HomeMy WebLinkAbout1428A by-law to provide for licensing and regulating of public halls �G u 2 (i ). No owner, shall operate a public' hall, or allow any building or part thereof to be used as a public hall unless he holds a public hall licence issued by the treasurer of this nunicipalit�r for which the fees payable shall be as follows. Grade 1 - For a hall having a licensed capacity of Y y over 1,000. pers on.s Grade *2, -- For a hall havin6 a licensed' capacity of between 999 and 600 persons � Grade 3 -- For a hall having a licensed capacity- of between, 599 and . 300 persons Grade 4 -- For a hall having a l iG ensea capacity of , d© under 300 persons provided that a L im1 ted Public Hal] Lie e'nc a permitting not more -_ _.. - Fr..',er (qa1 pF4Flh 4p 3 KI _ah n one meeting or entertainment in any - calendar month or not - - more, than, ten meetings or entertainments in any calendar year may be issued for any hall ' usuall y used, f"or other purposes upon pay went of, one-half-the license fees. , (i i) For the transfer of a pabl is -hall licence a f �e o of shall, be a i`d • t o the tree surer by the transferee., �. No license fee shall•.• b e, payable under this. by -law, by any religious organization in respect of as hall used for entertainment Y y %g4ven or held' b it but ever such hall shall in , all % of er respects oip1 y _ .•. _ _t•h this by =�.aw 4 . o Every, appli.cati on f or" a pub! ie, hall 1 icene a shall be accompanied by, (a) a statement on the f orm provided by the treasurer giviag such particulars as to the location 'size -end construction of the hall, as may be required- - (b) a certificate signed by the fire chief certif' in. g that he ha-s inspected the .building in respects of which the ' application is made and has found that i t is in % s acsc ordanc a with thi s by -lair as to fire safety pre - aaut ons y a ( ") ±a oertif iaate' signed by the chief of pol foe: certlff J �p VOL 4 ._ ... . ,.u. .. :.. .. _. -... ... .. a .... .. °. ... .. . >... .. x. .... .?`. a...t w... r. n.. . _ ., ........- a � °i. H.M ;.y ?vim. } y .�'. 3.`7 . .. �.<.. ,. ,.�,- a. ,_.. ,,,�. .a , :r .9 ... .,.. ,. .:.: ... .,-�. -w ,�, .. K,.. .._�.. ,. +. -s ,- :F ..`-€ .. ._.,. - .- ,.�,.x .k... aa. ,�.^*,,. m' ...,.;� -w:a:x bt, -�= ,use , x. � .. ..�- ..,wig r ,w� AN M �- 4 - with the blank f illed in wi th th a max imum cap ac ity s ; s tated on' the lie ense , and placards s tat inb the, location of the nearest tele ohone, the telephone number of the fire department ' an d the' location of 'the 'nearest fire alarm, box or fire hall. iv) For the purposes' of this section;- (a} the floor area of a public hall steal l ' not include the floor areas of any platform, sta6e, washroom, kitchen, cloak room, hallway, entranceway, stairway, stairwell or any other ante room adjacent to or used in con Inection with such public hall 1 (b� no •person employed or serving on or in. any of the floor areas mentioned in clause ' (a) shall be counted in _ e , , z; .. .- ..,,...... . . .. •. , ,: :., �..n..'�::� .;. 1rn!,,.rrrr , r a.r.m��r,m . �•.. -rrn,t n r v m,n•lre'o + nr1r 1 r. <..« ° r. m , a nn r r, r ( trvr. l. r.rm.t,.. 'd m. rr nr . ' t<r rt rno o rr, a . *..ra,mv�.. . r m•< na li•'r , •nr..r ,, 'rrr• lv .. e .1, <. ,r, ,.:r t .,,.. i' 'u � r.l•rrq.� .,m,. ,r l ,r,. . t the ri- u.�: m; "; o., .e.. ,r •.',1 r, r : r hall .. �,.._...::............,. W,.., r,.. �,_.....,..:.. W., ��„..: v:. ..w_..,....x.«:..�,.........� .. .....:... .:.... .,.:,.,.. .,, ,.....�� ....,. .............,,... ,,._..,... .. ,.,.- ,..�r.,,...r , . ,..r. ,.... ,,. .�ar�n <.F -..... ,...,><......�.,.. ,. ,....r.. r...�s..< ..�.rM ,r._, , (' 69 (i) In every pub l is ' hill having. rows of fixed seats there shed in addition to the space at the-. front and rear of the hall, be aisle space -of not less than forty -four inches in width for every 200, M persons or fraction thereof for which the hall i s licensed . , ki) In- every public hall having rotivs of movable seats . there shall , in addition to the space- at the front and rear of . the -� hall , be aisle space of not less tf, an f o:rty -four inches in width for Every • 150 persons or fraction thereof for which the hall is licensed an &o centre- sea.tinf, section shall coin more th6n fourteen seats in a row and no seating section running to a. side wall shall contain more than seven 'seats in a row . ti (i i i) In , every public hall having chairs and. tables there hOLll , in addition t o' the space at the front -and rear of the hall, 4s and in addition to an s ace used for dancin or an entertainment : Y p Y t be clear aisle space of not less than twenty -tvo inches in width between rows • of tables and eha irs , f or not more than two persons , JJI t thirty -six inches between ,rows of tables and chairs for not more than four perzons and forty -f our inches in width between rows of tabl eg and r JIM chairs for more than four, persons at an individual table r v; r : a„ -3 , r i r v) Lovable scuts s all not be permitted it balconies or galleries on' which the floor is arrani;ed as ste q. c p ` (v) �'�here an exit is located a t the side of the hall havin g movable or fip e seats or chairs and tables there shall be a aros s aisle givinC access to each such exit. ' (vi)' Standing in the aisles additional seats ' e or eddi tional chairs and tables which would reduce the aisle space below the mini- mum required shall not be permitted 70 (i) Every public hall shall have ' a t least two independent exits, each at least three feet in width, located as far apart, as is p structurally feasible, but in no case less than the width of' the hall Vu ,� �► u � � �, o �' the' ie ngth c the hall. ii) where' there are only two exit doors, from a public hall licensed for more than O . 3 0 persons, such doors shall be no t less. than f orty -f our inches in horizontal width, A ' t. (iii) There the l is ens ed naximum capacity of the hall is greater than 400 persons in a building-of fire- resistive � • construction or the hall is on the first or gro urid , floor of a building n - � not of Pi re resistive 'construe tion; additional exits shall-be re • required on the bass Of not less than twenty -two inches of exit width for r. every loo persons or fraction thereof' above 400 srt:, persons, v ere- �t the canse d maximum capacity of the hall is 3 persons in t .'greater than 00 the basement or on the _ sec and . or third.. of a building not of fire resistive construction-additional exits -shall be required on the basis of not less than twenty-two . my -two inches of exit width for every 60 persons or fraction thereof : eof above 300 persons. Sr, (V) Every balcony or gallery in a g y public hall steal 1 have a t x` least two independent means of exit either , . r to the outside : or' to the in floor - lna of the hall_,. 8 • (i,� Every exit door shall open out x p wards. and be equipped . 4 Aped Ath panic - t e hardware only y and .shal.�. not have any look or fastener i r r t s. _ t _:; ��"GJ /.: % =4V��i tl'�� ) �r'� tj�}'/ '. '' ` ,� {t • l 1 1 ... .. '. � ? ... _� _�',. f- ....�., .. ... ...........x., �.l r jam•. wHU. r -' TOLM • � u -1 "I �a �z v . ` k °. r. TOLIM .. �, � � " �.F� a,� � � '�r` 9 � � �- € fi', f ` ✓r ?4.. ,� "' �1 <�� ? kb.,xg gs� f _.+ SC, lb � 2 :... 4, F , " � '_-L, .�.. �, .. z. n� r.•n ,� .. a .£ I r: r • 5:, r , 21. { i j Every public halrl steal l be equipped with sufficient standpipes. and hose to protect every part of the hall k and inter - communicating rooms_ without using more then 75 feet of hose on an standnine connection or with five gallon water , t pump t&nk or equivalent water type fire extinguisher on the ¢: } o square uare feet of floor basis of one such sp n l ., lcance for every 5 e y 1 00 , 5 q �- area or f rac tion thereof, e xc ept where the hall is equipped with , N chairs and tables In which case one such fire fighting appli- ance shall be required for each 1,000 square fee t of floor area or fractibn thereof, provided that the minimum shall be two such x x :Fire fighting appliances, and shall be equipped with fire ex- , tinguishers of such type and number a s . the fire chief may require „ p o eru c p l eTl e er s �. e � � r r L.. r� S. r, •n t i.� "7v ^� r. 1 S. t, . .., .... r..., e ,...,. y ,t, .f, , rooms• u .,.. ,rr., r�. r. x: e, . r. ..,.. .,. f.,' ", ....,....,.: .,,,: .. .... .',w...:.. rr.. .....,r. t:.x, v,wry „vr., r.v,:r •.. ,. ,..r...... ,... ....w..w ... ...... . r,,. Wyr. .......... .. .° .... .., +Y. .... i., .... .•� ...av, ..... .......r. e. ....x .r.r •v , r. Hain. .vnn. •. . .. .ixs, ... c. ... ... : ,..:- ... .... .. ...,.. r ............. ... .... ...... .... ......, ... ..rmn ....;rn•m.: ... ter, .. , ..... , ' I (A i) The f ire chief may require the installation . of an r automatic fire detection system or autbmati6 .: sprinkler system M i any public hall or part or rt s thereof o r in any stairway Pa r _ -or passageway used as an exit from a public hall* x t iii) 'Every fire', extin gu isher' and other' fire f zg'ht.ng a °p liance shall be maintained in good operating. condition and regularly larl inspected eti At - It ikT _ A%-* �'_ - - -A. 2.1 _2 L. 1. Z wA"r� _ -�, -� �., - - .. �, �� :._ ` s� �. �' ��. i.. a� .�� .a >�, r, .E;,, f.0 .�c».e., w_�-'� •�+��sa �.:�''�'� !�az.,;. .� t,_ �' �.a � 'k� :' .,«yet >:!'nl`�"` �•��r'; VDLUNK 4 ;a