HomeMy WebLinkAbout1307r BY-OLAW so o a C oun a i l of the Town of Bo�wmenv i t lO t o � Bit -��r of the l�t�n! ip �., b �. provide for the holding of the election for Members of the l�unioipa Counei l iUtilities Members of the Pablke Sohool Board and one Member of the " Pabl o Commission for the Town of Bowmanvi l le for the year 1936. th Council The Muniaipa of a Town of Bo anville hereby ensote ,. Se fol lows ; - � . A, meeting of the Bleotors of the said Town o f Bo�rmanville shall eke P laos at the C ounoil Rooms on Monday December 30th, 1935 t at 7*30 P.M. for the p►arpose . off' nominating candidates for the e and six Councillors. Offices of Mayor, Reeve, Deputy Reeve ,Second;- And at the same time and at said Couno i l Room for the purpose of nominating Candidates for the office of Members of, the Pablio Bohool Boas for the Town of Bowmanvi lle , three to be = eleeted. T1i rd;� for t he And at the sane t i me and at said C ounc it Room o purpose An h of nominating Candidates for the office of Member o he , Pablio Utilit ie,e Commission for th® said Town of Bowmanvi l le, one to be elected. Fpnrth;- 6 1 be o. ened on Monday, 'January 6th, 193. at That,- .polls shall p 00 A .M. and :,lose., at ; 6. oo P.M. , i f poll shall be demands d 9', - at the places described as fol lOWS • , S b -D visf on o -1 �Te'st lard at the Council Rooms For the polling u i n the eaf d Ward and. to be' Deputy Returning i Poll Clerk. Officer land b -D vi si n D1 2 We st Ward at the Council Rooms For the polling. Ward and (/ to be Deputy Re turning An the said ar 'Poll. Clerk. Officer and elte,4. - Divi sion B,n 1 Dior For the polling Sub hard at the Pump House , Church St 3n the said ward and-4-6,t to be Deputy Return in Officer and Gt, Poll Clark. S P a F he ollin ' Sub - Division No 2 North lard at the Faanp _ _ - or t p E� House Church St-in the s a i d bard and to be Deputy. Returning officer and Pol 1 Clerk .