HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/24/1986TOWN OF NEWCASTLE Council Minutes November 24, 1986 Minutes of a regular meeting of Council held on Monday, November 24, 1986, at 7:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers Acting Mayor A. Cowman in the Chair. Councillor D. Hamre led the meeting in Prayer. Roll Call Present Were: Acting Mayor, A. Cowman Councillor D. Hamre Councillor M. Hubbard Councillor H. McKnight Councillor F. Stapleton Councillor A. Wotten Absent Were: Mayor J. Winters (On Regional Business) Also Present: Chief Administrative Officer, L. Kotseff Town Clerk, D. W. Oakes Treasurer, J. Blanchard Director of Public Works, G. Ough Director of Planning, T. T. Edwards Director of Community Services, J. Devantier Fire Chief, J. Aldridge Deputy Clerk, R. Rutledge Minutes Resolution #C- 960 -86 Moved by Councillor Hamre, seconded by Councillor Hubbard THAT the Minutes of a regular meeting of Council held on Monday, November 10, 1986, be approved as corrected. "CARRIED" Delegations Mrs. Fery Franoush, Secretary of the Local Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'i Faith of the Town of Newcastle, P.O. Box 36, Bowmanville, presented to each Member of Council a copy of the Baha'i Statement on Peace titled "To the Peoples of the World" by the Universal House of Justice. Communications Resolution #C- 961 -86 Moved by Councillor Wotten, seconded by Councillor Hubbard THAT the communications to be received for information be approved, except for I -7 and I -8.. "CARRIED" Council Minutes - 2 - November 24, 1986 Communications I - 1 Mark Corey, Special Assistant, Office of the Minister of State, Forestry and Mines, acknowledging letter of October 17, 1986, regarding the relocation of low level wastes; I - 2 Minutes of a meeting of the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority held on July 24, 1986; I - 3 Association of Municipalities of Ontario, Re: Rural Section (ROMA) Annual Meeting; I - 4 Statement to the Legislature by Robert F. Nixon, Treasurer of Ontario and Minister of Economics, on 1987 -88 Major Transfer Payments; I - 5 K. J. W. Reeves, Co- ordinator, Emergency Planning Ontario, Ministry of the Solicitor General, Re: Safety Memorandum No. 21, on the Severe Weather Warning Guidelines; I - 6 C. W. Lundy, A.M.C.T., Regional Clerk, Region of Durham, Re: Task Force for Low Level Radioactive Waste Management. I - 9 Minutes of a meeting of the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority held on October 9, 1986. I - 7 Resolution #C- 962 -86 Social Planning Moved by Councillor Wotten, seconded by Councillor Hubbard Council Re: Town of Newcastle THAT the communication dated November 12, 1986, from Susan Community Activity Fletcher, Executive Director, Social Planning Council of Guide Oshawa - Whitby, 52 Simcoe St. S., Room 3, Oshawa, L1H 4G3, 35.60.7. commending the Department of Community Services for the Town of Newcastle on its Community Activity Guide, be received for information. "CARRIED AS AMENDED" Resolution #C- 963 -86 Moved by Councillor Hamre, seconded by Councillor Stapleton THAT Resolution #C- 962 -86 be amended by adding the following: AND THAT a letter of congratulations be sent to the Community Services Department from the Mayor and Members of Council. "CARRIED" Council Minutes - 3 - November 24, 1986 Resolution #C- 964 -86 Ministry of Moved by Councillor Wotten, seconded by Councillor Hubbard Agriculture & Food Re: Low Level Radio- THAT the communication dated October 31, 1986, from Jack active Sites and Riddell, Minister of Agriculture and Food, 11th Floor, 801 the preservation of Bay Street, Toronto, M7A 1A3, Re: proposed low level radiation Agricultural Lands nuclear waste management sites and the preservation of 35.31.3. agricultural lands be received for information. "CARRIED AS AMENDED" Resolution #C- 965 -86 Moved by Councillor Hamre, seconded by Councillor Hubbard THAT Resolution #C- 964 -86 be amended by adding the following: AND THAT a copy of Mr. Riddell's letter be sent to: Regional Chairman, G. Herrema, Chairman, Special Durham - Newcastle Environmental Review Committee, Regional Municipality of Durham, 605 Rossland Road East, Box 623, Whitby, Ontario. L1N 6A3; D -1 Mr. Terry D. Hutchison, Chairman, Town of Newcastle Citizens For a Safe Environment, R. R. 5, Bowmanville; Mr. John Veldhuis, Chairman, Port Granby Monitoring Committee, Newtonville, LOA 1JO. "CARRIED" Resolution #C- 966 -86 Resolution Respecting. Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Hamre Municipal Conflict of Interest Act THAT the communication dated October 30, 1986, from Thomas 35.11.2. A. W. Derreck, City Clerk, City of St. Catharines, Box 3012, St. Catharines, Ontario, L2R 7C2, Re: Resolution Respecting Municipal Conflict of Interest Act, be received for information. D -2 Bill 16 An Act to Amend the Municipal Act 35.31.5. "CARRIED" Resolution #C- 967 -86 Moved by Councillor Stapleton, seconded by Councillor Hamre THAT the communication dated November 1st 1986, from Mr. Mike Breaugh, MPP, Oshawa, Room 350, Legislative Building, Queen's Park, Toronto, M7A 1A2, requesting that Council review and comment on the contents of Bill 16, being an Act to Amend the Municipal Act, be received; AND THAT the correspondence be referred to the Clerk for review and a report on its implications to the General Purpose and Administration Committee; AND FURTHER THAT Mr. Mike Breaugh, MPP, be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" Council Minutes - 4 - November 24, 1986 D - 3 Resolution #C- 968 -86 Junior "C" Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Wotten Hockey Club 16.6.9. THAT the communication(undated) received November 3, 1986, from Pat Marshall, Junior "C" Hockey Club, 54 Liberty St., Bowmanville, L1N 2N5, requesting that Council address the question of spectator safety and municipal liability in the Bowmanville Arena, be received; AND THAT the communication be referred to the Director of Community Services and the Treasurer, and Chief Administrative Officer,for a joint report to the General Purpose and Administration Committee on the matters raised in the letter; AND FURTHER THAT Pat Marshall be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" D - 4 Resolution #C- 969 -86 FCM Conference Moved by Councillor Hamre, seconded by Councillor Hubbard 35.49.99. THAT the communication dated October 30, 1986, from George Cuff, Second Vice - President, FCM, 24 Clarence Street, Ottawa, KIN 5P3, urging municipalities to join FCM and join them in Ottawa in 1987 for the FCM's 50th Anniversary Conference be received for information. "CARRIED" D - 5 Resolution #C- 970 -86 Eldorado Resources Moved by Councillor Hamre, seconded by Councillor Hubbard Limited 60.2.100. THAT the communication dated November 4, 1986, from R.G. Dakers, Vice - President, Fuel Services, Eldorado Resources Limited, Suite 400, 255 Albert Street, Ottawa, KIP 6A9, informing Council of what Eldorado was attempting to accomplish and of actions they have taken since the Federal Government's October 10, 1986 announcement be received; AND THAT a copy of the subject correspondence be sent to: Regional Chairman, Gary Herrema, Chairman, Special. Durham - Newcastle Environment Review Committee, Regional Municipality of Durham, 605 Rossland Road East, Box 623, Whitby, Ontario, L1N 6A3; Mr. Terry D. Hutchison, Chairman, Town of Newcastle Citizens For a Safe Environment, R.R. 5, Bowmanville; Mr. John 1leldhuis, Chairman, Port Granby Monitoring Committee, Newtonville, Ontario, LOA 1JO. "CARRIED" Council Minutes - 5 - November 24, 1986 D - 6 Resolution #C- 971 -86 Eldorado Resources Moved by Councillor Hamre, seconded by Councillor Stapleton 60.2.100. WHEREAS Eldorado Resources Ltd., is under a 1980 order from the A.E.C.B. to decommission the Port Granby Waste Storage Site; AND WHEREAS any and all additional waste deposited on the Port Granby Site only serves to compound the problem of removal and decommissioning; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Eldorado Resources Ltd., immediately cease and desist depositing any further and /or additional wastes at the Port Granby Waste Storage Site; AND FURTHER THAT a copy of this r_etbluti,on;be':sent to: The Honourable Gerald Merithew, M.P., Minister of Forestry and Mines, House of Commons, Ottawa, Ontario, K1A OA6; Allan Lawrence, M.P., Durham - Northumberland Constituency Office, 67 John Street, Port Hope, Ontario; Dr. K. P. Wagstaff, Waste Management Division, Atomic Energy Control Board, P.O. Box 1046, Ottawa, Ontario, KIP 5S9; Sam Cureatz, M.P.P., Durham East Riding, 34A King Street West, Bowmanville, Ontario; Regional Chairman, G. Herrema, Chairman, Special Durham - Newcastle Environmental Review Committee, Region of Durham, 605 Rossland Road East,, Box 623, Whitby, Ontario; Mr. Terry D. Hutchison, Chairman, Town of Newcastle Citizens for a Safe Environment; R.R. 5, Bowmanville, Ontario; Mr. John Veldhuis, Chairman, Port Granby Monitoring Committee, Newtonville, Ontario. LOA 1JO. "CARRIED" Recorded Vote Yea Nay Councillor Hamre Councillor Hubbard Councillor McKnight Councillor Stapleton Councillor Wotten Acting Mayor A. Cowman Council Minutes - 6 - November 24, 1986 D - 6 Resolution #C- 972 -86 A.H. Johnston Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor McKnight Concession Street, Bowmanvil16 THAT the communication dated November 11, 1986, from Mr. Drainage Problem A.H. Johnston, 15 Concession St. E., Bowmanville, requesting 18.2.3. that Council review the drainage problems that are affecting his property and have them corrected be received; AND THAT the communication be referred to the Director of Public Works and the Director of Planning for review, and a joint report to the General Purpose and Administration Committee; AND FURTHER THAT Mr. Johnston be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" D - 7 Resolution #C- 973 -86 A.M.O. Re: Pay Moved by Councillor Hamre, seconded by Councillor McKnight Equity in Municipalities THAT the communication dated November 4, 1986, from John Under Bill 105 Gerretesen,Association of Municipalities of Ontario, Suite 805, as Amended 100 University Avenue, Toronto, M5J 1V6, Re: Pay Equity in 35.72.2. Municipalities under Bill 105 as amended, be received; AND WHEREAS the Town of Newcastle supports in principle pay equity; AND WHEREAS to implement pay equity in municipalities there are numerous outstanding concerns that need to be addressed; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Provincial Government be requested to consider pay equity in municipalities separate from Bill 105 through legislation designed to meet the specific municipal situations and concerns; AND THAT a copy of this resolution be sent to John Gerretesen, A.M.O.; Honourable David Peterson; Premier of Ontario, and Sam Cureatz, M.P.P., Durham East Riding. "CARRIED" D - 8 Resolution #C- 974 -86 Olympic Torch Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Wotten Relay 10.2.11. THAT the communication dated November 5, 1986, from Mr. William Pratt, President, XV Winter Games Organizing Committee, P.O. Box 1988, Station C, Calgary, Alberta, T2T 5R4, announcing the "Olympic Torch Relay" which will pass through the Town of Newcastle and encouraging the municipality's participation in this once in a lifetime event be received; AND THAT the communication be referred to the Chief Administrative Officer, the Clerk and Deputy Mayor A. Cowman, for necessary action; AND FURTHER THAT Mr. William Pratt be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" Council Minutes - 7 - November 24, 1986 Crown Life Participaction Challenge 10.2.11. Reports Resolution #C- 975 -86 Moved by Councillor Hamre, seconded by Councillor Wotten THAT the communication dated November 3, 1986, from Mrs. Parry L. LeDrew, Director, Special Projects, Crown Life Participaction Challenge, Suite 220, 40 Dundas Street West, Toronto, M5G 2C2, informing the Mayor that the participaction challenge date is Wednesday, May 27, 1987, be received; AND THAT the Town of Newcastle challenge every municipality in the Region of Durham. "CARRIED" Report #1 Resolution #C- 976 -86 G.P.A. Report of Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Hamre November 17, 1986 THAT the General Purpose and Administration Committee Report of November 17, 1986, be approved except for Items #21, #23, #26, and #41. "CARRIED" Item #21 Resolution #C- 977 -86 Guidelines Regarding Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Hamre 1987 Budget Preparation THAT Confidential Report Admin 71 -86 be received; and THAT the Chief Administrative Officer review and report to budget for discussion, the matter of possible Library Facilities, Drop In Centres, Information Centres, etc., possibly within the Commercial Areas of Courtice. "CARRIED" Item #23 Councillor Wotten made a declaration of Interest relative to the Cash Activity Report, October 1986; vacated his chair and refrained from discussion and voting on the subject matter. Resolution #C- 978 -86 Cash Activity Report Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Hamre October 1986 THAT Report TR -91 -86 be received; and THAT in accordance with the provision of Chapter 302, Section 810) of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1980, the Treasurer reports to Committee that the cash position of the Town of Newcastle for the month ended October is as shown on the attached schedule; and THAT the expenditures for the month of October 1986 be confirmed. "CARRIED" Council Minutes - 8 - November 24, 1986 Item #26 Resolution #C- 979 -86 Amalgamation of Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Hamre Electrical Distribution THAT Report TR -88 -86 be received; and System Within the Town of THAT no action be taken at this time with respect to the Newcastle amalgamation of the electrical distribution system within the Town of Newcastle; and THAT the matter be reviewed again in three years in accordance with Provincial Legislation (Bill 123); the Durham Municipal Hydro Electrict Service Act, 1979. "CARRIED AS AMENDED" Resolution #C- 980 -86 Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Wotten THAT Resolution #C- 979 -86 be amended by adding the following to the last line in the last paragraph: "With the exception of the Courtice Urban Area which should be examined in the shorter term regarding its relative rate structure." "CARRIED" Item #41 Resolution #C- 981 -86 Garbage Collection Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Hamre Services for the 1986/87 Christmas THAT Report WD -88 -86 be received; and Holiday Season THAT the Public Works Department suspend normal residential pickup in Bowmanville, on December 25th and 26th 1986, and delay collection of refuse scheduled for pickup on Thursday, January 1, 1987 until Friday, January 2, 1987; and THAT the Christmas Refuse Collection Schedules be announced at the televised Council meetings of November 24th and December 22nd; and THAT flyers explaining the Christmas collection schedule be distributed through Canada Post and that one advertisement be placed in the Bowmanville Statesman on December 17th 1986. "CARRIED" For the benefit of the viewers, the Christmas Refuse Collection Schedules were announced, during the televising of the meeting. Council Minutes - 9 - November 24, 1986 Report #2 Town of Newcastle Official Plan Community Improvement Policies 60.30.1. Report #3 Striking Committee Meeting of November 10, 1986 10.12.4. Unfinished Business Delegation Resolution #C- 982 -86 Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Wotten 1. That Report PD- 283 -86 be received; and 2. That the attached amendment to the Newcastle Official Plan, in respect of community improvements, be approved and forwarded to the Regional Municipality of Durham for approval and subsequent submission to the Minister of Municipal Affairs; and 3. That the Regional Municipality of Durham be advised, that in view of the January 31, 1987 deadline for approval of Community Improvement Policies in order to be eligible for funding in 1987, the Town requests their assistance in expediting Regional and Ministry approval of the subject policies. "CARRIED" Resolution #C- 983 -86 Moved by Councillor Stapleton, seconded by Councillor McKnight 1. That Report CD -63 -86 be received; and 2. That Ronald R.M. Strike be appointed to the Committee of Management to operate a Community Centre be approved; and 3. That the attached by -law to establish and appoint a Committee of Management to operate a Community Centre be approved; and 4. That Schedule "A" attached to the by -law, name the position of the Lions Club nominees. "CARRIED" Resolution #C- 984 -86 Moved by Councillor Hamre, seconded by Councillor Wotten THAT the delegation of Mrs. Fery Franoush be acknowledged, and she and her associates thanked for their presentation. "CARRIED" By -laws Resolution #C- 985 -86 Moved by Councillor McKnight, seconded by Councillor Stapleton THAT leave be granted to introduce the following by -laws, and that the said by -laws be now read a first time. 86 -147 being a by -law to amend By -law 84 -63, the Comprehensive Zoning By -law of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle (Westerman); Council Minutes - 10 - November 24, 1986 By -laws 86 -148 being a by -law to amend By -law 84 -63, the Comprehensive Zoning By -law of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle (General Amendment); 86 -149 being a by -law to authorize the entering into of an Agreement with Schickendanz Bros. Ltd., and Veltri and Son Ltd., and the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle; 86 -150 being a by -law to amend By -law 84 -63, the Comprehensive Zoning By -law of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle (VanAndel); 86 -151 being a by -law to amend By -law 74 -72, as amended, entitled "a by -law for licensing, regulating and governing taxi drivers, brokers and taxi vehicle owners, buses, motor and other vehicles used for hire and for establishing rates and fares to be charged by the owners or drivers of such vehicles for the conveyance of goods, passengers, either wholly within the municipality or to any point not more than three miles beyond its limits, and for providing for collection of such rates or fares and for revoking any such licences; 86 -152 being a by -law to authorize the execution of an Offer to Lease Agreement with the Regional Municipality of Durham in respect of a lease for premises situate at 132 Church Street, Bowmanville (Durham Regional Police); 86 -153 being a by -law to amend By -law 85 -138, entitled "a by -law to appoint the Members of the Newcastle Public Library Board "; 86 -154 being a by -law to establish and appoint a Committee of Management to operate a Community Centre on behalf of the Town of Newcastle. "CARRIED" Resolution #C- 986 -86 Moved by Councillor McKnight, seconded by Councillor Stapleton THAT the second reading of the following by -laws be approved: 86 -147; 86 -148; 86 -149; 86 -150; 86 -151; 86 -152; 86 -153; 864154. "CARRIED" Resolution #C- 987 -86 Moved by Councillor McKnight, seconded by Councillor Stapleton THAT the third and final reading of the following by -laws be approved: 86 -147; 86 -148; 86 -149; 86 -150; 86 -151; 86 -152; 86 -153; 86 -154. "CARRIED" Council Minutes - 11 - November 24, 1986 Other Business Resolution #C- 988 -86 Solina Community Moved by Councillor Wotten, seconded by Councillor Hubbard Centre Confirming By -law THAT the communication dated November 23, 1986, from Marion Luke, Secretary, Solina Community Centre Board, R. R. 1, Group 2, Box 20, Hampton, advising that the Park Committee, Recreation Committee, and Hall Committee, are to appoint two of their members to form the Solina Community Centre be received; AND THAT Council endorse the Solina Community Centre Board as an Official Board; AND FURTHER THAT Mrs. Marion Luke be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" Resolution #C- 989 -86 Moved by Councillor McKnight, seconded by Councillor Stapleton THAT leave be granted by -law to confirm the of Newcastle, at this November 1986, and th first time. Resolution #C- 990 -86 to introduce By -law 86 -155, being a proceedings of the Council of the Town meeting held on the 24th day of at the said by -law be now read a "CARRIED" Moved by Councillor McKnight, seconded by Councillor Stapleton THAT the second reading of By -law 86 -155 be approved. "CARRIED" Resolution #C- 991 -86 Moved by Councillor McKnight, seconded by Councillor Stapleton THAT the third and final reading of By -law 86 -155 be approved. "CARRIED" Council Minutes - 12 - November 24, 1986 Resolution #C- 992 -86 Adjournment Moved by Councillor Wotten, seconded by Councillor McKnight THAT the meeting adjourn at 8:00 p.m. "CARRIED" Clerk