,. ul� rtl• , ,1.1,{ 'r1YlI.,YrI 1 r, Ir, �I. rrlln•'lll,♦ ,� ♦r, �r ♦:1 ♦Y'1 (1.r tlal .1a ,r ,1, ertl r,l•' .., ., :: ,. ...r ,: ::,., .: :.. ,. „i:: -:, , i -., .• :.: , , : . �M"W. ._.♦...�w.«,..r...ww.._. �.... -: .,....n «++w....M -..._ .... .... ._. ..,M.....♦. t I " ... .. .. . .. .. .. , y��MSw+.�- ':AMiI'{r �i� a...�.w♦♦y�..wrrnr...wy.e. ..,c,+N+a rn.wa.+...n. ,. a,r ., •. ...•.y♦awwArA^nn nJ'.a .r +.r r r, tit "Wail .a7gIM► _ y ,n di an ae ti THIS AGREEMENT made this 31st day of March 1947 B e t w e e n: ti -!,7\7 CF BO` r7 #1o'.A1LL E TIP, CORF0.1U.TION 03 TF. TO" hereinafter called the 1C, 0 RPO I ON T OF THE FIRST !Y-- RT.: and ROBERT T. H1,YES -of the Town of manville, in the Uounty of Durham a Veteran of the war 1939 -45,,. here ina f ter called the PU HASER OF, ME S",4 C OND PART: poration, egrees to s 11' 111ITNESSETH that the Cor e and t he -Purchaser agrees ,to purchase the lands and premds,es in the Town, of Bowman ville in the County of ijurham nor e particularly described,, .as.*_._,.,,, Lot number 11 on the north side of Vetaranst Avenue according to Plan number 595, at,or'for the price of Four Thousand Dollars 'Payable' Two Hundred Dollars as a deposit (receipt o f which is here by acknowledged)' and Three Thousand and Eight Yi und red Dollars when a deed-under the s eal, of the Corporation and free from encumbrances is delivered to the 'Parchaser. The 'is es, covered by this agreement consist of a. , p rem dwelling house and the lends appurtenant thereto being one of eighteen dwellin.6 houses, erected or being erected b the Corporation' - o .for sal. er-to war veteran S It' is a term of this sale, and purchase that the ea, id -sum of Four7housand Dollars i s to include the -amount whi ch, but. for this provision of thi's agreementi would b e 16vied against the said premises as the cost of the 'installation of sewer and water mains now constructed or being cons tracted to serve, the properties 40M on said plan, number 5,95o lb It is a further --term of this sal e and purebase that if" the final cost to the Corporation of t he said house when a om-, pleted is less than Four Thousand Dollars th en a grant of.the amount by which such final cost is less than Four Thousand Dollars ................. ...... shall be made by the Corporation to the Purchaser and paid to him in cash forthwith of such* final co s been determined. rK H VI gg, NN 10 LI .completed is more than' Four Thou -,and Dollbris, then a grant of the amount by which such final cost exceeds Four Thouc--and ijoll,-- rs shall be made by 'the vor-poration, to tt e -Veteran by the �orporL­-,ti on indemnifyine and savin-, harmless the Veteran �A:;-a ins t any claim in respect thereof or any portion of the sum bir tivhich such ffn�I cost, A T) 11 1—t .0 You= 4; CA.A. Olt ;This agreement shall enure to the benef it of end, be binding; upon. the heirs, executors' adninis,trators, susses so'rs and assi6ms of 'the, parties thereto. I.N I MT:] S3. 'WHEaEO.F the Pa riti- e s, lier,,E'. t o'haive executed., P, 1C., rt—1 ^t ­-7-, ,­n 7 -r-1 p 7 1 SI WED.,, - SE :M; RED ALED and DEL 1. in the pr- e s"ene e of: i. • I. r. • • OL r. 1. . ..' :'.1Y1 . . . . . . . • 1—t .0 You= 4; F. SCHEDULE "D" 7 H 13 A, GREMI-rENT. mad e this 31st day of !.,'a rch,, 194-70, e t w e e n: 1 E 07 _E0"r11-_.C_N V T= Cal C Rl- 0 R-A T C CF1 x f?'I• - hereinafter called the \C 0 itl- C)Rk TI C NT T ' �J, �S C? T J7 PART: and lion, o f "the Town of Mlk lowmnville, in the County of ijurham,- eT Veteren of the war 139-5, hereinafter C a 11 e d the PURIHAS� V TH-W -M-4:0.0ND PA RT: that the e VaTI 7.&33ETH Oorpo'rL t ion agrees to -sell and th 1?urcha.ser a gre e S' to' purchase the lands and' rarer -nises in the Town of ,7 T-71, 7, 71. D t 1.1" Lot number 12'on the north side of Veterans?, Avenue accorain-­ to Plan number 595, et or for the price'of Four Thousand Dollars suable- Two Hundred' 101lars'es a deposit (receipt of which is h c--. re by acknowled6'ed) and 'Three Thousand and Licht Hundred Dollars when a deed under the seal' ' of the 'oruoration Cnd ree f rom encumbrances is delivered to the :Purchaser.. The prealis es covered by this agr4ement consist of, a dwelling house end the lands a p . urt enant thereto being one of eighteen dwelling 'houses erected or being erected by the Corporation for sele to war veteralns-. ...... ..... . ....... . ..... .......... --------- --------- Verm, ..,of.- thi-s­ sale -said SUM Of Four Thousand Dollars is to inc I ude'. the amount whit h bu for th J- s Provision of this agreement., would be 1 e.vi ed against the -said yremises as the cost of the installation of sewer and wete.r mains •..'mow constructed or being constructed, to serve the properties shown on said Dlan'number 595, It is fu'ith6r 'a term of tbi s,.'sale, and purchase that If t. b tq f i innl­ P. n.q t. • t. n th a C n irsnn•-ra t. i nn n f t-1ho -mai'A hrviiada UrIndarl t% ^M_ 'A 4 31 is IWOUM ,a F 1' F e tp; TOLUMI PT 77-1171" MPI 773 $t It is a further terns of thi s sale and purchase that ' SCHEDULE "E'" ifs the THIS AGREM ?T made' this 31st day of March, 1947 the said house when com- B e t w e en: T E ' C 011&0 R, _ T I0 'N CF THE T*0142' C ' EC". P1:A NVI LL E is less than Four Thousand Dollars then a gran t of the amount by which such final cost is less hereinafter called the- 001120RAT ION _ x= ,. OF THE MA-C JT P r, RT shall Q. �r and i Purche ser and paid to him g: in cash forthwith after ter such final , cost has been determined. EDVOx.�-W TIE of the Tovm of BowmU.nvi.11e, _ in th e v ounty of Durham, a Veteran of the war 1939 -45, _ hereafter ^al led the PURCHASER OF THE SECOND, PART wITNESSETH 'that the Corpora.tio' afire es to, sell and tie Purchaser agrees to purchase the lands and premises in the Tom o f" .5 . Bov, man .11e in- the County of Durbam more described as ,particult-_-'rly _... __. Lot number 1.3 on, the north si:d.e.. of ..�TetBrans� _,.venue _ y according to Plan nuifter, 5,95, - ; at or for the price of Four T!�hausand vollars payable Two Nuncred Dollars as a deposit (receipt of �whis h is he re bv' acknowledged) and Three iousand and ,Eight i�undred Dollars when a, deed under the seal of the Corporation and - free from encumbrances is delivered to the Purchaser. The premises covered by this eEreernent consist of a g dwelling house and the lands appurtenant thereto being one of eighteen dw ell ing houses erected c r, being erected by the Gorpora•t ion f o.r .' sal e to _war ..ve'te'rans.., It is a.- term of thi s, sale and purchase that the, sa id sum of Four 'thousand Dollars ,is, to, ine lud a the amount'. whic",h, but fors this provision of thi. s ;agreement , vrould be 1 evied against the said premises es the cost of th a installation o-f sewer and water mains now. cons true ted o;r being constructed to serve the properties shown on, said 'clan number 595 • 773 $t It is a further terns of thi s sale and purchase that ifs the final cost to the 0orpor€a ion of the said house when com- b pleted is less than Four Thousand Dollars then a gran t of the amount by which such final cost is less than Your Thousand Dollars x= 3 shall be made by the Corpore.tion to the Purche ser and paid to him g: in cash forthwith after ter such final , cost has been determined. y J;. 773 $t m, -r • It is further a, term of this sel a and purchase that -if the final cost to the said Cornor,- t ion of t e SCIL h. cus e when completed is .gore than dour Thousand Dollars, then a -rar.t of the t , e punt by which such final cost exceeds Four TT, ou > t n DoIl'a rs shall be m&de by the Corpora: ti on to t == V by the Corpor,_tion indemnifyinL; and saving harmless the Vetert_.Z a LninAs t an T cl r�, in S res -c;ect the.r'eof or any ports on of the siza 1,J W`lich such finE.1 colt =�w , n.. nu... FN,. envve,.mkeeern,.vws. xm «a«e.. :..:knA 9 L i _..,.. M,?l�ttiMNAWI RiYYk I'% f! Yi7.+: 1i '�����r�)}j�17vIiH'�/�i11rtM;�1 ♦9 i' d ;d m' V You= x , e , , : JJ r, , _ 1 ' �� i - r n 1 Sr r .r r ,� 1 , � ii�+o i. rur•v . , o l , r � „ 1� r. - : ' 'i � Y 1 . i =�w , n.. nu... FN,. envve,.mkeeern,.vws. xm «a«e.. :..:knA 9 L i _..,.. M,?l�ttiMNAWI RiYYk I'% f! Yi7.+: 1i '�����r�)}j�17vIiH'�/�i11rtM;�1 ♦9 i' d ;d m' V You= x =�w , n.. nu... FN,. envve,.mkeeern,.vws. xm «a«e.. :..:knA b, .�, � �� .. �. �„ r .. r. � r. .� . . r. .�. .� � r.� .. rrr �. ,.i i .. .�r ��. r. ... � .rrrr rr .`rJr •.I ril +lSYVyrY. 'IY •v�lrllllfll{llllil�.lr ll it \1.r{rir,rr rrl l,.'rrrrl lri 11 r 1 1..1. 11 1 11'7 Vi,Yf'1' I 1' 0 1, 1 � � v 1. rrlr •. r...Ir .r rr•,r �r, +.J •v•I,. tr 1 I rr1 }" �� 1 � . r..r r a rl uyu YIr �.r L. � �r�� —� •I rl ' • .'r . ^^yy�� ...{.•..;•..4WN/NYYMr�Y WIW4�itirt1'wlti +�fl /)� ram r r TOLUMS 41 i�' it 3 -.. . h; -.l x . -x., g. .s !Sv. ^u. -t mss. .. 3 - ... .r .. .�.. -. _ �.. ,. ... .s _ -,.,c .._ n.t ..P .,. -. ,.- . -:,.. {,. G.. ,.. , « °P Y. ?�....,. �P :R.. .s.•...s 'M SCH E)ULE "G" CIS .�'� GRE ��T mad a this 31st day o f Ma rah , 194 . B e `i ,'W a e n f/ THE C C RP C Rt TI C N CF Tu L T 0'#12T C 1P BO "'il,:L1� V LL E f , hereinafter ,called the CC T'? C.N FTTM,. and ":. J'. ROSS TZ cnTIGuT, of the Town of owm.anvi lle , in the Counkl' of Durham , a Yeteran of the wrr 1939 -45 i hereinafter called tbe, PUR I R 0 �' THE S E 0 ND PART WIM, 2SS "E'1IHI that the ;Corpora t ion 'agrees to sell and the 1 Purchaser agrees to purchase' the lands and re is ee n the , Town of .Bowman vi 11e in the County of Durham more particular) described S. 4 , 1 _r _r. :. Lot number $ on the -south _Av' r ........ ....... � � u. e o f v e' t e z a n s � v en a -e _ .. _ _. �._. .. _ . � . _ .,.,_ . � _.__�_ __,_._ according to Tan number 595 at or for the, price of Four Thou sand ,Dolla r.s pay€�ble Two,. Fund red Dollars as a d eposi t ( receipt of which is hereby acknowledged)and Three Thousand and Eight Hundred Dollars when a deed under the seal 4 of- the Corporation and free from encumbrances is delivered to the Purchaser. The vremises covered by this areement consist of a rlr dwell in house and the lends appurtenant there to being ore of eighteen dwelling 'houses er' ect.ed or being erected. b the Corporation - e . _ . fo r '. s al e to, .war veterans, ....Lt is a term tof sale and purchase that the sa id �ha,.s� i , sum. of .Four Thousand Dollars is to 1 no ur a the amount which , but for this p mvis ion of this agreement, would b e 1 eva ed a ga in st the said - - premises as t he cost of the ins tall ati of of s ewer and wa.t er rnai ns ' now construe tea or-being cons true ted to serve the properties shown.,, t on said plan aumber 595 • It is a further term of this ,sale and purchase that E -if -the .f in,6.1 ' cost to the Corporation of the said house when com- 9 pleted is less than Four Thou sand Dollars then a grant of the amount by whic h such final cost is less than Four Thous end Dollars shall be made by ,the Corpora: t i on to the Purchaser and paid to him in cash forthwith after such final cost has been determined. AS VOLUMS. It r i i.. r r , 'A�411- 3Ai�ff'.b. ' �!)1M' r .++Hr.wwr.rww....r.... .... -. •..ter..: rYl , ri F" J :° , ,,_,1;. __ ; .,,, ,. < ..�- r._.w -.. ,- gym: _.. ;ss3. : a :. .,_ i� ,. z M 4. , .. sr _ . ... .... s ..+�._ �._ rof n „. :�' � _ .,r,>f� _ z' .,`"v ..� .. s _ �.- .€'. i... �« _.x.x� �.. .� ,fie .�... ,z . i°h' ts, r-a<.. �.as. ih , � F 7& . � ro a _ -„s'�i �s .�*°s• , z "ryom -e ; , -F va - e _may ex •. 1 1 - j T"IS A GPEZ173LIST made this 31 s t d a v of I a r c h - 1947. Betwe'en _ THJ CHPOR'.TION .0T , Ta, Y, CF EC-�' � 1N la LLB, hereinafter called the CC Id' 0.1 TI ON OF T�T. F1 RS T - PART an Ci PM "YT, -'C Y.0 KC''.AZ , of the Town of' Bow i a.n vi l le , In outy o f urnY %, a Veteran of the war 1939-45, hereinc. f ter "c all ed the PUR HY. SER 07 TFIE S ECOND PART: WIT n. DOETH? ' the t the C orrorE- t ion a Frees to sell anal the w, Turci aser_aErees. to purchase the lands and premises in the I:owr.L 'of Bvvvmanvi.11 e in the County of Durh -.:.A�, more p�:rticul"arl,y' described �.s: i , log► Mitt b e sou th side o� '' tePi�� hs - ,venue - - eccording to Plan number' 595 at or f or, the p rice o.f Four Thcu sa nd dollars pafa ble Two Hundred Dollars as a deposi f (receipt of wh�ieh i,s hereblr a cKnnovi edged) and Three Thcu sand and might 1�u�ndred voila rs when a d eed under the' s eat of the Corporation and free from encumbrgnc es is delivered to the. Purchaser. The premises covered by this a greeme' n eons is of a dwellin house and the lands appurtenant thereto, being one of eighteen dwelling houses erected or being erected by the �orport on• for sale to war veterans. � , sale-and nurchas e thy t ''th e said . ... ...... -.. ....... - is a er�"ri o tl. is • s -sum, of Four, T'..au..�and Dollt-:rs is "to include the amount which, . but for ., t th.,is provision of this Tree s. , - , �'. p er t vro .�ld be 1-e :1.e� - aJe nst -the �� id yF remises as the cost of the, ins tr-- _15 tion of sewer and viater Ir:ains now constructed or , bei' cons trac ted to serve the properties sh, own ' on said elan number 595, It is further a terra of this sale and purcha. se, that if the final cost to the corporation of the said hous a when com- pleted is less than Four Miousend Dollars then a grant of the amount by which such f final cost Is less than Four M ouc-and Dollars 41 shall be made by the v'orpor:--t ion to' the Purchaser and 4paid to him in flash forthwith aftex such final cost has been determined. -£t You= 4 A- M�wllvAWl"- mi", Apt& -TV_ 4 TOLUMB Est .`: • - ., ^.... i i TTU3 AGREKM7- made this 31st day of. March,, 1947s. ° $e tw.e en: rT' THE V'C 1 `i ' o 1 �.C� a T T O N C, 11 i .".+ F B OM -71'3 Y 1 Li. E hereinafter ca li ed the 0O P0-11 %T ION t OF THE F1 1.13T PART: - and - u x -, CARL A. ROGER3 , of the Town of ovJmanville, in the amount y of Durhem', a Veteran of the war '1939-459 hereinafter called thre PTJ ACHP.3 R OF THE SECOND PART :. p WITNESS TAI that the Corpora tipn •agrees to sell and the Purchaser agrees, to purchase the 1E�_nds and premises in the ` �,.o re pia rti cu 1 arl o'f Bo � *rma,nvi 11 e in the County of Durham � y. Town - , .ti r , .described as .s a Lot 5 on, the south side of Veterans? Avenue .. • acc ord ink to 'l an number 5 95 . at or . for the price of Four Thousand Dollars payable Two Hundrsd Dollars es a deposit ( receipt of which is hereby acknowledged) amid Three Thousand and Eightlundred Dollars when a deed under the s eal of the. Corpor :_ tion and free from encumbrances is delivered to the Purchaser p The remises . covered b y this reement a consist of a a _ g , dwelling' house and th a lands appurtenant thereto being one of - t , eighteen dwelling houses ' erected ' or being erected by the Corporation .0 f.or sal. e- to. war veterans. It. is a., term of this 'sale and purchase that the said sum .,.of Four- -Tho- 'isen�l Dollars; -is to include the amount which, but for •th',is provision o f this agreement , would' b e l e vi ed against the s a id r I premises as the cost of the installation of sewer and water mains now constructed or being constructed to serve the properties shown on said plan number 595 • It is further .4. tern of this sale' end purahasd that if the final cost to the Corporation of the• said, house when com- A . � , pieted is less than Four Thousand Dolla rs then a grant of the by f final i less than Four Thousand Dollars - amount which such cost s shall, be made by the Corporation to the Purchaser and paid to him ire cash forthwith after such final cost has been determined. ik r .,:r, ' c 1 ...,ms�µy ._..,_.._,„.., _. ..,.. ,... _... :. .. ,... ,. ... .. awM.r+caanw*Aae*x '�• R'a7pd a r . r- r S TOW n x< SCHEDULE "K" T IS' AGRE '2:"ENT made this 31st day of Nash, 194, B e t w e e n: THE 1%"W10RP011U.TION .CF THE T0111"IN OF 8��t�i-.�;A�T��LE� ,. hereinafter called• the CO;UORATICN r , OF THE FIRST PART: _ and REGITTYID RACKH.U. , 'of th e Town of owm�nville, in ..the County of Durham, a r Veterah of the war 1939-451 hereinafter •called the TU, S R OFY, TH.E »S EC CND . PI.HT �J ITIVE�SETH that the Corpor ;tion agrees to sell and. the" Purc'hasar akrees to purchese the I &nfls and premises in the + Town o f Bo v�man vi l le in the County of narti cults rly Durham more described as: Lot 4 on the s outh side o f Ve terans l 1 -venue according to Plan number 5,95 at 'or f or' the price of Four Thous-and bo11a rs payable Two Hundred' Dollars as a deposit ('rece'ipt, of which 'is hereby acknowledged) and Three Thousand and Eight Hundred Dollars when a deed under the seal of the Corporation 'and free from encumbmac' es is a elivered to the Purchaser. The premises covered by. tti s agreement consist of a dwelling house and the lands appurtenant thereto being; one . of eighteen dwelling houses erected or' beiri6 erected by. the Corporation . ry fo r sale to war, vet a ran s It is a term of this sale and purchase that the said , sum of •. Four -Thousand Dollars is t o - • ,include t �e amount wh is h , but .for - • this provision o f+: this a6reement , woula be 1 evi`ed a6ains t the •,sa id e premises as the cost of the installation of sewer and water mains now cons true ted or being constructed to serve the properties shown, on said plan number 595•. It is further a • term of this sal a and v purchase that if,, the final cost to the Corporation of the said house when com- pleted is less then Your Thousand Dollars then a grant of the mount by whic h such final c os t is less than Four Thousand Dollars shall be made by the Corporation ` to the Purchaser and paid to him in , as sh forthwith aft er ' such final a os t 'has, been determined : - - p - .; I , .. �._ „ 1._ 1, , _� . i }:, ; - , 11 I I , . _ .. r:, a W" r . . . ' I I— ��, �� :. • I ., It is a f urther term off' th#s sale andr purchas6, that' , , , , � 11— if the Pinal cost to the sari Corpora ti on of the said hous "e when completed i s mo e than r,our Thousana Dollr rs, then a ' grant of the y . . , , amount by which such final cost exceeds � our Theusazid Dollars shill • , . - $ :, 31� be nade blT the Cor- poration to the Veteran by the �orpora.tion I'll 1 I • , / '� _1, l indemnifyi` n ' and saving harmless the Veteran aC,ai nst any claim aim in 2 , ­1V L I .� I'll reof or any rorti on of the sura by which such f �inal co st �� � � � respect 1. , I �� ,: "11111 I . ,thereof . y . , ec eeds r'our ',hou sand Dollars . � �, h' 1 I 11 I ;k ,. I I This agreement shall enure to . th e 'bene fit of and b e , , _ binding upon the heirs, executors, administrators, suc3essors and ,, ' I . � �,, . . #{ - 11 assigns. of ,the parties the re to, - . .- i 111. e; 11 :: . ._ _ ............ . „ . _ , .. _ ., ,, _ . ,_ I?� 'I IM 33 I,ErE� ' 'the parties hereto Piave executed I Ili .�0v . _„ 1: 11. ... f _ . t Y . _ M , , ., , . _: .. ,., ... ��ss!!��yyp�?Y, . . r , , - n ,, ... V .. - 1. " 11. I I r ., .. � ., , "' _, i : ,. �, 11 I'll, I SIGNED � SZ,ALM and DELIV _.. D j . , 1 t r I ti� . , .. .. 1 . in' the presence of : .. 5 _ • " .I I 1 I .. r r 1 I 1 I ; F .- Far .,. .. r I.:y Ir r, � r � .. . I r.. • , • . .. 11 11 .v , W ' 1 . �_.: P , . ., . ., 1. , Y 11 . .. .. .. . " .. r, , 11 it 1' .. r ti I , YI ' .11 I. 11 t • I ,.1 , , I 1 U n :T r:. , ' ' �y I r if W. • I , r ,. r i • 11 . :.. l 11 :. 1. 11 • ,. ' I 11 .• , 11 r 11, I 1 ' ...� • , rr• � . .. . •. '' I I' .. .. . ., . .-_ __. _ __ _ - 11 } . I` ,. . • .. ...,,, r .: _ _ . ,r 1 I L. ,.. ,� r , `x.1 , r - _ .,. .. -,-., ., .. .n.- .. -.-... ..,. 1._ r - ., 1. ,. .. �: , t ,..,.. •. .l •.. r.4• .. .' 1 .: _.'.. , • .. b AA A 'i.to: k 9 , Y '.'Ntc%AA � -,v :- -x, .-.. «. v. .,r._. ,.. -: . ._.. , ... :' . r., r..,r , .1 ,: .:: ..� t . ... :..:: ...::.' :,� , , .., d '} .4` ..4 , , n' ,' k54G"\Li� /.. iW. -�.:. ..l...v�..«,« .- (11116. ._ +..r -.. ,....+Bih 1>tYY till f'k "A'n1b:1rS2vWL. MC. $ i•ur...+�Y•+. -- i1fJ,lfe:AWNkN.PxhA.T Jb.kt Fk«- R •.:4+•t.*..r.:n+.«..w.•.fn...«• warm'.- R.I�i1wF..f,f•M1'�tfY•1 - 1,<+•� +II...Fti?nro «•d•1.4C &r .4.w �l+,i.ienk- S71t�` irh.�'Y ,F '1L. ISF.iN �d t , u .. r .. , , , • _ _.. _ ,. ,' 1. . I .: ,. . 1 '., 1 , ... .' ,1 ._�. .._. .__,_..� _�..�a�.�� �.r__....- .— .- r.._.,.w... �. . 1..� , 1-i. \Y 5.1111'�iq\ \YAl'uy..•IPT�r•,O* nn•t, `••t •�^♦•° �� ......+,...�.�,..•r.�.�....__. �....f— ,....,_e.�,..- .�...�.�.L _r V._..�.. _ — .. _ _ — `�.�._.:�..y��.- _ _ ._. -. .� • f , • 1i1 ' • • u , I -r r .• -..: . . 11 J _ - ,. .. . ... - , :. .. , ,f ,1-. '1 • , i ♦ , .. ,. , , r ' 1 f. 1 1 . - . "I ll . R , . ,Y s' t .. , ,, ,. ,. I ' ">�`,Ir r. 1 11 ,. ' .' , ai - ':1' , „ . , ,- r 1 i. , ., ,. , , r t .. • , H • • it 4 , r . 1v I . . f 11 , ,..1 t • rt ,. O , .Y ,', .: �1 - , I r' ,, �, ,. y , r 1 1 .. I :% , ,' a ,Y. ..� _ 1 - ., ''1 „ r1. , .. I . ,ws 1 .* , ,.. 11 ..••, a >. ... . , . .: '.. _ :' _ ... r . I • , .' . ' . , _, , r .. .._ U a . '. ,.. t 1 .l ' , } 1 ,. I t .,r. ,'1 . , .. , _ _ :. , .. „ _. J� A 1,„ f' . r ,, , , , ly: • ,..... l '. ,1 .. I ., ',i ..,, . d. 1 ., „ , \ .. r . . . . -.. '. ` f {' - 11 . . Y ,- r • , , . ,. d f, . ., , r ., .. •'. • 1 ., '. . ,, r _ - , t ' ,' . 1 r •p 1 ,. J s i w " _,, .., 1 ,: .. ., -.. .,1:.. ... ,�,.,.: t. :.,:, .,. n., .r +,...: r, �. ,Y t,,." ,, .. ,[ ,l -. 11 ,-nw , .. , ,.. ... r ,.nr._.., r ,..,, ,. ,: h�.,. r ,�_.. Y. ,. v 1, ,, _ , 1. I .. .. -. ,r t 1 \R , , , a' 1 _ ,�, y w „ i i,. ,,, r -. , ,,.. ., I. 1 .... ...... ...... .. ....�,. ,. , _, ,.,. _.s r,.w - I ' - . 11 _ ... .. .. ., ...._. . -.. .,. ..... ..,� r I 11 . ,. . .. ' .fin r. ` f, . , .',I ,_ 1 1 ' ,, r ' y' "53 4 at reLr' „S G'jY.i ...J3.`k`r \ `n'� °a :S :.r' �:; :S p - , ,_ .* tig .': r. ., =,� : , c+.F ':,, - Y r : - �.. . -_. -, - .eti •_ N- e,, .. . 1 _ -. .. .. = ., SCHEDULE "L" _ 41 r �c TIS kGREEII 1EITT made. this. 31st , day of l�larch, 19479 Between: r. THE CCU-. ,, G I.TION ,C THE TU',1 CF EUv' - 1_i7lIrLE, hereinafter ck 1led the CC !1 CAN .- - (" ,�, fir. 11.J T: 1 � � � �. L+' 1 l • - and - ��t. BLT�.T: SYEK, of the Towri o f F�owrnanv ills , ka , in, the County of i)urha;j:, a :Veteran- of the wa.r 1939 -45, l here ine ft er called, the PUR1,3H ;_3ER - CF 711 �j 13: 1 1TNE'SETH that the Cory)ore tion agrees to s elf and f be Furehe s e r '& rePs to purchb se the l��:�nd s �1n(i realises, it the :. T1 .a ,ail J,...r ,.• ,, .... .. .. ,,,,.. f^.. ., ;n .�:. 1r.1 ''q ., ,.. ..•.. e!� „' +•1 „'A fC J'�.T,�...... r.. .!f -. a1. ^,. fH �i...'i:i .,i,'! „�.I* orl N.T” .'' r, r :. �.'.: .. s Y ..�..S_.' ii _ 1__.., _f �.<. LL... J -. : described .as Lot 3 on the south sid e o f Veteranst. venue a- ccord.in - to Plan nur-rlber 595 at or �f or th -e r-) ri c e of Four' Th-- -u-sdna l)ol "G rs payable, 1p vo Tiund red, i f Dollars as a de;)osit (receipt of wThich is h6=;reb;T ac'<- nrxv1ed6- ed) and Three Thousand nci .mil ,ht hundred Dollars wheri a deed under the seal s¢ C. r of the Corporation and free -from encumbrances is d' elivered to the Purchaser. The premises covered by this a Lr'eement consist of a A dwellinL.; house and the lr,ands a pvaurt enant 'thereto being; one of. e el �Zhrt een d rveli ing houses erected , or be,inx erected by-the .3orp orat ion ry. for sale to- user veterans, ♦ , . - - . -': , e , : 1, s x It i s a t rl,: of this sale and purchase tha t the said { 1 sum of Four Thousand Dollars is to include the amount which but for , • 4 - this provision of this aree_ent, would be levi�ed agains t the said 1t ( premises as the cost of the installation of sewer 'and water mains fi now constructed or being constructed to serve the properties shown =A I c on said Dl an number a 595, s It is further a teen of this sal e, and purchase that if the f i4al, cost to the Corporation of the'' sa'id house when eom- ; pole ted i s less than Four Thou sand Doll a rs then, a gran t of the ti amount by whi a sue h final cost is 1 s than Four Thousand Dollars _es shall be made b the Corporation to the Purchaser and aid to him Y P p in sash forthwith after such final cost has been deterrn in. ed iZ�:M1. r ... �. �• ,..,..�... :.:.. .... .. ......r . �., ..... -. ..: �.. -.�.. ..... _....... -._ . -... ,. M r: r r ,. 1 ... .. -,.... � f : .; . s .. � : r f ! �.1 ynA ' r. ' r VOL= It sr • F3 • 0 M' It is a, furthet term of this sale and purdbase that if the final cost to the said Corn-oration of the said house when cofanleted is more than Four Thousand vol le rs then a n t of the I I gt am VOL= X1 yci A! �i S C H EDUL E r. THIS, AGRM.f-ENT made this- 31st day of March, 1947 B e t w e e n•= TI- `� C flRP 0 .: TI CT�� c E ' Try Tc�',' lT CF B O'�',TT.;� 1\7vrl LL E , hlU11 } he reina f ter called the CO!U1 CzL*_T10N C' T ''EE FI � 3T PART and RICHARD PizTFIEhD , o #' th e flown ofr. b owmanville , in the County of Durharrl a Veteran of the war 1939 -45 1 hereinafter called the IU., 1``3'Fj3ER ,r OF 7FIE SECOND PART: , ':, •qtr -. .. ' VvUT %TE;S9ET1i tha t the Corporation agrees to,. ell and the Purchaser .agre,es to purchase the lands and preraises in the. ! Tov.tn of Bowmi:;, 1vi_lle in the County of Durl m more particularly r • r :.r _. Ascribed e.s Lot 2 on the north s id a of ' Second 'Street', according to Plan number 595 it or ,for the price of Four Thousand Dolle_ rs payable Two Hundred Dollars as a deposit (receipt of which is, hereby acknowledged) and Three Thousand and Eight 11undred Dolla rs when a 'deed under the seal of the Corporation and free from enumbrane es is delivered to the � . remises covered b thi s agreement consist o f a Purcha ser a The p dvelling house and the lands appurtenant thereto bein g one. ' Of'. eighteen dwelling houses erected or being erected by the Cor oration ,p , w r - for sale to war veterans. It r i s a t Arm o f this s ale and purchase tha. t the sai d sum of Four-' Thousand Dollars is` to ir;cl ude the , amount which, brit fo r thi's provision of this agreement, would be levied against the s'ai'd premises as the c o st a of the installation of sewer, and water mains, aow constructed or being cons true ted to serve the properties shown on sai d plan number 595 • i It is further a 'term '.of this sale and 'purchase that ., ; if the final'' ost to the Corporation of the said house when com-- v pl eted is less than Four Thousand Dollars then e, g r&. nt of the ' amount bar, - tijhich such final cost is less than Four Thousand Dollars s1111 be made by the Corpora. tion to the Purchaser and paid to him Ifi eash forthwith ,ef ter such, final cost has been determined. • r r uwrlrl ,r. al; v .a A.0 yP. r*IW r'+h rr i l.. 1 ,. ..,. .. .•rr .h: . r •�rrw1�'r."` 44 .. ,.. ... a:.rnmu _ •. ..u"Iwr,'tlM'iF1Yw+Mpasl t.. .. i'lilQS= s <Irv. r. .. -. -. .r,.. TOLUMS ` > F': `- `..+x:'r"?+S- ,iilr 3 g iU• Iw. -dY' ghat-- s''`}a:. ",, S'` _.` J s ''} ,'z t'z'v; ,s+,` �i :•:; ', xr .r:. :_ m � R �i v,f E• e; 1 .,: ... , , •lip Yr i � � �. _ Q. , 1 „ x. • ' ' r ' fr 1 ! , : 1. r .. V: '! .. s. Y r U.., ., A, ('.., ,, ... ... r _ — ..._ .2.... , .. al • . . I '�`,�, ., a .7 _. _... —.. — ,. V r�:., ,. n -L ¢k£ ✓ ro�.vc S. ;r, tf P'�t7"'tlk# §s -:,