HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/02/1986 (Special)TOWN OF NEWCASTLE Minutes of a Special Meeting of Council, held on Monday, June 2, 1986, at 3:40 p.m., in Court Room #2 at the request of Council Roll Call resent Were: Mayor John Winters Councillor A. Cowman Councillor M. Hubbard Councillor H. McKnight Councillor F. Stapleton Councillor A. Wotten Absent W re: ;Councillor Councillor D. Hamre (A tending Regional Bus.) Also Presei\t: Town Clerk, D. W. Oakes \gof Clerk, R. Rutledge At the requeMembers of Council, e Mayor convened a Special Meouncil. The purpos of the meeting is to consider tment of the Town lerk as Clerk/ AdminResolution #Moved by Couwman, secon d by Councillor Wotten 3. What salary levels arising out of the tempo ry re- organization of the Clerk's Department be established for his temporary period as follows: (a) Town Clerk From Level 15 Salary From $42,608 (b) Deputy Clerk From-.Level 10 Salary From $27,968 (c) Confidential Secretary From Level 3 Salary From $19,604 to to to to to to to to to Clerk /Admin trator Level 18 (24 onths) $51,936 Deputy Clerk Level 12 (18 mont s) $31,235 Committee Secretary Level 6 (18 months) $21,434 THAT the actions taken the G neral Purpose and Administration Committee by resolution, ppoi ting the Town Clerk as Clerk /Administrator be ap o d: WHEREAS the present Chief inistrative Officer resigned his position effective May 3 h 1 86; AND WHEREAS the Counci of the orporation of the Town of �. Newcastle has express d a desire to retain the position on the Organization Chart; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CO R ORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE HEREBY RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: 1. That the own Clerk be appointed to fill the vacancy on a temporar basis, with the title "Cle /Administrator "; 2. That e Town Clerk be authorized to re organize the Clerk's De p tment functions in a way which will maintain the De rtment's level of effectiveness durin the interim; 3. What salary levels arising out of the tempo ry re- organization of the Clerk's Department be established for his temporary period as follows: (a) Town Clerk From Level 15 Salary From $42,608 (b) Deputy Clerk From-.Level 10 Salary From $27,968 (c) Confidential Secretary From Level 3 Salary From $19,604 to to to to to to to to to Clerk /Admin trator Level 18 (24 onths) $51,936 Deputy Clerk Level 12 (18 mont s) $31,235 Committee Secretary Level 6 (18 months) $21,434 Special Council Minutes - 2 - Resolution #C- 477 -86 Cont'd June 2, 1986 4. That the salary re- classifications referr/ntaffected Secti 3 remain in effect only during the period ontil Chief Administrative Officer is appointedand xcept that any general increases approved by CoaI not be affected by any of these conditions. 5. That upon the hiring by Council of a Chiestrative Officer, all employees of the Clerk's Depaffected by this temporary re- organization, shall eirformer positions and the salary levels as therewith. 6. T at any temporary vacancies be filled /in accordance with th requirements of the collective agreement and Council Poli V. 7. That e ective from the date oVscmded. sing of this resolution, that Res lution #C- 466 -86 be r Recorded Vote Yea Councillor Cowman Councillor Hubbard Councillor Staplet Councillor Wotten/ Resolution #C-A78-86 "CARRIED" Nay Councillor McKnight Mayor Winters Adjournment Moved by Codncilfor Cowman, sec6Qded by Councillor Hubbard THAT the/meeting adjourn at 3:51 pin. "CARRIED" ayor Clerk