HomeMy WebLinkAbout1436+' C 3 wit uh d x.._.. „.,F••. ,_ .. _ ,.,r..,. L .x<. v. .L..fi,..,. _...::7 +1-... .e.., ... ,_. ,. ;,k,.:. 5 ... - ..,..... m, : - s, ...—, -..: , . ' - :: ^:., r. ..” i - +..: +- :'' t. ,'z _ _ `�" ...vas .v... v T BY -LAW No 1436 A By -Law of the 'Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville, for the appointment of a Superintendant of the Roads and Streets and Sewerage System in the Town of Bowmanville. The Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanvilie`" hereby enacts s follows*- J�/ be and he i s hereby appointed as a That � Y P y Superintendant of the Roads and Streets Department and Sewerage System within the limits of the Town of Bowmanville at a salary G of�i�f� �',� per annum, payable monthly. � r It is further enanted that the duties• of the said Superintendant is to take' an active working part in all works of the said Depa' rtmen't and see that all workmen are carrying on the work satisfactory and to report to the Roads and Streets Committee before any new work is Y undertaken, giving approximate cost of labor and material for same. It is also further enanct ed that shall the above named official so aippointedl, negle C ct any of the duties of his office or be guilty, of Y " any: , conduct untie c omiu 8 an officer of t hi's Corporation, sue# officer shall forthwith be dismissed by the- Mayor or Town Council. l Passed the Day .of 1 r r : k or • F : ..e .. .. .,........_.... .,y.._...J.....v..x,s...- .-,..} r,.,�,.r ._..— ........�...- __,.n.:'i •r 1� . .. ... ....�.. ..- ..., . .. '[',•- "'_- -_WIC— ___ _.. _ -._ .. .. _. -- r iv r l . mwrww< w.«.._... w. ..,.,..,a.- +- _+r + /.•w...+.w.'r+ .oav (...•,,.ew..n •.e.an. nmamvvv q, p..Yrwruo• .6 _ 4 ..:.v....r -�,. *"j'1;.• I. r , • 1' r' r rr • -= 11 r 1 , r r 1: s J 1 ~3. :, ... .�.._.._..�.._, ...-. ..,...,w -s.y.. ..p,.....lr . �N7.°3. ..Irea , . , ,..+. , ::•: 1 , ; —v ,r • .. -. 1',- - 5 " r r u , „ � r.;. � p,: ,- ., '. :_. � � ,� � ' •/• 111 - � s 1 z 1, r y� / t• , i � r r f 2. t I <.r. . l f i ll t i br vl¢Kh•�Ir'{ r +?q4 .ir�i / ,.p.'. 14L,Ae,I .1.,,,5} I b ivxllla ill r �, y