HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-12-21 Minutes MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON NEWCASTLE COMMUNITY HALL BOARD Meeting of the Newcastle Community Hall Board held on December 21, 2010 at 7 pm in the Council Chambers. Present Were: P. DeJong (chair) C. Abraham S. DeJong B. Snowdon G. Bell (secretary) Regrets From: L. Franssen MINUTES 1.1 Motion by C. Abraham, seconded by S. DeJong That the minutes of October 2010 be accepted as presented. "Carried" CORRESPONDENCE 2.1 Thank you note from Newcastle Public School for use of tables—filed 2.2 Thank you note from Charlie Trim—file 2.3 Chamber of Commerce donation of$200.00 for use of Council Chambers for their monthly meetings. 2.4 Invitation to AED Site Coordinator meeting on Feb 23 2011-01-14 FINANCIAL REPORT 3.1 Motion by B. Snowdon, seconded by C. Abraham That financial report is received as presented. "Carried" BILLS 4.1 Motion by C. Abraham, seconded by B. Snowdon That supervision bills for $500.00 be paid as presented. "Carried" HEALTH & SAFETY 5.1 Risk Management report to be copied to Operations Dept. NEW BUSINESS 6.1 AED recertification program. Secretary is finding it difficult to get certified members from Lions to attend each year. Board agreed if anyone on the list has expired they are to be removed. 6.2 Lakeridge Health Bowmanville had to cancel their annual Christmas party with us due to low sales. Board agreed to refund deposit of$200.00. 6.3 Discussed dishwasher not cleaning as well as it use to. Have McNabb check it out and see if we need larger hot water tank. 6.4 G. Bell and C. Abraham attended Operations Dept meeting for Hall Boards. Meeting covered Insurance— see attached notes. Set up diary for custodian to fill in on a daily basis. C. Abraham reported on accessibility issues— Town will be supplying training for all staff/volunteers. Side doors no longer meet requirements for accessibility. When gardens are done we will work with accessibility committee to see if the west doors can be used as an alternate entrance. 6.5 Remove metal pieces in coke cooler to make it easier to take items out of it. 6.6 Town is doing an energy audit on Newcastle Hall —Last 3 years of expenses for utilities have been given to purchasing dept to work with. 6.7 It has been brought to our attention that someone is promoting that we are using municipal bartending—this is not the case. 6.8 S. Fogg will take care of funeral reception on Dec 29 2010. 6.9 Motion by B. Snowdon, seconded by D. Abraham Endorse secretary's decision to purchase ad space with CBOT for $25.00. "Carried" 6.10 Secretary reported Trillium application has gone to 2nd level. Meeting was held over holidays with Horticultural Committee to gather information needed for 2nd level. 6.11 Check with Nancy Taylor about how donations are to be handled. 6.12 S. DeJong noted we need a new screen door in the kitchen—will watch for sales this spring. 6.13 Appointments to the board for 2011 have been advertised by the Municipality. ADJOURNED 8:15 PM