HomeMy WebLinkAbout14241r r` r i� Br -rAw No 142&.. A Bey -Law of the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville for the purpoer e of setting 'up defined areas in the Town where the construction of buildings is to be restricted an to cost, type of construction and location in such areas. WIi RE,A.S the Nuni a ipal Council of the Corporation of the ' Town of Dowmanvil.le deems it advisable' and in the public interest to set up certain restricted areas for the construction of buildings within the limits of the said Municipality. THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL of the Corporation, of the Town of :Bowmanville MEREFO ENACTS pursuant to the provisions* of the Municipal Act, ; Chapter 266, Section 406, Sub -Sect ion 3 , as amended by . the Statutes of Ontario 5 George VI, Chapter 35, Section .13, as' follows;- tat ; � The areas within, the limits of the Townto be d6f ined as restricted areas under the provisions of the said sub - section 3 : are as f oll6ws , No, 1 Area , . No 2 Area, No 3 Area . No 1 Area;.. All ' that part of the Town being bounded by Concession, Queen, Liberty and Scugog Streets, both rides of the streets inclusive No 2 Area • - Any part of Sing Concess ion, Liberty, Scugog , ` Churoh Duke, and Ontario Streets, not within Area No 1 No, Area;,. Any part of the Town nob included in Areas No 1 and 20 14 2nal - No building shall be constructed within the 1 imitu of the Town until an application therefore, has been made to the Town Clerk, in writing, setting out the purpose for which the building is ,to be used,, and a permit has been . issued therefore '3rd ;, - No permit shall be sassed for any Wilding unles$ the application 'Shall state that the proposed 'building will be" constructed in L accordance with the standard o Qonstruction .required for the Area in which the building is to boy. constructed, the proximity of existing buildings on the land, and adjoining properties, the position of the proposed building on the land, ' the distance from the Street line , an estimate of , the time of constructions andf an estimate of the Vost of such, building. The rgrantfng , or refusal for -the construction � of any building - within the hunicipality shall ' rest with, the person to whom authority Is placed by the Municipal Council but the Mayor, Reeve Deputy. Reeve , and one member appointed by Gounoil shall constitute a Board of Appeal to any dispute 4h;- No .1 Area. s Construction; a No building may be- constructed fora dwelling unless all the - - w -and , Sanitar requirements contained in. the Fire Limit By La �► By -Laws of the . Town , , are oompl ied with. b No building may -kbe re- constructed or altered other . than in accordance with sube section A, ( off No build3mg may 'be constructed. or re- constructed less4 than 10 feet, from.any existing building unless special permsssion is granted and so. stated upon such building permit. Pq -b -nea, dwellings:. be erected in this Area excepting_ ,r e garages which may be con z d -on poets.. but :. =otherwise must b® in a cor ice with. the Fire Limits By..Law and no c oser. fire.-proofed trhm-to­f Got- No building fox the Lusing o live stock, pets, fowl or pigenns shall be constructed and no building shall be re converted for the above purpose . No building-may be constructed; and used for any purpose other than for which it was constructed except under the authority ©f another, :permit to those 2 ,Area Construction,; (a) No building may be constructed for a , dwelling as the building le ,constructed on stone or , cement foundatiou, root' and walls to be of fire;re tant.material'and build ,lng equipped in accordance with VOLUM ,4 (zl or'? Im