HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-04-20 Minutes MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON NEWCASTLE COMMUNITY HALL BOARD Meeting of the Newcastle Community Hall Board on April 20, 2010 at 7 pm in the Council Chambers. Present Were: P. DeJong (chair) L. Franssen S. DeJong C. Trim (councillor) G. Robinson (councillor) B. Snowdon G. Bell (secretary) Regrets From: C. Abraham COMMITTEE Ontario Open Doors Event representative Clark Morawetz and representative from Historical Society were to be present to discuss our involvement with Open Doors Event. Neither representative was present. MINUTES 1.1 Minutes for March meeting tabled until next month's meeting FINANCIAL 2.1 Motion by S. DeJong, seconded by G. Robinson That financial report is accepted as presented. "Carried" BILLS 3.1 Motion by L. Franssen, seconded by C. Trim That bills for supervision of 400.00 be paid as presented. "Carried" CORRESPONDENCE 4.1 Letter from Village Concerts booking parkette from June 15 to Aug 24 Tuesdays evenings for concerts. Also thanking board for sponsoring this event by donating use of the hall if it should rain and use of washrooms. 4.2 Thank you note received from Joan Kimball for use of hall for her Mother's funeral reception. 4.3 Check for $13,000.00 received from the Town. Secretary to send thank you note to Treasurer. Page 2 4.4 Letter from Bob Genosko, Operations Department asking that we help with Pitch- In week by taking on the Parkette. This area is maintained by our custodian Steve on a daily basis. Secretary has informed Operations Dept that parkette has been cleaned up. 4.5 Nov 5/6/2010 booking by Andrew VanNest has been cancelled for a second time. They have paid a deposit of$550.00. He is asking that a portion of this be refunded. Board agreed to refund of$350.00. 4.6 May 25/26 2010 booking by Newcastle Volleyball League have had to cancel their event? They have paid in full. Due to their lengthy history with us and the hope that they will return next year board agreed to refund $375.00. 4.7 Invitation to 172 Clarington Air Cadets "Reviewing Officer" event on May 30 2010 at 1400 hrs. 4.8 AGM for CBOT is on April 22 at 5:30 pm. It was agreed we could not afford to send anyone to this event this year. 4.9 Chamber of Commerce newsletter received for information. 4.10 Secretary updated board on Heritage Garden plans. Presented current plans which will be shown to Director of Operations this week. 4.11 Letter from Skip Crosby, Community Service Dept requesting nominations for Sports Hall of Fame. Board did not have any recommendations at this time. 4.12 Visual Arts newsletter received for information. 4.13 Snap newspaper shown to board— center piece on wedding held at Newcastle Hall. 4.14 Discussed yearly renters using their rooms to sublet. Motion by C. Trim, seconded by B. Snowdon That a meeting be set up with Municipality to discuss sublets whether be paying for the space or using it free of charge. "Carried" Secretary to set up list of key disbursements for the hall. 5.1 Marilyn Morowetz arrived she had gone to Historical Room in error. Marilyn imparted information on Opens Doors. It will run from 10 —4 pm on June 6 2010. Two of their staff will be on hand to collect stats i.e. numbers of people viewing the hall. Having all or most of the rooms open with someone in each room would be great. This could also be used as a fundraiser i.e. bbq. - B. Snowdon will check to see if Masons will participate. - S. DeJong will talk with Lions and maybe they will do BBQ - G. Bell will contact Air Cadets possibly do tours. - Horticultural Society may want to participate - Speak with Myno VanDyke for historical bio on building. - Contact Jack Gordon, BIA, Chamber - Bowling Alley - Dorella - L. Franssen will check into using pictures from Foodland - L. Franssen will ask her daughter to take pictures of weddings. Page 3 HEALTH & SAFETY 6.1 March 16 2010 Inspection report received— copy to be sent to Operations Dept. NEW BUSINESS 7.1 Discussed fiddlers group —they have been calling secretary wanting to come back to Newcastle but can't afford the rent quoted. Motion by S. DeJong, seconded by L. Franssen That the Fiddlers be offered a rental rate of$375.00 on a two year lease for the 3rd Wednesday of each month. "Carried" 7.2 NVMHA asking if they may take their team pictures at the hall (wearing full uniform including skates). Board agreed this would not be allowed. 7.3 Radnasce Auction not to be charged for scratches to flooring. 7.4 Gazebo will have rust showing through new paint repaired when weather is warmer. Operations Dept will be following up with contractor. Adjourned 8:30 pm