HomeMy WebLinkAbout1426t v .. W.... i >4a... ... .. , .... >....,..... :& n iY .. ,.- ..G.,. _.. s ... y BY -LAW No l '• s of the Town of Bowm�anville for -the purpose , ,A By Law 'of the (corporation r k of setting up defined � areae in the ,Town where the construction of buildings , is to be restricted as � cost , type of construction and locution in suob areas* wNERS the Municipal Coundit of the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville deems-it advisable and in the public 'interest to set up certain restricted areas for the construct ion of buii:dings within the I M of the said Municipality. Cor oration f the Town of Bowman.ville t; ..The Municipal (Souncit of p Of the THEREFO11H ENACTS. to the progisioris of the Ivlunisipel Act, i .Chapter Section 4.0 6, Sub %section 3, as amended by the Statutes of . f Ontario , 5 George, VI , Chapter 35 , Section 13', as-follows;- Imt; The areas within the limits of the Town to be defined as restricted areas under the rovisions od the said sub - section 3 are as follows; ar . T No 1 Area; No 2 • Area , No 3 . Area e No- 1 Area; All that part of the Town being bounded by- Concession, jueen , Liberty and Scugog Streets, both sides of the Streets `inclusive . Concession Libert Scu og, . Church : No . 2 Ares Any part of King y g Duk@x.. and Ontario Streets) not within Area No , l . No Area;, An art of the Town not included in Areas No'. 1 and .2. 3 y p 2nd • - No building shall be constructed within the limits of the Town until �' an a lieatton therefore has been made to the `Town. Clerk in writing, pp ut the purposes for which the building is to used, "and ' a Setting P p permit has been issued theref ore • - permit shall be f ssued for :any , building unless the applicat ion . 3rd , No shall state that the proposed building will be constructed in. accordance with the standard of -construction requ ed for the g , ea in which' the building 'Is is to�.. be constructed; he proximity-- j of existing buildin -on the land and adjoining prpperties� the gs 'osition of, the proposed bu .1-ding � on the land, the distance, from the street Iirie, an estimate of the time of construction and an estimated i ao•st of such building. f.b , The : granting or refusal for the construction of' any. building within Tvi ci 1i shall rest with the person to whom authority. is th® uni p� y ac e the. unyici al Coune it but the Mayor, Reeve, deputy Reeve., Pl Y and one member a ointed by Council shall constitute Q Board of Appeal to arjy di ate • ` 4th; No 1 Area Constru tion; o P 1 � } A No f building ina'�y be, ,constructed �fo % aC .•dwelling unle sa all the z r$qu..reiaents:...+c: antained in the Fire = -Limit B - Law, and San tary�. B -Laws of the Town are complied wih. Y be 're - or - altered other ' than • in ! $) No bui nay y accordance with sub - sea tIon'A C j No bu .ld1ng may be e%nstri'oted or re- constructed less than � a ermissidn 10- ferjjet from any ex sting building unless, speci. 1 p is granted and.- so, s ated upon , such building permit D j No building for the housing of live stock, pets, fowl or pigeons shall be constructed and no building, shall be _ •, - re-converted for.the above purposee t E ) • No building may be constructed and us ed for any, purpose other A for which it was constructed except under the authority of another permit.. nth; No 2 Area Constructions Aj No building may be constructed for a dwelling unles the building is constructed on stone or •cement foundation, roof and. walls to be of fire resistant 4= material and building equipped t it 'accordance with requirement s of Sanitary By -iaaws of the Municipality. B i be constru ng may cted or ' re- constructed for a No build " �- existing building on the dwelling closer that 30 feet from any e i g g land or any building on ad j.oini,ng land. 4 y ` C) No building shall be constructed for any other purpose excepting under the authority, of a special permit. , s s x r. s V OLL49 4 71 � I AIM t