HomeMy WebLinkAbout1030..gib By-law � .. A Y �' -law t provide for the tu.king of the votes of the Electors of ; the ToWn of Bowrrutnville, quiiliiied to vote thereon, upon a corto i By-14w for the purpose of authorizing the isHue of debentures for the sum of 420,000* for the pur_ po se of purc;hus ing the buildings and improvements erected by the Bown tnville Foundry Company, Limited, on lands owned by the Corporation of the Town of ,.Lowmanville , on or near the South West corner of Church and Division Streets, in the said Town rind also granting the su;id Company 4 fixed assessment for ten years on the funds o wned ,' y it west cf S�cu o Street and North of the C.P* • g R., right of way, in .the sais Town. WHEIINAS a By-law of the Corperation of the , Town of, Rowmanville , b -lazy for the purpose of authorizing the Corporation , of the being y , :5 lle to issue debeentures for the surrl of t"20,000. for. Toi %mr of Ioi mr-n v the purpose P r. h of purchasing the buildings and improvements erected by . t Bowmanville Foundry Company, Limited,, on lands owned by the Cor- ner f the Towwn of Bovm anville, on or near the- South West Corner poration .o • f Church and Division Streets, in the said Town, and also granting o ' t said tom are a' fixed assessment for ten years on the lands owned he o. P y b it, west of S+cugog Street EM'd North of the C.P.R. right of way. in Y . said town Teouires the assent of the electors of the Tovni of Bowmanew i Ville and it ie desirable 'to provide for the taking of the votes. of . the electors and to make other necessary pr owisions re,la.ting. 'to said i a-fl, bye -l�v�t - .,., TI RB OF the l unricipal . Corporation of, 'the ' Town of Bovm=ville en &c is a,e ' follolls f I. For the purpose of aift e rtaining , whether the ratepayers of' the Corpora,ti "on of the Tomm, cf, , lowmanville , qualified 'to vo to upon -, s TR W r; *1• M for the purpose ofa uthorizing the .Corporation of theToN:n of LA villa to issue debentures for the -sum of *20 , 00©.. for the par �� :. buildings and improvements eree.ted by the Boiw=vilfe Foundry P , Limited, on lands ovmed, by the said �Corpora � ion : and also to gr said Company a fixed assessment for ten years on the lands otim vrest of Scu og Street and Nor tYs of. the C.R.R. right of� way in To%Tn, assent to same, a, poll grill be opened in the Town of Foy 5rE it on 'Wednesday the Eleventh day of Mays I921 at the hour of nin �`f � ph&C x s I Sr . It , I 7r, 90 Nit MI rV 7.1 ....... 0_1 4-A t 4