HomeMy WebLinkAbout1032A by-law to provide for borrowing $8276 upon debentures for the construction of a cement pavement on certain streets mow$ 4 and tie in Blook , i.n the 'how of fronting Lots $ gold. 6 r BowmanVille • An WHRITA S the to ta]. oopt of the work is t 71 3 ol9 ► of whim► . � � portion of the a4�►�t and t#4632*54 is the �'l��9t?.U� � is the Cprpoxo.tian q � , t for w iah � pea ial ,Assessment Roll hae been ownexo' Portion of the Qo o It-IV. WW I t 1 J' „M LOWSL � Q C 402.90 U8.64 721. 4 NO 427.08 294.46 , 721 *54 X 266684 721 *54 45200 72x54 I4. 1142.8? 241o67 . Ib. 608.06 212.813 721.54 ` 5�9.IE3 182.36 7`21.54 Is. pl 721.54 a I70 a7T.o� 1500 18. 005.82 11502 721.54 190 642. T 7 79o37 721. •5 4 20 680668 40086 721.54 8276.00 3. The Mayor of the Corporation shall. sign rind. issue the debenture s t coupons shall shall also be signed and the same and th e interes by the Treasutser of the Corporation and the debentures sh l be r PIZ , Baled vi i th the ee'i of the Co r;or;tl. on . , • 4,_, . during twent y Y ears * the currency of the deben tur es, the d annually for the paymen t of the de o f and � 721 ..5 4 , ehti]d b e raise xx , interest as follows: r The sum o f 48.03 shall be raise& annually for the payment s t f the cost and 'interest thereon, and ,wr of the Corporations share o ' d annually by a spec ial rate sufficient i shall ire levied and raise r and above all other rates , on all the ratable therefor, over munici ality at the same time and in the Game property in the p manlier as other rates* owners portion of, the cost and the. interest 5.' T'or the, payment of the o p g nt set forth in the said 'Spec iel. Aseess� thereon the special assessme ►ent Roll is `hereby imposed upon the lands liable therefor, as i i • forth,,, said special as.seasment wi a sum ,• therein set , interest., thereon at the rate aforesaid shall sufficient to v �• x Waal instalments of 4'73.51, erah, be ptiyable in equal, an s ecial rate of Twelve cents and . for that purpo $ e an equal , annual, P Streets, hereby imposed upon each lot . on King , Per foot frontage is Y r eetto the easterly boundary of the property owns from Scugog Str by Luke, Boys and Cyyde rman , entered in the said Special Asses' • assessed frontage thereof , and an equal, went X3013 according to the • ants per foot frontage is hereby, annual special rate a f c 3� t from Ontario Street to Brown StreE imposed. on each lot on King .Scree , p and on Queen Street, from the e 8 side of B.C+Pethic' s residence ! use • and on On Ontario Street,, from easterly to Ts. ce $ ho �- and on queen-Street, f tom Ontario Street /to llelson. Streei, ""' ,.any. _........ _ ... ,,..... r VoLUME 1 r 11 i 1 'Street• and on Duke St►areet, from Durham Street t�ceet to l,ibex�ty r �p to �3use Line; and on 31 in► S►troat, from Conoeusion Street to Odell , � � • Elgin Street f rain Odell Street to Third 'Street; and Street , rand on , on Elgin Street from Third Street to 'Fourth Street; and on High . Street, from Third Street to fourth Street; and on King Street, from Chapel Street to Bate's Line, in the Town of 1-ovmanville , entered in the said Special Aosessment Bolles according to the • , e thereof over and above all other rates and taxes, e,ee�eased frontage , , . which said speeio,l r ates shall 1)e collected mnually by the Collector Car oration, ��t the same time and in the same of Taxes -for th e � mahner as other rates. 5. The debentures ontLvin any clhuse providing for. the registra- , rein, y � ,., �- r it Municipal ti on tl�e� eof wa „1��r�.��d �3 � �n� _ et��,tute rela.tin to . i r , 7 r VU,LU Z 3 VULUI-M 3 �7 r � t S ,er a ��J�jm v _'