HomeMy WebLinkAbout1015.. IF 4e t t. .Borrrean�ril�.e Ito y ` ° h of the Corporation of tho 'down �►�` 1'''o t { Sri $ 2037.75 , upon debent =00 fr the 0011 to provide for bo rxa v mentthe Mouth side of Street, From Biwision t��e t ion of �► V ee`r� A 0 Street to Ontario Street and on the ram side of King Street from Ontario Street to liberty Stxete in the Torn ofow�acuvil.le. a Q ns truoti on By -law NO * 974, Passed on ,A►S pursuant to 4 , cement vo�aent six feet in width s A J)e I919 0 a ceme pa day o f dun . . 5;: h side of King Street o from Division on i bsen aonstruotO , th�r $out rest, to Ontario �ttreet and a cement pavement, figs feet in t�ridth p don tbg oam�e side of King, Street from Ontario g has been CPS t ruo tie R ,t .Town of Bonville� as a looal Strest to Zibsrty Street t in ho 4apr�ovement.under the prav3aiQns of the Lo ail . I rorraMon t sections of the UlAni ai pal. ,Ao t. r f � YuL= 3 x z y qq z f I i AND "M FMAS the whole ratable property of the Munioi ity Aar o�rdl � to ;.',the last re visod, &0gess�ae►nt roll Is � 2 X078,x:33►. , t AND- V MM the amunt- of the existing debonturs; debt of 1 fb►►i 0orporatioa, i ozolusive of} loc&j innprovement ' debts, secured by spidI►l crates or assessxentso is 0 282,990.300divided as follows: 4M waterworks and Sewerage Debentures, $172,527*35 All other, exoept Loo. Improvement, 110646245 f the principal or interest is in arrears and against and too part o , debenture debt the said Corporation has .& a sinkix Fund said general in po • ssession in Victory Loan bonds and 'debentures of other oorp" J . , .. _, orations which it has acquired, amounting to 1563 �' TI1P0IN the Yuniof pal Council of the Corpration of the ! `. Town of Sow,Manvills , enacts as foll-owe: I That for the purpose ose aforesaid there shall be borrowed ,on , t s. • . k ti 4 at large th® sum o f ($2037* 75) Tiro thousand F; credit of the Corporation 6 dollars and seventy -five dente, and debentures bearing interest at 4 the rate of six per cents shall be issued therefor be g ons' attached thereto for the payment of per, annum and having cou p . ,r S: ., s ...7 r, • ♦.... .w ,,.,,. .w.l. r,., t. .n .r• 'Ar i .iYs *, r ,. , .'si,' e the Interest* the ease date and shall be issued 2. The debentures shall all bear t wi thin two years of ter the day on which this by -law in passed, and may be y date within such two years and shall be payable in twenty Burin the twenty years next after the time when annual instalments 6 ' . and Y. issued and the respective amounts of prinoipal � 1 the same are • , 1 aeL e�.S :"' —.- .__�,s ... �.. _w+d...�.. _.a ,..»:�....,...- ...er..+.+v+rii. •...+- ,+,++ww- rla.^�.Sa ., ._ �...� ;. _... ,,. ..:� .., .. ...... {- •,,...- . „ro..*x, -,.r.. yen....* aw. n +rs"iwn`wew+rre!«,.ww,+•r.!aw xyx�cuf =r k?v.,.., .,....,F! 3 . ;'the , or of the Igoxporation irhall sign and issue the debentures , and: the game and the interest coupons shall also be signed by the ' debentures sh&.l be sealed with Treasurer of the Corporation and the e the seal. of, the Ctorporation. Purin twenty earn the curreno of the debentures, the NUM of 4. g Y 3r � „ . 171 o 66 , shall be raised annually for the paymut of the debt and interest as follows to 1..P`x .�, a Y ,;,y� �y c��ha3 t. Nk 11,';,St psg.- hiL” l9 ^Y'A,}+4wa'i.w(NN1VVraPt.N.. ne; TM it 'f q, 4. b2 ha be raised annually ro the pa ►ant ►i' The swag of � S l . , shall theorpo Corporation's share of the cost and interest thereon, and bball , raised annuall by a special rate sufficient therefor, b• levied and r Y , over . and' above all other rates, on all, the ratable property in the muniapslity , at the same time and in the saw manner as other rates. For the payment of the owners' portion of , the cost and the :interest pe thereon th e S vial assessment not forth in the said Special Assess- . n `intent 'Roll is hereby Imposed upon the lands, liable therefor as therein, . {' n not forth, rth which said special assessstent with a sum sufficient to , , cover interest.... hereon ...at" -ft' 6,.: rate: utore�rs�id � .i.�.. be payable in , se an twenty squab instalments of $ II814 each end for that purpose f equal. annual, - special rate of six cents per foot frontage Is hereby A upon cash lot entered in Vie said spsoial AssesBment col]., Imposed po wt.. stade and certified as . to that portion of King' Street between duly. . Division Street et and Ontario Street, according to the assessed frontage thereof, over and above all, other rates and taxes, and an equal, annual ape cial rate of Five cents per foot frontage is hereby ins ,posed 'upon each tot entered in-the said ' special Asseeement Roll , duly t � than portion of King, Street between Ontario ma , o de and certified as L ; St t a►cQOrding to the assessed frontage thereof street and liberty see , d taxesvhi+vh said special. rate�� over and aboveall other rates, an ,' shall be collected annually by the Collector of Taxes for the Cor- time and in the same manner as other rates. porati ors at the game � The debentures may contain any clause providing for the registration , Z authorized b an statute relating to municipal , debentures ' thereof, author Y Y , at the time of the issue thereof . loan authorized by this by -.law may be cons3lidate ��r 6� h t of the with th0 mount of any other loans authorized by other local improveM N ,� the same with other such loans in � M �1ent 1�►;�' �,�'MI� � by �no�.lxd�.ng , oonsol ideating bye --law authorising the 'borrowing of the aggregate thereof as one loan and the issue of debentures for suoh loan in one oonseoative �► �' the statute in ' that behalf. issue pursuant to the provi sion . o I* This tytiwlnw *hall take effect on the dray of the final passing 4� r a a r , a , , T 2 • r VOL= ' k z