HomeMy WebLinkAbout1029i 0 u ONTAR,10 OOUNTY 01!' YO Er TO WIT tl� Wafa � 1 i= , e 4A r f provided 'by -tho said Xot Y ei. med D,Irl,n9oTnt re } _ • { Chairman. (seal) r „ I - .. ......._..... �s .... a. -,.,.. ,..-.. .,....:... .. :.......,... r.v... ...s... "v.er � ire.::._._, .. r .. .. •r . e a .. _,. .. �.... a .. r. .. > r .. .r, s ,. R„ ..•, err r .,.. .., .. . ..................... . .......... .... .,..,..._ ......� ..,.... ,. ....... .. .. , , r , • 1 r _ r r r • r r r _r x , r � .< r , _ r , •• r , r , r r 1 I : , r• .l r 1 r 1 , •r , f • � 1 ° .. r LY .. I. rr r....rt 11 1 1•r •Ir r r r , 1 .. _ r -•• -. ... .... .ID 6LV31I.1\'1 -U I'41 Il'!v'•r ^• • "•'�... : ..�. .. . • , .�.r. _ I r. •/ ref . xl• r ... '.', 'IIYLYtI'1. .P:tr11 .f l..11. :I rN11111/I �IV[151 {)• ^�'•+.n^35tnlnr •• rrll•L'1J41r �)(tyJl rr.•r...�� J\rJM1 Irr SlAlrjlr ,:y/a l - _r , •.I , r r • , I , 7777M, #V ,,I;;%v:' I �. VUL- I� n WRIM } J � ,ro ;.w:- a°., F" ,,,'i .., .. .,,..: y..4 i.-' xrcx• .',rn +„ :. . „*. tx•c. . , ; - •`i" ky_ ., .. a .. i i M ' t►yw Itwnb n r 00 i , ' r I ' 1 off' � irls CO 'C��tt1 TION OF TIJJ4 �C r, x o C A BY LA "I authori zit's; t1•lo i.eeue of aobenturos for the ,rum of 4 of uraharaim; tho b0l(lin anft Improvemento I, f tho purpoo ri 't'110 ,., Found Mora a Limi tad , on lands owned • o re ctod by 0.11 t .tivi l .a x',y' P ' w by the Corporation Of the Town of Bo :fimanvi llo t on or ne. ).r the 'South � • Reet oornor of Churoh and U vIt3lon Stroote g in the i- Ad Town. and r C or a fixed assossfi 'n for 4. ten years Oil „ tl�c� said d p � • lthn ' lanAe owned by it, wftt- of, Be og street '�� Nort o fib ' .n the aaid Towne 1� right of ay, n:. the Bor manv�.l].o. Found 06 2mited has en ed • 'With Corporation of the oY n of Born cuv�i11e In an ILfrr �mant t �e � �J • 1 cub a c t to the approval-of bearing d€�te , tho 11th day of Apri le • 1 • Corporation, , copy whereof .3.,e set forth the rate payers of the c al d , rp s srahedule B" he re jo annexed. ,., .� vri of the T� of r}a1 C►unc�il of the Town Ab ��i.� ZAS In the opine. f r. aonfi Bor�mnnvil3e , i t is des rab�.e t t� m tho said Agroemc�nt ; A y .•, i t i n►e4ecsary to borrov tho sum of ��2�,4U0 Q 1 IRD bVj_T AR1,j � • . ti,o and to iseua, debonturoe t .Ero'f ©r,, - on tho credit of t11® Ct�rpo� �. Pet cent per annum, v�hiQh ie the bead Intorest at the ratO of p .. un amo t off' the debt crea ted by tni� By wt _. ex}�edisn ke 'int;ip►a1 Qf the si-a d AND U 11 rVUR FA S It Is e j Al we •, ___ _ erg. nd � of �� ye ...such - , early s duri , the p a :debt,. rouble In amounts rot3peat�,vei , that the ag;- regate wnount payable for pr inc - -p al Intorc�g in yeas oh l be equal as ne .rly ao ►y bo to the Mount s ► able for pr 1p interast �� a of the t�bbex . ► r � 441 toe, S eeeo :y a , . i h erg cad ofVent yerc to day t he =n 1, X43.69 d.r n�, t e p, t p A }, 3,ne �,3 ,and introte they become due,, , g l d yevxr pr a AND the whole rateable props ?rte''' of t le 9 - a ,103,8 C. , nt rol3tv the last r evioed � cessme , . • 6 tie amount of the oxisting &ebonture debt of the _ vement debto � secured, by speoial f 3ocel ��� oCorporati €n (exclus ve o e to 3 is 71.376 *19 ' , d4vided fo�.� OWS or(�' rs m n• c S r fit liatorworks . 50 -wera a dobe to 4} s v16! , .: ►ther, a cope Jjoc IM -Drovo 3 , 102 s ' ROOM ME VULUEL Wk r e i ' r and xko part of the prnoip �. or i.nterogt �.o ern urrear, and a�,uinst, i u Iiap a oirti fund said nnaraI debonturo dobt tho said Corporation In posoesolon, in Viatoxy Loan Bonds and- debonturoo of othor Corporations whi all i t ha.e ao qui red, arnounti r4) to % ?15 0 371..-50. �� t Aiz.ol. 1 Gounoi.l of the Corporation of the EU TIIEFORE the I�' Town of I1oIrrmanvi 1100 onaots as followe : That for the purpose aforesaid there sivill be bo rrrwredL r ormti on at l�r;® the aU► of %' 20 , 000.00 on the credit of �ho o n a+d debentures shall be i.usuod thore.for inswas of not losa than X100. 00 eaeh bec.rin, interest at the rate of 31x ,per cent, Por um. and having, coupons attaoho d thereto , for the payment of interest , w } 1 all bear 1 the a amo date and shall Q. Tho debenture s s zo.]. f � Within iseued c��. shin ei�c months after the' date on %rizi.ah th s a�� T date %,iithin suoa six months and shall be passed and ma,r = bear any Payable in twenty annu€� 1' inotalments durinS the twenty~ years next y the at a are issued, and. the reap ©cove �r�ount� after the time v���en rater ©at able in ee.ah of such `years shall 'be ',ae of principal and i . Pay t set, forth in sc h.odule hereto annaxed, which said schodule is form art of this By mlavi The said Debentures k hereby.. do elated to be P ��� h 3.oc al Branch, of the Bc.c o f Font re a1, i n the shall be pa- able at t e ovin Of $o %P l'1"4'� l le • ' Y I : T he of ... a ...... Mayor th 0orpo shay ,a.is r�'t'1�'o �, - n ar�d . ,,.., oua ' s€ me and the i nt ores t coupons � a tt ached there t A�rMM�r'aa r;: •'........ :v lr. Il'r '..Y,.t.L.flA.f.;1: a.S.FY'i^l',.i�r.rr n. )1r 1: r. rl .,11 .1 r.If.r• -,r.. ti.. . rr 1 1e. .r..lr•..I:...r... r.. Vr11.r.ff.Yrr. /.. r.A'•f l u, g , and r the f re as ure r o f - the . C o rpo ration, and the shall also be signed by the f, debentures hall be sealed with t;ie seal of tzle ' Corporati on. i• i the tt'uent� *ears, 'the currenoy of the debentures 4. . Dur ng, +�9 sht 1.1 be raised annually for the payment of tier. Puna of ,1,743. , , x A . f special rate, sufflolent therefor over and above d�► t pd interest by pe 91.1 othel'' r�,''e8 tin all the ratosblo • property in the unia ipal..ty, e►t } time and in the same manner as , of ter rtes . the same . , : shat the Cor orat�io : r nts to the said Compa 3 as . provi, d by the roes rant referred to as schradulo 11 B1.1 heroto annexel p for ears f f om tl�o fire t , of Januar,� : 1 2 a fiat assessm ent t �,. !' ,20,00U.0,P except. saho6l. rates and local improTements upon all and, manufacturing aooe si s ori' eo as ma�� b used fer. - each .'end, bu3.r�.a3.n,e , • r but not �rufaeturl -ourroses o by the. said referred to Comp. othre rwl e e • J Sf<v x r 3 z 7L A 0 0 r K '+ f i � ..-� i � •. y � i f � P. �`� 2. - �� 0� It, TM I;DTICV that the foreg . oing io a trud I OOVY of e pro I p I osed 'B7 -40W Of the be submitted to the vote of the COTPOTation of the Town of Dowmunvil le )Fl I e 0 U betiveeno�the hours of Nine electors on the ���� duy of guy A*JD' # at .the . following and Five o'cl0c in the afternoon ternoon otclook in the forenoon po].lirlg places namely: Weet Ward Counoii Chamber ITo r th Ward X29 PUMPi, Station, North side ,,vf Church St , t h Ward SgMejrlt GePublio V $ou Tel o 10 1921 at tile, the Fourth day 0 f May Apd th4t or xed at the Council Chamber # Bo j in 'the forepoont C e is and e of n ELPV0 t of persons tp attend at th the, In tioc 40 t t assent 1. Tft of votes k e s by the Clerk I e llnal.. summing UP s. at A� "L 0 the said. propo -'A "'t he gleotors is obtained t A of C ration - 'Co,uncl Lq by the MuniciP en Vto consideration tak date of, 0 R thereof, the expiration be held' after at ion g 61 to at Me, U >�ion and t notice publication of this q' C-In% � ��' �` � I of .;the first P r 19 2 Ie Jola' Four day of April Wa6s", made on the ote on the A; tenant who I FURTHER that a, JCF TAKE NOT the tenthL not later than et deliver to the Clerk, )rPIP"'"o-sed by-law mu the - votes a declar atim,,Utldel! for tal ng day apI)oIn ted L 4y tefore the s a tenent who 8 e lease extends for the' T JR, CAIIADA E DENCH'ACTS that he n vv-hich, the is to be created or i r 'mrhi ch the,,,, debt or liability t ime 'fo for at least is payable or proposed b y- 1 aw money to be raised bY the prop anted to' pay all, that he, haw, by, the lease ,,coven twenty-one years ).and t her, i-ch he is tenent other es in ect of the propexty'of Wh, tax resp man men t rates• tharl improve �41 -vil i t Y of Clerk ofttthe the Toym of lowmnvillee C aft IAA 3