HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-06-23 Minutes MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON NEWCASTLE COMMUNITY HALL BOARD Meeting of the Newcastle Community Hall Board on June 23, 2009, meeting was held in the Council Chambers. Present Were: P. DeJong (chair) B. Snowdon L. Franssen G. Robinson (councillor) S. DeJong C. Trim (councillor) G. Bell (secretary) Regrets From: C. Abraham MINUTES 1.1 Error—Fans were purchased by S. DeJong not P. DeJong 1.2 Motion by S. DeJong, seconded by G. Robinsons That the minutes be accepted with the correction made to the purchase of the fans. "Carried" BUSINESS ARISING 2.1 Screen has been ordered and old screen will hopefully be sold to offset the cost. 2.2 Quote for tables came in at approximately $2500.00 Motion by G. Robinson, seconded by L. Franssen That we proceed with purchase of 5 tables and one cart. "Carried" 2.3 Cadets have agreed to move to Youth Room. Wooden chairs are to be offered back to the Municipality. All other items to be thrown out or put back in their original places. Move will be done in July. FINANCIAL REPORT 3.1 Motion by B. Snowdon, seconded by S. DeJong That the financial report be accepted as presented. "Carried" Page 2 BILLS 4.1 Discussed continued practice of breaking plates on Greek Night. A number of the hall plates were used during this practice. Motion by S. DeJong, seconded by G. Robinson That the Lions will be billed for the plates that were broken. "Carried" 4.2 Motion by L. Franssen, seconded by C. Trim That bills for supervision in the amount of$1168.00 be paid as presented. "Carried NEW BUSINESS 5.1 Operations Dept is dealing with Enbridge regarding gas line going through drain pipe near bowling alley. 5.2 Thank you to Sid DeJong for installing water saver toilet in Lions Room bathroom 5.3 Board agreed Princess Decorating should be sent a bill for staying past 2 am to remove decorations at the Chard wedding. This company has on a number of occasions taken past the rental time to remove their items. 5.4 Next meeting will be the 3rd Tuesday in September. 5.5 Will go over list of projects planned for 2009 at next meeting. 5.6 Follow up on retaining wall. Motion by B. Snowdon, seconded by S. DeJong CORRESPONDENCE 6.1 Ganaraska Authority asking for volunteers—received for information 6.2 Horticulture Society project planned to submit to Trillium updated to November 2009. HEALTH & SAFETY 7.1 Inspection report received and will be forwarded to Operations Department That we adjourn meeting at 7:45 pm "Carried"